【每日学点鸿蒙知识】推送指定页面参数、Devtools 做Web调试、图片的加载与压缩、三方so 打进hap包、Url获取参数

server/2025/1/2 12:53:25/
1、HarmonyOS 定向推送指定页面怎么推送,带参数?


2、HarmonyOS Devtools 做Web调试?

Web组件支持使用DevTools工具调试前端页面。DevTools是一个 Web前端开发调试工具,提供了电脑上调试移动设备前端页面的能力。开发者通过setWebDebuggingAccess()接口开启Web组件前端页面调试能力,利用DevTools工具可以在电脑上调试移动设备上的前端网页,设备需为4.1.0及以上版本。

  1. 在应用代码中开启Web调试开关
  2. 开启调试功能需要在DevEco Studio应用工程hap模块的module.json5文件中增加如下权限,添加方法请参考在配置文件中声明权限。
  3. 将设备连接上电脑,在电脑端配置端口映射,配置方法如下
  4. 在电脑端Chrome浏览器地址栏中输入chrome://inspect/#devices,页面识别到设备后,就可以开始页面调试。
  5. 多应用调试请在调试地址内Devices中的configure添加多个端口号以同时调试多个应用
  6. windows便捷脚本,请复制以下信息建立bat文件,开启调试应用后执行
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion:: Initialize port number and PID list
set PORT=9222
set PID_LIST=:: Get the list of all forwarded ports and PIDs
for /f "tokens=2,5 delims=:_" %%a in ('hdc fport ls') do (if %%a gtr !PORT! (set PORT=%%a)for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%c in ("%%b") do (set PID_LIST=!PID_LIST! %%c)
):: Increment port number for next application
set temp_PORT=!PORT!
set /a temp_PORT+=1  
set PORT=!temp_PORT! :: Get the domain socket name of devtools
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('hdc shell "cat /proc/net/unix | grep devtools"') do (set SOCKET_NAME=%%a:: Extract process IDfor /f "delims=_ tokens=4" %%b in ("!SOCKET_NAME!") do set PID=%%b:: Check if PID already has a mappingecho !PID_LIST! | findstr /C:" !PID! " >nulif errorlevel 1 (:: Add mappinghdc fport tcp:!PORT! localabstract:webview_devtools_remote_!PID!if errorlevel 1 (echo Error: Failed to add mapping.pauseexit /b):: Add PID to list and increment port number for next application set PID_LIST=!PID_LIST! !PID!set temp_PORT=!PORT!set /a temp_PORT+=1  set PORT=!temp_PORT! )
):: If no process ID was found, prompt the user to open debugging in their application code and provide the documentation link
if "!SOCKET_NAME!"=="" (echo No process ID was found. Please open debugging in your application code using the corresponding interface. You can find the relevant documentation at this link: [https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/zh-cn/application-dev/web/web-debugging-with-devtools.md]pauseexit /b
):: Check mapping
hdc fport lsecho.
echo Script executed successfully. Press any key to exit...
pause >nul:: Try to open the page in Edge
start msedge chrome://inspect/#devices.com:: If Edge is not available, then open the page in Chrome
if errorlevel 1 (start chrome chrome://inspect/#devices.com
  1. mac/linux便捷脚本,请复制以下信息建立sh文件,请自行注意chmod以及格式转换,开启调试应用后执行
#!/bin/bash# Get current fport rule list
CURRENT_FPORT_LIST=$(hdc fport ls)# Delete the existing fport rule one by one
while IFS= read -r line; do# Extract the tasklineIFS=' ' read -ra parts <<< "$line"taskline="${parts[1]} ${parts[2]}"# Delete the corresponding fport ruleecho "Removing forward rule for $taskline"hdc fport rm $tasklineresult=$?if [ $result -eq 0 ]; thenecho "Remove forward rule success, taskline:$taskline"elseecho "Failed to remove forward rule, taskline:$taskline"fidone <<< "$CURRENT_FPORT_LIST"# Initial port number
INITIAL_PORT=9222# Get the current port number, use initial port number if not set previously
CURRENT_PORT=${PORT:-$INITIAL_PORT}# Get the list of all PIDs that match the condition
PID_LIST=$(hdc shell cat /proc/net/unix | grep webview_devtools_remote_ | awk -F '_' '{print $NF}')if [ -z "$PID_LIST" ]; thenecho "Failed to retrieve PID from the device"exit 1
fi# Increment the port number
PORT=$CURRENT_PORT# Forward ports for each application one by one
for PID in $PID_LIST; do# Increment the port numberPORT=$((PORT + 1))# Execute the hdc fport commandhdc fport tcp:$PORT localabstract:webview_devtools_remote_$PID# Check if the command executed successfullyif [ $? -ne 0 ]; thenecho "Failed to execute hdc fport command"exit 1fi
done# List all forwarded ports
hdc fport ls
3、HarmonyOS 图片的加载与压缩服务?



4、HarmonyOS怎么把第三方so 打进hap包里面呢


5、HarmonyOS 使用 url.parse.params.get() 方法获取的value获取的是解码后的内容?

toString方法并不会解码,params.get 是将params中的原始按照key来get出value,规则是会解码的



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