
server/2024/9/24 12:59:09/



unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs, StdCtrls;typeTForm1 = class(TForm)btn2: TButton;Memo1: TMemo;edt1: TEdit;edt2: TEdit;edt3: TEdit;btn3: TButton;edt4: TEdit;procedure btn2Click(Sender: TObject);procedure btn3Click(Sender: TObject);private{ Private declarations }public{ Public declarations }end;varForm1: TForm1;implementation
usesLuaRedis;{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm1.btn2Click(Sender: TObject);
varsTmp, sErrorMsg: string;
beginMemo1.Text := '';trysTmp := getValue(Trim(edt1.Text), sErrorMsg);    // value111Memo1.Text := sTmp + '->' + sErrorMsg;excepton e:Exception do beginShowMessage('【异常】' + e.Message);Exit;end;end;
end;procedure TForm1.btn3Click(Sender: TObject);
varsKey, sValue, sErrorMsg: string;
beginMemo1.Text := '';trysKey := Trim(edt2.Text);if setKeyValue(sKey, Trim(edt3.Text), StrToIntDef(Trim(edt4.Text), 0), sErrorMsg) then begin   // key111  value111sValue := getValue(Trim(edt2.Text), sErrorMsg);end;Memo1.Text := sKey + ':' + sValue + '->' + sErrorMsg;excepton e:Exception do beginShowMessage('【异常】' + e.Message);Exit;end;end;


        上面说的封装LuaRedis.pas单元(通过registerLuaState()和destroyLuaState()来加载和销毁lua的状态机),同时引用Lua.pas, LuaLib.pas单元,代码如下:

unit LuaRedis;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Lua, LuaLib;constC_LuaPathFileName = './luaScript/mytest.lua';function getValue(myKey: string; var sErrorMsg: string): string;function setKeyValue(myKey, myValue: string; myExpire: Integer; var sErrorMsg: string): Boolean;varLuaObj: TLua;L: TLuaState;implementationfunction loadLuaScript(sLuaPathFileName: String; var sErrorMsg: string): Boolean;
varnTmp: Integer;
beginResult := False;trysErrorMsg := '默认提示消息(loadLuaScript)!';if not FileExists(sLuaPathFileName) then beginsErrorMsg := '未查到路径中此Lua脚本文件(' + sLuaPathFileName + ')';Exit;end;nTmp := LuaObj.DoFile(sLuaPathFileName);case nTmp ofLUA_OK : beginsErrorMsg := '成功加载路径中此Lua脚本文件!';Result := True;end;LUA_ERRSYNTAX : sErrorMsg := '在预编译Lua文件时发现了语法错误!';LUA_ERRMEM : sErrorMsg := '在执行Lua文件时内存分配错误!';LUA_ERRRUN : sErrorMsg := '在执行Lua文件中在调用函数时发生了运行时错误!';elsesErrorMsg := '加载失败路径中此Lua脚本文件!';end;excepton e:Exception do beginResult := False;sErrorMsg := '【异常】方法(loadLuaScript):' + e.Message;Exit;end;end;
end;function getValue(myKey: string; var sErrorMsg: string): string;
varnRet: Integer;
begintrysErrorMsg := '默认提示消息(getValue)!';if not loadLuaScript(C_LuaPathFileName, sErrorMsg) then beginExit;end;lua_getglobal(L, 'getValue');lua_pushstring(L, PAnsiChar(myKey));nRet := lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0);if nRet = 0 then beginResult := lua_toString(L, -1);sErrorMsg := 'Lua脚本正常执行';Exit;end elsesErrorMsg := 'Lua脚本执行失败!';excepton e:Exception do beginResult := '';sErrorMsg := '【异常】方法(getValue):' + e.Message;Exit;end;end;
end;function setKeyValue(myKey, myValue: string; myExpire: Integer; var sErrorMsg: string): Boolean;
varnRet: Integer;
beginResult := False;trysErrorMsg := '默认提示消息(setKeyValue)!';if not loadLuaScript(C_LuaPathFileName, sErrorMsg) then beginExit;end;lua_getglobal(L, 'setKeyValue');lua_pushstring(L, PAnsiChar(myKey));lua_pushstring(L, PAnsiChar(myValue));lua_pushinteger(L, myExpire);nRet := lua_pcall(L, 3, 1, 0);if nRet = 0 then beginResult := (lua_toInteger(L, -1) = 1);sErrorMsg := 'Lua脚本正常执行';Exit;end elsesErrorMsg := 'Lua脚本执行失败!';excepton e:Exception do beginResult := False;sErrorMsg := '【异常】方法(setKeyValue):' + e.Message;Exit;end;end;
end;procedure registerLuaState();
beginif LuaObj = nil then beginLuaObj := TLua.Create;if L = nil then beginL := LuaObj.LuaInstance;end;// luaL_openlibs 是一个由 luaL(Lua 实用程序库)提供的函数,它用于打开一组标准的Lua库。// 这些库通常包括基础库(base)、字符串处理库(string)、表操作库(table)、数学函数库(math)、I/O库(io)、操作系统库(os)等。// 这个函数通常在你的C/C++程序中与Lua交互时使用,以提供完整的Lua标准库功能。luaL_openlibs(L);end;
end;procedure destroyLuaState();
beginif LuaObj <> nil then beginif L <> nil then beginL := nil;end;LuaObj.Free;end;

三、封装的Lua, LuaLib单元

        封装的Lua, LuaLib单元,代码如下:

/** * @package     Delphi Lua * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2009 Dennis D. Spreen ( * @license GNU Public License * @author      Dennis D. Spreen <> * @version     1.3 * @revision    $Id: Lua.pas 102 2009-09-30 11:39:41Z dennis.spreen $ */ History 
1.3     DS      Improved Callback, now uses pointer instead of object index Modified RegisterFunctions to allow methods from other class to be registered, moved object table into TLua class 
1.2 DS  Added example on how to extend lua with a delphi dll 
1.1     DS      Improved global object table, this optimizes the delphi function calls 
1.0     DS      Initial Release Copyright 2009  Dennis D. Spreen (email : This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 
(at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA 
}  unit Lua;  interface  uses  Classes,  LuaLib;  type  TLuaState = Lua_State;  TLua = class(TObject)  private  fAutoRegister: Boolean;  CallbackList: TList;  // internal callback list  public  LuaInstance: TLuaState;  // Lua instance  constructor Create(AutoRegister: Boolean = True); overload; virtual;  destructor Destroy; override;  function DoFile(Filename: String): Integer; virtual;// load file and execute  procedure RegisterFunction(FuncName: AnsiString; MethodName: AnsiString = ''; Obj: TObject = NIL); virtual; //register function  procedure AutoRegisterFunctions(Obj: TObject);  // register all published functions  procedure UnregisterFunctions(Obj: TObject); // unregister all object functions  end;  implementation  type  TProc = function(L: TLuaState): Integer of object; // Lua Function  TCallback = class  Routine: TMethod;  // Code and Data for the method  Exec: TProc;       // Resulting execution function  end;  //  
// This function is called by Lua, it extracts the object by  
// pointer to the objects method by name, which is then called.  
