
ops/2024/10/18 18:13:22/





java">    /*** Read all lines from a file as a {@code Stream}. Unlike {@link* #readAllLines(Path, Charset) readAllLines}, this method does not read* all lines into a {@code List}, but instead populates lazily as the stream* is consumed.** <p> Bytes from the file are decoded into characters using the specified* charset and the same line terminators as specified by {@code* readAllLines} are supported.** <p> After this method returns, then any subsequent I/O exception that* occurs while reading from the file or when a malformed or unmappable byte* sequence is read, is wrapped in an {@link UncheckedIOException} that will* be thrown from the* {@link java.util.stream.Stream} method that caused the read to take* place. In case an {@code IOException} is thrown when closing the file,* it is also wrapped as an {@code UncheckedIOException}.** <p> The returned stream encapsulates a {@link Reader}.  If timely* disposal of file system resources is required, the try-with-resources* construct should be used to ensure that the stream's* {@link Stream#close close} method is invoked after the stream operations* are completed.*** @param   path*          the path to the file* @param   cs*          the charset to use for decoding** @return  the lines from the file as a {@code Stream}** @throws  IOException*          if an I/O error occurs opening the file* @throws  SecurityException*          In the case of the default provider, and a security manager is*          installed, the {@link SecurityManager#checkRead(String) checkRead}*          method is invoked to check read access to the file.** @see     #readAllLines(Path, Charset)* @see     #newBufferedReader(Path, Charset)* @see     java.io.BufferedReader#lines()* @since   1.8*/public static Stream<String> lines(Path path, Charset cs) throws IOException {BufferedReader br = Files.newBufferedReader(path, cs);try {return br.lines().onClose(asUncheckedRunnable(br));} catch (Error|RuntimeException e) {try {br.close();} catch (IOException ex) {try {e.addSuppressed(ex);} catch (Throwable ignore) {}}throw e;}}/*** Read all lines from a file as a {@code Stream}. Bytes from the file are* decoded into characters using the {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8 UTF-8}* {@link Charset charset}.** <p> This method works as if invoking it were equivalent to evaluating the* expression:* <pre>{@code* Files.lines(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)* }</pre>** @param   path*          the path to the file** @return  the lines from the file as a {@code Stream}** @throws  IOException*          if an I/O error occurs opening the file* @throws  SecurityException*          In the case of the default provider, and a security manager is*          installed, the {@link SecurityManager#checkRead(String) checkRead}*          method is invoked to check read access to the file.** @since 1.8*/public static Stream<String> lines(Path path) throws IOException {return lines(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);}

 从javadoc注解中可以看出,它将文件中的所有行作为 Stream 读取,与 readAllLines 不同,此方法不会将所有行读入 List 中(不全部加载到内存中),而是在流被使用时延迟填充(populates lazily)

java.nio.file.Files 类中的 lines 方法是 Java 8 引入的一个非常有用的方法,用于处理文件和目录的 I/O 操作,它提供了一种流式(Stream-based)的方式来读取文件内容,并将文件的每一行作为字符串(String)对象进行处理。

lines(Path path)方法使用默认字符集(通常是 UTF-8)来解码文件中的字节。


  1. 文本文件处理:当你需要读取和处理大量文本文件时,lines 方法可以方便地按行处理文件内容。
  2. 数据分析和转换:如果你需要对文件中的数据进行分析或转换,可以将 lines 方法返回的 Stream 对象与其他 Stream 操作(如 mapfilterreduce 等)结合使用。
  3. 日志处理:对于日志文件的分析和监控,lines 方法可以方便地读取日志文件并按行进行处理。
  4. 批量文本操作:对于需要批量处理文本文件的场景(如批量重命名、查找和替换等),lines 方法可以提供一个高效且简洁的解决方案。



  1. 简洁性:与传统的文件读取方式相比,lines 方法更加简洁和直观。
  2. 流式处理:与 Stream API 紧密集成,使得文件处理更加灵活和高效。
  3. 内存效率默认情况下,lines 方法使用懒加载(lazy loading)方式读取文件内容,这意味着它不会一次性加载整个文件到内存中,从而减少了内存使用。


  1. 字符集问题lines 方法默认使用系统默认字符集来解码文件内容。如果文件使用了非默认字符集(如 ISO-8859-1),则需要手动指定字符集,否则可能会出现乱码问题。
  2. 错误处理:与 BufferedReader 或 Scanner 相比,lines 方法在处理文件读取错误时可能不太直观。你需要使用 try-catch 块来捕获和处理可能发生的 IOException
  3. 性能考虑:虽然 lines 方法在大多数情况下都足够高效,但在处理大文件时,由于它使用 Stream API,可能会增加一些额外的开销。此外,如果你需要多次读取同一文件或进行大量的小文件读取操作,使用传统的文件读取方式可能会更加高效。


java">import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.stream.Stream;public class FilesTest {public static void main(String[] args) {String filePath = "page\example.txt";// 使用默认字符编码读取文件的每一行try (Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(Paths.get(filePath))) {lines.forEach(System.out::println);} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}// 使用指定的字符编码读取文件的每一行try (Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(Paths.get(filePath), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {lines.forEach(System.out::println);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}




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