第三阶段应用层——2.7 视频监控—从零写CMOS摄像头驱动

news/2024/11/22 21:51:42/


  • 硬件平台:韦东山嵌入式Linxu开发板(S3C2440.v3),OV7740摄像头
  • 软件平台:运行于VMware Workstation 12 Player下UbuntuLTS16.04_x64 系统
  • 参考资料:OV7740_CSP_DS_1.51 datasheet、S3C2440 datasheet
  • 开发环境:Linux-4.13.0-41内核(虚拟机)、arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2工具链、linux-3.4.2内核(开发版根文件系统)
  • 源码仓库:https://gitee.com/d_1254436976/Embedded-Linux-Phase-3


  • 视频监控—从零写CMOS摄像头驱动
    • 一、目的
    • 二、S3C2440摄像头接口寄存器介绍
      • 1、CMOS摄像头接口相关的寄存器
        • 1.1 源格式寄存器(CISRCFMT)
        • 1.2 窗口选择寄存器(CIWDOFST)
        • 1.3 全局控制寄存器(CIGCTRL)
      • 2、 CMOS摄像头预览通道相关的寄存器
        • 2.1 RGB1起始地址寄存器(CIPRCLRSA1)
        • 2.2 RGB2起始地址寄存器(CIPRCLRSA2)
        • 2.3 RGB3起始地址寄存器(CIPRCLRSA3)
        • 2.4 RGB4起始地址寄存(CIPRCLRSA4)
        • 2.5 目标预览格式寄存器(CIPRTRGFMT)
        • 2.6 预览DMA控制寄存器(CIPRCTRL)
        • 2.7 预览前计数器控制寄存器1(CIPRSCPRERATIO)
        • 2.8 预览前计数器控制寄存器2(CIPRSCPREDST)
        • 2.9 预览主计数器控制寄存器(CIPRSCCTRL)
        • 2.10 预览DMA目标面积寄存器(CIPRTAREA)
        • 2.11 预览状态寄存器(CIIMGCPT)
    • 三、程序编写
      • 1、cmos_ov7740_drv.c框架
      • 2、cmos_ov7740_dev.c框架
      • 3、完善cmos_ov7740_drv.c
        • 3.1 摄像头的初始化
        • 3.2 相关的ioctl操作函数
        • 3.3 应用程序读出数据函数
      • 4、完整的cmos_ov7740_drv.c程序



  • 使用预览模式,传输方式为BT601
  • 源数据分辨率640 * 480,30fps,CbYCrY颜色格式
  • 输出视频数据为480 * 270,30fps,RGB565颜色格式





1.1 源格式寄存器(CISRCFMT)


1.2 窗口选择寄存器(CIWDOFST)


1.3 全局控制寄存器(CIGCTRL)


2、 CMOS摄像头预览通道相关的寄存器

2.1 RGB1起始地址寄存器(CIPRCLRSA1)


2.2 RGB2起始地址寄存器(CIPRCLRSA2)


2.3 RGB3起始地址寄存器(CIPRCLRSA3)


2.4 RGB4起始地址寄存(CIPRCLRSA4)


2.5 目标预览格式寄存器(CIPRTRGFMT)


2.6 预览DMA控制寄存器(CIPRCTRL)


  • Example 1: Target image size: QCIF (horizontal Y width = 176 pixels. 1 pixel = 1 Byte. 1 word = 4 pixel)
    176 / 4 = 44 word
    44 % 8 = 4 → main burst = 8, remained burst = 4
  • Example 2: Target image size: VGA (horizontal Y width = 640 pixels. 1 pixel = 1 Byte. 1 word = 4 pixel)
    640 / 4 = 160 word
    160 % 16 = 0 → main burst = 16, remained burst = 16
  • Example 3: Target image size: QCIF (horizontal C width = 88 pixels. 1 pixel = 1 Byte. 1 word = 4 pixel)
    88 / 4 = 22 word
    22 % 4 = 2 → main burst = 4, remained burst = 2 (HTRANS==INCR)

2.7 预览前计数器控制寄存器1(CIPRSCPRERATIO)


2.8 预览前计数器控制寄存器2(CIPRSCPREDST)


2.9 预览主计数器控制寄存器(CIPRSCCTRL)


2.10 预览DMA目标面积寄存器(CIPRTAREA)


2.11 预览状态寄存器(CIIMGCPT)




对于CMOS摄像头,在前面的博文【2.6 视频监控—CMOS摄像头的硬件原理】已经介绍了,CMOS摄像头模块也是一个I2C设备,需要编写符合IIC设备的架构的驱动,从而实现初始化和灵活的控制