// @param       Lua_State   L   Pointer to Lua instance  
// @return      Integer         Number of result arguments on stack  
function LuaCallBack(L: Lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  
var  CallBack: TCallBack;       // The Object stored in the Object Table  
begin  // Retrieve first Closure Value (=Object Pointer)  CallBack := lua_topointer(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));  // Execute only if Object is valid  if (assigned(CallBack) and assigned(CallBack.Exec)) then  Result := CallBack.Exec(L)  else  Result := 0;  
end;  { TLua }  //  
// Create a new Lua instance and optionally create Lua functions  
// @param       Boolean      AutoRegister       (optional)  
// @return      TLua                            Lua Instance  
constructor TLua.Create(AutoRegister: Boolean = True);
begin  inherited Create;  // Load Lua Lib if not already done  if (not LuaLibLoaded) then  LoadLuaLib();  // Open Library  LuaInstance := Lua_Open();  luaopen_base(LuaInstance);  fAutoRegister := AutoRegister;  // Create Object List on initialization  CallBackList := TList.Create;  // if set then register published functions  if (AutoRegister) then  AutoRegisterFunctions(self);  
end;  //  
// Dispose Lua instance  
destructor TLua.Destroy;  
begin  // Unregister all functions if previously autoregistered  if (fAutoRegister) then  UnregisterFunctions(Self);  // dispose Object List on finalization  CallBackList.Free;  // Close instance  Lua_Close(LuaInstance);  inherited;  
end;  //  
// Wrapper for Lua File load and Execution  
// @param       String  Filename        Lua Script file name  
// @return      Integer  
function TLua.DoFile(Filename: String): Integer;  
begin  Result := lual_dofile(LuaInstance, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Filename)));  
end;  //  
// Register a new Lua Function and map it to the Objects method name  
// @param       AnsiString      FuncName        Lua Function Name  
// @param       AnsiString      MethodName      (optional) Objects Method name  
procedure TLua.RegisterFunction(FuncName: AnsiString; MethodName: AnsiString = ''; Obj: TObject = NIL);  
var  CallBack: TCallBack; // Callback Object  
begin  // if method name not specified use Lua function name  if (MethodName = '') then  MethodName := FuncName;  // if not object specified use this object  if (Obj = NIL) then  Obj := Self;  // Add Callback Object to the Object Index  CallBack := TCallBack.Create;  CallBack.Routine.Data := Obj;  CallBack.Routine.Code := Obj.MethodAddress(String(MethodName));  CallBack.Exec := TProc(CallBack.Routine);  CallbackList.Add(CallBack);  // prepare Closure value (Method Name)  lua_pushstring(LuaInstance, PAnsiChar(FuncName));  // prepare Closure value (CallBack Object Pointer)  lua_pushlightuserdata(LuaInstance, CallBack);  // set new Lua function with Closure value  lua_pushcclosure(LuaInstance, LuaCallBack, 1);  lua_settable(LuaInstance, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);  
end;  //  
// UnRegister all new Lua Function  
// @param       TObject     Object      Object with prev registered lua functions  
procedure TLua.UnregisterFunctions(Obj: TObject);  
var  I: Integer;  CallBack: TCallBack;  
begin  // remove obj from object list  for I := CallBackList.Count downto 1 do  begin  CallBack := CallBackList[I-1];  if (assigned(CallBack)) and (CallBack.Routine.Data = Obj) then  begin  CallBack.Free;  CallBackList.Items[I-1] := NIL;  CallBackList.Delete(I-1);  end;  end;  
end;  //  
// Register all published methods as Lua Functions  
procedure TLua.AutoRegisterFunctions(Obj: TObject);  
type  PPointer = ^Pointer;  PMethodRec = ^TMethodRec;  TMethodRec = packed record  wSize: Word;  pCode: Pointer;  sName: ShortString;  end;  
var  MethodTable: PAnsiChar;  MethodRec: PMethodRec;  wCount: Word;  nMethod: Integer;  
begin  // Get a pointer to the class's published method table  MethodTable := PAnsiChar(Pointer(PAnsiChar(Obj.ClassType) + vmtMethodTable)^);  if (MethodTable <> Nil) then  begin  // Get the count of the methods in the table  Move(MethodTable^, wCount, 2);  // Position the MethodRec pointer at the first method in the table  // (skip over the 2-byte method count)  MethodRec := PMethodRec(MethodTable + 2);  // Iterate through all the published methods of this class  for nMethod := 0 to wCount - 1 do  begin  // Add the method name to the lua functions  RegisterFunction(MethodRec.sName, MethodRec.sName, Obj);  // Skip to the next method  MethodRec := PMethodRec(PAnsiChar(MethodRec) + MethodRec.wSize);  end;  end;  
end;  end.
* Original copyright for the lua source and headers: 
*  1994-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio. 
* Copyright for the Delphi adaptation: 
*  2005 Rolf Meyerhoff 
* Copyright for the Lua 5.1 adaptation: 
*  2007 Marco Antonio Abreu 
*  All rights reserved. 
