c++ 计算引物退火温度

server/2024/10/9 7:18:31/


本代码参考primer3源码 https://github.com/primer3-org/primer3  

//  main.cpp
//  test3
//  Created by  zhengxueming on 2024/4/22.
//#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <map>//计算引物的退火温度Tm, 引物长度一般为 2 ~ 36 base
using namespace std;typedef enum tm_method_type {breslauer_auto      = 0,santalucia_auto     = 1,
} tm_method_type;typedef enum salt_correction_type {schildkraut    = 0,santalucia     = 1,owczarzy       = 2,
} salt_correction_type;#define PRIMER_ERROR -1.99
#define T_KELVIN 273.15/* Table 1 (old parameters):* See table 2 in the paper [Breslauer KJ, Frank R, Blˆcker H and* Marky LA (1986) "Predicting DNA duplex stability from the base* sequence" Proc Natl Acad Sci 83:4746-50* http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.83.11.3746]*/
const map<std::string, int> getBreslauerMap(){const map<std::string, int> breslauer_map = {{"DS_A_A", 222}, {"DS_A_C", 224},{"DS_A_G", 210}, {"DS_A_T", 204}, {"DS_A_N", 224}, {"DS_C_A", 227}, {"DS_C_C", 199}, {"DS_C_G", 272}, {"DS_C_T", 210}, {"DS_C_N", 272},{"DS_G_A", 222}, {"DS_G_C", 244}, {"DS_G_G", 199},{"DS_G_T", 224}, {"DS_G_N", 244},{"DS_T_A", 213}, {"DS_T_C", 222}, {"DS_T_G", 227},{"DS_T_T", 222}, {"DS_T_N", 227},{"DS_N_A", 168}, {"DS_N_C", 210}, {"DS_N_G", 220},{"DS_N_T", 215}, {"DS_N_N", 220},{"DH_A_A", 79}, {"DH_A_C", 84}, {"DH_A_G", 78},{"DH_A_T", 72}, {"DH_A_N", 72},{"DH_C_A", 85}, {"DH_C_C", 80}, {"DH_C_G", 106},{"DH_C_T", 78}, {"DH_C_N", 78},{"DH_G_A", 82}, {"DH_G_C", 98}, {"DH_G_G", 80},{"DH_G_T", 84}, {"DH_G_N", 80},{"DH_T_A", 72}, {"DH_T_C", 82}, {"DH_T_G", 85},{"DH_T_T", 79}, {"DH_T_N", 72},{"DH_N_A", 72}, {"DH_N_C", 80}, {"DH_N_G", 78},{"DH_N_T", 72}, {"DH_N_N", 72},{"DG_A_A", 1000}, {"DG_A_C", 1440}, {"DG_A_G", 1280},{"DG_A_T", 880}, {"DG_A_N", 880},{"DG_C_A", 1450}, {"DG_C_C", 1840}, {"DG_C_G", 2170},{"DG_C_T", 1280}, {"DG_C_N", 1450},{"DG_G_A", 1300}, {"DG_G_C", 2240}, {"DG_G_G", 1840},{"DG_G_T", 1440}, {"DG_G_N", 1300},{"DG_T_A", 580}, {"DG_T_C", 1300}, {"DG_T_G", 1450},{"DG_T_T", 1000}, {"DG_T_N", 580},{"DG_N_A", 580}, {"DG_N_C", 1300}, {"DG_N_G", 1280},{"DG_N_T", 880}, {"DG_N_N", 580},};return breslauer_map;
}/* Table 2, new parameters:* Tables of nearest-neighbor thermodynamics for DNA bases, from the* paper [SantaLucia JR (1998) "A unified view of polymer, dumbbell* and oligonucleotide DNA nearest-neighbor thermodynamics", Proc Natl* Acad Sci 95:1460-65 http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.95.4.1460]*/const map<std::string, int> getSantaluciaMap(){const map<std::string, int> santalucia_map = {{"S_A_A", 240}, {"S_A_C", 173}, {"S_A_G", 208}, {"S_A_T", 239}, {"S_A_N", 215},{"S_C_A", 129}, {"S_C_C", 266}, {"S_C_G", 278}, {"S_C_T", 208}, {"S_C_N", 220},{"S_G_A", 135}, {"S_G_C", 267}, {"S_G_G", 266}, {"S_G_T", 173}, {"S_G_N", 210},{"S_T_A", 169}, {"S_T_C", 135}, {"S_T_G", 129}, {"S_T_T", 240}, {"S_T_N", 168},{"S_N_A", 168}, {"S_N_C", 210}, {"S_N_G", 220}, {"S_N_T", 215}, {"S_N_N", 203},{"H_A_A", 91}, {"H_A_C", 65}, {"H_A_G", 78}, {"H_A_T", 86}, {"H_A_N", 80},{"H_C_A", 58}, {"H_C_C", 110}, {"H_C_G", 119}, {"H_C_T", 78}, {"H_C_N", 91},{"H_G_A", 56}, {"H_G_C", 111}, {"H_G_G", 110}, {"H_G_T", 65}, {"H_G_N", 85},{"H_T_A", 60}, {"H_T_C", 56}, {"H_T_G", 58}, {"H_T_T", 91}, {"H_T_N", 66},{"H_N_A", 