Ultra-small size gaming console。
This embedded product is mainly based on miniaturization, followed by his game functions are also very complete, for all kinds of games can be played, and there will be relevant illustrations in the follow-up of the article.
This product is a very, very small game console, and he has all the functions inherent in the game console.
具体来说,这款游戏机可能搭载了流行的嵌入式开发平台,如Raspberry Pi Pico,支持多种编程语言和工具,甚至可以通过自定义代码和硬件扩展来进一步增强其功能。
开源与可定制性:Pico基于流行的嵌入式平台(如Raspberry Pi Pico),具有开源特性,允许用户根据个人需求进行软件和硬件的修改和扩展,能够轻松实现个性化定制。
import PICOplaygame
import time
import random
import gc from machine
import freq
gc.enable() # This line helps make sure we don't run out of memory
# Sensitive game parameters
XVel = 0.05 YVel = 0 Distance = 0 YPos = 0 Gravity = 0.15 MaxFPS = 60 Points = 0 GameRunning = True CactusPos = random.randint(72, 300) CloudPos = random.randint(60, 200) JumpSoundTimer = 0
# Sprite data
PlayerSpr = bytearray([0x04 ^ 0xFF, 0x08 ^ 0xFF, 0xC8 ^ 0xFF, 0xBC ^ 0xFF, 0x1C ^ 0xFF, 0x0E ^ 0xFF, 0x1A ^ 0xFF, 0x2C ^ 0xFF]) PlayerRunFrame1 = bytearray([0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFD, 0xF9, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0xD3, 0xE1, 0xF1, 0xC1, 0xB3, 0x61, 0xD5, 0xF3, 0xFF]) PlayerRunFrame2 = bytearray([0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF7, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0x3B, 0x93, 0xE3, 0x71, 0x03, 0xE7, 0xC3, 0xAB, 0xE7, 0xFF]) CactusSpr1 = bytearray([0x00 ^ 0xFF, 0xFC ^ 0xFF, 0x86 ^ 0xFF, 0x92 ^ 0xFF, 0xC2 ^ 0xFF, 0xFC ^ 0xFF, 0x00 ^ 0xFF, 0x00 ^ 0xFF]) CactusSpr2 = bytearray([0x00 ^ 0xFF, 0x1E ^ 0xFF, 0x10 ^ 0xFF, 0xFE ^ 0xFF, 0xE4 ^ 0xFF, 0x20 ^ 0xFF, 0x78 ^ 0xFF, 0x00 ^ 0xFF]) CloudSpr = bytearray([0x9F, 0x4F, 0x63, 0x59, 0xBD, 0x73, 0x73, 0x65, 0x5C, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x51, 0x57, 0x4F, 0x1F, 0xBF])
CactusSpr = CactusSpr1
PICOplaygame.display.fill(0) PICOplaygame.display.drawText("Tinysaur", 12, 0, 1) PICOplaygame.display.drawText(" Run", 15, 9, 1) PICOplaygame.display.update()
while(PICOplaygame.buttonA.pressed() == True or PICOplaygame.buttonB.pressed() == True): if(time.ticks_ms() % 1000 < 500): PICOplaygame.display.drawFilledRectangle(0, 32, 72, 8, 0)PICOplaygame.display.drawText("Press A/B", 9, 32, 1) else: PICOplaygame.display.drawFilledRectangle(0, 32, 72, 8, 1)PICOplaygame.display.drawText("Press A/B", 9, 32, 0) PICOplaygame.display.update()pass while(PICOplaygame.buttonA.pressed() == False and PICOplaygame.buttonB.pressed() == False): if(time.ticks_ms() % 1000 < 500): PICOplaygame.display.drawFilledRectangle(0, 32, 72, 8, 0)PICOplaygame.display.drawText("Press A/B", 9, 32, 1) else: PICOplaygame.display.drawFilledRectangle(0, 32, 72, 8, 1)PICOplaygame.display.drawText("Press A/B", 9, 32, 0) PICOplaygame.display.update()pass while(PICOplaygame.buttonA.pressed() == True or PICOplaygame.buttonB.pressed() == True): if(time.ticks_ms() % 1000 < 500): PICOplaygame.display.drawFilledRectangle(0, 32, 72, 8, 0)PICOplaygame.display.drawText("Press A/B", 9, 32, 1) else: PICOplaygame.display.drawFilledRectangle(0, 32, 72, 8, 1)PICOplaygame.display.drawText("Press A/B", 9, 32, 0) PICOplaygame.display.update()pass
