text2sql: multi-agent实现思路MAC-SQL

server/2024/10/21 4:19:00/

MAC-SQL出自2023年12月的论文《MAC-SQL: A Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework for Text-to-SQL》(github),它是用基于LLM的multi-agent来实现text2sql





  • Selector:其作用是schema linking,选择只与问题相关的数据库schema元素,其prompt如下图所示。值得注意的是,论文强调了只有在数据库schema对应的prompt长度超过了长度阈值时才会被激活,否则直接使用原始的数据库schema。


  • Decomposer: 在生成最终SQL之前生成一系列的中间步骤来提高LLM的推理能力。如论文图2所示意,Decomposer指导LLM将原始复杂问题分解成推理步骤后生成最后的SQL查询。作者使用CoT来生成子问题和其对应的SQL,实现时会先判断用户问题的难易程度,如果用户的问题比较简单,则直接生成SQL;如果用户的问题很复杂,则先生成子问题对应的SQL,逐步得到最终的SQL。在in-context learning时使用了few-shot例子。

    decomposer_prompt = '''
    Given a [Database schema] description, a knowledge [Evidence] and the [Question], you need to use valid SQLite and understand the database and knowledge, and then decompose the question into subquestions for text-to-SQL generation.When generating SQL, we should always consider constraints:
    - In 'SELECT <column>', just select needed columns in the [Question] without any unnecessary column or value - In 'FROM <table>' or 'JOIN <table>', do not include unnecessary table 
    - If use max or min func, 'JOIN <table>' FIRST, THEN use 'SELECT MAX(<column>)' or 'SELECT MIN(<column>)' - If [Value examples] of <column> has 'None' or None, use 'JOIN <table>' or 'WHERE <column> is NOT NULL' is better 
    - If use 'ORDER BY <column> ASC|DESC', add 'GROUP BY <column>' before to select distinct values==========[Database schema]
    # Table: frpm 
    [ (CDSCode, CDSCode. Value examples: ['01100170109835', '01100170112607'].), (Charter School (Y/N), Charter School (Y/N). Value examples: [ 1, 0, None] . And 0: N;. 1: Y),(Enrollment (Ages 5-17), Enrollment (Ages 5-17). Value examples: [5271.0, 4734.0].), (Free Meal Count (Ages 5-17), Free Meal Count (Ages 5-17). Value examples: [ 3864.0, 2637.0 ].
    And eligible free rate = Free Meal Count / Enrollment) 
    # Table: satscores 
    [ (cds, California Department Schools. Value examples: ['10101080000000', '10101080109991'].), (sname, school name. Value examples: [ 'None', 'Middle College High', 'John F. Kennedy High', 'Independence High', 'Foothill High'].),(NumTstTakr, Number of Test Takers in this school. Value examples: [ 24305, 4942, 1, 0, 280] . And number of test takers in each school),(AvgScrMath, average scores in Math. Value examples: [699, 698, 289, None, 492 ] . And average scores in Math), (NumGE1500, Number of Test Takers Whose Total SAT Scores Are Greater or Equal to 1500. Value examples: [ 5837, 2125, 0, None, 191] . And Number of Test Takers Whose Total SAT Scores Are Greater or Equal to 1500. . commonsense evidence:. . Excellence Rate = NumGE1500 / NumTstTakr) 
    [Foreign keys]
    frpm.'CDSCode' = satscores.'cds'
    List school names of charter schools with an SAT excellence rate over the average.
    Charter schools refers to 'Charter School (Y/N)' = 1 in the table frpm; Excellence rate = NumGE1500 / NumTstTakrDecompose the question into sub questions, considering [Constraints], and generate the SQL after thinking step by step: 
    Sub question 1: Get the average value of SAT excellence rate of charter schools. 
    SELECT AVG(CAST(T2.'NumGE1500' AS REAL) / T2.'NumTstTakr') FROM frpm AS T1 INNER JOIN satscores AS T2 ON T1.'CDSCode' = T2.'cds' WHERE T1.'Charter School (Y/N)' = 1 
    "'Sub question 2: List out school names of charter schools with an SAT excellence rate over the average. 
    "' sql 
    SELECT T2.'sname' FROM frpm AS T1 INNER JOIN satscores AS T2 ON T1.'CDSCode' = T2.'cds' WHERE T2.'sname' IS NOT NULL AND T1.'Charter School (Y/N)' = 1 AND CAST(T2.'NumGE1500' AS REAL) / T2.'NumTstTakr' > ( SELECT AVG(CAST(T4.'NumGE1500' AS REAL) / T4.'NumTstTakr')FROM frpm AS T3 INNER JOIN satscores AS T4 ON T3.'CDSCode' = T4.'cds' WHERE T3.'Charter School (Y/N)' = 1 ) 
    "' Question Solved. ==========[Database schema]
    # Table: account 
    [ (account_id, the id of the account. Value examples: [11382, 11362, 2, 1, 2367].), (district_id, location of branch. Value examples: [77, 76, 2, 1, 39].),(frequency, frequency of the acount. Value examples: ['POPLATEK MESICNE', 'POPLATEK TYDNE', 'POPLATEK PO OBRATU'].), (date, the creation date of the account. Value examples: ['1997-12-29', '1997-12-28'].) 
    # Table: client 
    [ (client_id, the unique number. Value examples: [13998, 13971, 2, 1, 2839].), (gender, gender. Value examples: ['M', 'F']. And F:female . M:male ), (birth_date, birth date. Value examples: ['1987-09-27', '1986-08-13'].), (district_id, location of branch. Value examples: [77, 76, 2, 1, 39].) 
    # Table: district 
    [ (district_id, location of branch. Value examples: [77, 76, 2, 1, 39].), (A4, number of inhabitants . Value examples: ['95907', '95616', '94812'].), (A11, average salary. Value examples: [12541, 11277, 8114].) ]
    [Foreign keys]
    account.'district_id' = district.'district_id' 
    client.'district_id' = district.'district_id'
    What is the gender of the youngest client who opened account in the lowest average salary branch?[Evidence]
    Later birthdate refers to younger age; A11 refers to average salary Decompose the question into sub questions, considering [Constraints], and generate the SQL after thinking step by step: 
    Sub question 1: What is the district_id of the branch with the lowest average salary?
    "' sql 
    SELECT 'district_id' FROM district ORDER BY 'A11' ASC LIMIT 1 
    Sub question 2: What is the youngest client who opened account in the lowest average salary branch? 
    "' sql 
    SELECT T1.'client_id' FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.'district_id' = T2.'district_id' ORDER BY T2.'A11' ASC, T1.'birth_date' DESC LIMIT 1 
    "'Sub question 3: What is the gender of the youngest client who opened account in the lowest average salary branch? 
    "' sql 
    SELECT T1.'gender' FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.'district_id' = T2.'district_id' ORDER BY T2.'A11' ASC, T1.'birth_date' DESC LIMIT 1 
    Question Solved. ==========[Database schema]
    [Foreign keys]
    {evidence} Decompose the question into sub questions, considering [Constraints], and generate the SQL after thinking step by step:


