
server/2024/9/23 4:04:19/


• 分配内存空间函数kmalloc
– 分配连续的虚拟地址,用于小内存分配。在include/linux/slab.h文件中。
– 参数1:申请的内存大小(最大128K),
– 参数2:GFP_KERNEL,代表优先权,内存不够可以延迟分配• 分配内存空间函数kmalloc
– 分配连续的虚拟地址,用于小内存分配。在include/linux/slab.h文件中。
– 参数1:申请的内存大小(最大128K),
– 参数2:GFP_KERNEL,代表优先权,内存不够可以延迟分配• 字符设备初始化函数cdev_init
– 在头文件include/linux/cdev.h中
– 参数1:cdev字符设备文件结构体
– 参数2:file_operations结构体
– 注册设备本质是向linux设备文件中添加数据,这些数据需要初始化/*** cdev_init() - initialize a cdev structure* @cdev: the structure to initialize* @fops: the file_operations for this device** Initializes @cdev, remembering @fops, making it ready to add to the* system with cdev_add().*/
void cdev_init(struct cdev *cdev, const struct file_operations *fops)
{memset(cdev, 0, sizeof *cdev);INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cdev->list);kobject_init(&cdev->kobj, &ktype_cdev_default);cdev->ops = fops;
}• 字符设备注册函数cdev_add
– 在头文件include/linux/cdev.h中
– 参数1:cdev字符设备文件结构体
– 参数2:设备号
– 参数3:设备范围大小
– 向系统注册设备,也就是向linux系统添加数据/*** cdev_add() - add a char device to the system* @p: the cdev structure for the device* @dev: the first device number for which this device is responsible* @count: the number of consecutive minor numbers corresponding to this*         device** cdev_add() adds the device represented by @p to the system, making it* live immediately.  A negative error code is returned on failure.*/
int cdev_add(struct cdev *p, dev_t dev, unsigned count)
{p->dev = dev;p->count = count;return kobj_map(cdev_map, dev, count, NULL, exact_match, exact_lock, p);
}static void cdev_unmap(dev_t dev, unsigned count)
{kobj_unmap(cdev_map, dev, count);
}• 卸载设备函数cdev_del
– 参数1:cdev结构体
– 移除字符设备
/*** cdev_del() - remove a cdev from the system* @p: the cdev structure to be removed** cdev_del() removes @p from the system, possibly freeing the structure* itself.*/
void cdev_del(struct cdev *p)
{cdev_unmap(p->dev, p->count);kobject_put(&p->kobj);
#include <linux/stat.h>
#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>#define REGDEV_SIZE 30002.定义结构体:
struct reg_deg
{char *data;unsigned long size;struct cdev cdev;
struct reg_dev *my_devices;my_devices = kmalloc(DEVICE_MINOR_NUM * sizeof(struct reg_dev),GFP_KERNEL);
if(!my_devices){ret = -ENOMEM;goto fail;
memset(my_devices,0,DEVICE_MINOR_NUM * sizeof(struct reg_dev));//初始化缓存为0;for(i = 0;i < DEVICE_MINOR_NUM;i ++){my_devices[i].data = kmalloc(REGDEV_SIZE,GFP_KERNEL);memset(&my_devices[i],0,REGDEV_SIZE);
}fail:unregister_chrdev_region(MDKEV(numdev_major,numdev_minor),DEVICE_MINOR_NUM);printk(KERN_EMERG "kmalloc is fail\n");return ret;



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