5G Advanced and Release18简述

server/2024/9/23 4:50:31/

5G_Advanced_0">5G Advanced

5G-Advanced, formally defined in 3GPP Release 18, represents an upgrade to existing 5G networks. 先睹robot总结的5G Advanced的advancements:

  1. Enhanced Mobility and Reliability:

    • 5G-Advanced will support advanced applications with improved mobility and high reliability. Whether you’re on the move or in a fast-moving vehicle (like a train or plane), the connectivity experience will be seamless.
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML):

    • AI and ML will play a significant role in 5G-Advanced. These technologies will enhance network performance, optimize resource allocation, and improve overall efficiency.
  3. Spectral Efficiency and Energy Savings:

    • Expect further improvements in spectral efficiency, which means better utilization of available radio spectrum. Additionally, energy-saving features will contribute to a more sustainable network.
  4. Smart Connectivity for Uplink Communication:

    • 5G-Advanced will provide smart connectivity for uplink communication. This is crucial for scenarios where people are moving at high velocities, such as passengers on trains or airplanes.
  5. Highly Immersive and Interactive Applications:

    • The technology will efficiently support immersive applications widely deployed in entertainment, training, and education sectors. Think of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and other interactive experiences.
  6. Bridging to 6G:

    • 5G-Advanced will serve as a stepping stone toward 6G. It will introduce features not previously standardized in 3GPP, setting the stage for future advancements¹³.


(1) 5G-Advanced explained | Nokia.
(2) GSMA | 5G Advanced - Future Networks.
(3) 5G-Advanced will push the boundaries of 5G technology.
(4) The 5G Advanced, an evolution towards 6G - Ericsson.
(5) Getty Images.

Release 18 Timeline


Release 18 Poster

3GPP_R18_Poster.pdf (Click to download clear text)
摘截R18 接入技术(RAN)的新特性和新需求如下。一方面5G+提出了增强传统移动通信指标的要求,如移动性(mobility),可靠性(reliability)以及覆盖(coverage)等。另一方面5G+意在搭建智能的、经济的生态网络环境,强调运用ML技术、节约能源(network)和功耗(UE)、以及NTN的增强等。同时也能看出对uplink(Tput,coverage,power,etc.)的增强是落实R18的重要环节。

RAN1 led - Radio Layer 1 (Physical layer)

  • MIMO Evolution for Downlink and Uplink
  • Learning (ML) for NR Air Interface
  • Study on Evolution of NR Duplex Operation
  • NR sidelink evolution
  • Study on expanded and improved NR positioning
  • Further NR RedCap UE complexity/cost reduction
  • Study on network energy savings
  • Further NR coverage enhancements
  • NR Network-Controlled Repeaters
  • Enh. of NR Dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS)
  • Study on low-power Wake-up Signal and Receiver for NR
  • Multi-carrier enhancements for NR

RAN2 led - Radio Layer 2 & Layer 3 Radio Resource Control

  • NR Mobility Enh.
  • Study on XR Enh. for NR
  • NR sidelink relay enh.
  • NR NTN (Non-Terrestrial Networks) enh.
  • IoT NTN enh.
  • NR Support for UAV
  • Dual Tx/Rx MUSIM
  • In-Device Co-existence (IDC) enh. for NR and MRDC
  • Mobile Terminated-Small Data Transmission (MTSDT) for NR
  • Enh. of NR Multicast and Broadcast Services




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