  1. 编写一个I2C设备驱动,其步骤:分配、设置、注册一个i2c_driver结构体
/*!* 设置i2c设备驱动结构体*/
static struct i2c_driver s_cmos_ov7740_drv = {.driver	= {.name	= "cmos_0v7740",.owner	= THIS_MODULE,},.probe		= cmos_ov7740_probe,.remove		= __devexit_p(cmos_ov7740_remove),.id_table	= s_cmos_ov7740_id_table,
};/** @brief  cmos_ov7740_dev初始化函数(入口函数)* @return  0:成功 -1:失败*/
static int cmos_ov7740_drv_init(void)
{i2c_add_driver(&s_cmos_ov7740_drv);return 0;
}/** @brief  cmos_ov7740_dev退出函数(出口函数)* @return  无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_drv_exit(void)
  1. i2c_driver结构体的.probe函数中,注册一个video_device结构体
  2. 对于video_device结构体,需要分配、设置、注册这个结构体:
    3.1 在video_device结构体.fopsv4l2_file_operations结构体中包含了对设备实际操作open、close、read;
    3.2 在video_device结构体.unlocked_ioctl,保存的是与该设备ioctl操作相关的结构体v4l2_ioctl_ops
/*!* 分配、设置v4l2_ioctl_ops结构体*/
static const struct v4l2_ioctl_ops s_cmos_ov7740_ioctl_ops = {// 表示它是一个摄像头设备.vidioc_querycap      = cmos_ov7740_querycap,/* 用于列举、获得、测试、设置摄像头的数据的格式 */.vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_cap  = cmos_ov7740_enum_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_g_fmt_vid_cap     = cmos_ov7740_g_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_try_fmt_vid_cap   = cmos_ov7740_try_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_s_fmt_vid_cap     = cmos_ov7740_s_fmt_vid_cap,/* 缓冲区操作: 申请 */.vidioc_reqbufs       = cmos_ov7740_reqbufs,/* 使用的是read方式读数据,/查询/放入队列/取出队列  操作不需要*///.vidioc_querybuf      = cmos_ov7740_querybuf,//.vidioc_qbuf          = cmos_ov7740_qbuf,//.vidioc_dqbuf         = cmos_ov7740_dqbuf,/* 查询/获得/设置属性 *///.vidioc_queryctrl     = cmos_ov7740_queryctrl,//.vidioc_g_ctrl        = cmos_ov7740_g_ctrl,//.vidioc_s_ctrl        = cmos_ov7740_s_ctrl,/* 启动/停止 */.vidioc_streamon      = cmos_ov7740_streamon,.vidioc_streamoff     = cmos_ov7740_streamoff,   
};/*!* * @brief  关闭cmos_ov7740_fops设备文件*/
static int cmos_ov7740_close(struct file *file)
{cmos_ov7740_streamoff(NULL, NULL, 0);return 0;
}/*!* @brief  应用程序读出数据函数*/
static ssize_t cmos_ov7740_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *pos)
{return 0;
}static const struct v4l2_file_operations s_cmos_ov7740_fops = {.owner			= THIS_MODULE,.open       	= cmos_ov7740_open,.release    	= cmos_ov7740_close,.unlocked_ioctl = video_ioctl2,.read           = cmos_ov7740_read
};/** @brief  必须的函数,否则在加载驱动时会出错* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_release(struct video_device *vdev)
{}/*!* 分配、设置video_device结构体*/
static struct video_device s_cmos_ov7740_vdev = {.name      = "cmos_ov7740",.release   = cmos_ov7740_release,.fops      = &s_cmos_ov7740_fops,.ioctl_ops = &s_cmos_ov7740_ioctl_ops,
  1. 最终框架
/******************************************************************************** Copyleft (c) 2021 Kcode** @file    cmos_ov7740_drv.c* @brief   cmos_0v7740摄像头的驱动文件* @author  K* @version 0.0.1* @date    2021-07-26* @license MulanPSL-1.0** 文件修改历史:* <时间>       | <版本>    | <作者>  | <描述>* 2021-07-29   | v0.0.1    | Kcode   | cmos_0v7740摄像头的驱动文件* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************/#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
#include <linux/list.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/usb.h>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/regmap.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <asm/atomic.h>
#include <asm/unaligned.h>
#include <media/v4l2-ioctl.h>
#include <media/v4l2-common.h>
#include <media/videobuf-core.h>/*!* @brief  Step1:打开cmos_ov7740_fops设备文件*/
static int cmos_ov7740_open(struct file *file)
{return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step2:查询是否为USB摄像头设备*         参考:uvc_v4l2_do_ioctl()*/
static int cmos_ov7740_querycap(struct file *file, void  *priv,struct v4l2_capability *cap)
{	return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step3:列举USB摄像头设备所支持的格式format*         参考:uvc_fmt()*/
static int cmos_ov7740_enum_fmt_vid_cap(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_fmtdesc *f)
{return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step4:返回当前所使用的格式*/
static int cmos_ov7740_g_fmt_vid_cap(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_format *f)
{return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step5:测试驱动程序是否支持某种格式,强制设定格式*         参考:uvc_v4l2_try_format()/myvivi_vidioc_try_fmt_vid_cap()*/
static int cmos_ov7740_try_fmt_vid_cap(struct file *file,void *priv, struct v4l2_format *f)
{return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step6:设置所支持的格式*         参考:myvivi_vidioc_s_fmt_vid_cap()*/
static int cmos_ov7740_s_fmt_vid_cap(struct file *file,void *priv, struct v4l2_format *f)
{return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step7:为该设备申请若干个缓冲区,分配头部信息*         参考:uvc_alloc_buffers()* @return  正数:返回成功分配内存的大小,负数:分配失败*/
static int cmos_ov7740_reqbufs(struct file *file,void *priv, struct v4l2_requestbuffers *p)
{return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step8:启动数据传输*         参考:uvc_video_enable()-->uvc_commit_video()/uvc_init_video()* @return 0:成功*/
static int cmos_ov7740_streamon(struct file *file, void *priv, enum v4l2_buf_type t)
{return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step0:关闭设备*         参考:uvc_video_enable()-->uvc_commit_video()/uvc_init_video()* @return 0:成功*/
static int cmos_ov7740_streamoff(struct file *file, void *priv, enum v4l2_buf_type t)
{return 0;
}/*!* 分配、设置v4l2_ioctl_ops结构体*/
static const struct v4l2_ioctl_ops s_cmos_ov7740_ioctl_ops = {// 表示它是一个摄像头设备.vidioc_querycap      = cmos_ov7740_querycap,/* 用于列举、获得、测试、设置摄像头的数据的格式 */.vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_cap  = cmos_ov7740_enum_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_g_fmt_vid_cap     = cmos_ov7740_g_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_try_fmt_vid_cap   = cmos_ov7740_try_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_s_fmt_vid_cap     = cmos_ov7740_s_fmt_vid_cap,/* 缓冲区操作: 申请 */.vidioc_reqbufs       = cmos_ov7740_reqbufs,/* 使用的是read方式读数据,/查询/放入队列/取出队列  操作不需要*///.vidioc_querybuf      = cmos_ov7740_querybuf,//.vidioc_qbuf          = cmos_ov7740_qbuf,//.vidioc_dqbuf         = cmos_ov7740_dqbuf,/* 查询/获得/设置属性 *///.vidioc_queryctrl     = cmos_ov7740_queryctrl,//.vidioc_g_ctrl        = cmos_ov7740_g_ctrl,//.vidioc_s_ctrl        = cmos_ov7740_s_ctrl,/* 启动/停止 */.vidioc_streamon      = cmos_ov7740_streamon,.vidioc_streamoff     = cmos_ov7740_streamoff,   
};/*!* * @brief  关闭cmos_ov7740_fops设备文件*/
static int cmos_ov7740_close(struct file *file)
{cmos_ov7740_streamoff(NULL, NULL, 0);return 0;
}/*!* @brief  应用程序读出数据函数*/
static ssize_t cmos_ov7740_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *pos)
{return 0;
}static const struct v4l2_file_operations s_cmos_ov7740_fops = {.owner			= THIS_MODULE,.open       	= cmos_ov7740_open,.release    	= cmos_ov7740_close,.unlocked_ioctl = video_ioctl2,.read           = cmos_ov7740_read
};/** @brief  必须的函数,否则在加载驱动时会出错* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_release(struct video_device *vdev)
{}/*!* 分配、设置video_device结构体*/
static struct video_device s_cmos_ov7740_vdev = {.name      = "cmos_ov7740",.release   = cmos_ov7740_release,.fops      = &s_cmos_ov7740_fops,.ioctl_ops = &s_cmos_ov7740_ioctl_ops,
};/** @brief  在总线中找到对应的设备文件后就调用probe函数* @return  0:成功 其他值:失败*/
static int __devinit cmos_ov7740_probe(struct i2c_client *client,const struct i2c_device_id *id)
{int ret;printk("%s %s %d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);/*! * 注册结构体 * -1:自动分配次设备号*/ret = video_register_device(&s_cmos_ov7740_vdev, VFL_TYPE_GRABBER, -1);if (ret) {printk("unable to register video device (error=%i).\n", ret);return ret;}return 0;
}/** @brief  移除函数* @return  0:成功 -1:失败*/
static int __devexit cmos_ov7740_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
{printk("%s %s %d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);return 0;
}/*!* 支持设备的名字*/
static const struct i2c_device_id s_cmos_ov7740_id_table[] = {{ "cmos_ov7740", 0 },{}
};/*!* 设置i2c设备驱动结构体*/
static struct i2c_driver s_cmos_ov7740_drv = {.driver	= {.name	= "cmos_0v7740",.owner	= THIS_MODULE,},.probe		= cmos_ov7740_probe,.remove		= __devexit_p(cmos_ov7740_remove),.id_table	= s_cmos_ov7740_id_table,
};/** @brief  cmos_ov7740_dev初始化函数(入口函数)* @return  0:成功 -1:失败*/
static int cmos_ov7740_drv_init(void)
{i2c_add_driver(&s_cmos_ov7740_drv);return 0;
}/** @brief  cmos_ov7740_dev退出函数(出口函数)* @return  无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_drv_exit(void)


/******************************************************************************** Copyleft (c) 2021 Kcode** @file    cmos_ov7740_dev.c* @brief   cmos_0v7740摄像头的设备文件* @author  K* @version 0.0.1* @date    2021-07-26* @license MulanPSL-1.0** 文件修改历史:* <时间>       | <版本>    | <作者>  | <描述>* 2021-07-29   | v0.0.1    | Kcode   | cmos_0v7740摄像头的设备文件* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************/
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/regmap.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>/*!* 板载的I2C设备信息* cmos_ov7740为设备名字* 0x21为设备地址*      写 -- 0x42(01000010)*      读 -- 0x43(01000011)*      8bit的地址 = 7bit设备地址 + 1bit的读/写控制位*      设备地址 = 0100001 = 0x21*/
static struct i2c_board_info s_cmos_ov7740_info = {	I2C_BOARD_INFO("cmos_ov7740", 0x21),
};/* 用来挂接与适配器匹配成功的从设备i2c_client的一个链表头 */
static struct i2c_client *s_cmos_ov7740_client;/** @brief  cmos_ov7740_dev注册函数(入口函数)* @return  0:成功 -1:失败*/static int cmos_ov7740_dev_init(void){struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap;  /**< 适配器 *//* 获取设备号为0的adpter,也就是adapter->nr == 0 */i2c_adap = i2c_get_adapter(0);/*!* 直接使用 i2c_new_device创建client自动注册到i2c_bus_type中去,* client->name == "cmos_ov7740" ,client->addr = 0x21 */s_cmos_ov7740_client = i2c_new_device(i2c_adap, &s_cmos_ov7740_info);/* 使用完后需要释放 */i2c_put_adapter(i2c_adap);  return 0;}/** @brief  cmos_ov7740_dev退出函数(出口函数)* @return  无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_dev_exit(void)
}/* 修饰 */
module_exit(cmos_ov7740_dev_exit);/* 协议 */



3.1 摄像头的初始化


  1. 映射相关的寄存器
  2. 设置相应的GPIO用于CAMIF
  3. 复位一下CAMIF的控制器
  4. 设置、使能时钟(使能HCLK,使能并设置CAMCLK = 24MHz)
  5. 复位一下摄像头模块,原因:IIC能够正常操作CMOS摄像头模块内部的寄存器的前提如下
  6. 通过IIC总线初始化摄像头模块


