小米 AX9000 破解 SSH 刷 OpenWrt 系统教程

server/2024/10/9 14:22:05/
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1. 设备和文件

  • 带网口的电脑一台,网线若干
  • 辅助路由器:闲置的带无线功能的已刷 OpenWrt 的设备(因为要恢复出厂设置)
  • 小米官方固件 1.0.108 版本
  • AX9000 OpenWrt 工厂快照固件1
  • 实际要刷入的系统升级.bin固件,推荐第三方维护的 NSS 硬件加速版本2

2. 设备预处理

2.1. 辅助路由器

  1. 将闲置的 OpenWrt 设备恢复出厂设置后用网线与电脑连接,直接用 SSH 登入控制台
    ssh root@
  2. 切换到/tmp目录下,新建文件run.sh
    cd /tmp
    vi run.sh
  3. i编辑,写入如下内容3ESC退出,:wq保存
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
    # Copyright (C) 2021 Robert Marko <robimarko@gmail.com>
    # Copyright (C) 2021 Tianling Shen <cnsztl@immortalwrt.org>
    # Copyright (C) 2024 Fumiama Minamoto <fumiama@foxmail.com>
    # Original thread: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/openwrt-support-for-xiaomi-ax9000/98908/34error_font="\033[31m[Error]\033[0m"
    warning_font="\033[33m[Warning]\033[0m"echo -e "${warning_font} Please make sure your router has wireless support!"
    echo -e "${warning_font} Please make sure your router is restored to factory settings (not configured)!"
    echo -e "${warning_font} Please make sure you've backed up the network and wireless settings!"
    echo -e "${warning_font} Please make sure you've connected the router via *wired ethernet*!"
    echo -e "${warning_font} Running this script will change your *network* settings!"
    read -p "Use Ctrl+C to exit or press enter key to continue..."echo -e ""
    echo -e "${info_font} Adding xqsystem controller..."
    cat > "/usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/admin/xqsystem.lua" <<EOF
    module("luci.controller.admin.xqsystem", package.seeall)function index()local page   = node("api")page.target  = firstchild()page.title   = ("")page.order   = 100page.index = truepage   = node("api","xqsystem")page.target  = firstchild()page.title   = ("")page.order   = 100page.index = trueentry({"api", "xqsystem", "token"}, call("getToken"), (""), 103, 0x08)
    endlocal LuciHttp = require("luci.http")function getToken()local result = {}result["code"] = 0result["token"] = "; nvram set ssh_en=1; nvram set uart_en=1; nvram set boot_wait=on; nvram commit; uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].key=\`mkxqimage -I\`; uci commit; sed -i 's/channel=.*/channel=\"debug\"/g' /etc/init.d/dropbear; /etc/init.d/dropbear start;"LuciHttp.write_json(result)
    EOFecho -e "${info_font} Changing network settings..."
    set -x
    uci set dhcp.lan.ignore='1'
    uci set network.lan.ipaddr=''
    uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid='MEDIATEK-ARM-IS-GREAT'
    uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].encryption='psk2+ccmp'
    uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].key='ARE-YOU-OK'
    uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].mode='ap'
    uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].network='LAN lan'
    uci -q commit
    set +xecho -e "${success_font} All settings are applied.\n"
    echo -e "${info_font} Please now disconnect from this router, and connect to your Xiaomi AX9000."
    echo -e "${info_font} Then open your browser, access the following URL:"
    echo -e ";stok=<STOK>/api/xqsystem/extendwifi_connect_inited_router?ssid=MEDIATEK-ARM-IS-GREAT&password=ARE-YOU-OK&encryption=WPA2PSKenctype=CCMP&admin_username=root&admin_password=admin&admin_nonce=xxx"
    echo -e "${info_font} If the return code is 0, now you can connect to your AX9000 via SSH."
    echo -e "${info_font} SSH login password is 5GHz wireless connection password."
    echo -e ""
    echo -e "${success_font} Thanks for usage."
    echo -e "          Staff: Robert Marko, Tianling Shen"echo -e ""
    echo -e "${warning_font} Restarting network..."
    wifi reload >"/dev/null" 2>&1
    /etc/init.d/network restart >"/dev/null" 2>&1
  4. 为文件添加可执行权限
    chmod +x run.sh

2.2. 目标路由器

不保留配置刷入小米官方 1.0.108 版本固件,随意设置一个密码。

开启 SSH

  1. 在辅助设备上运行
    此后 SSH 自行断开,不用理会,保持该设备通电,网线可以拔出。
  2. 登录待刷写设备网页管理,复制<STOK>码(网址栏;stok=/web之间的十六进制码)
  3. 同浏览器访问下面的链接,记得替换<STOK>;stok=<STOK>/api/xqsystem/extendwifi_connect_inited_router?ssid=MEDIATEK-ARM-IS-GREAT&password=ARE-YOU-OK&encryption=WPA2PSKenctype=CCMP&admin_username=root&admin_password=admin&admin_nonce=xxx
  4. 成功会返回一个JSON字符串,其中code字段为0。此时SSH已打开且5G WiFi密码已被更改为SSHroot用户密码,可进入管理页查看


  1. 使用上面获得的密码登入待刷写路由器
    ssh root@
  2. 确认可以登入后,使用scp拷贝工厂快照固件到路由器/tmp目录
    scp openwrt-qualcommax-ipq807x-xiaomi_ax9000-initramfs-factory.ubi root@
  3. 查看当前系统所在分区,0代表rootfs1代表rootfs_1
    nvram get flag_boot_rootfs
  4. 查看分区对应mtd文件
    cat /proc/mtd
  5. 如果第三步返回0,执行
    ubiformat /dev/mtd22 -y -f /tmp/openwrt-qualcommax-ipq807x-xiaomi_ax9000-initramfs-factory.ubi -s 2048 -O 2048 && nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=1 && nvram set flag_last_success=1 && nvram commit
  6. 如果第三步返回1,执行
    ubiformat /dev/mtd21 -y -f /tmp/openwrt-qualcommax-ipq807x-xiaomi_ax3600-initramfs-factory.ubi -s 2048 -O 2048 && nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=0 && nvram set flag_last_success=0 && nvram commit
  7. 重启路由器

刷入正式 OpenWrt 固件

如可以直接访问luci网页,在页面刷入即可。如无法访问,则还需要用scp拷贝对应sysupgrade.bin文件到/tmp,再用sysupgrade -n命令刷入后重启。

  1. [OpenWrt WiKi] Xiaomi Mi Router AX9000 - https://openwrt.org/toh/xiaomi/ax9000 ↩︎

  2. [OpenWrt WiKi] Xiaomi Mi AIoT Router AX3600 - https://openwrt.org/toh/xiaomi/ax3600 ↩︎

  3. [知乎] 小米AX9000 安装OpenWrt双系统 - https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/427734325 ↩︎



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