
news/2025/1/3 7:43:20/



Converting an image to black and white is one of those simple tasks that photographers should be able to do well on any device. Unfortunately, a lot of the apps that do black and white conversions on smartphones don’t give the photographer a lot of control. Let’s look at how to do it properly.

将图像转换为黑白是摄影师应该能够在任何设备上完成的简单任务之一。 不幸的是,许多在智能手机上进行黑白转换的应用程序并没有赋予摄影师很多控制权。 让我们看看如何正确地做它。

如何在Android上轻松地将图像转换为黑白图像 (How to Convert Images to Black and White on Android, the Easy Way)

If you’re feeling lazy and want a quick solution, Google Photos—which comes bundled with Android—has a very easy way to convert an image to black and white.


First, open your photo in Google Photos. Then tap the “Edit” button, which looks like a pencil.

首先,在Google相册中打开您的照片。 然后点击看起来像铅笔的“编辑”按钮。

2017-01-10 15.02.03

When you do, you’ll be greeted with a number of filters. Some of these are black and white, so scroll through to find one you like and choose it.

当您这样做时,会遇到许多过滤器。 其中一些是黑白的,因此请滚动查找并选择所需的一个。

2017-01-10 15.03.17

Alternatively, tap the adjustments button (the three sliders in the middle) and Adjust the “Color” slider all the way to the left.


2017-01-10 15.03.43

When you’re done, tap “Save” to save your photo. Google will save your edited photo as a copy, so you still have the original if you want it.

完成后,点击“保存”以保存您的照片。 Google会将您编辑过的照片另存为副本,因此您仍然可以保留原始照片。

This is the easy way. You can make it look even better if you’re willing to tinker, so check out our “better method” in the third section of this post.

这是简单的方法。 如果愿意的话,可以使其看起来更好,因此请在本文的第三部分中查看我们的“更好的方法”。

如何在iOS上将图像转换为黑白图像的简便方法 (How to Convert Images to Black and White on iOS, the Easy Way)

Apple’s stock photos app has a very quick and easy way to convert an image to black and white, if you want the simplest solution.


Open the image you want to edit in Photos and tap the slider icon in the upper right corner.



You’ll get taken to Photos in built editor.



Next, tap the three overlapping circles icon to access the Filters.



There are three black and white filters to choose from: Mono, Tonal and Noir. Pick the one that works best for your image. I’ve gone with Noir.

共有三种黑白滤镜可供选择:单声道,色调和黑色。 选择最适合您的图像的一种。 我和黑诺一起去了。


Tap done and the changes will be applied.



Although Photos has some more powerful conversion tools built in, I find them a little confusing to use and not as flexible as other options. For a more advanced black and white conversion, check out the next section.

尽管“照片”内置了一些更强大的转换工具,但我发现它们使用起来有些混乱,并且不如其他选项灵活。 有关更高级的黑白转换,请查看下一部分。

如何将图像转换为黑白更好的方法 (How to Convert Images to Black and White, the Better Method)

If you really want your photo to look as good as possible, it’s more than just taking away the color. You can perform a lot of the following edits in Google Photos or Apple Photos, but I’m going to use Google’s Snapseed app (iOS, Android) for a few reasons:

如果您真的希望照片看起来更好,那不仅仅是去除色彩。 您可以在Google相册或Apple相册中执行以下许多编辑操作,但是出于以下几个原因,我将使用Google的Snapseed应用程序( iOS , Android ):

  • The same app is available on iOS and Android.

  • It’s free.

  • You get a bit more control than even Google and Apple Photos offer.

    您甚至比Google和Apple Photos提供的控制更多。
  • It’s still simple to use.


You can follow along with your photo editor of choice, but we really recommend Snapseed.


Open Snapseed on your smartphone and tap Open.



Scroll through your photos until you find the image you want to convert to black and white.



Select it to open it in Snapseed.



Tap the edit button (it’s the Pencil icon in the bottom right corner) to bring up the Tools and Filters options.



For this article, we only need to use the Black & White filter, so select it from the Filters menu.



The image will now be in black and white, but we’re far from done. We’ve got plenty of options to tweak and play with—it’s the reason we’re using Snapseed and not just applying the Inkwell filter in Instagram.

现在,图像将为黑白图像,但我们还远远没有完成。 我们有很多选项可以调整和使用-这就是我们使用Snapseed的原因,而不仅仅是在Instagram中应用Inkwell过滤器。

Let’s break down what each of the options does.


By default (at least for me), the Presets menu is open when I apply the Black & White filter.



There are six presets: Neutral, Contrast, Bright, Dark, Film and Darken Sky. They’re preset combination of the other settings we can configure rather than specific filters.

