# include <iostream>
using namespace std; const int number = 12 ; int main ( ) { cout << "请输入你的身高,单位为英寸" << endl; int inch, feet; cin >> inch; feet = inch / number; inch = inch % number; cout << "您的身高为" << feet << "英尺" << inch << "英尺" << endl;
# include <iostream>
using namespace std; const double meter_inch = 0.0254 ;
const double pound_kg = 2.2 ;
const double inch_feet = 12 ; double BMI ( double inch, double pound) { double meter = inch * meter_inch; double kg = pound / pound_kg; return kg / meter / meter;
} void main ( ) { double feet, inch, pound; cout << "输入您的身高(英尺):" << endl; cin >> feet; cout << "输入您的身高(英寸):" << endl; cin >> inch; cout << "输入您的体重(磅):" << endl; cin >> pound; double inch_all = inch + inch_feet * feet; double bmi = BMI ( inch_all, pound) ; cout << "您的BMI为" << bmi << endl; }
# include <iostream>
using namespace std; void main ( ) { cout << "Enter a latittude in degrees,minutes,and seconds:" << endl; cout << "First, enter the degrees:" ; double degrees, minutes, seconds; cin >> degrees; cout << endl<< "Next, enter the minutes of arc:" ; cin >> minutes; cout << endl << "Finally, enter the seconds of arc:" ; cin >> seconds; cout << degrees << " degrees," << minutes << " minutes," << seconds << "= " ; double degrees_final = degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 60 / 60 ; cout << degrees_final << " degrees." << endl;
# include <iostream>
using namespace std; void main ( ) { int seconds_all; cout << "Enter the number of seconds:" ; cin >> seconds_all; int temp = seconds_all; int seconds = temp % 60 ; temp= temp/ 60 ; int minutes = temp % 60 ; temp = temp/ 60 ; int hours = temp % 24 ; temp = temp/ 24 ; int days = temp; cout << seconds_all << " seconds = " << days << "days, " << hours << " hours, " << minutes << " minutes, " << seconds << " seconds." << endl;
# include <iostream>
using namespace std; void main ( ) { long long total, current; cout << "Enter the world's population:" ; cin >> total; cout << "Enter the population of the US:" ; cin >> current; double percent = ( double ) current / ( double ) total; cout << "The population of the US is " << percent << "% of the world population" << endl;
# include <iostream>
using namespace std; void main ( ) { cout << "使用英里/加仑,请输入1" << endl << "使用公里/升,请输入2" << endl; int input; cin >> input; if ( input == 1 ) { double miles, gallon; cout << "请输入英里数:" ; cin >> miles; cout << "请输入加仑数:" ; cin >> gallon; cout << "每加仑可行驶" << miles / gallon << "英里" << endl; } else { double km, L; cout << "请输入公里数:" ; cin >> km; cout << "请输入多少升:" ; cin >> L; cout << "每100公里耗油" << 100 * km/ L<< "升" << endl; } }
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const double mpg_to_lpkm = 19.0 / 12.4
const double lpkm_to_mpg = 1 / mpg_to_lpkm; void main ( ) { cout << "请输入欧洲风格耗油量(每百公里消耗多少升):" << endl; double n; cin >> n; cout << n * mpg_to_lpkm;