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining 
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including 
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, 
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to 
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to 
* the following conditions: 
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be 
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 
unit LuaLib;  interface  const  LUA_VERSION   = 'Lua 5.1';  LUA_RELEASE   = 'Lua 5.1.2';  LUA_COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 1994-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio';  LUA_AUTHORS   = 'R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo & W. Celes';  LUA_PASCAL_51_AUTHOR = 'Marco Antonio Abreu';  LUA_PASCAL_51_COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 2007 Marco Antonio Abreu';  (* mark for precompiled code (`<esc>Lua') *)  LUA_SIGNATURE = #27'Lua';  (* option for multiple returns in `lua_pcall' and `lua_call' *)  LUA_MULTRET   = -1;  (* ** pseudo-indices *)  LUA_REGISTRYINDEX = -10000;  LUA_ENVIRONINDEX  = -10001;  LUA_GLOBALSINDEX  = -10002;  (* thread status; 0 is OK *)LUA_OK        = 0;   // (通常定义为 0):文件已成功加载,但尚未执行。此时,你可以使用 lua_pcall 或 lua_call 来执行它。LUA_TRD_YIELD = 1;LUA_ERRRUN    = 2;   // 在运行错误处理函数(由 lua_atpanic 设置)时发生了错误LUA_ERRSYNTAX = 3;   // 在预编译文件时发现了语法错误。LUA_ERRMEM    = 4;   // 内存分配错误。LUA_ERRERR    = 5;  (* extra error code for `luaL_load' *)  LUA_ERRFILE   = LUA_ERRERR + 1;  (* ** basic types *)  LUA_TNONE          = -1;  LUA_TNIL           = 0;  LUA_TBOOLEAN       = 1;  LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA = 2;  LUA_TNUMBER        = 3;  LUA_TSTRING        = 4;  LUA_TTABLE         = 5;  LUA_TFUNCTION      = 6;  LUA_TUSERDATA      = 7;  LUA_TTHREAD        = 8;  (* minimum Lua stack available to a C function *)  LUA_MINSTACK       = 20;  (* ** garbage-collection function and options *)  LUA_GCSTOP        = 0;  LUA_GCRESTART     = 1;  LUA_GCCOLLECT     = 2;  LUA_GCCOUNT       = 3;  LUA_GCCOUNTB      = 4;  LUA_GCSTEP        = 5;  LUA_GCSETPAUSE    = 6;  LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL  = 7;  (* ** {====================================================================== ** Debug API ** ======================================================================= *)  (* ** Event codes *)  LUA_HOOKCALL    = 0;  LUA_HOOKRET     = 1;  LUA_HOOKLINE    = 2;  LUA_HOOKCOUNT   = 3;  LUA_HOOKTAILRET = 4;  (* ** Event masks *)  LUA_MASKCALL  = (1 shl LUA_HOOKCALL);  LUA_MASKRET   = (1 shl LUA_HOOKRET);  LUA_MASKLINE  = (1 shl LUA_HOOKLINE);  LUA_MASKCOUNT = (1 shl LUA_HOOKCOUNT);  (* ** {====================================================================== ** useful definitions for Lua kernel and libraries ** ======================================================================= *)  (* @@ LUA_NUMBER_SCAN is the format for reading numbers. @@ LUA_NUMBER_FMT is the format for writing numbers. @@ lua_number2str converts a number to a string. @@ LUAI_MAXNUMBER2STR is maximum size of previous conversion. @@ lua_str2number converts a string to a number. *)  LUA_NUMBER_SCAN   =   '%lf';  LUA_NUMBER_FMT     =  '%.14g';  LUAI_MAXNUMBER2STR =  32;  (* 16 digits, sign, point, and \0 *)  (* pre-defined references *)  LUA_NOREF  = -2;  LUA_REFNIL = -1;  LUA_IDSIZE = 60;  (* ** package names *)  LUA_COLIBNAME   = 'coroutine';  LUA_TABLIBNAME  = 'table';  LUA_IOLIBNAME   = 'io';  LUA_OSLIBNAME   = 'os';  LUA_STRLIBNAME  = 'string';  LUA_MATHLIBNAME = 'math';  LUA_DBLIBNAME   = 'debug';  LUA_LOADLIBNAME = 'package';  (* ** {====================================================== ** Generic Buffer manipulation ** ======================================================= *)  BUFSIZ = 512; (* From stdio.h *)  LUAL_BUFFERSIZE = BUFSIZ;  type  lua_State = type Pointer;  lua_CFunction = function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  (* ** functions that read/write blocks when loading/dumping Lua chunks *)  lua_Reader = function(L: lua_State; data: Pointer; var size: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  lua_Writer = function(L: lua_State; p: Pointer; sz: Cardinal; ud: Pointer): Integer; cdecl;  (* ** prototype for memory-allocation functions *)  lua_Alloc = function(ud, ptr: Pointer; osize, nsize: Cardinal): Pointer; cdecl;  (* type of numbers in Lua *)  lua_Number  = type double;  (* type for integer functions *)  lua_Integer = type integer;  lua_Debug = packed record  event: Integer;  name: PAnsiChar; (* (n) *)  namewhat: PAnsiChar; (* (n) `global', `local', `field', `method' *)  what: PAnsiChar; (* (S) `Lua', `C', `main', `tail' *)  source: PAnsiChar; (* (S) *)  currentline: Integer; (* (l) *)  nups: Integer;  (* (u) number of upvalues *)  linedefined: Integer; (* (S) *)  lastlinedefine: Integer;    (* (S) *)  short_src: array[0..LUA_IDSIZE - 1] of AnsiChar; (* (S) *)  (* private part *)  i_ci: Integer; (* active function *)  end;  (* Functions to be called by the debuger in specific events *)  lua_Hook = procedure(L: lua_State; var ar: lua_Debug); cdecl;  (* Lua Record *)  PluaL_reg = ^luaL_reg;  luaL_reg = packed record  name: PAnsiChar;  func: lua_CFunction;  end;  (* ** {====================================================== ** Generic Buffer manipulation ** ======================================================= *)  luaL_Buffer = packed record  p: PAnsiChar; (* current position in buffer *)  lvl: Integer;  (* number of strings in the stack (level) *)  L: lua_State;  buffer: array[0..LUAL_BUFFERSIZE - 1] of AnsiChar;  end;  var  (* ** state manipulation *)  lua_newstate:  function(f: lua_Alloc; ud: Pointer): lua_State; cdecl;  lua_close:     procedure(L: lua_State); cdecl;  lua_newthread: function(L: lua_State): lua_State; cdecl;  lua_atpanic:   function(L: lua_State; panicf: lua_CFunction): lua_CFunction; cdecl;  (* ** basic stack manipulation *)  lua_gettop:     function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  lua_settop:     procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  lua_pushvalue:  procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  lua_remove:     procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  lua_insert:     procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  lua_replace:    procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  lua_checkstack: function(L: lua_State; extra: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_xmove:      procedure(from, dest: lua_State; n: Integer); cdecl;  (* ** access functions (stack -> C/Pascal) *)  lua_isnumber:    function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_isstring:    function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_iscfunction: function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_isuserdata:  function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_type:        function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl;  lua_typename:    function(L: lua_State; tp: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  lua_equal:       function(L: lua_State; idx1, idx2: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_rawequal:    function(L: lua_State; idx1, idx2: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_lessthan:    function(L: lua_State; idx1, idx2: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_tonumber:    function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_Number; cdecl;  lua_tointeger:   