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The Sims 4
Electronic Arts 电子艺术

Have you ever wondered how YouTube Simmers get their custom content—commonly referred to as “CC”—in their Sims 4 game? Electronic Arts never released an official tutorial on downloading CC in The Sims 4, and there are a lot of YouTube tutorials, but they can be vague.

您是否想过YouTube Simmers如何在Sims 4游戏中获得其自定义内容(通常称为“ CC”)? 电子艺界从未在The Sims 4中发布过官方下载CC的官方教程,并且YouTube教程很多,但它们可能含糊不清。

Custom content, or “Mods,” is additional assets and behaviors created by other players for the purpose of enriching the game beyond the base game that Maxis has published. This content often includes clothes for your Sims, traits, aspirations, and much more. Custom content is created and tested by users—it’s a big part of the Sims community.

自定义内容或“ Mods”是其他玩家为丰富游戏而不是Maxis发布的基本游戏而创建的其他资产和行为。 这些内容通常包括模拟人生的衣服,特质,志向等等。 自定义内容由用户创建和测试-这是Sims社区的重要组成部分。

In fact, Maxis encourages and supports the modding community! You can read more about that on The Sims 4 Mods and Game Updates FAQ page.

实际上,Maxis鼓励并支持改装社区! 您可以在《 The Sims 4 Mods和Game Updates常见问题解答》页面上了解有关此内容更多信息。

So, here’s a detailed tutorial on how to activate and download mods in The Sims 4 on Windows 10.

因此,这是有关如何在Windows 10的《模拟人生4 》中激活和下载mod的详细教程。

设置自定义内容 (Set Up Custom Content)

找到并打开您的Resource.cfg文件 (Locate and Open Your Resource.cfg File)

After launching The Sims 4 and enabling mods in your game, locate the Mods folder for The Sims 4. The default path for your Sims 4 folder is located in your Documents folder. The Mods folder will generate inside the Sims 4 folder once you have launched the game with mods enabled. In the Mods folder, there is a “Resource.cfg” file. Right-click to open it using a simple text editing program, such as Notepad. You should see something like this, but on one line:

启动Sims 4并在游戏中启用Mod后,找到Sims 4的Mods文件夹。 Sims 4文件夹的默认路径位于“文档”文件夹中。 启动启用了mods的游戏后,将在Sims 4文件夹内生成Mods文件夹。 在Mods文件夹中,有一个“ Resource.cfg”文件。 右键单击以使用简单的文本编辑程序(如记事本)将其打开。 您应该看到类似这样的内容,但是在一行上:

Priority 500
PackedFile *.package
PackedFile */*.package
PackedFile */*/*.package
PackedFile */*/*/*.package
PackedFile */*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile */*/*/*/*/*.package

Priority 500
PackedFile *.package
PackedFile */*.package
PackedFile */*/*.package
PackedFile */*/*/*.package
PackedFile */*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile */*/*/*/*/*.package

This shows how many folders deep the system will check for mods/CC. The number of asterisks equals the number of folders deep. There should be six by default, as shown here. If you’d like to add more, just follow the same pattern.

这显示了系统将检查mod / CC的文件夹深度。 星号的数量等于深文件夹的数量。 默认情况下,应该有六个,如下所示。 如果您想添加更多,只需遵循相同的模式。

在Mods文件夹中创建新文件夹 (Create New Folders in the Mods Folder)

This mostly goes for people who don’t have folders within the Mods folder yet or have made folders, but there’s nothing in them. If you have a couple of folders with stuff in them already but a bunch of things that aren’t, go ahead and follow along.

这主要适用于尚未在Mods文件夹中包含文件夹或已创建文件夹的人,但其中没有任何内容。 如果您已经有几个文件夹,里面已经有东西,但是没有很多东西,那就继续吧。

Create folders labeled “Build/Buy” and “CAS.” By creating folders to start with, you’ll be more prepared to keep your files organized later.

创建标记为“构建/购买”和“ CAS”的文件夹。 通过创建文件夹开始,您将为以后的文件整理做好准备。

在游戏中启用Mod (Enable Mods in Your Game)

After launching the Sims 4 game, you’ll see a three-dot icon in the top-right corner of the main menu. When you click this, you’ll get the settings menu. Click the “Other” tab and then select the “Enable Custom Content and Mods” option.

启动Sims 4游戏后,您会在主菜单的右上角看到一个三点图标。 当您单击此按钮时,您将获得设置菜单。 单击“其他”选项卡,然后选择“启用自定义内容和Mod”选项。

That was the easy part. Go ahead and enable “Script Mods Allowed,” too. When the boxes are ticked green, that means the mods have been enabled.

