
server/2025/1/15 21:56:13/

Nitrile Sulphur-Free Finger Cots: A Weapon for Protecting High-Tech Products


With the continuous advancement of technology, the manufacturing and application of high-tech products such as micro motors, precision electronic devices, and instruments are becoming increasingly popular. However, the manufacturing process of these products often requires special protective measures to prevent the influence of static electricity, sulphur, and other contaminants. In this field, Nitrile sulphur-free finger cots have become an indispensable tool due to their unique characteristics and wide range of applications.

制作材料Material Composition

蓝色<a class=无硫丁腈手指套 优斯特全球供应" src="https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/direct/fa7a32c585e54912b0bcc218d5db9718.png" />


Nitrile sulphur-free finger cots are made from high-quality natural nitrile without sulphur or other harmful substances, possessing characteristics of heat resistance and abrasion resistance. This natural nitrile material not only protects high-tech products from the influence of static electricity, sulphur, and other contaminants but also prevents corrosion and contamination of metal components.

特殊用途Special Applications

白色<a class=无硫手指套" src="https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/direct/64cdae67b159402b81c8b1d2dd599f1d.png" />


Nitrile sulphur-free finger cots are widely used in the manufacturing and processing of high-tech products such as micro motors, precision electronic devices, precision instruments, and meters. They are not only suitable for handling sulphur-sensitive components but also for chlorine-sensitive components and applications in the electrostatic discharge control industry. Furthermore, due to its excellent oil resistance, Nitrile sulphur-free finger cots are also suitable for handling oily components such as silver, copper, brass, etc.


  • 防静电,无粉:具有优异的防静电性能,并且不会产生粉尘。

  • 耐油性能:具有出色的耐油性能,适用于处理油性成分。

  • 不含氯,不含硅:不含氯和硅等有害物质,保证产品的纯净性。

  • Cleanroom系列100级:适用于无尘车间,能够确保产品的高纯度。

  • Anti-static, powder-free: Excellent anti-static performance and does not generate dust.

  • Oil resistance: Outstanding oil resistance, suitable for handling oily components.

  • Chlorine-free, silicone-free: Free from chlorine, silicone, and other harmful substances, ensuring product purity.

  • Cleanroom Class 100: Suitable for cleanrooms, ensuring high purity of products.

优斯特净化无尘手指套Application in Cleanroom Environments

切口<a class=无硫手指套" src="https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/direct/f4c731a9d41740d5981ff270c1360d46.png" />


Nitrile sulphur-free finger cots play an important role in Cleanroom environments, used for handling precision parts, SMT, LED, LCD, and other products. Its special material and design ensure that it does not cause contamination when used in a dust-free environment, guaranteeing the quality and purity of the products.


  • 无硫防静电、无粉、无氯、无硅油

  • 表面电阻:平均表面电阻为每平方10亿欧姆或以下。

  • 应用领域:微型电机、精密电子器件、仪器仪表等。

  • Sulphur-free, anti-static, powder-free, chlorine-free, silicone oil-free

  • Surface resistivity: Average surface resistivity is 10 e 9 ohms/square or below.

  • Application areas: Micro motors, precision electronic devices, instruments, etc.

总结 Conclusion


Nitrile sulphur-free finger cots, as a high-performance protective tool, play an important role in the manufacturing and processing of high-tech products. Its excellent anti-static performance, oil resistance, and non-polluting characteristics make it an ideal choice for protecting high-tech products. In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology, Nitrile sulphur-free finger cots will continue to play an important role, providing strong support



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