共有六个预设:“中性”,“对比度”,“明亮”,“黑暗”,“电影”和“变暗天空”。 它们是我们可以配置的其他设置的预设组合,而不是特定的过滤器。

For example, if you start with the Dark preset and then brighten it, you’ll end up with something that looks like the Neutral preset. Brighten it some more, and you’ll get the Bright preset, even though you started with Dark.

例如,如果从“黑暗”预设开始,然后将其变亮,则最终将得到类似于“中性”预设的内容。 对其进行更多的增亮,即使您从黑暗开始,也将获得“增亮”预设。

When you’re editing your image, try each preset to see what works well as a base for your image. I like Dark, but different things will work for different images.

编辑图像时,请尝试每个预设,以查看哪些功能可以作为图像的基础。 我喜欢黑暗,但不同的事物适用于不同的图像。

The sliders icon in the middle of the screen brings up three options: Brightness, Contrast and Film Grain.



These are the three options you’ll use the most to control how your image looks. Brightness controls the overall brightness of the image, Contrast the contrast and Grain adds noise to emulate the look of old films.

这是您最常用来控制图片外观的三个选项。 亮度控制图像的整体亮度,对比对比度,颗粒感会增加噪点以模仿旧胶片的外观。

The Dark preset has already decreased the Brightness of my image by 20 and increased the Contrast by 20. Different presets have different effects.


Swipe up and down on the screen to scroll through the three options.



Swipe left to decrease the value and swipe right to increase it.



You can access the three options at any time by swiping up and down. At the top of the screen, you can see which option you have currently selected and can always change it by swiping left and right.

您可以随时向上和向下滑动来访问这三个选项。 在屏幕顶部,您可以看到当前选择的选项,并且可以随时向左和向右滑动来更改它。

For my image, I’ve gone with a Brightness of -10, a Contrast of +25 and a Grain of +10. Play around with the options and go with whatever works for your image. You can always go back and change things.

对于我的图像,我的亮度为-10,对比度为+25,颗粒度为+10。 尝试各种选项,然后选择适合您图像的任何东西。 您可以随时返回并进行更改。


The final configuration options are the Color Filters. Tap the circular icon at the bottom of the screen to select them.

最终的配置选项是滤色器。 点按屏幕底部的圆形图标以将其选中。


The Color Filters work in a slightly weird way. They emulate physical filters that film photographers used to put in front of their lenses to modify the color of light and thus, how each color is converted to black and white. Because of how light works, each filter actually darkens the complementary colors of the filter color. For example, a red filter lets red light through but darkens blues and greens.

彩色滤光片的工作方式有点怪异。 他们模仿电影摄影师用来将其放置在镜头前的物理滤镜,以改变光的颜色,从而改变每种颜色如何转换为黑白。 由于光线的工作原理,每个滤镜实际上会使该滤镜颜色的互补色变暗。 例如,红色滤镜可让红色光通过,但蓝色和绿色变暗。

  • The Neutral filter leaves everything as normal.

  • The Red filter darkens blues and greens.

  • The Orange filter darkens blues and greens.

  • The Yellow filter darkens blues and magentas.

  • The Green filter darkens reds.

  • The Blue filter darkens reds and yellows.


That’s only a very rough guide as each filter has a slightly different effect on each color, but you don’t have to remember any of it.


To find a filter that works well for your image, just try each one. If you don’t like any, go with the Neutral filter.

要找到适合您图像的滤镜,只需尝试每个滤镜。 如果您不喜欢,请使用“中性”滤镜。

For my image, I went with the Yellow filter.



There are three buttons left we haven’t covered yet. In the top right corner is the before/after button. Hold this down to see what your image looked like before any edits. It’s really useful for making sure the changes you’re making improve the image.

剩下三个按钮我们还没有介绍。 右上角的前/后按钮。 按住此按钮可查看图像,然后再进行编辑。 这对于确保所做的更改可以改善图像非常有用。


The X in the bottom left corner cancels all the changes you’ve made while the tick in the bottom right corner accepts them. When you’re done, tap the tick in the bottom right to apply all the edits.

右下角的勾号接受您所做的所有更改,则左下角的X会取消您所做的所有更改。 完成后,请点击右下角的对勾以应用所有修改。

Now it’s time to save the image out. That way you can share it to social media or just keep a copy for yourself.

现在该保存图像了。 这样,您可以将其共享到社交媒体,也可以只保留一份副本。


Tap the Save button and then select the option you want to use. Normally, I save a Copy.

点击“保存”按钮,然后选择要使用的选项。 通常,我保存一份副本。


And that’s it, you’re done. Here’s what mine looks like after all the editing.

就是这样,您就完成了。 经过全部编辑后,这就是我的样子。


Sure, we could have just used a filter, but a little more editing goes a long way.





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