function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_Integer; cdecl;  lua_toboolean:   function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_tolstring:   function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer; var len: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  lua_objlen:      function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Cardinal; cdecl;  lua_tocfunction: function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_CFunction; cdecl;  lua_touserdata:  function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;  lua_tothread:    function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_State; cdecl;  lua_topointer:   function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;  (* ** push functions (C/Pascal -> stack) *)  lua_pushnil:      procedure(L: lua_State); cdecl;  lua_pushnumber:   procedure(L: lua_State; n: lua_Number); cdecl;  lua_pushinteger:  procedure(L: lua_State; n: lua_Integer); cdecl;  lua_pushlstring:  procedure(L: lua_State; s: PAnsiChar; len: Cardinal); cdecl;  lua_pushstring:   procedure(L: lua_State; s: PAnsiChar); cdecl;  lua_pushvfstring: function(L: lua_State; fmt, argp: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  lua_pushfstring:  function(L: lua_State; fmt: PAnsiChar; args: array of const): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  lua_pushcclosure: procedure(L: lua_State; fn: lua_CFunction; n: Integer); cdecl;  lua_pushboolean:  procedure(L: lua_State; b: LongBool); cdecl;  lua_pushlightuserdata: procedure(L: lua_State; p: Pointer); cdecl;  lua_pushthread:   function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  (* ** get functions (Lua -> stack) *)  lua_gettable:     procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  lua_getfield:     procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer; k: PAnsiChar); cdecl;  lua_rawget:       procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  lua_rawgeti:      procedure(L: lua_State; idx, n: Integer); cdecl;  lua_createtable:  procedure(L: lua_State; narr, nrec: Integer); cdecl;  lua_newuserdata:  function(L: lua_State; size: Cardinal): Pointer; cdecl;  lua_getmetatable: function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_getfenv:      procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  (* ** set functions (stack -> Lua) *)  lua_settable:     procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  lua_setfield:     procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer; k: PAnsiChar ); cdecl;  lua_rawset:       procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl;  lua_rawseti:      procedure(L: lua_State; idx, n: Integer); cdecl;  lua_setmetatable: function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  lua_setfenv:      function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): LongBool; cdecl;  (* ** `load' and `call' functions (load and run Lua code) *)  lua_call:   procedure(L: lua_State; nargs, nresults: Integer); cdecl;  lua_pcall:  function(L: lua_State; nargs, nresults, errfunc: Integer): Integer; cdecl;  lua_cpcall: function(L: lua_State; func: lua_CFunction; ud: Pointer): Integer; cdecl;  lua_load:   function(L: lua_State; reader: lua_Reader; data: Pointer; chunkname: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  lua_dump:   function(L: lua_State; writer: lua_Writer; data: Pointer): Integer; cdecl;  (* ** coroutine functions *)  lua_yield:  function(L: lua_State; nresults: Integer): Integer; cdecl;  lua_resume: function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer): Integer; cdecl;  lua_status: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  (* ** garbage-collection functions *)  lua_gc: function(L: lua_State; what, data: Integer): Integer; cdecl;  (* ** miscellaneous functions *)  lua_error:  function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  lua_next:   function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl;  lua_concat: procedure(L: lua_State; n: Integer); cdecl;  lua_getallocf: function(L: lua_State; ud: Pointer): lua_Alloc; cdecl;  lua_setallocf: procedure(L: lua_State; f: lua_Alloc; ud: Pointer); cdecl;  (* ** {====================================================================== ** Debug API ** ======================================================================= *)  lua_getstack:   function(L: lua_State; level: Integer; var ar: lua_Debug): Integer; cdecl;  lua_getinfo:    function(L: lua_State; what: PAnsiChar; var ar: lua_Debug): Integer; cdecl;  lua_getlocal:   function(L: lua_State; var ar: lua_Debug; n: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  lua_setlocal:   function(L: lua_State; var ar: lua_Debug; n: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  lua_getupvalue: function(L: lua_State; funcindex, n: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  lua_setupvalue: function(L: lua_State; funcindex, n: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  lua_sethook:      function(L: lua_State; func: lua_Hook; mask, count: Integer): Integer; cdecl;  lua_gethook:      function(L: lua_State): lua_Hook; cdecl;  lua_gethookmask:  function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  lua_gethookcount: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  (* lua libraries *)  luaopen_base:    function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  luaopen_debug:   function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  luaopen_io:      function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  luaopen_math:    function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  luaopen_os:      function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  luaopen_package: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  luaopen_string:  function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  luaopen_table:   function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl;  (* open all previous libraries *)  luaL_openlibs:   procedure(L: lua_State); cdecl;  luaL_register:     procedure(L: lua_State; libname: PAnsiChar; lr: PluaL_reg); cdecl;  luaL_getmetafield: function(L: lua_State; obj: Integer; e: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_callmeta:     function(L: lua_State; obj: Integer; e: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_typerror:     function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; tname: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_argerror:     function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; extramsg: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_checklstring: function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; var len: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  luaL_optlstring:   function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; d: PAnsiChar; var len: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  luaL_checknumber:  function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer): lua_Number; cdecl;  luaL_optnumber:    function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; d: lua_Number): lua_Number; cdecl;  luaL_checkinteger: function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer): lua_Integer; cdecl;  luaL_optinteger:   function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; d: lua_Integer): lua_Integer; cdecl;  luaL_checkstack: procedure(L: lua_State; sz: Integer; msg: PAnsiChar); cdecl;  luaL_checktype:  procedure(L: lua_State; narg, t: Integer); cdecl;  luaL_checkany:   procedure(L: lua_State; narg: Integer); cdecl;  luaL_newmetatable: function(L: lua_State; tname: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_checkudata:   function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; tname: PAnsiChar): Pointer; cdecl;  luaL_checkoption: function(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; def: PAnsiChar; lst: array of PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_where: procedure(L: lua_State; lvl: Integer); cdecl;  luaL_error: function(L: lua_State; fmt: PAnsiChar; args: array of const): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_ref:   function(L: lua_State; t: Integer): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_unref: procedure(L: lua_State; t, ref: Integer); cdecl;  {$ifdef LUA_COMPAT_GETN}  luaL_getn: function(L: lua_State; t: Integer): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_setn: procedure(L: lua_State; t, n: Integer); cdecl;  
