区块链可投会议CCF C--FC 2025 截止10.8 附录用率

server/2024/10/8 18:29:47/


Conference:Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC)

CCF level:CCF C

Categories:network and information security


Conference time:14–18 April 2025, Miyakojima, Japan

录用率:2023年 39 full and 2 short papers selected from 182 submissions.


  • Access control, authorization and trust management

  • Anonymity and privacy enhancing technologies

  • Applied cryptography

  • Attacks, attack techniques, and attack case studies

  • Auctions and incentive design

  • Authentication, identity management and biometrics

  • Behavioral aspects of security and privacy

  • Blockchain applications

  • Blockchain protocols, proof-of-work, -stake, -burn

  • Censorship circumvention and resistance

  • Central bank digital currency (CBDC)

  • Certification and audits

  • Cloud computing and data outsourcing security

  • Cryptographic protocols

  • Data security and privacy

  • Decentralized finance (DeFi)

  • Digital cash and payment systems

  • Digital rights management

  • Distributed consensus protocols

  • Economic and monetary aspects of cryptocurrencies

  • Economics of security and privacy

  • Electronic crime and underground markets

  • Electronic payments and ticketing systems

  • Empirical studies, real-world measurements and metrics

  • Forensics, monitoring and transaction graph analysis

  • Fraud detection and management

  • Game theory for security, privacy, and blockchain

  • Language-based security and formal verification

  • Legal and regulatory issues of blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and electronic payments

  • Machine learning and AI security

  • Malware and software security

  • Mobile payments

  • Network and distributed system security

  • Phishing and social engineering

  • Scalability and interoperability of cryptocurrencies

  • Security of banking, financial services, and electronic commerce

  • Security of peer-to-peer networks

  • Smart contracts and financial instruments

  • Smartcards, secure tokens, and secure hardware

  • Surveillance and tracking

  • System security

  • Trusted execution environments (TEE), their security and applications

  • Usability and security

  • Web security

  • Zero-knowledge proofs

Important Dates

Paper submission8 October 2024
Paper notification6 December 2024
Final pre-proceedings papers14 February 2025
Workshop and tutorial submission13 September 2024*
Workshop and tutorial notification27 September 2024
Conference14–18 April 2025

All submissions are accepted until 23:59, AoE UTC-12.






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