/** @brief  映射摄像头相关的寄存器* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_reg_map(void)
{/* CAMERA GPIO */gpjcon   = ioremap(0x560000d0, 4);gpjdata = ioremap(0x560000d4, 4);gpjup    = ioremap(0x560000d8, 4);/* CAMERA IF */cisrcfmt = ioremap(0x4f000000, 4);ciwdofst = ioremap(0x4f000004, 4);cigctrl   = ioremap(0x4f000008, 4);/* 预览通道相关 */ciprclrsa1 = ioremap(0x4f00006c, 4);ciprclrsa2 = ioremap(0x4f000070, 4);ciprclrsa3 = ioremap(0x4f000074, 4);ciprclrsa4 = ioremap(0x4f000078, 4);ciprtrgfmt = ioremap(0x4f00007c, 4);ciprctrl    = ioremap(0x4f000080, 4);/* 缩放相关 */ciprscpreratio  = ioremap(0x4f000084, 4);ciprscpredst    = ioremap(0x4f000088, 4);ciprscctrl      = ioremap(0x4f00008c, 4);ciprtarea      = ioremap(0x4f000090, 4);ciimgcpt        = ioremap(0x4f0000a0, 4);/* 中断相关 */           srcpnd     = ioremap(0x4a000000, 4);intpnd     = ioremap(0x4a000010, 4);subsrcpnd = ioremap(0x4a000018, 4);}/** @brief  设置相应的GPIO用于CMOS摄像头的CAMIF* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_gpio_cfg(void)
{*gpjcon  = 0x2aaaaaa;    /**< 查看手册可知所有控制位设置为10 */*gpjdata = 0;*gpjup    = 0;  /**< 使能上拉电阻 */
}/** @brief  复位一下CAMIF的控制器* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_camif_reset(void)
{/* 传输方式为BT601 */*cisrcfmt |= (1 << 31);;/* 复位 */*cigctrl |= (1 << 31);mdelay(10);/* 清零:正常工作 */*cigctrl &= ~(1 << 31);mdelay(10);
}/** @brief  设置、使能时钟(使能HCLK,使能并设置CAMCLK = 24MHz)* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_clk_cfg(void)
{struct clk *camif_clk;struct clk *camif_upll_clk;/* 获取时钟"camif" */camif_clk = clk_get(NULL, "camif");if (!camif_clk || IS_ERR(camif_clk)) {printk(KERN_ERR"failed to get CAMIF clock source\n");return ;}/* 使能时钟 */clk_enable(camif_clk);/* 获取时钟"camif-upll" */camif_upll_clk = clk_get(NULL, "camif-upll");if (!camif_upll_clk || IS_ERR(camif_upll_clk)) {printk(KERN_ERR"failed to get CAMCLK clock source\n");return ;}/* 设置时钟CAMCLK = 24MHz */clk_set_rate(camif_upll_clk, 24000000);mdelay(50);
}/** @brief  复位摄像头,复位时序:1->0->1* @note   1、S3C2440提供的复位时序(CAMIF)为:0->1->0(0:正常工作的电平,1:复位电平)*            实验证明,该复位时序与使用的OV7740需要的复位时序(1->0->1)不符合。*         2、因此,需要结合OV7740的具体复位时序设置寄存器* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_reset(void)
{*cigctrl |= (1 << 30); /**< CamRest */mdelay(30);*cigctrl &= ~(1 << 30);mdelay(30);*cigctrl |= (1 << 30);mdelay(30);
}/** @brief 通过IIC总线初始化摄像头模块* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_init(void)
{int i;unsigned int mid;/* 读ID */mid = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(s_cmos_ov7740_client, 0x0a) << 8;mid |= i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(s_cmos_ov7740_client, 0x0b);printk("cmos_ov7740 id :0x%x\n", mid);/* 写数据进行初始化 */for (i  = 0; i < OV7740_INIT_REGS_SIZE; i++) {i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(s_cmos_ov7740_client, ov7740_setting_30fps_VGA_640_480[i].regaddr, ov7740_setting_30fps_VGA_640_480[i].value);mdelay(2);}
}/** @brief 摄像头编码通道中断函数(驱动无使用编码通道,不设置)* @return IRQ_HANDLED*/
static irqreturn_t cmos_ov7740_camif_irq_c(int irq, void *dev_id)
{return IRQ_HANDLED;
}/** @brief 摄像预览通道中断函数* @return IRQ_HANDLED*/
static irqreturn_t cmos_ov7740_camif_irq_p(int irq, void *dev_id)
{/*!* 清中断*/*srcpnd     = (1 << 6);*intpnd     = (1  << 6);*subsrcpnd = (1 << 12);/*!* 唤醒休眠的等待队列*/s_ev_cam = 1;wake_up_interruptible(&cam_wait_queue);return IRQ_HANDLED;
}/** @brief  在IIC总线设备驱动中找到对应的设备文件后就调用probe函数* @return  0:成功 其他值:失败*/
static int __devinit cmos_ov7740_probe(struct i2c_client *client,const struct i2c_device_id *id)
{int ret;printk("%s %s %d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);/* 硬件相关操作 *//*!* 映射相关的寄存器*/cmos_ov7740_reg_map();/*!* 设置相应的GPIO用于CAMIF*/cmos_ov7740_gpio_cfg();/*!* 复位一下CAMIF的控制器*/cmos_ov7740_camif_reset();/*!* 设置、使能时钟(使能HCLK,使能并设置CAMCLK = 24MHz)*/cmos_ov7740_clk_cfg();/*!* 复位一下摄像头模块*/cmos_ov7740_reset();/*!* 通过IIC总线初始化摄像头模块*/s_cmos_ov7740_client = client;cmos_ov7740_init();/*!* 注册两次中断(编码通道与预览通道):摄像头每采集一帧的数据会触发中断*/if (request_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C, cmos_ov7740_camif_irq_c, IRQF_DISABLED, "CAM_C", NULL)){printk("%s request_irq failed\n", __func__);return -1;}if (request_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_P, cmos_ov7740_camif_irq_p, IRQF_DISABLED, "CAM_P", NULL)){printk("%s request_irq failed\n", __func__);return -1;}        /*! * 注册结构体,-1:自动分配次设备号*/ret = video_register_device(&s_cmos_ov7740_vdev, VFL_TYPE_GRABBER, -1);if (ret) {printk("Unable to register video device (error=%i).\n", ret);return ret;}return 0;

3.2 相关的ioctl操作函数


	// 表示它是一个摄像头设备.vidioc_querycap      = cmos_ov7740_querycap,/* 用于列举、获得、测试、设置摄像头的数据的格式 */.vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_cap  = cmos_ov7740_enum_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_g_fmt_vid_cap     = cmos_ov7740_g_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_try_fmt_vid_cap   = cmos_ov7740_try_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_s_fmt_vid_cap     = cmos_ov7740_s_fmt_vid_cap,/* 缓冲区操作: 申请 */.vidioc_reqbufs       = cmos_ov7740_reqbufs,/* 启动/停止 */.vidioc_streamon      = cmos_ov7740_streamon,.vidioc_streamoff     = cmos_ov7740_streamoff, 


