
ops/2024/10/20 8:43:19/

        关键字是 C# 编译器预定义的保留字。这些关键字不能用作标识符,但是,如果您想使用这些关键字作为标识符,可以在关键字前面加上 @ 字符作为前缀。

  1. class:

    public class MyClass
    {// Class definition
  2. interface:

    public interface IMyInterface
    {void MyMethod();
  3. public:

    public class MyClass
    {public int MyProperty { get; set; }
  4. private:

    public class MyClass
    {private int myPrivateField;
  5. protected:

    public class MyBaseClass
    {protected int MyProtectedField;
  6. internal:

    internal class MyInternalClass
    {// Internal class accessible within the same assembly
  7. static:

    public static class MyStaticClass
    {public static void MyStaticMethod(){// Static method}
  8. void:

    public class MyClass
    {public void MyMethod(){// Method that returns void}
  9. new:

    public class MyBaseClass
    {public virtual void MyMethod(){// Base method}
    }public class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
    {public new void MyMethod(){// Hides base class method with new implementation}
  10. virtualoverride:

    public class MyBaseClass
    {public virtual void MyMethod(){// Virtual method}
    }public class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
    {public override void MyMethod(){// Overrides base class method}
  11. abstract:

    public abstract class MyAbstractClass
    {public abstract void MyAbstractMethod();
  12. this:

    public class MyClass
    {private int value;public void SetValue(int value){this.value = value; // 'this' refers to the current instance of MyClass}
  13. base:

    public class MyBaseClass
    {protected int baseValue;public MyBaseClass(int value){baseValue = value;}
    }public class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
    {public MyDerivedClass(int derivedValue) : base(derivedValue){// Calls base class constructor with 'derivedValue'}
  14. readonlyconst:

    public class MyClass
    {public const int MyConstant = 10;public readonly int MyReadOnlyField;public MyClass(int value){MyReadOnlyField = value; // Readonly field can be initialized in constructor}
  15. delegate:

    public delegate void MyDelegate(string message);public class MyClass
    {public void MyMethod(string message){Console.WriteLine(message);}
    }// Usage of delegate:
    // MyDelegate handler = new MyDelegate(new MyClass().MyMethod);
  16. event:

    public class MyClass
    {public event EventHandler MyEvent;public void RaiseEvent(){MyEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);}
  17. trycatchfinally:

    {// Code that may throw exceptions
    catch (Exception ex)
    {// Handle exceptions
    {// Code that always runs, whether an exception occurred or not
  18. ifelseswitchcase:

    int x = 10;if (x > 5)
    {Console.WriteLine("x is greater than 5");
    {Console.WriteLine("x is less than or equal to 5");
    }switch (x)
    {case 5:Console.WriteLine("x is 5");break;default:Console.WriteLine("x is not 5");break;
  19. forwhiledo:

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    }int j = 0;
    while (j < 5)
    }int k = 0;
    } while (k < 5);
  20. foreach:

    int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };foreach (int num in numbers)
  21. lock:

    private object lockObject = new object();public void AccessSharedResource()
    {lock (lockObject){// Code inside this block is thread-safe}
  22. using:

    using (var resource = new DisposableResource())
    {// Use 'resource' here
  23. asyncawait:

    public async Task<int> GetValueAsync()
    {await Task.Delay(1000); // Simulates an async operationreturn 10;
    }// Example of usage:
    // int result = await GetValueAsync();
  24. getset:

    public class MyClass
    {private int myProperty;public int MyProperty{get { return myProperty; }set { myProperty = value; }}




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