janus模块介绍-SIP Gateway

server/2024/10/20 8:48:00/


默认的SIP GateWay也是https协议,端口为8088或者8089
如果需要在自己搭建的测试服务上测试SIP GateWay模块,则也需要修改为wss
具体改动如下: 找到/opt/janus/share/janus/demos/siptest.js

var server = "wss://" + window.location.hostname + ":8989";


/opt/janus/bin/janus --debug-level=5 --log-file=$HOME/janus-log

打开测试网页,在demos中找到SIP Gateway,点击start开始运行。
点击f12可以看到demo中Using WebSockets to contact Janus: wss://


该插件背后的概念是允许与同一对等方相关联的不同网页,从而允许同一SIP用户同时连接到插件,但只进行一次SIP REGISTER。这同样适用于呼叫:虽然传入的呼叫将被通知给与对等方相关的所有web UI,但只有一个能够接听和接听,这与SIP分叉的工作方式非常相似,但不需要在同一个地方分叉。然而,这一特定功能尚未实现。

SIP Plugin API

支持的请求包括注册、注销、调用、接受、拒绝、信息、消息、dtmf_info、订阅、取消订阅、传输、录制、保留、取消保留、更新和挂断。顾名思义,register可以用于在SIP注册器处注册用户名以调用和被调用,而unregister则注销该用户名;call用于通过插件向不同的SIP URI发送INVITE,而accept和dence用于在邀请而不是邀请的情况下接受或拒绝呼叫;接送负责有人接送和无人接送(更多详细信息,请参阅有人接送或无人接送);hold和unhold可以分别用于将呼叫挂起和恢复呼叫;info允许您发送一个通用的SIP info请求,而dtmf_info则专注于将info用于dtmf;message是用于向另一个对等方发送SIP消息的方法;subscribe和unsubscribe用于处理SIP事件,即发送subscribe请求,该请求将导致NOTIFY异步事件;相反,录音用于将对话记录到一个或多个.mjr文件中(取决于您想要录制的方向);更新允许您更新现有会话(例如,进行重新协商或强制ICE重新启动);最后,挂断可以用于在任何时候终止通信,或者挂断(BYE)正在进行的呼叫,或者取消/拒绝(cancel/BYE)尚未开始的呼叫。

{"sip" : "event","error_code" : <numeric ID, check Macros below>,"error" : "<error description as a string>"


{"sip" : "event","result" : {"event" : "<name of the error event>","code" : <SIP error code>,"reason" : "<SIP error reason>","reason_header" : "<Reason header text; optional>","reason_header_protocol" : "<Reason header protocol; optional>","reason_header_cause" : "<Reason header cause code; optional>"}

对于可用的请求,您可以使用注册请求发送一个SIP REGISTER。更准确地说,注册请求可能会导致SIP register,因为这种方法实际上提供了无需注册即可开始使用SIP帐户的方法。例如,所谓的访客注册就是这样的情况:如果你注册为访客,这意味着你将使用From标头中提供的SIP URI进行呼叫,但实际上你不会发送SIP register;这对于向不需要注册的服务(例如,IVR系统或会议桥)发出的呼叫特别有用,但也意味着除非对等方知道您的私人SIP地址,否则您将无法接收呼叫。注册为帮助者时也不会发送SIP REGISTER:正如我们稍后将解释的,帮助者会话仅用于方便使用同一帐户设置同时SIP呼叫。