  • Refiner:其作用是为了检测到自动校正SQL错误,如论文图4所示意。如论文图2所示,在收到一个SQL查询之后,Refiner诊断SQL来评估器语法准确性、执行可行性,并从数据库中检索到非空结果。

    refiner_prompt = '''
    When executing SQL below, some errors occurred, please fix up SQL based on query and database info. Solve the task step by step if you need to. Using SQL format in the code block, and indicate script type in the code block. When you find an answer, verify the answer carefully. Include verifiable evidence in your response if possible.
    - In 'SELECT <column>', just select needed columns in the [Question] without any unnecessary column or value 
    - In 'FROM <table>' or 'JOIN <table>', do not include unnecessary table 
    - If use max or min func, 'JOIN <table>' FIRST, THEN use 'SELECT MAX(<column>)' or 'SELECT MIN(<column>)' - If [Value examples] of <column> has 'None' or None, use 'JOIN <table>' or 'WHERE <column> is NOT NULL' is better 
    - If use 'ORDER BY <column> ASC|DESC', add 'GROUP BY <column>' before to select distinct values
    [Database info]
    [Foreign keys]
    [old SQL]
    "' sql 
    [SQLite error]
    [Exception class]
    {exception_class}Now please fixup old SQL and generate new SQL again.[correct SQL]


除了MAC-SQL思路外,论文作者还尝试构建了一个用于微调LLM的mulit-agent任务指令集,并用这个指令集微调了Code Llama 7B模型得到了开源模型SQL-Llama。




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