数据结构——单链表的实现以及原理讲解 配图文 超详解

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1.1 概念


2.1 List.h

2.2 List.cpp

2.2.1 init()初始化函数

2.2.2 Newnode()创建新结点

2.2.3 Pushfront()头插函数

2.2.4 Pushback()尾插函数

2.2.5 Popfront()头删函数

2.2.6 Popback()尾删函数

2.2.7  Find()查找函数

2.2.8 Insertfront()在指定位置之前插入元素

2.2.9 Insertback()指定位置之后插入元素

2.2.10 Erasepos() 删除指定位置的元素

2.2.11 Destory()单链表的销毁

 2.2.12 print()单链表的打印

2.3 test.cpp



1.1 概念








2.1 List.h


#pragma once
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1#include<iostream>
#include<stdlib.h>using namespace std;typedef int Datatype;struct List
{Datatype data;struct List* next;
};typedef struct List List;void init(List** ls);
List* Newnode(Datatype x);//生成节点
void print(List* ls);//打印
void Pushfront(List** sl, Datatype x);
void Pushback(List** sl, Datatype x);
void Popfront(List** sl);
void Popback(List** sl);
List* Find(List* sl, Datatype x);
void Insertfront(List** sl, List* pos, Datatype x);//指定位置之前
void Insertback(List** sl, List* pos, Datatype x);//指定位置之后
void Erasepos(List** sl, List* pos);//删除指定位置
void Eraseposback(List** sl, List* pos);//删除pos之后的
void Destory(List** sl);
void menu();


(2).在结构体中,Datatype data 为数据域, struct List* next 为指针域

2.2 List.cpp


#include"List.h"void init(List** sl)
{(*sl)->next = NULL;(*sl)->data = 0;
}void menu()
{printf("********************************\n");printf("***1.Pushfront     2.Pushback***\n");printf("***3.Popfront       4.Popback***\n");printf("***5.Insertfront 6.Insertback***\n");printf("***7.Erasepos  8.Eraseposback***\n");printf("***9.Destory         10.print***\n");printf("*********** 0.exit *************\n");printf("********************************\n");
}List* Newnode(Datatype x)//生成节点
{List* node = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));if (node == NULL){printf("malloc is failed\n");return NULL;}node->data = x;node->next = NULL;return node;
void print(List* ls)//打印
{if (ls == NULL){printf("ls is NULL\n");return;}List* cur = ls;while (cur){cout << cur->data << ' ';cur = cur->next;}cout << endl;
}void Pushfront(List** sl, Datatype x)
{if (sl == NULL){printf("sl is NULL\n");return;}List* node = Newnode(x);node->next = (*sl);(*sl) = node;}
void Pushback(List** sl, Datatype x)
{List* node = Newnode(x);if (sl == NULL){printf("sl is NULL\n");return;}if ((*sl) == NULL){(*sl) = node;return;}List* cur = (*sl);while (cur->next){cur = cur->next;}cur->next = node;}
void Popfront(List** sl)
{if (sl == NULL || (*sl) == NULL){printf("ls is empty!\n");return;}List* cur = (*sl)->next;//free(*sl);(*sl) = cur;
void Popback(List** sl)
{if (sl == NULL || (*sl) == NULL){printf("ls is empty!\n");return;}List* pre = NULL; List* cur = (*sl);if ((*sl)->next == NULL){free(*sl);*sl = NULL;}else{while (cur->next){pre = cur;cur = cur->next;}free(cur);cur = NULL;pre->next = NULL;}}List* Find(List* sl, Datatype x)
{List* cur = sl;while (cur && cur->data != x){cur = cur->next;}if (cur == NULL){printf("not have x\n");return NULL;}return cur;}void Insertfront(List** sl, List* pos, Datatype x)//指定位置之前
{if (sl == NULL){printf("sl is NULL\n");return;}List* node = Newnode(x);List* pre = NULL;List* cur = (*sl);if (pos == *sl){Pushfront(sl, x);}else{while (cur != pos){pre = cur;cur = cur->next;}pre->next = node;node->next = pos;}}
void Insertback(List** sl, List* pos, Datatype x)//指定位置之后
{if (sl == NULL){printf("sl is NULL\n");return;}List* node = Newnode(x);List* cur = (*sl);while (cur != pos){cur = cur->next;}node->next = pos->next;pos->next = node;
}void Erasepos(List** sl, List* pos)//删除指定位置
{if (sl == NULL){printf("sl is NULL\n");return;}if ((*sl) == NULL){printf("sl is empty\n");return;}List* cur = (*sl);if (pos == *sl){Popfront(sl);}else{while (cur->next != pos){cur = cur->next;}cur->next = pos->next;free(pos);}}
void Eraseposback(List** sl, List* pos)//删除pos之后的
{if (sl == NULL){printf("sl is NULL\n");return;}if ((*sl) == NULL){printf("sl is empty\n");return;}if (pos->next){List* pre = pos->next;pos->next = pos->next->next;free(pre);pre = NULL;}}void Destory(List** sl)
{if (sl == NULL){printf("sl is destory\n");return;}List* cur = *sl;List* next = NULL;while (cur){next = cur->next;free(cur);cur = next;}cur = NULL;next = NULL;*sl = NULL;}


