《Django 5 By Example》阅读笔记:p493-p520

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《Django 5 By Example》学习第 17 天,p493-p520 总结,总计 28 页。


1.internationalization(国际化) vs localization(本地化)


以前总觉得这两个缩写好难记,今天仔细看了下维基百科,“i18n” 中的 i 代表 “internationalization” 的第一个字母 i,n 代表最后一个字母 n, 18 代表 i 和 n 中间有 18 个字母。“L10n” 中的 i 代表 “localization” 的第一个字母 l,n 代表最后一个字母 n, 10 代表 l 和 n 中间有 10个字母。使用大写L 是因为小写的 l(L的小写) 和 大写的 I(i 的 大写)差不多一样,所以使用大写,其实大小写都可以。

也有人把上面两者合称为全球化(globalization),简称为 g11n。

(2)internationalization 和 localization 的区别?

p495, Internationalization (frequently abbreviated to i18n) is the process of adapting software for the potential use of different languages and locales so that it isn’t hardwired to a specific language or locale.

Localization (abbreviated to l10n) is the process of actually translating the software and adapt-ing it to a particular locale. Django itself is translated into more than 50 languages using its internationalization framework.


2.Django 国际化和本地化实现


国际化和本地化依赖于 gettext, 如果没有先安装。本人是在WSL 里面使用 Ubuntu 系统,安装示例:

python"># sudo apt install gettext

(2)翻译 Python 代码

1)Standard translation

使用 gettext() 实现:

python">from django.utils.translation import gettext as _output = _('Text to be translated.')

2)Lazy translations

When using the lazy functions, strings are translated when the value is accessed, rather than when the function is called (this is why they are translated lazily).

使用 suffix _lazy() 实现。

3)Translations including variables

使用 gettext() 及 占位(placeholder)符实现。

python">from django.utils.translation import gettext as _month = _('April')day = '14'output = _('Today is %(month)s %(day)s') % {'month': month, 'day': day}

4)Plural forms in translations

使用 ngettext() 和 ngettext_lazy() 实现。

(3)生成 po 文件

在 project 目录下执行命令:

python">django-admin makemessages --all


在 project 目录下执行命令:

python">django-admin compilemessages

(5)翻译 template

使用 {% translate %} 和 {% blocktranslate %} 。






p495, Internationalization (frequently abbreviated to i18n) is the process of adapting software for the potential use of different languages and locales so that it isn’t hardwired to a specific language or locale.

(1)haredwired: hard(“with effor or energy, with difficulty”) + wire(“adorn(装饰) with wire”)

adj. 也写作 hard-wired。本意是:In computing, with permanently connected circuit performing unchangeable functions(在计算机技术中,具有永久连接的电路,执行不可改变的功能),后面引申为“Describe sth that is fixed, or designed in a way that is cannot be easily changed or modified",和 hardcoded 的用法类似。


p499, Translations including variables: Used to interpolate variables within strings that are to be translated.

(1)interpolate:inter-(“among, between”) + polare(“to smooth, polish(擦)”)

vt. to alter by inserting sth between other elements.

3.place an order

p503, You have added names for the fields that are displayed when a user places a new order.

“place an order” 的意思就是“下订单”,对于 order,看的时候一下脑子里面的第一反应是“顺序”,导致理解不了,其实 place an order 是一个很常见的用法,这里记一下。




1. 编程

(1) Antonio Melé,《Django 5 By Example》:https://book.douban.com/subject/37007362/

2. 英语

(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com

(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org





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