  1. 对于缓冲区申请cmos_ov7740_reqbufs
/*!* 描述所分配用于CAMIF的缓冲区*/
typedef struct camif_buffer {unsigned int order;         /**< 缓冲区大小 */unsigned long virt_base;    /**< 缓冲区虚拟基地址 */unsigned long phy_base;     /**< 缓冲区物理基地址 */
}CAMIF_BUFFER_T;/*!* 所需要分配的4个缓冲区的描述数据*/
static CAMIF_BUFFER_T img_buff[] = {{.order = 0,.virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL,.phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL,},{.order = 0,.virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL,.phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL,},{.order = 0,.virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL,.phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL,},{.order = 0,.virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL,.phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL,},
};/*!* @brief  Step7:为该设备申请若干个缓冲区,由于每个buffer大小 > 128Kb,*         因此调用__get_free_pages获得虚拟地址,随后得到物理地址并存储到预览模式的寄存器* @return 0:成功,-ENOMEM:失败*/
static int cmos_ov7740_reqbufs(struct file *file,void *priv, struct v4l2_requestbuffers *p)
{int i;unsigned int order;order = get_order(s_buf_size);for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {img_buff[i].order = order;img_buff[i].virt_base = __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL | ___GFP_DMA, img_buff[i].order);if (img_buff[i].virt_base == (unsigned long)NULL)goto error;img_buff[i].phy_base  = __virt_to_phys(img_buff[i].virt_base);}*ciprclrsa1 = img_buff[0].phy_base;*ciprclrsa2 = img_buff[1].phy_base;*ciprclrsa3 = img_buff[2].phy_base;*ciprclrsa4 = img_buff[3].phy_base;return 0;error:for (i -= 1; i >= 0; i--) {free_pages(img_buff[i].virt_base, order);img_buff[i].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL; }return -ENOMEM;
  1. 设备启动cmos_ov7740_streamon
/*!* @brief  计算预览模式下DMA处理数据的主突发长度和剩余突发长度*         出于速度的考虑,只考虑burst lengths : 4, 8, 16.* @return 无*/
static void CalculateBurstSize(unsigned int bytesperline, unsigned int *main_burst, unsigned int *remained_burst)
{unsigned int tmp;tmp = (bytesperline / 4) % 16;switch(tmp) {case 0:*main_burst = 16;*remained_burst = 16;break;case 4:*main_burst = 16;*remained_burst = 4;break;case 8:*main_burst = 16;*remained_burst = 8;break;default:tmp = (bytesperline / 4) % 8;switch(tmp) {case 0:*main_burst = 8;*remained_burst = 8;break;case 4:*main_burst = 8;*remained_burst = 4;break;default:*main_burst = 4;tmp = (bytesperline / 4) % 4;*remained_burst = ((tmp) ? tmp : 4);break;}            break;}}/*!* @brief  获得摄像头接口的缩放系数* @return 无*/
static void camif_get_scaler_factor(unsigned int src, unsigned int tar, unsigned int *ratio, unsigned int *shift)
{if (src >= (64 * tar)) { return ; /* Out Of Horizontal Scale Range */ }else if (src >= (32 * tar)) { *ratio = 32; *shift = 5; }else if (src >= (16 * tar)) { *ratio = 16; *shift = 4; }else if (src >= (8  * tar)) { *ratio = 8;  *shift = 3; }else if (src >= (4  * tar)) { *ratio = 4;  *shift = 2; }else if (src >= (2  * tar)) { *ratio = 2;  *shift = 1; }else { *ratio = 1; *shift = 0; }
}/*!* @brief  计算预览模式下缩放信息* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_calculate_scaler_info(void)
{unsigned int sx, sy;unsigned int tx, ty;sx = s_SRC_Width;sy = s_SRC_Height;tx = s_TargetHsize_Pr;ty = s_TargetVsize_Pr;printk("%s SRC_in(%d, %d),Target_out(%d, %d)\n", __func__, sx, sy, tx, ty);camif_get_scaler_factor(sx, tx, &s_sc.PreHorRatio, &s_sc.H_Shift);camif_get_scaler_factor(sy, ty, &s_sc.PreVerRatio, &s_sc.V_Shift);s_sc.PreDst_Width  = sx / s_sc.PreHorRatio;s_sc.PreDst_Height = sy / s_sc.PreVerRatio;s_sc.MainHorRatio  = (sx << 8) / (tx << s_sc.H_Shift);    s_sc.MainVerRatio  = (sy << 8) / (ty << s_sc.V_Shift);s_sc.SHfactor = 10 - (s_sc.H_Shift + s_sc.V_Shift);s_sc.ScaleUpDown = (tx >= sx) ? 1 : 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step8:启动数据传输* @return 0:成功*/
static int cmos_ov7740_streamon(struct file *file, void *priv, enum v4l2_buf_type t)
{unsigned int main_burst;unsigned int remained_burst;/*!* CISRCFMT:*  bit[31]    -- 选择传输方式为BT601(1)或者BT656(0)*  bit[30]    -- 设置偏移值(0 = +0 (正常情况下) - for YCbCr)*  bit[29]    -- 保留位,必须设置为0*  bit[28:16] -- 设置源图片的水平像素值(640)*  bit[15:14] -- 设置源图片的颜色顺序(0x0c(OV7740寄存器) --> 0x2)*  bit[12:0]  -- 设置源图片的垂直像素值(480)*/*cisrcfmt |= (0 << 30) | (0 << 29) | (CAM_SRC_HSIZE << 16) | \(CAM_ORDER_CbYCrY << 14) | (CAM_SRC_VSIZE << 0);/*!* CIWDOFST: (先清除溢出标志位)*  bit[31]        -- 1 = 使能窗口功能、0 = 不使用窗口功能*  bit[30、15:12] -- 清除溢出标志位*  bit[26:16]     -- 水平方向的裁剪的大小*  bit[10:0]      -- 垂直方向的裁剪的大小*/*ciwdofst |= (1 << 30) | (0xf << 12);*ciwdofst |= (1 << 31) | (WinHorOfst << 16) | (WinVerOfst << 0);s_SRC_Width  = CAM_SRC_HSIZE - WinHorOfst * 2;s_SRC_Height = CAM_SRC_VSIZE - WinVerOfst * 2;/*!* CIGCTRL:*	bit[31]		-- 软件复位CAMIF控制器*	bit[30]		-- 用于复位外部摄像头模块*	bit[29]		-- 保留位,必须设置为1*	bit[28:27]	-- 用于选择信号源(00 = 输入源来自摄像头模块,其他均为测试使用)*	bit[26]		-- 设置像素时钟的极性(猜0)**  极性的确定需要对比芯片手册与具体器件的时序,一致则不需反转0,否则反转1*	bit[25]		-- 设置VSYNC(帧同步信号)的极性(0)*	bit[24]		-- 设置HREF(行同步信号)的极性(0)*/*cigctrl |= (1 << 29) | (0 << 27) | (0 << 26) | (0 << 25) | (0 << 24);/*!* CIPRCTRL:*  对于DMA通信,若需要传的信息为48KB,但一次性传输不了,则拆分为如下:*      48KB = 16KB + 16KB + 16KB + 0KB,16KB为主突发长度,0KB为剩余突发长度*	bit[23:19] -- 主突发长度(Main_burst)*	bit[18:14] -- 剩余突发长度(Remained_burst)*	bit[2]	   -- 是否使能LastIRQ功能(采集一帧数据后触发的中断,不使能)*/CalculateBurstSize(s_bytesperline, &main_burst, &remained_burst);*ciprctrl = (main_burst << 19) | (remained_burst << 14) | (1 << 2);/*!* CIPRSCPRERATIO: 预览预缩放比例控制*	bit[31:28] -- 预览缩放的变化系数(SHfactor_Pr)*	bit[22:16] -- 预览缩放的水平比(PreHorRatio_Pr)*	bit[6:0]   -- 预览缩放的垂直比(PreVerRatio_Pr)*	* CIPRSCPREDST: 预览预缩放目标格式*	bit[27:16] -- 预览缩放的目标宽度(PreDstWidth_Pr)*	bit[11:0]  -- 预览缩放的目标高度(PreDstHeight_Pr)*	* CIPRSCCTRL: 预览控制的主要标量*	bit[29:28] -- 告诉摄像头控制器(图片是缩小、放大)(ScaleUpDown_Pr)*	bit[24:16] -- 预览主缩放的水平比(MainHorRatio_Pr)*	bit[8:0]   -- 预览主缩放的垂直比(MainVerRatio_Pr)*	*	bit[31] -- 必须固定设置为1*	bit[30] -- 设置图像输出格式是RGB16、RGB24*	bit[15] -- 预览缩放开始*/cmos_ov7740_calculate_scaler_info();*ciprscpreratio = (s_sc.SHfactor << 28) | (s_sc.PreHorRatio << 16) |\(s_sc.PreVerRatio << 0);*ciprscpredst    = (s_sc.PreDst_Width << 16) | (s_sc.PreDst_Height << 0);*ciprscctrl     |= (1 << 31) | (s_sc.ScaleUpDown << 28) |\(s_sc.MainHorRatio << 16) | (s_sc.MainVerRatio << 0);/*!* CIPRTAREA: *	表示预览通道的目标区域(缩放后目标图片的大小)*/*ciprtarea = s_TargetHsize_Pr * s_TargetVsize_Pr;/*!* CIIMGCPT: 图像捕获使能控制*  bit[31] -- 用来使能摄像头控制器*  bit[30] -- 使能编码通道*  bit[29] -- 使能预览通道*/*ciimgcpt = (1 << 31) | (1 << 29);*ciprscctrl |= (1 << 15);return 0;

3.3 应用程序读出数据函数


  1. 先获取应用程序所要读取数据的大小 与 驱动程序分配内存的大小二者的最小值
  2. 程序进入(可中断)休眠,待预览通道中断函数发生时,才唤醒程序
  3. 唤醒后把大小为 1、中获取的最小值的数据copy到用户空间
  4. 清除标志位
/** @brief 摄像预览通道中断函数* @return IRQ_HANDLED*/
static irqreturn_t cmos_ov7740_camif_irq_p(int irq, void *dev_id)
{/*!* 清中断*/*srcpnd     = (1 << 6);*intpnd     = (1  << 6);*subsrcpnd = (1 << 12);/*!* 唤醒休眠的等待队列*/s_ev_cam = 1;wake_up_interruptible(&cam_wait_queue);return IRQ_HANDLED;
}/*!* @brief  应用程序读出数据函数* @return 成功:返回实际读取到数据大小,失败:-EFAULT*/
static ssize_t cmos_ov7740_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *pos)
{int i;size_t end;end = min_t(size_t, s_buf_size ,count);/*!* 一开始程序休眠(可中断)*/wait_event_interruptible(cam_wait_queue, s_ev_cam);/*!* 唤醒后把数据copy到用户空间*/for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {if (copy_to_user(buf, (void *)img_buff[i].virt_base, end))return -EFAULT;}s_ev_cam = 0;   /**< 清中断 */return end;


