Docker 安装 禅道-21.2版本-外部数据库模式

server/2024/12/25 23:52:30/

Docker 安装系列

1、拉取最新版本(zentao 21.2) 

[root@Tseng ~]# docker pull
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from app/zentao
55ab1b300d4b: Pull complete 
6b5749e5ef1d: Pull complete 
bdccb03403c1: Pull complete 
cbb6b800982e: Pull complete 
1a8185613525: Pull complete 
5a3dfd58e1ad: Pull complete 
11b4bf7c5ebb: Pull complete 
d15bee56465f: Pull complete 
a43092a20eb7: Pull complete 
7e69c36554de: Pull complete 
4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete 
dc9136a852dd: Pull complete 
ba485d82a684: Pull complete 
017315dcbb02: Pull complete 
f748dc149615: Pull complete 
ce2b53f47bc2: Pull complete 
545c7148cfc8: Pull complete 
17b02c00982e: Pull complete 
cf49f2c937e1: Pull complete 
ff2a75725680: Pull complete 
0ab1c4ad8d42: Pull complete 
6a2b68daf235: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:d0738bf9fb821d9e4b741cf4d8e614bfa71a883596b8fb4084bdb72d4dd3d43d
Status: Downloaded newer image for
[root@Tseng ~]#




[root@Tseng data]# docker run -d --name zentao -e ZT_MYSQL_HOST= -e ZT_MYSQL_PORT=3308 -e ZT_MYSQL_USER=root -e ZT_MYSQL_PASSWORD=Hv123456 -e ZT_MYSQL_DB=zentao -v /data/zentao:/data -p 8088:80
[root@Tseng data]# docker logs c3fc15:16:49.25 15:16:49.25 Welcome to the Easysoft ZenTao 21.2 container15:16:49.25 Subscribe to project updates by watching https://www.zentao.net15:16:49.25 Submit issues and feature requests at 15:16:49.26 INFO  ==> Prepare persistence directories.15:16:49.35 INFO  ==> Render php.ini with environment variables.15:16:49.35 INFO  ==> Check zentao data owner...15:16:49.35 INFO  ==> Render apache sites config with envionment variables.15:16:49.36 INFO  ==> Prepare custom extensions.15:16:49.37 INFO  ==> Check whether the MySQL is available.15:16:49.37 INFO  ==> Check whether the Apache is available.15:16:50.37 INFO  ==> Apache: MySQL is ready.15:16:50.38 WARN  ==> Sentry: Waiting Apache 1 seconds
[Fri Dec 20 15:16:50.435795 2024] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 159:tid 159] AH00163: Apache/2.4.62 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips SVN/1.14.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Fri Dec 20 15:16:50.435847 2024] [core:notice] [pid 159:tid 159] AH00094: Command line: '/opt/zbox/run/apache/httpd -D FOREGROUND'15:16:52.38 INFO  ==> Sentry: Apache is ready.15:16:52.38 INFO  ==> The service has been started. Open your browser to access the specified domain or ip:port to complete the installation wizard15:16:52.38 INFO  ==> 服务已启动完成, 请使用浏览器访问设置的域名或ip:port, 继续完成后续安装向导15:16:53.39 INFO  ==> The service has been started. Open your browser to access the specified domain or ip:port to complete the installation wizard15:16:53.39 INFO  ==> 服务已启动完成, 请使用浏览器访问设置的域名或ip:port, 继续完成后续安装向导15:16:56.39 INFO  ==> The service has been started. Open your browser to access the specified domain or ip:port to complete the installation wizard15:16:56.39 INFO  ==> 服务已启动完成, 请使用浏览器访问设置的域名或ip:port, 继续完成后续安装向导
[root@Tseng data]#






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