那是容易的部分。 继续并启用“允许的脚本修改”。 如果方框被打勾为绿色,则表示已启用Mod。

The Sims 4 Mods Enable

检查Mods文件夹现在位于您的EA文件夹中 (Check That the Mods Folder Is Now in Your EA Folder)

When you downloaded your game, you chose a folder to install The Sims 4 to. Navigate to it and locate the Mods folder. You can usually find this in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods, but you might have installed it in another location. We recommend using File Explorer’s built-in search box to help you locate the folder.

下载游戏时,您选择了一个文件夹来安装Sims 4 。 导航到它并找到“ Mods”文件夹。 通常可以在“文档”>“电子艺术”>“ The Sims 4”>“ Mods”中找到此文件,但您可能已将其安装在其他位置。 我们建议使用文件资源管理器的内置搜索框来帮助您找到该文件夹​​。

The Sims 4 Mods

选择一个模组并下载 (Choose a Mod and Download)

When clicking around and downloading mods, it’s very important to read the fine print. You’ll come across a huge selection of CC that’s compatible with the base game (no packs required), however, plenty of available mods will require a pack for one reason or another (like a re-texture of a base game item).

单击并下载mod时,阅读精美印刷品非常重要。 您会遇到与基本游戏兼容的大量CC(不需要包装),但是,由于一个或其他原因(例如重新制作基本游戏物品),许多可用的mod都需要一个包装。

For the sake of this tutorial, I chose a few base game compatible mods that are linked below. You’ll see that all of these mod pages say “base game compatible” in the description:

为了本教程的缘故,我选择了一些基本游戏兼容的模组,这些模组在下面链接。 您会在描述中看到所有这些mod页面都说“与基本游戏兼容”:

  • Clumsyalienn Female Autumn CC Collection


  • Grim Cookies Bonnie Hair


  • Stephanine Sims Ethan Top

    Stephanine Sims Ethan上衣

Note: The “Female Autumn Collection” has separate files, so you can pick and choose what you want to download. Packages will sometimes come separately, but not always. Sometimes a set will be available only as a merged pack of content.

注意: “女性秋季收藏”具有单独的文件,因此您可以选择要下载的内容。 软件包有时会单独出现,但并非总是如此。 有时,一组内容仅可作为内容的合并包使用。

Here’s a quick list of my favorite and trusted CC sites:


  • Peace’s Place




  • lilsimsie faves: Archive


  • Terms Of Use – Stephanie Plays The Sims 4!


将文件移到您的Mods文件夹 (Move the Files to Your Mods Folder)

Locate the downloaded files on your computer and then move the files manually to The Sims 4 Mods folder.

在计算机上找到下载的文件,然后将文件手动移动到Sims 4 Mods文件夹。

In the Mods folder, create a Mods Tutorial (any name will suffice) subfolder and move all of the “.package” files from the downloads folder into the Mods Tutorial folder. CC that appears in the “Create a Household” screen (clothes, hair, accessories, etc.) will be stored in the “CAS” folder, Build/Buy CC should go in the “Build Buy Mods” folder, and so on.

在Mods文件夹中,创建一个Mods Tutorial(任何名称都足够)子文件夹,然后将所有“ .package”文件从downloads文件夹移到Mods Tutorial文件夹中。 “创建家庭”屏幕(衣服,头发,配件等)中显示的CC将存储在“ CAS”文件夹中,“构建/购买” CC应存储在“ Build Buy Mods”文件夹中,依此类推。

The Sims 4 Mods Tutorial

Keeping your folders organized can help you single out corrupted files that cause issues in your game. Also, by putting newly downloaded mods in a separate folder, you can launch the game and decide whether or not you like the new mods you’ve downloaded. We suggest you store newly downloaded CC in a folder labeled “new mods” for organizational purposes.

整理好文件夹可以帮助您挑选出导致游戏中出现问题的损坏文件。 另外,通过将新下载的mod放在单独的文件夹中,您可以启动游戏并确定是否喜欢已下载的新mod。 我们建议您出于组织目的将新下载的CC存储在标有“新mod”的文件夹中。

If you launch the game and decide you don’t like what you’ve downloaded, it’s easy to navigate to the new folder and figure out which file to delete.


The Sims 4 Mods

The screenshot above includes the file names of the downloaded content linked earlier in this post for this how-to guide.


启动您的游戏! (Launch Your Game!)

