为什么叫“机器学习”Machine Learning 而不是叫“计算机学习”?

server/2024/10/18 9:18:51/


熟悉英语构词法的人都知道,后缀-er 指人,那么最初computer 的意思是“计算者”,是做计算工作的人。当图灵第一次构想计算机的时候,他当然不会用computer 这个词,他用的是computing machines——一个很自然的表达。后人把他的构想称为图灵机Turing Machine。到后来人们真正造出计算机来以后就借用了computer 这个单词并广为使用,所以machine 才是计算机的“原名”。


所以,叫Machine Learing(翻译为“机器学习”)并不影响计算机学习的本意,而且显得典雅,也应该是为了向图灵致敬。



A discipline named machine learning has attracted widely attention. It’s a combination of computer science and mathematics, and aims to render computers intelligent and achieve artificial intelligence. However, what is confusing is why a discipline of computer learning is called machine learning. Let’s try to explain it from the word “computer”. 

Those who are familiar with the construction rules of English words know that the suffix -er represents a person. Originally, the word “computer”meant a person who did the job of computation. When Turning first conceived “computers”, of course he wouldn’t use the word “computer”. Turning used a natural expression “computing machines”. Subsequently, as real “computers” were created, the word “computer” was adopted and accepted widely. So “machine” is the original name of computers.

Yet, in theoretical disciplines like theory of computation and computational complexity, the word “machine” is still often used. So the name machine learning seems more classical than “computer learning”.  Also, It’s supposed to pay attribute to Turning. 

Modern machine learning includes statistical learning and deep learning. The latter is just booming at present.





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