PostgreSQL自带的命令行工具08- pg_restore

server/2024/11/14 13:31:41/

PostgreSQL自带的命令行工具08- pg_restore

OS版本:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)

pg_restore 是 PostgreSQL 中用来恢复由 pg_dump 创建的备份文件的命令行工具。它特别适用于处理 pg_dump 以自定义格式(使用 -Fc 选项)、目录格式或 tar 格式备份的数据库文件。


[pg16@test backup]$ pg_restore --help
pg_restore restores a PostgreSQL database from an archive created by pg_dump.Usage:pg_restore [OPTION]... [FILE]General options:-d, --dbname=NAME        connect to database name-f, --file=FILENAME      output file name (- for stdout)-F, --format=c|d|t       backup file format (should be automatic)-l, --list               print summarized TOC of the archive-v, --verbose            verbose mode-V, --version            output version information, then exit-?, --help               show this help, then exitOptions controlling the restore:-a, --data-only              restore only the data, no schema-c, --clean                  clean (drop) database objects before recreating-C, --create                 create the target database-e, --exit-on-error          exit on error, default is to continue-I, --index=NAME             restore named index-j, --jobs=NUM               use this many parallel jobs to restore-L, --use-list=FILENAME      use table of contents from this file forselecting/ordering output-n, --schema=NAME            restore only objects in this schema-N, --exclude-schema=NAME    do not restore objects in this schema-O, --no-owner               skip restoration of object ownership-P, --function=NAME(args)    restore named function-s, --schema-only            restore only the schema, no data-S, --superuser=NAME         superuser user name to use for disabling triggers-t, --table=NAME             restore named relation (table, view, etc.)-T, --trigger=NAME           restore named trigger-x, --no-privileges          skip restoration of access privileges (grant/revoke)-1, --single-transaction     restore as a single transaction--disable-triggers           disable triggers during data-only restore--enable-row-security        enable row security--if-exists                  use IF EXISTS when dropping objects--no-comments                do not restore comments--no-data-for-failed-tables  do not restore data of tables that could not becreated--no-publications            do not restore publications--no-security-labels         do not restore security labels--no-subscriptions           do not restore subscriptions--no-table-access-method     do not restore table access methods--no-tablespaces             do not restore tablespace assignments--section=SECTION            restore named section (pre-data, data, or post-data)--strict-names               require table and/or schema include patterns tomatch at least one entity each--use-set-session-authorizationuse SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands instead ofALTER OWNER commands to set ownershipConnection options:-h, --host=HOSTNAME      database server host or socket directory-p, --port=PORT          database server port number-U, --username=NAME      connect as specified database user-w, --no-password        never prompt for password-W, --password           force password prompt (should happen automatically)--role=ROLENAME          do SET ROLE before restoreThe options -I, -n, -N, -P, -t, -T, and --section can be combined and specified
multiple times to select multiple objects.If no input file name is supplied, then standard input is used.Report bugs to <>.
PostgreSQL home page: <>


pg_restore [选项]... [文件名]

如果备份文件是以纯文本 SQL 格式创建的,那么恢复这样的备份应直接使用 psql 命令,** pg_restore 主要用于处理非纯文本格式的备份**。


  • -d DBNAME--dbname=DBNAME:直接恢复到指定的数据库。这里 DBNAME 是目标数据库的名称。
  • -f FILE--file=FILE:将恢复的 SQL 语句输出到指定的文件,而不是直接恢复到数据库中。
  • -l--list:列出备份文件中的内容,而不执行实际恢复。这对于检查备份文件中包含哪些对象非常有用。
  • -t TABLE--table=TABLE:只恢复指定的表。这里 TABLE 是要恢复的表的名称。
  • -s--schema-only:只恢复对象的架构(结构),不恢复数据。
  • -a--data-only:只恢复数据,不恢复对象的架构(结构)。
  • -C--create:在恢复数据之前先尝试创建数据库
  • -j NUM--jobs=NUM:使用指定数量的并行作业来恢复。这可以显著提高大型数据库备份的恢复速度。仅适用于目录格式或自定义格式的备份。
  • -v--verbose:详细模式,显示更多信息。



[pg16@test backup]$ pg_restore --dbname white   /home/pg16/backup/white_20240504.dmp 

这会将 white_20240504.dmp 备份文件恢复到 white 数据库中。



[pg16@test backup]$ pg_restore -l white_20240504.dmp 
; Archive created at 2024-05-04 01:59:50 PDT
;     dbname: white
;     TOC Entries: 14
;     Compression: gzip
;     Dump Version: 1.15-0
;     Format: CUSTOM
;     Integer: 4 bytes
;     Offset: 8 bytes
;     Dumped from database version: 16.2
;     Dumped by pg_dump version: 16.2
; Selected TOC Entries:
6; 2615 16405 SCHEMA - yewu1 postgres
7; 2615 16498 SCHEMA - yewu2 postgres
217; 1259 16406 TABLE yewu1 t1 postgres
218; 1259 16409 TABLE yewu1 t2 postgres
219; 1259 16499 TABLE yewu1 t4 postgres
220; 1259 16502 TABLE yewu2 t4 postgres
4065; 0 16406 TABLE DATA yewu1 t1 postgres
4066; 0 16409 TABLE DATA yewu1 t2 postgres
4067; 0 16499 TABLE DATA yewu1 t4 postgres
4068; 0 16502 TABLE DATA yewu2 t4 postgres
这会列出 `white_20240504.dmp` 文件中所有备份对象的明细,而不执行实际恢复动作。



[pg16@test backup]$  pg_restore -d white2 --schema-only /home/pg16/backup/white_20240504.dmp  --yewu1.t4 中没有数据。
[pg16@test backup]$ psql -p 5777
psql (16.2)
Type "help" for help.postgres=# \lList of databasesName    |  Owner   | Encoding | Locale Provider |   Collate   |    Ctype    | ICU Locale | ICU Rules |   Access privileges   
-----------+----------+----------+-----------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-----------+-----------------------postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            |           | template0 | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            |           | =c/postgres          +|          |          |                 |             |             |            |           | postgres=CTc/postgrestemplate1 | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            |           | =c/postgres          +|          |          |                 |             |             |            |           | postgres=CTc/postgreswhite     | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            |           | white2    | postgres | UTF8     | libc            | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |            |           | 
(5 rows)postgres=# \c white2 postgres
You are now connected to database "white2" as user "postgres".
white2=# \dnList of schemasName  |       Owner       
--------+-------------------public | pg_database_owneryewu1  | postgresyewu2  | postgres
(3 rows)white2=# select * from yewu1.t4;id 
(0 rows)white2=# 

这命令恢复 white_20240504.dmp 中的表结构等架构信息,但不包含数据。



[pg16@test backup]$ pg_restore -d white3 -j 4 /home/pg16/backup/white_20240504.dmp 
这会启用 4 个并行作业来恢复 `white_20240504.dmp` 到 `white3` 数据库,加快恢复速度。(需要注意的是,这可能增加数据库的负载)


  • 在执行 pg_restore 命令之前,请确保有足够的权限,如超级用户权限,尤其是在执行创建数据库或安装扩展等操作时。
  • 使用 -C 选项时,pg_restore 只尝试创建数据库,但不会设置连接参数(如主机名和端口),你需要确保已经正确配置。
  • 恢复过程中可能会因为依赖关系等原因遇到错误。在某些情况下,可能需要多次运行 pg_restore 或手动解决这些问题。

pg_restore 是一个强大的工具,可以帮助你从各种格式的 PostgreSQL 备份中恢复数据,特别是当备份文件大或者需要精确控制恢复过程时。



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