{"request" : "register","type" : "<if guest or helper, no SIP REGISTER is actually sent; optional>","send_register" : <true|false; if false, no SIP REGISTER is actually sent; optional>,"force_udp" : <true|false; if true, forces UDP for the SIP messaging; optional>,"force_tcp" : <true|false; if true, forces TCP for the SIP messaging; optional>,"sips" : <true|false; if true, configures a SIPS URI too when registering; optional>,"rfc2543_cancel" : <true|false; if true, configures sip client to CANCEL pending INVITEs without having received a provisional response first; optional>,"username" : "<SIP URI to register; mandatory>","secret" : "<password to use to register; optional>","ha1_secret" : "<prehashed password to use to register; optional>","authuser" : "<username to use to authenticate (overrides the one in the SIP URI); optional>","display_name" : "<display name to use when sending SIP REGISTER; optional>","user_agent" : "<user agent to use when sending SIP REGISTER; optional>","proxy" : "<server to register at; optional, as won't be needed in case the REGISTER is not goint to be sent (e.g., guests)>","outbound_proxy" : "<outbound proxy to use, if any; optional>","headers" : "<object with key/value mappings (header name/value), to specify custom headers to add to the SIP REGISTER; optional>","contact_params" : "<array of key/value objects, to specify custom Contact URI params to add to the SIP REGISTER; optional>","incoming_header_prefixes" : "<array of strings, to specify custom (non-standard) headers to read on incoming SIP events; optional>","refresh" : "<true|false; if true, only uses the SIP REGISTER as an update and not a new registration; optional>","master_id" : "<ID of an already registered account, if this is an helper for multiple calls (more on that later); optional>","register_ttl" : "<integer; number of seconds after which the registration should expire; optional>"

如果需要,此请求将向具有正确凭据的指定服务器发起SIP REGISTER。401和407响应将被自动处理,因此错误将不会被通知回呼叫者,除非它们是决定性的(例如,错误的凭证)。注册失败将返回名称为registration_failed的错误。相反,成功注册会在注册事件中得到通知,格式如下:

{"sip" : "event","result" : {"event" : "registered","username" : <SIP URI username>,"register_sent" : <true|false, depending on whether a REGISTER was sent or not>,"master_id" : <unique ID of this registered session in the plugin, if a potential master>}


{"request" : "unregister"

与以前一样,将发回一个注销事件。和以前一样,这也会发送一个SIP REGISTER,以防它最初被发送。在未注册的事件中通知成功注销:

{"sip" : "event","result" : {"event" : "unregistered","username" : <SIP URI username>,"register_sent" : <true|false, depending on whether a REGISTER was sent or not>}

要发送SIP INVITE,您可以使用呼叫请求,其格式如下:

{"request" : "call","call_id" : "<user-defined value of Call-ID SIP header used in all SIP requests throughout the call; optional>","uri" : "<SIP URI to call; mandatory>","refer_id" : <in case this is the result of a REFER, the unique identifier that addresses it; optional>,"headers" : "<object with key/value mappings (header name/value), to specify custom headers to add to the SIP INVITE; optional>","srtp" : "<whether to mandate (sdes_mandatory) or offer (sdes_optional) SRTP support; optional>","srtp_profile" : "<SRTP profile to negotiate, in case SRTP is offered; optional>","secret" : "<password to use to call, only needed in case authentication is needed and no REGISTER was sent; optional>","ha1_secret" : "<prehashed password to use to call, only needed in case authentication is needed and no REGISTER was sent; optional>","authuser" : "<username to use to authenticate as to call, only needed in case authentication is needed and no REGISTER was sent; optional>","autoaccept_reinvites" : <true|false, whether we should blindly accept re-INVITEs with a 200 OK instead of relaying the SDP to the application; optional, TRUE by default>

请注意,此请求必须与JSEP优惠相关联:无法通过SIP插件发送无优惠INVITE。这将生成一个SIP INVITE,并根据指示进行发送。虽然100秒Trying不会通知回用户,但在振铃事件中,180秒将会响铃:

{"sip" : "event","call_id" : "<value of SIP Call-ID header for related call>","result" : {"event" : "ringing","headers" : "<object with key/value strings; custom headers extracted from SIP event based on incoming_header_prefix defined in register request; optional>"}


{"sip" : "event","call_id" : "<value of SIP Call-ID header for related call>","result" : {"event" : "accepted","username" : "<SIP URI of the callee>","headers" : "<object with key/value strings; custom headers extracted from SIP event based on incoming_header_prefix defined in register request; optional>"}