/******************************************************************************** Copyleft (c) 2021 Kcode** @file    cmos_ov7740_drv.c* @brief   cmos_0v7740摄像头的驱动文件* @author  K* @version 0.0.1* @date    2021-07-26* @license MulanPSL-1.0** 文件修改历史:* <时间>       | <版本>    | <作者>  | <描述>* 2021-07-31   | v0.0.1    | Kcode   | cmos_0v7740摄像头的驱动文件* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************/#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/regmap.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/list.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/usb.h>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <asm/atomic.h>
#include <asm/unaligned.h>#include <media/v4l2-common.h>
#include <media/v4l2-ioctl.h>
#include <media/videobuf-core.h>#include <linux/clk.h>
#include <asm/io.h>#define CAM_SRC_HSIZE       (640) /**< 摄像头水平分辨率 */
#define CAM_SRC_VSIZE       (480) /**< 摄像头垂直分辨率 *//* 摄像头颜色顺序 */
#define CAM_ORDER_YCbYCr    (0)
#define CAM_ORDER_YCrYCb    (1)
#define CAM_ORDER_CbYCrY    (2)
#define CAM_ORDER_CrYCbY    (3)#define WinHorOfst		    (0) /**< 水平方向裁剪大小 */
#define WinVerOfst		    (0) /**< 垂直方向裁剪大小 *//*!* 描述所分配用于CAMIF的缓冲区*/
typedef struct camif_buffer {unsigned int order;         /**< 缓冲区大小 */unsigned long virt_base;    /**< 缓冲区虚拟基地址 */unsigned long phy_base;     /**< 缓冲区物理基地址 */
}CAMIF_BUFFER_T;/*!* 所需要分配的4个缓冲区的描述数据*/
static CAMIF_BUFFER_T img_buff[] = {{.order = 0,.virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL,.phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL,},{.order = 0,.virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL,.phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL,},{.order = 0,.virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL,.phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL,},{.order = 0,.virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL,.phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL,},
};/*!* 描述cmos_ov7740的I2C相关设置*/
typedef struct cmos_ov7740_i2c_value {unsigned char regaddr;  /**< 寄存器地址 */unsigned char value;    /**< 寄存器的值 */
}OV7740_I2C_T;/*!* 根据原厂提供的I2C初始化数组进行设置*/
OV7740_I2C_T ov7740_setting_30fps_VGA_640_480[] =
{{0x12, 0x80},{0x47, 0x02},{0x17, 0x27},{0x04, 0x40},{0x1B, 0x81},{0x29, 0x17},{0x5F, 0x03},{0x3A, 0x09},{0x33, 0x44},{0x68, 0x1A},{0x14, 0x38},{0x5F, 0x04},{0x64, 0x00},{0x67, 0x90},{0x27, 0x80},{0x45, 0x41},{0x4B, 0x40},{0x36, 0x2f},{0x11, 0x01},{0x36, 0x3f},{0x0c, 0x12},{0x12, 0x00},{0x17, 0x25},{0x18, 0xa0},{0x1a, 0xf0},{0x31, 0xa0},{0x32, 0xf0},{0x85, 0x08},{0x86, 0x02},{0x87, 0x01},{0xd5, 0x10},{0x0d, 0x34},{0x19, 0x03},{0x2b, 0xf8},{0x2c, 0x01},{0x53, 0x00},{0x89, 0x30},{0x8d, 0x30},{0x8f, 0x85},{0x93, 0x30},{0x95, 0x85},{0x99, 0x30},{0x9b, 0x85},{0xac, 0x6E},{0xbe, 0xff},{0xbf, 0x00},{0x38, 0x14},{0xe9, 0x00},{0x3D, 0x08},{0x3E, 0x80},{0x3F, 0x40},{0x40, 0x7F},{0x41, 0x6A},{0x42, 0x29},{0x49, 0x64},{0x4A, 0xA1},{0x4E, 0x13},{0x4D, 0x50},{0x44, 0x58},{0x4C, 0x1A},{0x4E, 0x14},{0x38, 0x11},{0x84, 0x70}
};#define OV7740_INIT_REGS_SIZE \(sizeof(ov7740_setting_30fps_VGA_640_480) / \sizeof(ov7740_setting_30fps_VGA_640_480[0]))/*!* 描述所支持颜色格式的结构体*/
typedef struct cmos_ov7740_fmt {char  *name;    /**< 格式名字 */u32   fourcc;   /**< 格式id */int   depth;    /**< 颜色深度 */
}CMOS_OV7740_FMT;/*!* cmos_ov7740设备所支持的颜色格式*/
static CMOS_OV7740_FMT s_cmos_ov7740_formats[] = {{.name     = "RGB565",.fourcc   = V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB565,.depth    = 16,},{.name     = "PACKED_RGB_888",.fourcc   = V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24,.depth    = 24,},
};/*!* 描述cmos_ov7740摄像头的压缩信息*/
typedef struct cmos_ov7740_scaler {unsigned int PreHorRatio;       /**< 预览缩放的水平比 */unsigned int PreVerRatio;       /**< 预览缩放的垂直比 */unsigned int H_Shift;           /**< 水平变比 */unsigned int V_Shift;           /**< 垂直变比 */unsigned int PreDst_Width;      /**< 预览目标宽度 */unsigned int PreDst_Height;     /**< 预览目标高度 */unsigned int MainHorRatio;      /**< 主缩放水平比 */unsigned int MainVerRatio;      /**< 主缩放垂直比 */unsigned int SHfactor;          /**< 缩放变比 */unsigned int ScaleUpDown;       /**< 放大/缩小 */
}CMOS_OV7740_SCALER;static CMOS_OV7740_SCALER s_sc;/* CMOS摄像头管脚相关的寄存器 */
static unsigned long *gpjcon;
static unsigned long *gpjdata;
static unsigned long *gpjup;/* CMOS摄像头接口相关的寄存器 */
static unsigned long *cisrcfmt;
static unsigned long *cigctrl;
static unsigned long *ciwdofst;/* 预览通道相关 */
static unsigned long *ciprclrsa1;
static unsigned long *ciprclrsa2;
static unsigned long *ciprclrsa3;
static unsigned long *ciprclrsa4;
static unsigned long *ciprtrgfmt;
static unsigned long *ciprctrl;
static unsigned long *ciprscpreratio;
static unsigned long *ciprscpredst;
static unsigned long *ciprscctrl;
static unsigned long *ciprtarea;
static unsigned long *ciimgcpt;/* 中断相关寄存器 */
static unsigned long *srcpnd;
static unsigned long *intpnd;
static unsigned long *subsrcpnd;static unsigned int s_SRC_Width;            /**< (裁剪后)数据源的宽度 */
static unsigned int s_SRC_Height;           /**< (裁剪后)数据源的高度 */
static unsigned int s_TargetHsize_Pr;       /**< 目标图片的垂直分辨率 */
static unsigned int s_TargetVsize_Pr;       /**< 目标图片的水平分辨率 */
static unsigned int s_bytesperline;         /**< 每行数据的字节数 */static unsigned long s_buf_size;            /**< 分配缓冲区的大小 */static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(cam_wait_queue); /**< 摄像头等待队列头部 */static volatile int s_ev_cam = 0;             /**< 中断标志:0-无,1-中断 *//* 用来挂接与适配器匹配成功的从设备i2c_client的一个链表头 */
static struct i2c_client *s_cmos_ov7740_client;/*!* @brief  Step1:打开cmos_ov7740_fops设备文件*/
static int cmos_ov7740_open(struct file *file)
{return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step2:查询cmos摄像头设备能力*         参考:uvc_v4l2_do_ioctl()*/
static int cmos_ov7740_querycap(struct file *file, void  *priv,struct v4l2_capability *cap)
{	/*!* 清空内存、设置版本号和名字*/memset(cap, 0, sizeof *cap);strcpy(cap->driver, "cmos_ov7740");strcpy(cap->card, "cmos_ov7740");cap->version = 2;/*!* V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE - 设备为视频捕捉设备* V4L2_CAP_READWRITE     - 读写方式处理视频数据*/cap->capabilities = V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE | V4L2_CAP_READWRITE;return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step3:列举cmos摄像头设备所支持的格式format*         参考:uvc_fmt()*/
static int cmos_ov7740_enum_fmt_vid_cap(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_fmtdesc *f)
{struct cmos_ov7740_fmt *fmt;if (f->index >= ARRAY_SIZE(s_cmos_ov7740_formats))return -EINVAL;fmt = &s_cmos_ov7740_formats[f->index];strlcpy(f->description, fmt->name, sizeof(f->description));f->pixelformat = fmt->fourcc;return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step4:返回当前所使用的格式*/
static int cmos_ov7740_g_fmt_vid_cap(struct file *file, void *priv, struct v4l2_format *f)
{return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step5:测试驱动程序是否支持某种格式*         参考:uvc_v4l2_try_format()/myvivi_vidioc_try_fmt_vid_cap()* @return 0:为摄像头且RGB565/24,-EINVAL不支持*/
static int cmos_ov7740_try_fmt_vid_cap(struct file *file,void *priv, struct v4l2_format *f)
{if (f->type != V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE)return -EINVAL;if ((f->fmt.pix.pixelformat != V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24) && \(f->fmt.pix.pixelformat != V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB565))return -EINVAL;return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step6:设置所支持的格式* @return 0:成功,其他值:失败*/
static int cmos_ov7740_s_fmt_vid_cap(struct file *file,void *priv, struct v4l2_format *f)
