关闭spirng boot集成springdoc-openapi的接口文档

server/2024/9/24 4:15:08/




# 配置文件中添加如下配置
springdoc:swagger-ui:enabled: false


java">/***  **  *  **  *  *  **  *  *  *  * Copyright 2019-2022 the original author or authors.*  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");*  *  *  *  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.*  *  *  *  * You may obtain a copy of the License at*  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0*  *  *  *  **  *  *  *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software*  *  *  *  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,*  *  *  *  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.*  *  *  *  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and*  *  *  *  * limitations under the License.*  *  *  **  *  **  ***/package org.springdoc.core.properties;import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springdoc.core.configuration.SpringDocConfiguration;
import org.springdoc.core.utils.Constants;import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnBean;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnProperty;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy;import static org.springdoc.core.utils.Constants.SPRINGDOC_SWAGGER_UI_ENABLED;/*** The type Swagger ui config properties.* @author bnasslahsen*/
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "springdoc.swagger-ui")
@ConditionalOnProperty(name = SPRINGDOC_SWAGGER_UI_ENABLED, matchIfMissing = true)
public class SwaggerUiConfigProperties extends AbstractSwaggerUiConfigProperties {/*** The Disable swagger default url.*/private boolean disableSwaggerDefaultUrl;/*** The Swagger ui version.*/private String version;/*** The Csrf configuration.*/private Csrf csrf = new Csrf();/*** The Syntax Highlight configuration.*/private SyntaxHighlight syntaxHighlight = new SyntaxHighlight();/*** Whether to generate and serve an OpenAPI document.*/private boolean enabled = true;/*** The Use root path.*/private boolean useRootPath;/*** Gets swagger ui version.** @return the swagger ui version*/public String getVersion() {return version;}/*** Sets swagger ui version.** @param version the swagger ui version*/public void setVersion(String version) {this.version = version;}/*** Is use root path boolean.** @return the boolean*/public boolean isUseRootPath() {return useRootPath;}/*** Sets use root path.** @param useRootPath the use root path*/public void setUseRootPath(boolean useRootPath) {this.useRootPath = useRootPath;}/*** Is enabled boolean.** @return the boolean*/public boolean isEnabled() {return enabled;}/*** Sets enabled.** @param enabled the enabled*/public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {this.enabled = enabled;}/*** Is disable swagger default url boolean.** @return the boolean*/public boolean isDisableSwaggerDefaultUrl() {return disableSwaggerDefaultUrl;}/*** Sets disable swagger default url.** @param disableSwaggerDefaultUrl the disable swagger default url*/public void setDisableSwaggerDefaultUrl(boolean disableSwaggerDefaultUrl) {this.disableSwaggerDefaultUrl = disableSwaggerDefaultUrl;}/*** Gets csrf.** @return the csrf*/public Csrf getCsrf() {return csrf;}/*** Sets csrf.** @param csrf the csrf*/public void setCsrf(Csrf csrf) {this.csrf = csrf;}/*** Is csrf enabled boolean.** @return the boolean*/public boolean isCsrfEnabled() {return csrf.isEnabled();}/*** Gets syntaxHighlight.** @return the syntaxHighlight*/public SyntaxHighlight getSyntaxHighlight() {return syntaxHighlight;}/*** Sets syntaxHighlight.** @param syntaxHighlight the syntaxHighlight*/public void setSyntaxHighlight(SyntaxHighlight syntaxHighlight) {this.syntaxHighlight = syntaxHighlight;}/*** Clone urls set.** @return the set*/public Set<SwaggerUrl> cloneUrls() {return this.urls.stream().map(swaggerUrl -> new SwaggerUrl(swaggerUrl.getName(), swaggerUrl.getUrl(), swaggerUrl.getDisplayName())).collect(Collectors.toSet());}/*** The type Csrf.* @author bnasslashen*/public static class Csrf {/*** The Enabled.*/private boolean enabled;/*** Use Local storage.*/private boolean useLocalStorage;/*** Use Session storage.*/private boolean useSessionStorage;/*** The Cookie name.*/private String cookieName = Constants.CSRF_DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAME;/*** The Local storage key.*/private String localStorageKey = Constants.CSRF_DEFAULT_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY;/*** The Session storage key.*/private String sessionStorageKey = Constants.CSRF_DEFAULT_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY;/*** The Header name.*/private String headerName = Constants.CSRF_DEFAULT_HEADER_NAME;/*** Is enabled boolean.** @return the boolean*/public boolean isEnabled() {return enabled;}/*** Sets enabled.** @param enabled the enabled*/public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {this.enabled = enabled;}/*** Use Local storage boolean.** @return the boolean*/public boolean isUseLocalStorage() {return useLocalStorage;}/*** Sets useLocalStorage.** @param useLocalStorage the use local storage*/public void setUseLocalStorage(boolean useLocalStorage) {this.useLocalStorage = useLocalStorage;}/*** Use Session storage boolean.** @return the boolean*/public boolean isUseSessionStorage() {return useSessionStorage;}/*** Sets useSessionStorage.** @param useSessionStorage the use local storage*/public void setUseSessionStorage(boolean useSessionStorage) {this.useSessionStorage = useSessionStorage;}/*** Gets cookie name.** @return the cookie name*/public String getCookieName() {return cookieName;}/*** Sets cookie name.** @param cookieName the cookie name*/public void setCookieName(String cookieName) {this.cookieName = cookieName;}/*** Gets local storage key.** @return the cookie name*/public String getLocalStorageKey() {return localStorageKey;}/*** Sets local storage key.** @param localStorageKey the local storage key*/public void setLocalStorageKey(String localStorageKey) {this.localStorageKey = localStorageKey;}/*** Gets session storage key.** @return the cookie name*/public String getSessionStorageKey() {return sessionStorageKey;}/*** Sets local storage key.** @param sessionStorageKey the local storage key*/public void setSessionStorageKey(String sessionStorageKey) {this.sessionStorageKey = sessionStorageKey;}/*** Gets header name.** @return the header name*/public String getHeaderName() {return headerName;}/*** Sets header name.** @param headerName the header name*/public void setHeaderName(String headerName) {this.headerName = headerName;}}/*** The type Syntax highlight.* @author bnasslashen*/public static class SyntaxHighlight {/*** The Activated.*/private Boolean activated;/*** The Theme.*/private String theme;/*** Gets activated.** @return the activated*/public Boolean getActivated() {return activated;}/*** Sets activated.** @param activated the activated*/public void setActivated(Boolean activated) {this.activated = activated;}/*** Gets theme.** @return the theme*/public String getTheme() {return theme;}/*** Sets theme.** @param theme the theme*/public void setTheme(String theme) {this.theme = theme;}/*** Is present boolean.** @return the boolean*/public boolean isPresent() {return activated != null || StringUtils.isNotEmpty(theme);}}}




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