Funding social care: an international comparison
Lessons for Britain from other countries
To judge by the record of successive British governments, reforming social
care is almost impossible. But other rich countries have managed to grasp
the nettle. Doing so, notes Natasha Curry of the Nuffield Trust, a think-tank,
usually requires a government to make a compelling case for change. It also
requires some difficult policy choices.
grasp the nettle:果断处理难题;勇敢面对困难;迎难而上;直面挑战
Most countries accept that some of the costs of care should be shared by the
state. Voluntary private insurance comes up short, in part because the young
do not think about their old age until it is too late and because the old find
that premiums are too high. Out-of-pocket costs can quickly spiral, leaving
poorer folk dependent on relatives or charity. The state can help in two main
ways: through general taxation or social insurance.
private insurance:商业保险;私人保险
England uses general taxation to fund a threadbare safety net. Nordic
countries are more generous. Aside from the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
and Denmark spend the most on long-term care as a share of GDP in the
OECD, a club of rich countries. Funds are raised locally, topped up with government
grants to iron out regional variations, and then ring-fenced. Costs are
contained by reducing levels of residential care, which is dearer than care at
home. But the Nordic countries still face problems of financial sustainability,
says Ana Llena-Nozal, a health economist at the OECD. Cost pressures mean
that care has been cut back in recent years; variation between regions is
英格兰用一般税收来资助一个陈旧的安全网。北欧国家更慷慨。除了荷兰,挪威、瑞典和丹麦在长期护理上的花费占GDP的比例在经合组织(一个富裕国家的俱乐部)中最高。资金在当地筹集,由政府拨款补足以消除地区差异,然后专款专用。通过降低比家庭护理更贵的住宿护理水平来控制成本。但是经合组织的健康经济学家Ana Llena-Nozal说,北欧国家仍然面临着财政可持续性的问题。成本压力意味着近几年医疗费用已经削减;地区之间的差异正在增加。
threadbare:美 [ˈθrɛdbɛr] 破旧的;磨薄的;陈腐的;老一套的;
aside from:除…之外还有;
iron out:解决;消除;处理
top up: 通过额外的资金来补充或增加现有的资金
Top up: 在这个上下文中,“top up” 指的是通过额外的资金来补充或增加现有的资金。例如,当地方政府筹集的资金不足以满足需求时,中央政府会通过额外拨款来补充这些资金,以确保所有地区的资金水平相对均衡。
- 英文: The local council raised some money for the project, but the government had to top it up with additional grants.
- 中文: 当地政府为这个项目筹集了一些资金,但政府必须通过额外拨款来补充这些资金。
costs are contained:控制成本
ring-fenced: 资金专门用于特定用途
Ring-fenced: “Ring-fenced” 指的是将资金专门用于特定用途,并确保这些资金不会被挪用或用于其他目的。在本文中,指的是用于长期护理的资金是专门分配的,不会被用于其他开支。
- 英文: The charity’s donations are ring-fenced for education programs, so they cannot be used for other activities.
- 中文: 这家慈善机构的捐款是专门用于教育项目的,因此不能用于其他活动。
cut back:缩减;削减;减少(开支、使用或消耗)
In social-insurance schemes, individuals—and often employers, too—make
mandatory contributions that entitle them to a basic level of care when they
need it. In Germany, which introduced its social-insurance scheme in 1995,
these contributions amount to 3.4% of workers’ income. Those without
children must pay more. Japan’s system was reformed in 2000; there,
contributions start from the age of 40 (in part because many people start to
care for ageing relatives at about that time) and also tap pensioners’ income.
Yet this model, too, has its challenges. As people live longer and costs rise,
social-insurance contributions are usually still topped up with taxation.
When Japan’s costs rose too quickly, the government cut bespoke care for
the lowest categories of need and replaced it with prevention programmes
and exercise classes. By incentivising people in need to take cash instead of
services, the German system still relies on families—usually women—to
provide care at home, notes José-Luis Fernández of the London School of
Almost every system requires out-of-pocket payments, on top of what has
been paid by taxes or contributions. Often they are tied to some kind of
means test. Australia, with a tax-based system, uses a mix of means-tested
fees and charges for services for the elderly, though lifetime costs and annual
“hotel costs” for bed and board in care homes are capped. (A parallel system
for those with disabilities is more generous.) France tapers the level of state
funded support according to income.
means test:经济状况调查;收入调查;财务状况审查;
taper:美 [ˈteɪpər] 渐渐收窄;逐步缩小;逐渐减少
If the Labour government is to get serious about reforming social care, two
lessons stand out. One is that it must articulate the case for change. For
Germany, it was a matter of equity after reunification. For Japan, it was to
ease the burden on relatives, many of whom were dropping out of the labour
market. The other is that context matters. Nordic citizens are used to high
taxes and a more fulsome welfare system. Social insurance offers greater
transparency on the contract between the individual and the state; that may
be a better way to persuade Britons to shell out. ■
ease the burden:减轻负担
fulsome: 全面的,丰厚的
Fulsome 在这个上下文中指的是“全面的”或“丰厚的”,表示北欧国家的福利系统不仅范围广泛,而且提供了充足的支持。这种福利体系不仅涉及到社会保险,还包括广泛的社会服务和支持。
- 英文: The politician gave a fulsome apology, covering every aspect of the issue and acknowledging all the mistakes.
- 中文: 这位政客作出了全面的道歉,涵盖了问题的各个方面,并承认了所有的错误。
shell out:支付大笔款项;付款;不情愿地付钱;