
news/2024/10/23 5:44:50/

本文来介绍一下VLQ(variable-length quantity)

Wiki:Variable-length quantity



Varints in protobuf


package vlqimport ("math""math/bits"
)// DecodeVarint takes a variable length VLQ based integer and
// decodes it into a 32 bit integer.
func DecodeVarint(input []byte) (uint32, error) {const lastBitSet = 0x80 // 1000 0000var d uint32var bitPos intfor i := len(input) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {n := uint8(input[i])// Process the first 7 bits and ignore the 8th.for checkBit := 0; checkBit < 7; checkBit++ {// Rotate the last bit off and move it to the back.// Before: 0000 0001// After:  1000 0000n = bits.RotateLeft8(n, -1)// Calculate based on only those 1 bits that were rotated.// Convert the bitPos to base 10.if n >= lastBitSet {switch {case bitPos == 0:d++default:base10 := math.Pow(2, float64(bitPos))d += uint32(base10)}}// Move the bit position.bitPos++}}return d, nil
}// EncodeVarint takes a 32 bit integer and encodes it into
// a variable length VLQ based integer.
func EncodeVarint(n uint32) []byte {const maxBytes = 4const eightBitSet = 0x80      // 1000 0000const lastBitSet = 0x80000000 // 1000 0000 0000 0000encoded := make([]byte, maxBytes)for bytePos := maxBytes - 1; bytePos >= 0; bytePos-- {var d uint8// Process the next 7 bits.for checkBit := 0; checkBit < 7; checkBit++ {// Rotate the last bit off and move it to the back.// Before: 0000 0000 0000 0001// After:  1000 0000 0000 0000n = bits.RotateLeft32(n, -1)// Calculate based on only those 1 bits that were// rotated. Convert the bit position to base 10.if n >= lastBitSet {switch {case checkBit == 0:d++default:base10 := math.Pow(2, float64(checkBit))d += uint8(base10)}}}// These values need the 8th bit to be set as 1.if bytePos < 3 {d += eightBitSet}// Store the value in reserve order.encoded[bytePos] = d}// Remove leading zero values by finding values that only// have their eight bit set.for bytePos, b := range encoded {if b == eightBitSet {continue}encoded = encoded[bytePos:]break}return encoded





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