while(GameRunning): t0 = time.ticks_us() # Check the time# Is the player on the ground and trying to jump?if(JumpSoundTimer < 0): JumpSoundTimer = 0 if((PICOplaygame.buttonA.pressed() == True or PICOplaygame.buttonB.pressed() == True) and YPos == 0.0): # Jump!JumpSoundTimer = 200YVel = -2.5# Handle "dynamics"YPos += YVelYVel += GravityDistance += XVelJumpSoundTimer -= 15if(JumpSoundTimer > 0): PICOplaygame.audio.set(500-JumpSoundTimer) else: PICOplaygame.audio.stop()# Accelerate the player just a little bitXVel += 0.000025# Make sure we haven't fallen below the groundWif(YPos > 0): YPos = 0.0YVel = 0.0# Has the player hit a cactus?if(CactusPos < 8 and CactusPos > -8 and YPos > -8): # Stop the game and give a promptGameRunning = FalsePICOplaygame.display.fill(1)PICOplaygame.audio.stop()PICOplaygame.display.drawText("Oh no!", 18, 1, 0)PICOplaygame.display.drawText(str(int(Distance))+"m", 26, 9, 0) high = -1if(PICOplaygame.saveData.hasItem("highscore")): high = int(PICOplaygame.saveData.getItem("highscore"))PICOplaygame.display.drawText("High: " + str(high)+"m", 8, 17, 0) if(Distance > high): PICOplaygame.saveData.setItem("highscore", Distance)PICOplaygame.saveData.save() PICOplaygame.display.drawText("Again?", 19, 25, 0)PICOplaygame.display.drawText("A:N B:Y", 16, 33, 0)PICOplaygame.display.update()PICOplaygame.audio.playBlocking(300, 250)PICOplaygame.audio.play(260, 250)while(PICOplaygame.inputPressed() == False): pass # Wait for the user to give us somethingwhile(GameRunning == False): if(PICOplaygame.buttonB.pressed() == True == 1): # Restart the gameXVel = 0.05YVel = 0Distance = 0YPos = 0Points = 0GameRunning = TrueCactusPos = random.randint(72, 300)CloudPos = random.randint(60, 200)elif(PICOplaygame.buttonA.pressed() == True): # QuitPICOplaygame.reset() # Exit game to main menu# Is the cactus out of view?if(CactusPos < -24): # "spawn" another one (Set its position some distance ahead and change the sprite) Points += 10PICOplaygame.audio.play(440, 300)CactusPos = random.randint(72, 500)if(random.randint(0, 1) == 0): CactusSpr = CactusSpr1 else: CactusSpr = CactusSpr2# Is the cloud out of view?if(CloudPos < -32): # "spawn" another oneCloudPos = random.randint(40, 200)# More dynaaaaaaaaaaaamicsCactusPos -= XVel * 16CloudPos -= XVel * 2# Draw game statePICOplaygame.display.fill(1)PICOplaygame.display.blit(CactusSpr, int(16 + CactusPos), 24, 8, 8, 1, 0, 0) PICOplaygame.display.blit(CloudSpr, int(16 + CloudPos), 8, 16, 8, 1, 0, 0)if(t0 % 250000 < 125000 or YPos != 0.0): # Player is in first frame of run animationPICOplaygame.display.blit(PlayerRunFrame1, 8, int(23 + YPos), 16, 8, 1, 0, 0) else: # Player is in second frame of run animationPICOplaygame.display.blit(PlayerRunFrame2, 8, int(24 + YPos), 16, 8, 1, 0, 0)PICOplaygame.display.drawFilledRectangle(0, 31, PICOplaygame.display.width, 9, 0) # Ground PICOplaygame.display.drawText(str(int(Points)), 0, 0, 0) # Current points PICOplaygame.display.drawText("pts", len(str(int(Points))) * 8, 0, 0) PICOplaygame.display.drawText(str(int(Distance)), 0, 32, 1) # Current distance PICOplaygame.display.drawText("m", len(str(int(Distance))) * 8, 32, 1) PICOplaygame.display.update()# Spin wheels until we've used up one frame's worth of timewhile(time.ticks_us() - t0 < 1000000.0 / MaxFPS): pass