{$endif}  luaL_loadfile:   function(L: lua_State; filename: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_loadbuffer: function(L: lua_State; buff: PAnsiChar; sz: Cardinal; name: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_loadstring: function(L: lua_State; s: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl;  luaL_newstate:  function(): lua_State; cdecl;  luaL_gsub:      function(L: lua_State; s, p, r: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  luaL_findtable: function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer; fname: PAnsiChar; szhint: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  luaL_buffinit:   procedure(L: lua_State; var B: luaL_Buffer); cdecl;  luaL_prepbuffer: function(var B: luaL_Buffer): PAnsiChar; cdecl;  luaL_addlstring: procedure(var B: luaL_Buffer; s: PAnsiChar; l: Cardinal); cdecl;  luaL_addstring:  procedure(var B: luaL_Buffer; s: PAnsiChar); cdecl;  luaL_addvalue:   procedure(var B: luaL_Buffer); cdecl;  luaL_pushresult: procedure(var B: luaL_Buffer); cdecl;  (* ** =============================================================== ** some useful macros ** =============================================================== *)  {$ifndef LUA_COMPAT_GETN}  function  luaL_getn(L: lua_State; t: Integer): Integer;  procedure luaL_setn(L: lua_State; t, n: Integer);   
{$endif}  (* pseudo-indices *)  function lua_upvalueindex(i: Integer): Integer;  (* to help testing the libraries *)  procedure lua_assert(c: Boolean);  function lua_number2str(s: Lua_Number; n: Integer): String;  function lua_str2number(s: String; p: integer): Lua_Number;  (* argument and parameters checks *)  function luaL_argcheck(L: lua_State; cond: Boolean; narg: Integer; extramsg: PAnsiChar): Integer;  function luaL_checkstring(L: lua_State; narg: Integer): PAnsiChar;  function luaL_optstring(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; d: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar;  function luaL_checkint(L: lua_State; narg: Integer): Integer;  function luaL_optint(L: lua_State; narg, d: Integer): Integer;  function luaL_checklong(L: lua_State; narg: Integer): LongInt;  function luaL_optlong(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; d: LongInt): LongInt;  function luaL_typename(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): PAnsiChar;  function luaL_dofile(L: lua_State; filename: PAnsiChar): Integer;  function luaL_dostring(L: lua_State; str: PAnsiChar): Integer;  procedure luaL_getmetatable(L: lua_State; tname: PAnsiChar);  (* Generic Buffer manipulation *)  procedure luaL_addchar(var B: luaL_Buffer; c: AnsiChar);  procedure luaL_putchar(var B: luaL_Buffer; c: AnsiChar);  procedure luaL_addsize(var B: luaL_Buffer; n: Cardinal);  function luaL_check_lstr(L: lua_State; numArg: Integer; var ls: Cardinal): PAnsiChar;  function luaL_opt_lstr(L: lua_State; numArg: Integer; def: PAnsiChar; var ls: Cardinal): PAnsiChar;  function luaL_check_number(L: lua_State; numArg: Integer): lua_Number;  function luaL_opt_number(L: lua_State; nArg: Integer; def: lua_Number): lua_Number;  function luaL_arg_check(L: lua_State; cond: Boolean; numarg: Integer; extramsg: PAnsiChar): Integer;  function luaL_check_string(L: lua_State; n: Integer): PAnsiChar;  function luaL_opt_string(L: lua_State; n: Integer; d: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar;  function luaL_check_int(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Integer;  function luaL_check_long(L: lua_State; n: LongInt): LongInt;  function luaL_opt_int(L: lua_State; n, d: Integer): Integer;  function luaL_opt_long(L: lua_State; n: Integer; d: LongInt): LongInt;  procedure lua_pop(L: lua_State; n: Integer);  procedure lua_newtable(L: lua_State);  procedure lua_register(L: lua_state; name: PAnsiChar; f: lua_CFunction);  procedure lua_pushcfunction(L: lua_State; f: lua_CFunction);  function  lua_strlen(L: lua_State; i: Integer): Cardinal;  function lua_isfunction(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  function lua_istable(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  function lua_islightuserdata(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  function lua_isnil(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  function lua_isboolean(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  function lua_isthread(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  function lua_isnone(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  function lua_isnoneornil(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  procedure lua_pushliteral(L: lua_State; s: PAnsiChar);  procedure lua_setglobal(L: lua_State; name: PAnsiChar);  procedure lua_getglobal(L: lua_State; name: PAnsiChar);  function  lua_tostring(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): PAnsiChar;  (* ** compatibility macros and functions *)  function  lua_open(): lua_State;  procedure lua_getregistry(L: lua_State);  function  lua_getgccount(L: lua_State): Integer;  (* compatibility with ref system *)  function  lua_ref(L: lua_State; lock: Boolean): Integer;  procedure lua_unref(L: lua_State; ref: Integer);  procedure lua_getref(L: lua_State; ref: Integer);  (* ** Dynamic library manipulation *)  function  GetProcAddr( fHandle: THandle; const methodName: String; bErrorIfNotExists: Boolean = True ): Pointer;  procedure SetLuaLibFileName( newLuaLibFileName: String );  function  GetLuaLibFileName(): String;  function  LoadLuaLib( newLuaLibFileName: String = '' ): Integer;  procedure FreeLuaLib();  function LuaLibLoaded: Boolean;  implementation  uses  SysUtils, Math,  
{$ifdef MSWINDOWS}  Windows  
;  var  fLibHandle: Integer = 0;  
{$ifdef MSWINDOWS}  fLuaLibFileName: String = 'Lua5.1.dll';  
{$ifdef LINUX}  fLuaLibFileName: String = '';  
{$endif}  (* 
** Dynamic library manipulation 
*)  function GetProcAddr( fHandle: THandle; const methodName: String; bErrorIfNotExists: Boolean = True ): Pointer;  
begin  Result := GetProcAddress( fHandle, PAnsiChar( AnsiString(methodName) ) );  if bErrorIfNotExists and ( Result = nil ) then  Raise Exception.Create( 'Cannot load method ' + QuotedStr( methodName ) + ' from dynamic library.' );  
end;  procedure SetLuaLibFileName( newLuaLibFileName: String );  
begin  fLuaLibFileName := newLuaLibFileName;  
end;  function GetLuaLibFileName(): String;  
begin  Result := fLuaLibFileName;  
end;  function LuaLibLoaded: Boolean;  
begin  Result := fLibHandle <> 0;  