在这一点上,除了PeerConnection相关的考虑因素外,可以认为该调用已建立。SIP插件会自动发送SIP ACK,因此不需要应用程序手动执行任何操作。

{"sip" : "event","call_id" : "<value of SIP Call-ID header for related call>","result" : {"event" : "progress","username" : "<SIP URI of the callee>","headers" : "<object with key/value strings; custom headers extracted from SIP event based on incoming_header_prefix defined in register request; optional>"}


{"request" : "update"

虽然呼叫请求允许您发送SIP INVITE(更新请求允许您更新现有会话),但也有一种方法可以对SIP INVITEs做出反应,即处理传入呼叫。传入呼叫通过传入呼叫事件通知应用程序:

{"sip" : "event","call_id" : "<value of SIP Call-ID header for related call>","result" : {"event" : "incomingcall","username" : "<SIP URI of the caller>","displayname" : "<display name of the caller, if available; optional>","callee" : "<SIP URI that was called (in case the user is associated with multiple public URIs)>","referred_by" : "<SIP URI header conveying the identity of the transferor, if this is a transfer; optional>","replaces" : "<call-ID of the call that this is supposed to replace, if this is an attended transfer; optional>","srtp" : "<whether the caller mandates (sdes_mandatory) or offers (sdes_optional) SRTP support; optional>","headers" : "<object with key/value strings; custom headers extracted from SIP event based on incoming_header_prefix defined in register request; optional>"}


{"request" : "accept","srtp" : "<whether to mandate (sdes_mandatory) or offer (sdes_optional) SRTP support; optional>","headers" : "<object with key/value mappings (header name/value), to specify custom headers to add to the SIP OK; optional>""autoaccept_reinvites" : <true|false, whether we should blindly accept re-INVITEs with a 200 OK instead of relaying the SDP to the browser; optional, TRUE by default>

这将导致200 OK被发送回呼叫者。接受请求必须始终附有JSEP回复(如果incomingcall事件包含要约)或要约(如果是无要约邀请)。在前一种情况下,接受的事件将被发回,只是为了确认呼叫可以被视为已建立;相反,在后一种情况下,接受事件将被发送回,而接受的事件只会在稍后,只要在呼叫者发送回的SIP ACK中有JSEP应答可用,就紧随其后。

{"sip" : "event","call_id" : "<value of SIP Call-ID header for related call>","result" : {"event" : "missed_call","caller" : "<SIP URI of the caller>","displayname" : "<display name of the caller, if available; optional>","callee" : "<SIP URI that was called (in case the user is associated with multiple public URIs)>"}


{"request" : "decline","code" : <SIP code to be sent, if not set, 486 is used; optional>","headers" : "<object with key/value mappings (header name/value), to specify custom headers to add to the SIP request; optional>"
{"request" : "hangup","headers" : "<object with key/value mappings (header name/value), to specify custom headers to add to the SIP BYE; optional>"

如前所述,当呼叫被拒绝或挂断时,会发送一个挂断事件,这基本上是一个SIP错误事件通知,因为它包括代码和原因。例如,常规BYE将被通知200和SIP BYE,尽管也可以提供更详细的描述。

{"request" : "hold","direction" : "<sendonly, recvonly or inactive>"


{"request" : "unhold"

消息请求允许您向对等方发送SIP message。默认情况下,在活动呼叫期间,它在对话框中发送。但是,如果用户已经注册,它也可能被发送到对话框之外。在这种情况下,uri参数是必需的。

{"request" : "message","call_id" : "<user-defined value of Call-ID SIP header used to send the message; optional>","content_type" : "<content type; optional>""content" : "<text to send>","uri" : "<SIP URI of the peer; optional; if set, the message will be sent out of dialog>","headers" : "<object with key/value mappings (header name/value), to specify custom headers to add to the SIP MESSAGE; optional>"


{"sip" : "event","result" : {"event" : "message","sender" : "<SIP URI of the message sender>","displayname" : "<display name of the sender, if available; optional>","content_type" : "<content type of the message>","content" : "<content of the message>","headers" : "<object with key/value strings; custom headers extracted from SIP event based on incoming_header_prefix defined in register request; optional>"}