{int ret;int bpp;int rgb_fmt;/*!* 测试是否支持该格式*/ret = cmos_ov7740_try_fmt_vid_cap(file, NULL, f);  if (ret < 0)return ret;/*!* 格式大小根据应用程序传下来的参数*/s_TargetHsize_Pr = f->fmt.pix.width;s_TargetVsize_Pr = f->fmt.pix.height;rgb_fmt = ((f->fmt.pix.pixelformat == V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24) ? 1 : 0);*ciprscctrl &= ~(1 << 30);*ciprscctrl |= (rgb_fmt << 30);bpp = ((f->fmt.pix.pixelformat == V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24) ? 32 : 16);f->fmt.pix.bytesperline = (f->fmt.pix.width * bpp) >> 3;f->fmt.pix.sizeimage    = f->fmt.pix.height * f->fmt.pix.bytesperline;s_bytesperline =  f->fmt.pix.bytesperline;s_buf_size      = f->fmt.pix.sizeimage;/*!* CIPRTRGFMT:*  bit[28:16] -- 表示目标图片(最终存放在缓存中)的水平像素大小(TargetHsize_Pr)*  bit[15:14] -- 是否旋转,我们这个驱动就不选择了*  bit[12:0]  -- 表示目标图片(最终存放在缓存中)的垂直像素大小(TargetVsize_Pr)*/*ciprtrgfmt = (s_TargetHsize_Pr << 16) | (0x0 << 14) | (s_TargetVsize_Pr << 0);return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step7:为该设备申请若干个缓冲区,由于每个buffer大小 > 128Kb,*         因此调用__get_free_pages获得虚拟地址,随后得到物理地址并存储到预览模式的寄存器* @return 0:成功,-ENOMEM:失败*/
static int cmos_ov7740_reqbufs(struct file *file,void *priv, struct v4l2_requestbuffers *p)
{int i;unsigned int order;order = get_order(s_buf_size);for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {img_buff[i].order = order;img_buff[i].virt_base = __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL | ___GFP_DMA, img_buff[i].order);if (img_buff[i].virt_base == (unsigned long)NULL)goto error;img_buff[i].phy_base  = __virt_to_phys(img_buff[i].virt_base);}*ciprclrsa1 = img_buff[0].phy_base;*ciprclrsa2 = img_buff[1].phy_base;*ciprclrsa3 = img_buff[2].phy_base;*ciprclrsa4 = img_buff[3].phy_base;return 0;error:for (i -= 1; i >= 0; i--) {free_pages(img_buff[i].virt_base, order);img_buff[i].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL; }return -ENOMEM;
}/*!* @brief  计算预览模式下DMA处理数据的主突发长度和剩余突发长度*         出于速度的考虑,只考虑burst lengths : 4, 8, 16.* @return 无*/
static void CalculateBurstSize(unsigned int bytesperline, unsigned int *main_burst, unsigned int *remained_burst)
{unsigned int tmp;tmp = (bytesperline / 4) % 16;switch(tmp) {case 0:*main_burst = 16;*remained_burst = 16;break;case 4:*main_burst = 16;*remained_burst = 4;break;case 8:*main_burst = 16;*remained_burst = 8;break;default:tmp = (bytesperline / 4) % 8;switch(tmp) {case 0:*main_burst = 8;*remained_burst = 8;break;case 4:*main_burst = 8;*remained_burst = 4;break;default:*main_burst = 4;tmp = (bytesperline / 4) % 4;*remained_burst = ((tmp) ? tmp : 4);break;}            break;}}/*!* @brief  获得摄像头接口的缩放系数* @return 无*/
static void camif_get_scaler_factor(unsigned int src, unsigned int tar, unsigned int *ratio, unsigned int *shift)
{if (src >= (64 * tar)) { return ; /* Out Of Horizontal Scale Range */ }else if (src >= (32 * tar)) { *ratio = 32; *shift = 5; }else if (src >= (16 * tar)) { *ratio = 16; *shift = 4; }else if (src >= (8  * tar)) { *ratio = 8;  *shift = 3; }else if (src >= (4  * tar)) { *ratio = 4;  *shift = 2; }else if (src >= (2  * tar)) { *ratio = 2;  *shift = 1; }else { *ratio = 1; *shift = 0; }
}/*!* @brief  计算预览模式下缩放信息* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_calculate_scaler_info(void)
{unsigned int sx, sy;unsigned int tx, ty;sx = s_SRC_Width;sy = s_SRC_Height;tx = s_TargetHsize_Pr;ty = s_TargetVsize_Pr;printk("%s SRC_in(%d, %d),Target_out(%d, %d)\n", __func__, sx, sy, tx, ty);camif_get_scaler_factor(sx, tx, &s_sc.PreHorRatio, &s_sc.H_Shift);camif_get_scaler_factor(sy, ty, &s_sc.PreVerRatio, &s_sc.V_Shift);s_sc.PreDst_Width  = sx / s_sc.PreHorRatio;s_sc.PreDst_Height = sy / s_sc.PreVerRatio;s_sc.MainHorRatio  = (sx << 8) / (tx << s_sc.H_Shift);    s_sc.MainVerRatio  = (sy << 8) / (ty << s_sc.V_Shift);s_sc.SHfactor = 10 - (s_sc.H_Shift + s_sc.V_Shift);s_sc.ScaleUpDown = (tx >= sx) ? 1 : 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step8:启动数据传输* @return 0:成功*/
static int cmos_ov7740_streamon(struct file *file, void *priv, enum v4l2_buf_type t)
{unsigned int main_burst;unsigned int remained_burst;/*!* CISRCFMT:*  bit[31]    -- 选择传输方式为BT601(1)或者BT656(0)*  bit[30]    -- 设置偏移值(0 = +0 (正常情况下) - for YCbCr)*  bit[29]    -- 保留位,必须设置为0*  bit[28:16] -- 设置源图片的水平像素值(640)*  bit[15:14] -- 设置源图片的颜色顺序(0x0c(OV7740寄存器) --> 0x2)*  bit[12:0]  -- 设置源图片的垂直像素值(480)*/*cisrcfmt |= (0 << 30) | (0 << 29) | (CAM_SRC_HSIZE << 16) | \(CAM_ORDER_CbYCrY << 14) | (CAM_SRC_VSIZE << 0);/*!* CIWDOFST: (先清除溢出标志位)*  bit[31]        -- 1 = 使能窗口功能、0 = 不使用窗口功能*  bit[30、15:12] -- 清除溢出标志位*  bit[26:16]     -- 水平方向的裁剪的大小*  bit[10:0]      -- 垂直方向的裁剪的大小*/*ciwdofst |= (1 << 30) | (0xf << 12);*ciwdofst |= (1 << 31) | (WinHorOfst << 16) | (WinVerOfst << 0);s_SRC_Width  = CAM_SRC_HSIZE - WinHorOfst * 2;s_SRC_Height = CAM_SRC_VSIZE - WinVerOfst * 2;/*!* CIGCTRL:*	bit[31]		-- 软件复位CAMIF控制器*	bit[30]		-- 用于复位外部摄像头模块*	bit[29]		-- 保留位,必须设置为1*	bit[28:27]	-- 用于选择信号源(00 = 输入源来自摄像头模块,其他均为测试使用)*	bit[26]		-- 设置像素时钟的极性(猜0)**  极性的确定需要对比芯片手册与具体器件的时序,一致则不需反转0,否则反转1*	bit[25]		-- 设置VSYNC(帧同步信号)的极性(0)*	bit[24]		-- 设置HREF(行同步信号)的极性(0)*/*cigctrl |= (1 << 29) | (0 << 27) | (0 << 26) | (0 << 25) | (0 << 24);/*!* CIPRCTRL:*  对于DMA通信,若需要传的信息为48KB,但一次性传输不了,则拆分为如下:*      48KB = 16KB + 16KB + 16KB + 0KB,16KB为主突发长度,0KB为剩余突发长度*	bit[23:19] -- 主突发长度(Main_burst)*	bit[18:14] -- 剩余突发长度(Remained_burst)*	bit[2]	   -- 是否使能LastIRQ功能(采集一帧数据后触发的中断,不使能)*/CalculateBurstSize(s_bytesperline, &main_burst, &remained_burst);*ciprctrl = (main_burst << 19) | (remained_burst << 14) | (1 << 2);/*!* CIPRSCPRERATIO: 预览预缩放比例控制*	bit[31:28] -- 预览缩放的变化系数(SHfactor_Pr)*	bit[22:16] -- 预览缩放的水平比(PreHorRatio_Pr)*	bit[6:0]   -- 预览缩放的垂直比(PreVerRatio_Pr)*	* CIPRSCPREDST: 预览预缩放目标格式*	bit[27:16] -- 预览缩放的目标宽度(PreDstWidth_Pr)*	bit[11:0]  -- 预览缩放的目标高度(PreDstHeight_Pr)*	* CIPRSCCTRL: 预览控制的主要标量*	bit[29:28] -- 告诉摄像头控制器(图片是缩小、放大)(ScaleUpDown_Pr)*	bit[24:16] -- 预览主缩放的水平比(MainHorRatio_Pr)*	bit[8:0]   -- 预览主缩放的垂直比(MainVerRatio_Pr)*	*	bit[31] -- 必须固定设置为1*	bit[30] -- 设置图像输出格式是RGB16、RGB24*	bit[15] -- 预览缩放开始*/cmos_ov7740_calculate_scaler_info();*ciprscpreratio = (s_sc.SHfactor << 28) | (s_sc.PreHorRatio << 16) |\(s_sc.PreVerRatio << 0);*ciprscpredst    = (s_sc.PreDst_Width << 16) | (s_sc.PreDst_Height << 0);*ciprscctrl     |= (1 << 31) | (s_sc.ScaleUpDown << 28) |\(s_sc.MainHorRatio << 16) | (s_sc.MainVerRatio << 0);/*!* CIPRTAREA: *	表示预览通道的目标区域(缩放后目标图片的大小)*/*ciprtarea = s_TargetHsize_Pr * s_TargetVsize_Pr;/*!* CIIMGCPT: 图像捕获使能控制*  bit[31] -- 用来使能摄像头控制器*  bit[30] -- 使能编码通道*  bit[29] -- 使能预览通道*/*ciimgcpt = (1 << 31) | (1 << 29);*ciprscctrl |= (1 << 15);return 0;
}/*!* @brief  Step0:关闭设备*         参考:uvc_video_enable()-->uvc_commit_video()/uvc_init_video()* @return 0:成功*/
static int cmos_ov7740_streamoff(struct file *file, void *priv, enum v4l2_buf_type t)
{*ciprscctrl &= ~(1 << 15);*ciimgcpt &= ~((1 << 31) | (1 << 29));return 0;
}/*!* 分配、设置v4l2_ioctl_ops结构体*/
static const struct v4l2_ioctl_ops s_cmos_ov7740_ioctl_ops = {// 表示它是一个摄像头设备.vidioc_querycap      = cmos_ov7740_querycap,/* 用于列举、获得、测试、设置摄像头的数据的格式 */.vidioc_enum_fmt_vid_cap  = cmos_ov7740_enum_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_g_fmt_vid_cap     = cmos_ov7740_g_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_try_fmt_vid_cap   = cmos_ov7740_try_fmt_vid_cap,.vidioc_s_fmt_vid_cap     = cmos_ov7740_s_fmt_vid_cap,/* 缓冲区操作: 申请 */.vidioc_reqbufs       = cmos_ov7740_reqbufs,/* 使用的是read方式读数据,/查询/放入队列/取出队列  操作不需要*///.vidioc_querybuf      = cmos_ov7740_querybuf,//.vidioc_qbuf          = cmos_ov7740_qbuf,//.vidioc_dqbuf         = cmos_ov7740_dqbuf,/* 查询/获得/设置属性 *///.vidioc_queryctrl     = cmos_ov7740_queryctrl,//.vidioc_g_ctrl        = cmos_ov7740_g_ctrl,//.vidioc_s_ctrl        = cmos_ov7740_s_ctrl,/* 启动/停止 */.vidioc_streamon      = cmos_ov7740_streamon,.vidioc_streamoff     = cmos_ov7740_streamoff,   