end;  function LoadLuaLib(newLuaLibFileName: String): Integer;  
begin  FreeLuaLib();  if newLuaLibFileName <> '' then  SetLuaLibFileName( newLuaLibFileName );  if not FileExists( GetLuaLibFileName() ) then begin  Result := -1;  exit;  end;  //  fLibHandle := LoadLibrary(PWideChar( (GetLuaLibFileName() ) ));  fLibHandle := LoadLibrary(PAnsiChar( (GetLuaLibFileName() ) ));if fLibHandle = 0 then begin  Result := -2;  exit;  end;  lua_newstate       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_newstate' );  lua_close          := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_close' );  lua_newthread      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_newthread' );  lua_atpanic        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_atpanic' );  lua_gettop         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_gettop' );  lua_settop         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_settop' );  lua_pushvalue      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushvalue' );  lua_remove         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_remove' );  lua_insert         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_insert' );  lua_replace        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_replace' );  lua_checkstack     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_checkstack' );  lua_xmove          := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_xmove' );  lua_isnumber       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_isnumber' );  lua_isstring       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_isstring' );  lua_iscfunction    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_iscfunction' );  lua_isuserdata     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_isuserdata' );  lua_type           := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_type' );  lua_typename       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_typename' );  lua_equal          := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_equal' );  lua_rawequal       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_rawequal' );  lua_lessthan       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_lessthan' );  lua_tonumber       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_tonumber' );  lua_tointeger      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_tointeger' );  lua_toboolean      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_toboolean' );  lua_tolstring      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_tolstring' );  lua_objlen         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_objlen' );  lua_tocfunction    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_tocfunction' );  lua_touserdata     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_touserdata' );  lua_tothread       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_tothread' );  lua_topointer      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_topointer' );  lua_pushnil        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushnil' );  lua_pushnumber     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushnumber' );  lua_pushinteger    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushinteger' );  lua_pushlstring    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushlstring' );  lua_pushstring     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushstring' );  lua_pushvfstring   := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushvfstring' );  lua_pushfstring    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushfstring' );  lua_pushcclosure   := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushcclosure' );  lua_pushboolean    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushboolean' );  lua_pushlightuserdata := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushlightuserdata' );  lua_pushthread     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pushthread' );  lua_gettable       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_gettable' );  lua_getfield       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_getfield' );  lua_rawget         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_rawget' );  lua_rawgeti        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_rawgeti' );  lua_createtable    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_createtable' );  lua_newuserdata    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_newuserdata' );  lua_getmetatable   := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_getmetatable' );  lua_getfenv        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_getfenv' );  lua_settable       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_settable' );  lua_setfield       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_setfield' );  lua_rawset         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_rawset' );  lua_rawseti        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_rawseti' );  lua_setmetatable   := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_setmetatable' );  lua_setfenv        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_setfenv' );  lua_call           := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_call' );  lua_pcall          := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_pcall' );  lua_cpcall         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_cpcall' );  lua_load           := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_load' );  lua_dump           := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_dump' );  lua_yield          := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_yield' );  lua_resume         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_resume' );  lua_status         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_status' );  lua_gc             := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_gc' );  lua_error          := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_error' );  lua_next           := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_next' );  lua_concat         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_concat' );  lua_getallocf      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_getallocf' );  lua_setallocf      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_setallocf' );  lua_getstack       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_getstack' );  lua_getinfo        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_getinfo' );  lua_getlocal       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_getlocal' );  lua_setlocal       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_setlocal' );  lua_getupvalue     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_getupvalue' );  lua_setupvalue     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_setupvalue' );  lua_sethook        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_sethook' );  lua_gethook        := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_gethook' );  lua_gethookmask    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_gethookmask' );  lua_gethookcount   := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'lua_gethookcount' );  luaopen_base       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaopen_base' );  luaopen_table      