2.2.1 init()初始化函数

void init(List** sl)
{(*sl)->next = NULL;(*sl)->data = 0;



2.2.2 Newnode()创建新结点

List* Newnode(Datatype x)//生成节点
{List* node = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));if (node == NULL){printf("malloc is failed\n");return NULL;}node->data = x;node->next = NULL;return node;

(1).由于要创建新结点,所以要返回创建的新结点,函数返回值为List* 。





2.2.3 Pushfront()头插函数

void Pushfront(List** head, Datatype x)
{if (head == NULL){printf("head is NULL\n");return;}List* newnode= Newnode(x);newnode->next = (*head);(*head) = newnode;}




newnode->next = (*head);


(*head) = newnode;




2.2.4 Pushback()尾插函数

void Pushback(List** head, Datatype x)
{List* newnode= Newnode(x);if (head == NULL){printf("head is NULL\n");return;}if ((*head) == NULL){(*head) = newnode;return;}List* cur = (*head);while (cur->next){cur = cur->next;}cur->next = newnode;}





(*head) = newnode;


while (cur->next)
{cur = cur->next;
}cur->next = newnode;


2.2.5 Popfront()头删函数

void Popfront(List** head)
{if (head == NULL || (*head) == NULL){printf("ls is empty!\n");return;}List* cur = (*head)->next;free(*head);(*head) = cur;






List* cur = (*head)->next;





(*head) = cur;

2.2.6 Popback()尾删函数

void Popback(List** head)
{if (head== NULL || (*head) == NULL){printf("headis empty!\n");return;}List* pre = NULL; List* cur = (*head);if ((*head)->next == NULL){free(*head);*head= NULL;}else{while (cur->next){pre = cur;cur = cur->next;}free(cur);cur = NULL;pre->next = NULL;}}




2.2.7  Find()查找函数

List* Find(List* head, Datatype x)
{List* cur = head;while (cur && cur->data != x){cur = cur->next;}if (cur == NULL){printf("not have x\n");return NULL;}return cur;}



2.2.8 Insertfront()在指定位置之前插入元素

void Insertfront(List** head, List* pos, Datatype x)//指定位置之前
{if (head == NULL){printf("sl is NULL\n");return;}List* node = Newnode(x);List* pre = NULL;List* cur = (*head);if (pos == *head){Pushfront(head, x);}else{while (cur != pos){pre = cur;cur = cur->next;}pre->next = node;node->next = pos;}





2.2.9 Insertback()指定位置之后插入元素

void Insertback(List** head, List* pos, Datatype x)//指定位置之后
{if (head== NULL){printf("head is NULL\n");return;}List* node = Newnode(x);node->next = pos->next;pos->next = node;





2.2.10 Erasepos() 删除指定位置的元素

void Erasepos(List** sl, List* pos)//删除指定位置
{if (sl == NULL){printf("sl is NULL\n");return;}if ((*sl) == NULL){printf("sl is empty\n");return;}List* cur = (*sl);if (pos == *sl){Popfront(sl);}else{while (cur->next != pos){cur = cur->next;}cur->next = pos->next;free(pos);}}






2.2.11 Destory()单链表的销毁

void Destory(List** sl)
{if (sl == NULL){printf("sl is destory\n");return;}List* cur = *sl;List* next = NULL;while (cur){next = cur->next;free(cur);cur = next;}cur = NULL;next = NULL;*sl = NULL;}


(2).先使得next 保存cur的下一个结点地址,然后释放cur,再使得cur指向next,循环往复。



 2.2.12 print()单链表的打印

void print(List* ls)//打印
{if (ls == NULL){printf("ls is NULL\n");return;}List* cur = ls;while (cur){cout << cur->data << ' ';cur = cur->next;}cout << endl;


2.3 test.cpp


#include"List.h"int main()
{List* node = NULL;//init(&node);Datatype x;Datatype y;List* POS = NULL;int op;int n;do{menu();printf("input option \n");cin >> op;switch (op){case 1:printf("input element number\n");cin >> n;while (n--){cin >> x;Pushfront(&node, x);}break;case 2:printf("input element number\n");cin >> n;while (n--){cin >> x;Pushback(&node, x);}break;case 3:Popfront(&node);break;case 4:Popback(&node);break;case 5:printf("input insert position \n");cin >> y;POS = Find(node,y);if (POS == NULL){printf("y is not in List\n");}else{printf("input insert element\n");cin >> x;Insertfront(&node, POS, x);}break;case 6:printf("input insert position \n");cin >> y;POS = Find(node, y);if (POS == NULL){printf("y is not in List\n");}else{printf("input insert element\n");cin >> x;Insertback(&node, POS, x);}break;case 7:printf("input insert position \n");cin >> y;POS = Find(node, y);if (POS == NULL){printf("y is not in List\n");}else{Erasepos(&node,POS);}break;case 8:printf("input insert position \n");cin >> y;POS = Find(node, y);if (POS == NULL){printf("y is not in List\n");}else{Eraseposback(&node, POS);}break;case 9:Destory(&node);break;case 10:print(node);break;case 0:break;default:printf("please reinput \n");break;}} while (op);return 0;





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