66}, {"H_N_C", 85}, {"H_N_G", 91}, {"H_N_T", 80}, {"H_N_N", 80},{"G_A_A", 1900}, {"G_A_C", 1300}, {"G_A_G", 1600}, {"G_A_T", 1500}, {"G_A_N", 1575},{"G_C_A", 1900}, {"G_C_C", 3100}, {"G_C_G", 3600}, {"G_C_T", 1600}, {"G_C_N", 2550},{"G_G_A", 1600}, {"G_G_C", 3100}, {"G_G_G", 3100}, {"G_G_T", 1300}, {"G_G_N", 2275},{"G_T_A", 900}, {"G_T_C", 1600}, {"G_T_G", 1900}, {"G_T_T", 1900}, {"G_T_N", 1575},{"G_N_A", 1575}, {"G_N_C", 2275}, {"G_N_G", 2550}, {"G_N_T", 1575}, {"G_N_N", 1994}};return santalucia_map;
}double divalentToMonovalent(double divalent, double dntp) {if(divalent==0) dntp=0;if(divalent<0 || dntp<0) return PRIMER_ERROR;if(divalent<dntp)/* According to theory, melting temperature does not depend ondivalent cations */divalent=dntp;return 120*(sqrt(divalent-dntp));
}/* Return 1 if string is symmetrical, 0 otherwise. */
int symmetry(const string seq) {char s;char e;int i = 0;unsigned long seq_len=seq.size();unsigned long mp = seq_len/2;if(seq_len%2==1) {return 0;}while(i<mp) {i++;s=seq[i];e=seq[0-i];if ((s=='A' && e!='T')|| (s=='T' && e!='A')|| (e=='A' && s!='T')|| (e=='T' && s!='A')) {return 0;}if ((s=='C' && e!='G')|| (s=='G' && e!='C')|| (e=='C' && s!='G')|| (e=='G' && s!='C')) {return 0;}}return 1;
}double calculateGCPercent(const string& sequence) {int gc_count = 0;int total_count = 0;for (char nucleotide : sequence) {if (nucleotide == 'G' || nucleotide == 'C') {gc_count++;}total_count++;}// 计算GC含量的百分比double gc_percent = (static_cast<double>(gc_count) / total_count);std::cout << "gc_percent: " << gc_percent << std::endl;return gc_percent;
}/*参数介绍:const string seq: The sequence.double dna_conc: DNA concentration (nanomolar).double salt_conc: Salt concentration (millimolar).double divalent_conc: Concentration of divalent cations (millimolar)double dntp_conc: Concentration of dNTPs (millimolar)tm_method_type tm_method: method to calculate Tm according to paper.If tm_method==santalucia_auto, then the table ofnearest-neighbor thermodynamic parameters and method for Tmcalculation in the paper [SantaLucia JR (1998) "A unified view ofpolymer, dumbbell and oligonucleotide DNA nearest-neighborthermodynamics", Proc Natl Acad Sci 95:1460-65http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.95.4.1460] is used.*THIS IS THE RECOMMENDED VALUE*.If tm_method==breslauer_auto, then method for Tmcalculations in the paper [Rychlik W, Spencer WJ and Rhoads RE(1990) "Optimization of the annealing temperature for DNAamplification in vitro", Nucleic Acids Res 18:6409-12http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=2243783].and the thermodynamic parameters in the paper [Breslauer KJ, FrankR, Blˆcker H and Marky LA (1986) "Predicting DNA duplex stabilityfrom the base sequence" Proc Natl Acad Sci 83:4746-50http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.83.11.3746], are is used.  This isthe method and the table that primer3 used up to and includingversion 1.0.1salt_correction_type salt_corrections: salt correction method according to paper.If salt_corrections==schildkraut, then formula forsalt correction in the paper [Schildkraut, C, and Lifson, S (1965)"Dependence of the melting temperature of DNA on saltconcentration", Biopolymers 3:195-208 (not available on-line)] isused.  