
server/2024/9/23 22:26:06/


安装xlsx、xlsx-style-medalsoft 的 npm 包:

npm i xlsx xlsx-style-medalsoft


Vue.prototype.$XLSX = XLSX; // 设置全局
Vue.prototype.$XLSXStyle = XLSXStyle; // 设置全局


// 导出excel文件
exportFile() {// 导出名称let excelName = "file" + dateFormat(new Date(), "YYYY-MM-DD HH-mm-ss") + ".xlsx";const xlsxParam = { raw: true }; // 转化成Excel使用原始格式const table_book = this.$XLSX.utils.table_to_book(document.querySelector("#table"),xlsxParam);// console.log(table_book)let wbs = table_book.Sheets.Sheet1;// console.log(wbs)let arrA = Object.keys(wbs);arrA.forEach((item, index) => {if (wbs[item].v == "") {delete wbs[item];}});// 设置列宽this.column.forEach((item, i) => {wbs["!cols"][i] = { wch: 16 };});// 设置行高this.allTable.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {wbs["!rows"][rowIndex + 1] = { hpt: 24 };});wbs["!rows"][0] = { hpt: 24 };// 循环遍历每一个表格,设置样式for (const key in wbs) {if (key.indexOf("!") === -1) {wbs[key].s = {font: {sz: 11, // 字体大小bold: false, // 加粗name: "宋体", // 字体color: {rgb: "000000", // 十六进制,不带#},},alignment: {// 文字居中horizontal: "center",vertical: "center",wrapText: false, // 文本自动换行},border: {// 设置边框top: { style: "thin" },bottom: { style: "thin" },left: { style: "thin" },right: { style: "thin" },},};}// 设置表头样式if (key == "A1" || key == "B1" || key == "C1" || key == "D1" || key == "E1" ) {wbs[key].s.fill = {bgColor: { indexed: 64 },fgColor: { rgb: "95B3D7" },};}}let table_write = this.$XLSXStyle.write(table_book, {bookType: "xlsx",type: "buffer",});try {this.$FileSaver.saveAs(new Blob([table_write], { type: "application/octet-stream" }),excelName);} catch (e) {if (typeof console !== "undefined") {// console.log(e, table_write);}}return table_write;


洛谷 P3806 [模板] 点分治 1 题解

【模板】点分治 1 题目描述 给定一棵有 n n n 个点的树,询问树上距离为 k k k 的点对是否存在。 输入格式 第一行两个数 n , m n,m n,m。 第 2 2 2 到第 n n n 行,每行三个整数 u , v , w u, v, w u,v,w,代表树上存在一条连接 u …



【设计模式】11、flyweight 享元模式

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