};/*!* * @brief  关闭cmos_ov7740_fops设备文件*/
static int cmos_ov7740_close(struct file *file)
{cmos_ov7740_streamoff(NULL, NULL, 0);return 0;
}/*!* @brief  应用程序读出数据函数* @return 成功:返回实际读取到数据大小,失败:-EFAULT*/
static ssize_t cmos_ov7740_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *pos)
{int i;size_t end;end = min_t(size_t, s_buf_size ,count);/*!* 一开始程序休眠(可中断)*/wait_event_interruptible(cam_wait_queue, s_ev_cam);/*!* 唤醒后把数据copy到用户空间*/for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {if (copy_to_user(buf, (void *)img_buff[i].virt_base, end))return -EFAULT;}s_ev_cam = 0;   /**< 清中断 */return end;
}static const struct v4l2_file_operations s_cmos_ov7740_fops = {.owner			= THIS_MODULE,.open       	= cmos_ov7740_open,.release    	= cmos_ov7740_close,.unlocked_ioctl = video_ioctl2,.read           = cmos_ov7740_read
};/** @brief  必须的函数,否则在加载驱动时会出错* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_release(struct video_device *vdev)
{int i;unsigned int order;/* 释放缓存 */order = get_order(s_buf_size);for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {free_pages(img_buff[i].virt_base, order);img_buff[i].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL; }}/*!* 分配、设置video_device结构体*/
static struct video_device s_cmos_ov7740_vdev = {.name      = "cmos_ov7740",.release   = cmos_ov7740_release,.fops      = &s_cmos_ov7740_fops,.ioctl_ops = &s_cmos_ov7740_ioctl_ops,
};/** @brief  设置相应的GPIO用于CMOS摄像头的CAMIF* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_gpio_cfg(void)
{*gpjcon  = 0x2aaaaaa;    /**< 查看手册可知所有控制位设置为10 */*gpjdata = 0;*gpjup    = 0;  /**< 使能上拉电阻 */
}/** @brief  映射摄像头相关的寄存器* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_reg_map(void)
{/* CAMERA GPIO */gpjcon   = ioremap(0x560000d0, 4);gpjdata = ioremap(0x560000d4, 4);gpjup    = ioremap(0x560000d8, 4);/* CAMERA IF */cisrcfmt = ioremap(0x4f000000, 4);ciwdofst = ioremap(0x4f000004, 4);cigctrl   = ioremap(0x4f000008, 4);/* 预览通道相关 */ciprclrsa1 = ioremap(0x4f00006c, 4);ciprclrsa2 = ioremap(0x4f000070, 4);ciprclrsa3 = ioremap(0x4f000074, 4);ciprclrsa4 = ioremap(0x4f000078, 4);ciprtrgfmt = ioremap(0x4f00007c, 4);ciprctrl    = ioremap(0x4f000080, 4);/* 缩放相关 */ciprscpreratio  = ioremap(0x4f000084, 4);ciprscpredst    = ioremap(0x4f000088, 4);ciprscctrl      = ioremap(0x4f00008c, 4);ciprtarea      = ioremap(0x4f000090, 4);ciimgcpt        = ioremap(0x4f0000a0, 4);/* 中断相关 */           srcpnd     = ioremap(0x4a000000, 4);intpnd     = ioremap(0x4a000010, 4);subsrcpnd = ioremap(0x4a000018, 4);}/** @brief  取消映射摄像头相关的寄存器* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_reg_unmap(void)
{/* CAMERA GPIO */iounmap(gpjcon);iounmap(gpjdata);iounmap(gpjup);/* CAMERA IF */iounmap(cisrcfmt);iounmap(ciwdofst);iounmap(cigctrl);/* 预览通道相关 */iounmap(ciprclrsa1);iounmap(ciprclrsa2);iounmap(ciprclrsa3);iounmap(ciprclrsa4);iounmap(ciprtrgfmt);iounmap(ciprctrl);/* 缩放相关 */iounmap(ciprscpreratio);iounmap(ciprscpredst);  iounmap(ciprscctrl);    iounmap(ciprtarea);     iounmap(ciimgcpt);       /* 中断相关 */iounmap(srcpnd);   iounmap(intpnd);   iounmap(subsrcpnd); 
}/** @brief  复位一下CAMIF的控制器* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_camif_reset(void)
{/* 传输方式为BT601 */*cisrcfmt |= (1 << 31);;/* 复位 */*cigctrl |= (1 << 31);mdelay(10);/* 清零:正常工作 */*cigctrl &= ~(1 << 31);mdelay(10);
}/** @brief  设置、使能时钟(使能HCLK,使能并设置CAMCLK = 24MHz)* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_clk_cfg(void)
{struct clk *camif_clk;struct clk *camif_upll_clk;/* 获取时钟"camif" */camif_clk = clk_get(NULL, "camif");if (!camif_clk || IS_ERR(camif_clk)) {printk(KERN_ERR"failed to get CAMIF clock source\n");return ;}/* 使能时钟 */clk_enable(camif_clk);/* 获取时钟"camif-upll" */camif_upll_clk = clk_get(NULL, "camif-upll");if (!camif_upll_clk || IS_ERR(camif_upll_clk)) {printk(KERN_ERR"failed to get CAMCLK clock source\n");return ;}/* 设置时钟CAMCLK = 24MHz */clk_set_rate(camif_upll_clk, 24000000);mdelay(50);
}/** @brief  复位摄像头,复位时序:1->0->1* @note   1、S3C2440提供的复位时序(CAMIF)为:0->1->0(0:正常工作的电平,1:复位电平)*            实验证明,该复位时序与使用的OV7740需要的复位时序(1->0->1)不符合。*         2、因此,需要结合OV7740的具体复位时序设置寄存器* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_reset(void)
{*cigctrl |= (1 << 30); /**< CamRest */mdelay(30);*cigctrl &= ~(1 << 30);mdelay(30);*cigctrl |= (1 << 30);mdelay(30);
}/** @brief 通过IIC总线初始化摄像头模块* @return 无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_init(void)
{int i;unsigned int mid;/* 读ID */mid = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(s_cmos_ov7740_client, 0x0a) << 8;mid |= i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(s_cmos_ov7740_client, 0x0b);printk("cmos_ov7740 id :0x%x\n", mid);/* 写数据进行初始化 */for (i  = 0; i < OV7740_INIT_REGS_SIZE; i++) {i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(s_cmos_ov7740_client, ov7740_setting_30fps_VGA_640_480[i].regaddr, ov7740_setting_30fps_VGA_640_480[i].value);mdelay(2);}
}/** @brief 摄像头编码通道中断函数(驱动无使用编码通道,不设置)* @return IRQ_HANDLED*/
static irqreturn_t cmos_ov7740_camif_irq_c(int irq, void *dev_id)
{return IRQ_HANDLED;
}/** @brief 摄像预览通道中断函数* @return IRQ_HANDLED*/
static irqreturn_t cmos_ov7740_camif_irq_p(int irq, void *dev_id)
{/*!* 清中断*/*srcpnd     = (1 << 6);*intpnd     = (1  << 6);*subsrcpnd = (1 << 12);/*!* 唤醒休眠的等待队列*/s_ev_cam = 1;wake_up_interruptible(&cam_wait_queue);return IRQ_HANDLED;
}/** @brief  在IIC总线设备驱动中找到对应的设备文件后就调用probe函数* @return  0:成功 其他值:失败*/
static int __devinit cmos_ov7740_probe(struct i2c_client *client,const struct i2c_device_id *id)
{int ret;printk("%s %s %d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);/* 硬件相关操作 *//*!* 映射相关的寄存器*/cmos_ov7740_reg_map();/*!* 设置相应的GPIO用于CAMIF*/cmos_ov7740_gpio_cfg();/*!* 复位一下CAMIF的控制器*/cmos_ov7740_camif_reset();/*!* 设置、使能时钟(使能HCLK,使能并设置CAMCLK = 24MHz)*/cmos_ov7740_clk_cfg();/*!* 复位一下摄像头模块*/cmos_ov7740_reset();/*!* 通过IIC总线初始化摄像头模块*/s_cmos_ov7740_client = client;cmos_ov7740_init();/*!* 注册两次中断(编码通道与预览通道):摄像头每采集一帧的数据会触发中断*/if (request_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C, cmos_ov7740_camif_irq_c, IRQF_DISABLED, "CAM_C", NULL)){printk("%s request_irq failed\n", __func__);return -1;}if (request_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_P, cmos_ov7740_camif_irq_p, IRQF_DISABLED, "CAM_P", NULL)){printk("%s request_irq failed\n", __func__);return -1;}        /*! * 注册结构体,-1:自动分配次设备号*/ret = video_register_device(&s_cmos_ov7740_vdev, VFL_TYPE_GRABBER, -1);if (ret) {printk("Unable to register video device (error=%i).\n", ret);return ret;}return 0;
}/** @brief  移除函数* @return  0:成功 -1:失败*/
static int __devexit cmos_ov7740_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
{printk("%s %s %d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);cmos_ov7740_reg_unmap();free_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C, NULL);free_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_P, NULL);video_unregister_device(&s_cmos_ov7740_vdev);return 0;
}/*!* 支持设备的名字*/
static const struct i2c_device_id s_cmos_ov7740_id_table[] = {{ "cmos_ov7740", 0 },{}
};/*!* 设置i2c设备驱动结构体*/
static struct i2c_driver s_cmos_ov7740_drv = {.driver	= {.name	= "cmos_ov7740",.owner	= THIS_MODULE,},.probe		= cmos_ov7740_probe,.remove		= __devexit_p(cmos_ov7740_remove),.id_table	= s_cmos_ov7740_id_table,
};/** @brief  cmos_ov7740_dev初始化函数(入口函数)* @return  0:成功 -1:失败*/
static int cmos_ov7740_drv_init(void)
{i2c_add_driver(&s_cmos_ov7740_drv);return 0;
}/** @brief  cmos_ov7740_dev退出函数(出口函数)* @return  无*/
static void cmos_ov7740_drv_exit(void)