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaopen_table' );  luaopen_io         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaopen_io' );  luaopen_os         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaopen_os' );  luaopen_string     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaopen_string' );  luaopen_math       := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaopen_math' );  luaopen_debug      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaopen_debug' );  luaopen_package    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaopen_package' );  luaL_openlibs      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_openlibs' );  luaL_register      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_register' );  luaL_getmetafield  := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_getmetafield' );  luaL_callmeta      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_callmeta' );  luaL_typerror      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_typerror' );  luaL_argerror      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_argerror' );  luaL_checklstring  := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_checklstring' );  luaL_optlstring    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_optlstring' );  luaL_checknumber   := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_checknumber' );  luaL_optnumber     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_optnumber' );  luaL_checkinteger  := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_checkinteger' );  luaL_optinteger    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_optinteger' );  luaL_checkstack    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_checkstack' );  luaL_checktype     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_checktype' );  luaL_checkany      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_checkany' );  luaL_newmetatable  := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_newmetatable' );  luaL_checkudata    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_checkudata' );  luaL_where         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_where' );  luaL_error         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_error' );  luaL_checkoption   := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_checkoption' );  luaL_ref           := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_ref' );  luaL_unref         := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_unref' );  
{$ifdef LUA_COMPAT_GETN}  luaL_getn          := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_getn' );  luaL_setn          := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_setn' );  
{$endif}  luaL_loadfile      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_loadfile' );  luaL_loadbuffer    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_loadbuffer' );  luaL_loadstring    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_loadstring' );  luaL_newstate      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_newstate' );  luaL_gsub          := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_gsub' );  luaL_findtable     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_findtable' );  luaL_buffinit      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_buffinit' );  luaL_prepbuffer    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_prepbuffer' );  luaL_addlstring    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_addlstring' );  luaL_addstring     := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_addstring' );  luaL_addvalue      := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_addvalue' );  luaL_pushresult    := GetProcAddr( fLibHandle, 'luaL_pushresult' );  Result := fLibHandle;  
end;  procedure FreeLuaLib();  
begin  lua_newstate       := nil;  lua_close          := nil;  lua_newthread      := nil;  lua_atpanic        := nil;  lua_gettop         := nil;  lua_settop         := nil;  lua_pushvalue      := nil;  lua_remove         := nil;  lua_insert         := nil;  lua_replace        := nil;  lua_checkstack     := nil;  lua_xmove          := nil;  lua_isnumber       := nil;  lua_isstring       := nil;  lua_iscfunction    := nil;  lua_isuserdata     := nil;  lua_type           := nil;  lua_typename       := nil;  lua_equal          := nil;  lua_rawequal       := nil;  lua_lessthan       := nil;  lua_tonumber       := nil;  lua_tointeger      := nil;  lua_toboolean      := nil;  lua_tolstring      := nil;  lua_objlen         := nil;  lua_tocfunction    := nil;  lua_touserdata     := nil;  lua_tothread       := nil;  lua_topointer      := nil;  lua_pushnil        := nil;  lua_pushnumber     := nil;  lua_pushinteger    := nil;  lua_pushlstring    := nil;  lua_pushstring     := nil;  lua_pushvfstring   := nil;  lua_pushfstring    := nil;  lua_pushcclosure   := nil;  lua_pushboolean    := nil;  lua_pushlightuserdata := nil;  lua_pushthread     := nil;  lua_gettable       := nil;  lua_getfield       := nil;  lua_rawget         := nil;  lua_rawgeti        := nil;  lua_createtable    := nil;  lua_newuserdata    := nil;  lua_getmetatable   := nil;  lua_getfenv        := nil;  lua_settable       := nil;  lua_setfield       := nil;  lua_rawset         := nil;  lua_rawseti        := nil;  lua_setmetatable   := nil;  lua_setfenv        := nil;  lua_call           := nil;  lua_pcall          := nil;  lua_cpcall         := nil;  lua_load           := nil;  lua_dump           := nil;  lua_yield          := nil;  lua_resume         := nil;  lua_status         := nil;  lua_gc             := nil;  lua_error          := nil;  lua_next           := nil;  lua_concat         := nil;  lua_getallocf      := nil;  lua_setallocf      := nil;  lua_getstack       := nil;  lua_getinfo        := nil;  lua_getlocal       := nil;  lua_setlocal       := nil;  lua_getupvalue     := nil;  lua_setupvalue     := nil;  lua_sethook        := nil;  lua_gethook        := nil;  lua_gethookmask    := nil;  lua_gethookcount   := nil;  luaopen_base       := nil;  luaopen_table      := nil;  luaopen_io         := nil;  luaopen_os         := nil;  luaopen_string     := nil;  luaopen_math       := nil;  luaopen_debug      := nil;  luaopen_package    := nil;  luaL_openlibs      := nil;  luaL_register      := nil;  luaL_getmetafield  := nil;  luaL_callmeta      := nil;  luaL_typerror      := nil;  luaL_argerror      := nil;  luaL_checklstring  := nil;  luaL_optlstring    := nil;  luaL_checknumber   := nil;  luaL_optnumber     := nil;  luaL_checkinteger  := nil;  luaL_optinteger    := nil;  luaL_checkstack    := nil;  luaL_checktype     := nil;  luaL_checkany      := nil;  luaL_newmetatable  := nil;  luaL_checkudata    := nil;  luaL_where         := nil;  luaL_error         := nil;  luaL_checkoption   := nil;  luaL_ref           := nil;  luaL_unref         := nil;  
{$ifdef LUA_COMPAT_GETN}  luaL_getn          := nil;  luaL_setn          := nil;  
{$endif}  luaL_loadfile      := nil;  luaL_loadbuffer    := nil;  luaL_loadstring    := nil;  luaL_newstate      := nil;  luaL_gsub          := nil;  luaL_findtable     := nil;  luaL_buffinit      := nil;  luaL_prepbuffer    := nil;  luaL_addlstring    := nil;  luaL_addstring     := nil;  luaL_addvalue      := nil;  luaL_pushresult    := nil;  if fLibHandle <> 0 then begin  FreeLibrary( fLibHandle );  fLibHandle := 0;  end;  
end;  {$ifndef LUA_COMPAT_GETN}  