{"sip" : "event","call_id" : "<value of SIP Call-ID header for related message>","result" : {"event" : "messagedelivery","code" : "<SIP error code>","reason" : "<SIP error reason>",}

SIP INFO的工作方式几乎相同,只是您使用一个对一个对等体的信息请求:

{"request" : "info","type" : "<content type>""content" : "<message to send>","headers" : "<object with key/value mappings (header name/value), to specify custom headers to add to the SIP INFO; optional>"

将发回一个infosend事件。相反,传入的SIP info会在信息事件中得到通知:

{"sip" : "event","result" : {"event" : "info","sender" : "<SIP URI of the message sender>","displayname" : "<display name of the sender, if available; optional>","type" : "<content type of the message>","content" : "<content of the message>","headers" : "<object with key/value strings; custom headers extracted from SIP event based on incoming_header_prefix defined in register request; optional>"}


{"request" : "subscribe","call_id" : "<user-defined value of Call-ID SIP header used in all SIP requests throughout the subscription; optional>","event" : "<the event to subscribe to, e.g., 'message-summary'; mandatory>","accept" : "<what should be put in the Accept header; optional>","to" : "<who should be the SUBSCRIBE addressed to; optional, will use the user's identity if missing>","subscribe_ttl" : "<integer; number of seconds after which the subscription should expire; optional>","headers" : "<array of key/value objects, to specify custom headers to add to the SIP SUBSCRIBE; optional>"

如果subscribe请求被接受,则会发回订阅事件,然后是subscribe_succeed,如果事务失败,则会返回subscribe_failed。相反,传入的SIP NOTIFY事件在通知事件中得到通知:

{"sip" : "event","call_id" : "<value of SIP Call-ID header for related subscription>","result" : {"event" : "notify","notify" : "<name of the event that the user is subscribed to, e.g., 'message-summary'>","substate" : "<substate of the subscription, e.g., 'active'>","content-type" : "<content-type of the message>""content" : "<content of the message>","headers" : "<object with key/value strings; custom headers extracted from SIP event based on incoming_header_prefix defined in register request; optional>"}


{"request" : "recording","action" : "<start|stop, depending on whether you want to start or stop recording something>""audio" : <true|false; whether or not our audio should be recorded>,"video" : <true|false; whether or not our video should be recorded>,"peer_audio" : <true|false; whether or not our peer's audio should be recorded>,"peer_video" : <true|false; whether or not our peer's video should be recorded>,"send_peer_pli" : <true|false; whether or not send PLI to request keyframe from peer>,"filename" : "<base path/filename to use for all the recordings>"


Simultaneous SIP calls using the same account

如前几节所述,使用Janus句柄附加到SIP插件意味着代表用户或应用程序创建SIP堆栈:这通常意味着注册帐户,并能够启动或接收调用、处理订阅等。这也意味着,由于在Janus中,每个核心句柄只能与单个PeerConnection相关联,因此每个SIP帐户每次仅限于一个调用:如果用户已经在SIP会话中,并且另一个调用传入,则会自动拒绝,并显示486 Busy。

Attended and blind transfers

Janus SIP插件支持有人参与和盲传输,并且这样做主要依赖于多个调用功能:因此,请确保您已经阅读并熟悉关于使用相同帐户进行同步SIP调用的部分。

{"request" : "transfer","uri" : "<SIP URI to send the transferee too>","replace" : "<call-ID of the call this attended transfer is supposed to replace; default is none, which means blind/unattended transfer>"


{"sip" : "event","result" : {"event" : "transfer","refer_id" : <unique ID, internal to Janus, of this referral>,"refer_to" : "<SIP URI to call>","referred_by" : "<SIP URI SIP URI header conveying the identity of the transferor; optional>","replaces" : "<call-ID of the call this transfer is supposed to replace; optional, and only present for attended transfers>","headers" : "<object with key/value strings; custom headers extracted from SIP event based on incoming_header_prefix defined in register request; optional>"}




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