Safety best practices 安全最佳实践
- 前言
- Use our free Moderation API 使用我们的免费审核API
- Adversarial testing 对抗性测试
- Human in the loop (HITL) 人在回路
- Prompt engineering 快速工程
- “Know your customer” (KYC) “了解你的客户”
- Constrain user input and limit output tokens 约束用户输入并限制输出标记
- Allow users to report issues 允许用户报告问题
- Understand and communicate limitations 了解和沟通局限性
- End-user IDs 最终用户ID
- 其它资料下载
在确保使用ChatGPT安全方面,作为开发人员,不仅要采取适当的技术措施来保护相关系统,比如加密、防火墙、Red-teaming,还需要采用预防措施,来引导用户如何识别和避免潜在的安全威胁,比如相关的审核机制。当然还可以采用适当的Human in the loop措施,在一些高风险领域中进行人工审查,以确保系统正常运行。
Use our free Moderation API 使用我们的免费审核API
OpenAI’s Moderation API is free-to-use and can help reduce the frequency of unsafe content in your completions. Alternatively, you may wish to develop your own content filtration system tailored to your use case.
Adversarial testing 对抗性测试
We recommend “red-teaming” your application to ensure it’s robust to adversarial input. Test your product over a wide range of inputs and user behaviors, both a representative set and those reflective of someone trying to ‘break’ your application. Does it wander off topic? Can someone easily redirect the feature via prompt injections, e.g. “ignore the previous instructions and do this instead”?
Human in the loop (HITL) 人在回路
Wherever possible, we recommend having a human review outputs before they are used in practice. This is especially critical in high-stakes domains, and for code generation. Humans should be aware of the limitations of the system, and have access to any information needed to verify the outputs (for example, if the application summarizes notes, a human should have easy access to the original notes to refer back).
Prompt engineering 快速工程
“Prompt engineering” can help constrain the topic and tone of output text. This reduces the chance of producing undesired content, even if a user tries to produce it. Providing additional context to the model (such as by giving a few high-quality examples of desired behavior prior to the new input) can make it easier to steer model outputs in desired directions.
“Know your customer” (KYC) “了解你的客户”
Users should generally need to register and log-in to access your service. Linking this service to an existing account, such as a Gmail, LinkedIn, or Facebook log-in, may help, though may not be appropriate for all use-cases. Requiring a credit card or ID card reduces risk further.
Constrain user input and limit output tokens 约束用户输入并限制输出标记
Limiting the amount of text a user can input into the prompt helps avoid prompt injection. Limiting the number of output tokens helps reduce the chance of misuse.
Narrowing the ranges of inputs or outputs, especially drawn from trusted sources, reduces the extent of misuse possible within an application.
Allowing user inputs through validated dropdown fields (e.g., a list of movies on Wikipedia) can be more secure than allowing open-ended text inputs.
Returning outputs from a validated set of materials on the backend, where possible, can be safer than returning novel generated content (for instance, routing a customer query to the best-matching existing customer support article, rather than attempting to answer the query from-scratch).
Allow users to report issues 允许用户报告问题
Users should generally have an easily-available method for reporting improper functionality or other concerns about application behavior (listed email address, ticket submission method, etc). This method should be monitored by a human and responded to as appropriate.
Understand and communicate limitations 了解和沟通局限性
From hallucinating inaccurate information, to offensive outputs, to bias, and much more, language models may not be suitable for every use case without significant modifications. Consider whether the model is fit for your purpose, and evaluate the performance of the API on a wide range of potential inputs in order to identify cases where the API’s performance might drop. Consider your customer base and the range of inputs that they will be using, and ensure their expectations are calibrated appropriately.
Safety and security are very important to us at OpenAI.
If in the course of your development you do notice any safety or security issues with the API or anything else related to OpenAI, please submit these through our Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Program.
End-user IDs 最终用户ID
Sending end-user IDs in your requests can be a useful tool to help OpenAI monitor and detect abuse. This allows OpenAI to provide your team with more actionable feedback in the event that we detect any policy violations in your application.
The IDs should be a string that uniquely identifies each user. We recommend hashing their username or email address, in order to avoid sending us any identifying information. If you offer a preview of your product to non-logged in users, you can send a session ID instead.
You can include end-user IDs in your API requests via the user
parameter as follows:
您可以通过 user
response = openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-003",prompt="This is a test",max_tokens=5,user="user123456"
curl \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \-d '{"model": "text-davinci-003","prompt": "This is a test","max_tokens": 5,"user": "user123456"
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