This is the formula that primer3 used up to and includingversion 1.0.1.If salt_corrections==santalucia, then formula forsalt correction suggested by the paper [SantaLucia JR (1998) "Aunified view of polymer, dumbbell and oligonucleotide DNAnearest-neighbor thermodynamics", Proc Natl Acad Sci 95:1460-65http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.95.4.1460] is used.If salt_corrections==owczarzy, then formula forsalt correction in the paper [Owczarzy, R., Moreira, B.G., You, Y.,Behlke, M.A., and Walder, J.A. (2008) "Predicting stability of DNAduplexes in solutions containing magnesium and monovalent cations",Biochemistry 47:5336-53 http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bi702363u] is used.*//*CR反应体系中:每种dNTP的最终浓度通常在200 μM到500 μM之间。即总浓度可以在800 μM到2000 μM之间。钾离子浓度在50 mM(毫摩尔)至100 mM之间镁离子(Mg^2+)的浓度通常在1 mM到5 mM之间,但具体浓度可能需要优化。模板DNA浓度通常在1 ng/μL到100 ng/μL之间*///tm_method=breslauer_auto
//salt_corrections=owczarzydouble calPrimerTm(const string seq, double dna_conc=5, double salt_conc=50, double divalent_conc=1, double dntp_conc=1, tm_method_type tm_method=santalucia_auto, salt_correction_type salt_corrections=owczarzy){int dh = 0; // 焓变int ds = 0; //熵变double delta_H, delta_S; //最终的焓变和熵变double Tm; /* Melting temperature */double correction;int sym;unsigned long len = seq.size();if(divalentToMonovalent(divalent_conc, dntp_conc) == PRIMER_ERROR)return PRIMER_ERROR;/** K_mM = K_mM + divalent_to_monovalent(divalent_conc, dntp_conc); **/if (tm_method != breslauer_auto&& tm_method != santalucia_auto)return PRIMER_ERROR;if (salt_corrections != schildkraut&& salt_corrections != santalucia&& salt_corrections != owczarzy)return PRIMER_ERROR;sym = symmetry(seq); /*Add symmetry correction if seq is symmetrical*/if( tm_method == breslauer_auto)ds=108;else {if(sym == 1)ds+=14;/** Terminal AT penalty **///单引号用于表示字符,双引号用于表示字符串if(seq[0] == 'A' || seq[0] == 'T') {ds += -41;dh += -23;} else if (seq[0] == 'C' || seq[0] == 'G') {ds += 28;dh += -1;}if(seq[len-1] == 'A' || seq[len-1] == 'T') {ds += -41;dh += -23;} else if (seq[len-1] == 'C'  || seq[len-1] == 'G') {ds += 28;dh += -1;}}// 根据nearest-neighbor thermodynamics计算dh和dsconst map<std::string, int> santalucia_map = getSantaluciaMap();const map<std::string, int> breslauer_map = getBreslauerMap();for (unsigned long i = 0; i < len-1; i++){if (tm_method == santalucia_auto) {string s_key = "S_" + seq.substr(i, 1) + "_" + seq.substr(i+1, 1);string h_key = "H_" + seq.substr(i, 1) + "_" + seq.substr(i+1, 1);//const std::map,你不能使用[]运算符来获取某个键对应的值//可以使用at()方法来获取特定键对应的值ds += santalucia_map.at(s_key);dh += santalucia_map.at(h_key);} else {string ds_key = "DS_" + seq.substr(i, 1) + "_" + seq.substr(i+1, 1);string dh_key = "DH_" + seq.substr(i, 1) + "_" + seq.substr(i+1, 1);ds += breslauer_map.at(ds_key);dh += breslauer_map.at(dh_key);}}delta_H = dh * -100.0;  /** Nearest-neighbor thermodynamic values for dh* are given in 100 cal/mol of interaction.*/delta_S = ds * -0.1;     /** Nearest-neighbor thermodynamic values for ds* are in in .1 cal/K per mol of interaction.