function luaL_getn(L: lua_State; t: Integer): Integer;  
begin  Result := lua_objlen(L, t);  
end;  procedure luaL_setn(L: lua_State; t, n: Integer);  
{$endif}  function lua_upvalueindex(i: Integer): Integer;  
begin  Result := LUA_GLOBALSINDEX - i;  
end;  procedure lua_pop(L: lua_State; n: Integer);  
begin  lua_settop(L, -(n) - 1);  
end;  procedure lua_newtable(L: lua_State);  
begin  lua_createtable(L, 0, 0);  
end;  function lua_strlen(L: lua_State; i: Integer): Cardinal;  
begin  result := lua_objlen(L, i);  
end;  procedure lua_register(L: lua_state; name: PAnsiChar; f: lua_CFunction);  
begin  lua_pushcfunction(L, f);  lua_setglobal(L, name);  
end;  procedure lua_pushcfunction(L: lua_State; f: lua_CFunction);  
begin  lua_pushcclosure(L, f, 0);  
end;  function lua_isfunction(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  
begin  Result := lua_type(L, idx) = LUA_TFUNCTION;  
end;  function lua_istable(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  
begin  Result := lua_type(L, idx) = LUA_TTABLE;  
end;  function lua_islightuserdata(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  
begin  Result := lua_type(L, idx) = LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA;  
end;  function lua_isnil(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  
begin  Result := lua_type(L, idx) = LUA_TNIL;  
end;  function lua_isboolean(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  
begin  Result := lua_type(L, idx) = LUA_TBOOLEAN;  
end;  function lua_isthread(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  
begin  Result := lua_type(L, idx) = LUA_TTHREAD;  
end;  function lua_isnone(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  
begin  Result := lua_type(L, idx) = LUA_TNONE;  
end;  function lua_isnoneornil(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Boolean;  
begin  Result := lua_type(L, idx) <= 0;  
end;  procedure lua_pushliteral(L: lua_State; s: PAnsiChar);  
begin  lua_pushlstring(L, s, StrLen(s));  
end;  procedure lua_setglobal(L: lua_State; name: PAnsiChar);  
begin  lua_setfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, name);  
end;  procedure lua_getglobal(L: lua_State; name: PAnsiChar);  
begin  lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, name);  
end;  function lua_tostring(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): PAnsiChar;  
var  len: Cardinal;  
begin  Result := lua_tolstring(L, idx, len);  
end;  function lua_getgccount(L: lua_State): Integer;  
begin  Result := lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOUNT, 0);  
end;  function lua_open(): lua_State;  
begin  Result := luaL_newstate();  
end;  procedure lua_getregistry(L: lua_State);  
begin  lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);  
end;  function lua_ref(L: lua_State; lock: Boolean): Integer;  
begin  if lock then  Result := luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX)  else begin  lua_pushstring(L, 'unlocked references are obsolete');  Result := lua_error(L);  end;  
end;  procedure lua_unref(L: lua_State; ref: Integer);  
begin  luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref);  
end;  procedure lua_getref(L: lua_State; ref: Integer);  
begin  lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref);  
end;  procedure lua_assert(c: Boolean);  
end;  function lua_number2str(s: Lua_Number; n: Integer): String;  
begin  Result := FormatFloat( LUA_NUMBER_FMT, RoundTo( s, n ) );  
end;  function lua_str2number(s: String; p: integer): Lua_Number;  
begin  Result := RoundTo( StrToFloat( s ), p );  
end;  function luaL_argcheck(L: lua_State; cond: Boolean; narg: Integer; extramsg: PAnsiChar): Integer;  
begin  if cond then  Result := 0  else  Result := luaL_argerror(L, narg, extramsg);  
end;  function luaL_checkstring(L: lua_State; narg: Integer): PAnsiChar;  
var  ls: Cardinal;  
begin  Result := luaL_checklstring(L, narg, ls);  
end;  function luaL_optstring(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; d: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar;  
var  ls: Cardinal;  
begin  Result := luaL_optlstring(L, narg, d, ls);  
end;  function luaL_checkint(L: lua_State; narg: Integer): Integer;  
begin  Result := Trunc(luaL_checkinteger(L, narg));  
end;  function luaL_optint(L: lua_State; narg, d: Integer): Integer;  
begin  Result := Trunc(luaL_optinteger(L, narg, d));  
end;  function luaL_checklong(L: lua_State; narg: Integer): LongInt;  
begin  Result := Trunc(luaL_checkinteger(L, narg));  
end;  function luaL_optlong(L: lua_State; narg: Integer; d: LongInt): LongInt;  
begin  Result := Trunc(luaL_optinteger(L, narg, d));  
end;  function luaL_typename(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): PAnsiChar;  
begin  Result := lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, idx));  
end;  function luaL_dofile(L: lua_State; filename: PAnsiChar): Integer;  
begin  Result := luaL_loadfile(L, filename);  If Result = 0 Then  Result := lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);  
end;  function luaL_dostring(L: lua_State; str: PAnsiChar): Integer;  
begin  Result := luaL_loadstring(L, str);  If Result = 0 Then  Result := lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);  
end;  procedure luaL_getmetatable(L: lua_State; tname: PAnsiChar);  
begin  lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, tname);  
end;  procedure luaL_addchar(var B: luaL_Buffer; c: AnsiChar);  
begin  if Integer(B.p) < Integer(B.buffer + LUAL_BUFFERSIZE) then  luaL_prepbuffer(B);  B.p^ := c;  Inc(B.p);  
{  // original C code 
#define luaL_addchar(B,c) \ ((void)((B)->p < ((B)->buffer+LUAL_BUFFERSIZE) || luaL_prepbuffer(B)), \ (*(B)->p++ = (char)(c))) 
end;  procedure luaL_putchar(var B: luaL_Buffer; c: AnsiChar);  
begin  luaL_addchar(B, c);  
end;  procedure luaL_addsize(var B: luaL_Buffer; n: Cardinal);  
begin  Inc(B.p, n);  
end;  function luaL_check_lstr(L: lua_State; numArg: Integer; var ls: Cardinal): PAnsiChar;  
begin  Result := luaL_checklstring(L, numArg, ls);  
end;  function luaL_opt_lstr(L: lua_State; numArg: Integer; def: PAnsiChar; var ls: Cardinal): PAnsiChar;  
begin  Result := luaL_optlstring(L, numArg, def, ls);  
end;  function luaL_check_number(L: lua_State; numArg: Integer): lua_Number;  
begin  Result := luaL_checknumber(L, numArg);  
end;  function luaL_opt_number(L: lua_State; nArg: Integer; def: lua_Number): lua_Number;  
begin  Result := luaL_optnumber(L, nArg, def);  
end;  function luaL_arg_check(L: lua_State; cond: Boolean; numarg: Integer; extramsg: PAnsiChar): Integer;  
begin  Result := luaL_argcheck(L, cond, numarg, extramsg);  
end;  function luaL_check_string(L: lua_State; n: Integer): PAnsiChar;  
begin  Result := luaL_checkstring(L, n);  
end;  function luaL_opt_string(L: lua_State; n: Integer; d: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar;  
begin  Result := luaL_optstring(L, n, d);  
end;  function luaL_check_int(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Integer;  
begin  Result := luaL_checkint(L, n);  
end;  function luaL_check_long(L: lua_State; n: LongInt): LongInt;  
begin  Result := luaL_checklong(L, n);  
end;  function luaL_opt_int(L: lua_State; n, d: Integer): Integer;  
begin  Result := luaL_optint(L, n, d);  
end;  function luaL_opt_long(L: lua_State; n: Integer; d: LongInt): LongInt;  
begin  Result := luaL_optlong(L, n, d);  
end;  end.








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