
news/2024/10/23 5:44:30/


<div class="overbox"><div class="material-button alt-2"><span class="shape"></span></div><div class="title">注册</div><div class="input"><label for="regname">用户名</label><input type="text" name="regname" id="regname"><span class="spin"></span></div><div class="input"><label for="regpass">密码</label><input type="password" name="regpass" id="regpass"><span class="spin"></span></div><div class="input"><label for="reregpass">确认密码</label><input type="password" name="reregpass" id="reregpass"><span class="spin"></span></div><div class="button"><button><span>注册</span></button></div>

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js代码:$(function() {

$(".input input").focus(function() {

  $(this).parent(".input").each(function() {$("label", this).css({"line-height": "18px","font-size": "18px","font-weight": "100","top": "0px"})$(".spin", this).css({"width": "100%"})});

}).blur(function() {
( " . s p i n " ) . c s s ( " w i d t h " : " 0 p x " ) i f ( (".spin").css({ "width": "0px" }) if ( (".spin").css("width":"0px")if((this).val() == “”) {
$(this).parent(".input").each(function() {
$(“label”, this).css({
“line-height”: “60px”,
“font-size”: “24px”,
“font-weight”: “300”,
“top”: “10px”



KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: … oX = parseInt((this).offset().left),
oY = parseInt($(this).offset().top);

  $(this).append('<span class="click-efect x-' + oX + ' y-' + oY + '" style="margin-left:' + (pX - oX) + 'px;margin-top:' + (pY - oY) + 'px;"></span>')$('.x-' + oX + '.y-' + oY + '').animate({"width": "500px","height": "500px","top": "-250px","left": "-250px",}, 600);$("button", this).addClass('active');


KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …) { if (!(this).hasClass(‘material-button’)) {
“width”: “100%”,
“height”: “100%”,
“transform”: “rotate(0deg)”

     setTimeout(function() {$(".overbox").css({"overflow": "initial"})}, 600)$(this).animate({"width": "140px","height": "140px"}, 500, function() {$(".box").removeClass("back");$(this).removeClass('active')});$(".overbox .title").fadeOut(300);$(".overbox .input").fadeOut(300);$(".overbox .button").fadeOut(300);$(".alt-2").addClass('material-buton');}


$(".material-button").click(function() {

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coe_xfr_sql_profile.sql 使用案例

假设生产库有一个sql &#xff08;select * from test where id:1;&#xff09;&#xff0c;执行计划如下&#xff0c;我认为它走索引比较合适&#xff0c;但是无论如何加 hint &#xff0c;它始终还是走全表扫。 SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor); P…

用Python turtle库 绘制皮卡丘



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