名称&#xff1a;呱呱财经视频社区V5.6无插件官方版 版本&#xff1a;5.6 软件大小&#xff1a;19.80MB 软件语言&#xff1a;中文简体 软件授权&#xff1a;免费版 应用平台&#xff1a;WinXP/Win7/WinAll 呱呱财经是中国最大的股民视频社区,免费学习炒股技巧,分享高手赚钱心…


MS2131是一款USB3.0高清视频和音频采集处理芯片&#xff0c;内部集成USB3.0 Device控制器、数据收发模块、音视频处理模块。MS2131可以通过USB3.0接口将HDMI输入的音视频信号传送到PC、智能手机、平板电脑上预览或采集。MS2131支持HDMI环出功能&#xff0c;支持USB host录制的同…


方案一&#xff1a; 一、树莓派安装ffmpeg sudo apt-get install ffmpeg 二、安装nginx,nginx-rtmp sudo apt-get install nginx sudo apt-get install libnginx-mod-rtmp 三、编辑nginx.conf文件配置支持rtmp sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf 在http模块上添加以下配置&#…

【树莓派不吃灰】基础篇⑲ 搭建usb摄像头MJPG-streamer图片流监控,支持远程视频监控访问

目录 1. 前言2. 识别摄像头3. MJPG-streamer方案3.1 什么是 MJPG&#xff1f;3.2 MJPG 的优点&#xff1f;3.2 MJPG 的缺点&#xff1f; 4. 搭建usb摄像头监控4.1 开启树莓派摄像头开关4.2 查看设备文件4.3 安装必要的库4.4 下载 mjpg-streamer 安装文件4.5 切换到 /mjpg-strea…


今天把读取本地摄像头将视频流推流到nginx服务器的直播代码学习完了&#xff0c;这里对代码的流程做一下记录&#xff0c;以便以后进行复习。 这边用到了opencv和ffmpeg的开源库(PS&#xff1a;在前面有进行分享)&#xff0c;配置环境在之前也有进行分享。 第一步&#xff1a…


sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install vlc sudo raspivid -o - -t 0 -w 640 -h 360 -fps 25|cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout #standard{accesshttp,muxts,dst:8090} :demuxh264 在电脑端&#xff0c;无论是Windows&#xff0c;Linux还是OSX&#xff0c;或者安卓机器…

10 种分布式系统必备模式



业务说明&#xff1a; 是要实现在小程序授权公众号收发消息功能 解决方案&#xff1a; 在用户关注后自动回复消息&#xff08;因为要实现授权前提是用户必须先关注了公众&#xff09;&#xff0c;在消息中添加可跳转小程序的链接&#xff0c;就可以将小程序的参数传到授权页面进…