《Operating System Concepts》阅读笔记:p200-p202

server/2025/3/9 22:30:43/

《Operating System Concepts》学习第 22 天,p200-p202 总结,总计 3 页。


1.CPU-I/O burst

(1)CPU burst

Scheduling process state in which the process executes on CPU.

(2)I/O burst

Scheduling process state in which the CPU performs I/O.

2.race condition

A situation in which two threads are concurrently trying to change the value of a variable.




vi/vt. to break open suddenly(打开,裂开)。

c. a sudden increase in something, especially for a short period。


Process execution begins with a CPU burst. That is followed by an I/O burst, which is followed by another CPU burst, then another I/O burst, and so on(《Operating System Concepts》第 200 页)。

在上面这个例子中,burst 是一种比喻用法,因为 CPU 或者 I/O 并不会“裂开”,表示一种“short, intense act”即 “a sudden increase in something, especially for a short period”。


(1)invoke: in-(“upon”) + vocare(“to call”)

vt. to call on sth(召唤) ,to use sth(调用)。

(2)invocation: the noun form of invoke

c/u. the action of invoking sb or sth.


When a process switches from the running state to the waiting state (for example, as the result of an I/O request or an invocation of wait() for the termination of a child process(《Operating System Concepts》第 200 页)。

关于英语的注解同步更新汇总到 https://github.com/codists/English-In-CS-Books 仓库。




1. 编程

(1) Abraham Silberschatz,Peter Baer Galvin,Greg Gagne《Operating System Concepts》:https://book.douban.com/subject/30272539/

2. 英语

(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com

(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org




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