Once you’re in the “Create a Household” screen, click over to the “Hair” section. If you’re having trouble finding the custom content you’ve downloaded, click the small arrow next to “Feminine,” click content, and check the box next to “Custom Content” so that the hair section shows only custom content you’ve downloaded. You can enable this filter on all screens, even in Build/Buy!

进入“创建家庭”屏幕后,单击到“头发”部分。 如果您在查找已下载的自定义内容时遇到问题,请单击“女性”旁边的小箭头,单击内容,然后选中“自定义内容”旁边的框,以便头发部分仅显示您已下载的自定义内容已下载。 您可以在所有屏幕上启用此过滤器,即使在“构建/购买”中也可以!

The Hair section of Create a Household

什么是Mod与脚本Mod? (What Is a Mod versus a Script Mod?)

Now that you’ve dabbled a little bit in custom content for The Sims 4, you must be wondering why we turned on script mods. Script mods are coding mods that can alter game behaviors, as opposed to pre-existing Maxis coding. One popular script mod is The Sims 4 MC Command Center Mod created by the user, Deaderpool.

既然您已经熟悉了《模拟人生4》的自定义内容,那么您一定想知道为什么我们打开了脚本mod。 脚本模块是可以更改游戏行为的编码模块,与预先存在的Maxis编码相反。 一种流行的脚本mod是由用户Deaderpool创建的Sims 4 MC Command Center Mod 。

The MC Command Center Mod has an abundance of options in the form of multiple modules that tackle different functionalities: adjusting household bills, making selected sims immortal, pregnancies, and even creating story progression-style mechanics. Pretty much anything you can think of, this mod can do it, and it’s updated on an on-going basis.

MC Command Center Mod具有多个模块形式的丰富选项,这些模块可以处理不同的功能:调整家庭账单,使选定的模拟人生不朽,怀孕,甚至创建故事级的风格机制。 您几乎可以想到的任何东西,此mod都能做到,并且会不断更新。

We’ve already gone over how to turn on script mods, but where do you place the MC Command Center mod in the Mods folder?

我们已经讨论了如何打开脚本mod,但是如何将MC Command Center mod放置在Mods文件夹中?

First, make sure the modules and packages are placed into the same folder and that the folder is no more than one level deep in The Sims 4 mod folder structure. For example, The Sims 4\Mods\MCCC is okay, but The Sims 4\Mods\Script Mods\MCCC is not.

首先,确保将模块和软件包放置在同一文件夹中,并且该文件夹在Sims 4 mod文件夹结构中的深度不超过一层。 例如,模拟人生4 \ Mods \ MCCC可以,但模拟人生4 \ Mods \ Script Mods \ MCCC则可以。

The Sims 4 MCC

The Sims 4 client will only go one-level deep when looking for script mods. In the screenshot above, you’ll see that the “McCmdCenter” file is in the very first level of the Mods folder. If you don’t do this correctly, script mods will not appear in your game.

Sims 4客户端在查找脚本模块时只会深入一层。 在上面的屏幕截图中,您将看到“ McCmdCenter”文件位于Mods文件夹的第一级。 如果操作不正确,脚本模块将不会出现在游戏中。

保存并备份您的Sims 4文件夹 (Save and Back Up Your Sims 4 Folder)

As a general rule, always back up your Sims 4 folder to a USB drive or external drive in case of disaster. Right-click your file and then select “Copy” (Ctrl + C on your keyboard), navigate to the safe location you’ve made, and then right-click and select “Paste” (Ctrl + V on your keyboard) into the new location.

通常,万一发生灾难,请始终将Sims 4文件夹备份到USB驱动器或外部驱动器。 右键单击您的文件,然后选择“复制”(键盘上的Ctrl + C),导航到您创建的安全位置,然后右键单击并选择“粘贴”(键盘上的Ctrl + V)到新位置。

This ensures you have an updated copy of your game (Sims families and your mods) should you have to reinstall the game. It takes time to build up a collection, and it’s a nuisance to lose progress just like losing any saved data for any other video game.

这可以确保您在必须重新安装游戏的情况下拥有游戏的更新副本(Sims系列和mods)。 建立收藏集需要花费时间,失去进度也很麻烦,就像丢失任何其他视频游戏的已保存数据一样。

And that about covers it! Remember, you should always contact the owner of the mod to report bugs or if you have any questions.

到此为止! 请记住,您应该始终联系该模块的所有者以报告错误或有任何疑问。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/540384/how-to-download-mods-in-the-sims-4/





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