C++ Bit fields

news/2024/12/22 0:37:29/


  • “:” (colon) in C/C++ struct, what does it mean?
  • What does C++ struct syntax “a : b” mean?
  • What does :1 and :8 mean?

Example #1


struct BoxProps
{unsigned int  opaque       : 1;unsigned int  fill_color   : 3;unsigned int               : 4; // fill to 8 bitsunsigned int  show_border  : 1;unsigned int  border_color : 3;unsigned int  border_style : 2;unsigned char              : 0; // fill to nearest byte (16 bits)unsigned char width        : 4, // Split a byte into 2 fields of 4 bitsheight       : 4;

Example #2


struct f {unsigned int  flag : 1;  /* a bit flag: can either be on (1) or off (0) */signed int    num  : 4;  /* a signed 4-bit field; range -7...7 or -8...7 */signed int         : 3;  /* 3 bits of padding to round out to 8 bits */
} g;

Example #3


struct S
{// will usually occupy 2 bytes:// 3 bits: value of b1// 2 bits: unused// 6 bits: value of b2// 2 bits: value of b3// 3 bits: unusedunsigned char b1 : 3, : 2, b2 : 6, b3 : 2;

Example #4


// bit_fields1.cpp
// compile with: /LD
struct Date {unsigned short nWeekDay  : 3;    // 0..7   (3 bits)unsigned short nMonthDay : 6;    // 0..31  (6 bits)unsigned short nMonth    : 5;    // 0..12  (5 bits)unsigned short nYear     : 8;    // 0..100 (8 bits)

Example #5: union bit fields & uint8


union {
uint8_t raw;
struct {uint8_t a : 1;uint8_t b : 2;uint8_t padding : 5;
} U;



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