*/Tm=0;  /* Melting temperature *//**********************************************/if (salt_corrections == schildkraut) {salt_conc = salt_conc + divalentToMonovalent(divalent_conc, dntp_conc);correction = 16.6 * log10(salt_conc/1000.0) - T_KELVIN;Tm = delta_H / (delta_S + 1.987 * log(dna_conc/4000000000.0)) + correction;} else if (salt_corrections== santalucia) {salt_conc = salt_conc + divalentToMonovalent(divalent_conc, dntp_conc);delta_S = delta_S + 0.368 * (len - 1) * log(salt_conc / 1000.0 );if(sym == 1) { // primer is symmetrical// Equation ATm = delta_H / (delta_S + 1.987 * log(dna_conc/1000000000.0)) - T_KELVIN;} else {// Equation BTm = delta_H / (delta_S + 1.987 * log(dna_conc/4000000000.0)) - T_KELVIN;}} else if (salt_corrections == owczarzy) {double gc_percent = calculateGCPercent(seq);// conc of divalent cations minus dNTP concdouble free_divalent;/**** BEGIN: UPDATED SALT BY OWCZARZY *****//* different salt corrections for monovalent (Owczarzy et al.,2004)and divalent cations (Owczarzy et al.,2008)*//* competition bw magnesium and monovalent cations, see Owczarzy et al., 2008 Figure 9 and Equation 16 */static const double crossover_point = 0.22; /* depending on the value of div_monov_ratio respectto value of crossover_point Eq 16 (divalent corr, Owczarzy et al., 2008)or Eq 22 (monovalent corr, Owczarzy et al., 2004) should be used */double div_monov_ratio;if(dntp_conc >= divalent_conc) {free_divalent = 0.00000000001; /* to not to get log(0) */} else {free_divalent = (divalent_conc - dntp_conc)/1000.0;}static double a = 0,b = 0,c = 0,d = 0,e = 0,f = 0,g = 0;if(salt_conc==0) {div_monov_ratio = 6.0;} else {div_monov_ratio = (sqrt(free_divalent))/(salt_conc/1000); /* if conc of monov cations is provideda ratio is calculated to further calculatethe _correct_ correction */}if (div_monov_ratio < crossover_point) {/* use only monovalent salt correction, Eq 22 (Owczarzy et al., 2004) */correction= (((4.29 * gc_percent) - 3.95) * pow(10,-5) * log(salt_conc / 1000.0))+ (9.40 * pow(10,-6) * (pow(log(salt_conc / 1000.0),2)));} else {/* magnesium effects are dominant, Eq 16 (Owczarzy et al., 2008) is used */b =- 9.11 * pow(10,-6);c = 6.26 * pow(10,-5);e =- 4.82 * pow(10,-4);f = 5.25 * pow(10,-4);a = 3.92 * pow(10,-5);d = 1.42 * pow(10,-5);g = 8.31 * pow(10,-5);if(div_monov_ratio < 6.0) {/* in particular ratio of conc of monov and div cations*             some parameters of Eq 16 must be corrected (a,d,g) */a = 3.92 * pow(10,-5) * (0.843 - (0.352 * sqrt(salt_conc/1000.0) * log(salt_conc/1000.0)));d = 1.42 * pow(10,-5) * (1.279 - 4.03 * pow(10,-3) * log(salt_conc/1000.0) - 8.03 * pow(10,-3) * pow(log(salt_conc/1000.0),2));g = 8.31 * pow(10,-5) * (0.486 - 0.258 * log(salt_conc/1000.0) + 5.25 * pow(10,-3) * pow(log(salt_conc/1000.0),3));}correction = a + (b * log(free_divalent))+ gc_percent * (c + (d * log(free_divalent)))+ (1/(2 * (len - 1))) * (e + (f * log(free_divalent))+ g * (pow((log(free_divalent)),2)));}/**** END: UPDATED SALT BY OWCZARZY *****/if (sym == 1) {/* primer is symmetrical *//* Equation A */Tm = 1/((1/(delta_H/(delta_S + 1.9872 * log(dna_conc/1000000000.0)))) + correction) - T_KELVIN;} else {/* Equation B */Tm = 1/((1/(delta_H/(delta_S + 1.9872 * log(dna_conc/4000000000.0)))) + correction) - T_KELVIN;}} /* END else if (salt_corrections == owczarzy) { */return Tm;
}int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {const string primer1 = "CTTAATCATGAAATCCATANGTC";double tm = calPrimerTm(primer1);std::cout << "Tm: "  << tm << std::endl;return 0;




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