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<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>浮动_简介</title><style>div{width: 600px;height: 400px;background-color: #1c80d9;}img{float: right;/*margin-right: 0.5em;*/}.test::first-letter{font-size: 80px;float: left;}</style>
<body><div><img src="../pictures/喜羊羊.jpg" alt="" style="width: 200px;height: auto;">lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quodlorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, quod.</div><hr><div class="test">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, while the eager beaver builds a sturdy dam and the proud peacock displays its vibrant plumage. A clever crow steals a shiny ring from the sleeping cat, as the noisy crowders chatter in the bustling city square. The brave knight slays the fearsome dragon with his trusty sword, and the joyful children play in the sunny meadow. The graceful swan glides on the serene lake, while the mischievous monkey swings from tree to tree. The diligent bee collects nectar from the colorful flowers, as the majestic eagle soars high in the clear blue sky. The talented artist captures the beauty of nature on her canvas, and the wise owl watches over the peaceful forest. The ambitious entrepreneur launches a successful startup, while the skillful chef prepares a delicious feast for the hungry guests. The curious kitten explores its new surroundings, as the faithful dog guards its owner’s home.</div></body>




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<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>元素浮动后的特点</title><style>.outer{width: 800px;height: 400px;padding: 10px;background-color: #5dcd2d;text-align: center;}.box{font-size: 20px;padding: 10px;}.box1{background-color: red;}.box2{background-color: blue;float: left;/*width: 200px;*//*height: 200px;*/}.box3{background-color: yellow;float: left;}</style>
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<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>浮动小练习</title><style>.outer{width: 500px;background-color: #47c447;border: 1px solid black;}.box{width: 200px;height: 200px;background-color: red;border: 1px solid black;margin: 10px;float: left;}.box1{height: 230px;}/*.box1{*//*    float: left;*//*}*/</style>
<body><div class="outer"><div class = "box box1">1</div><div class = "box box2">2</div><div class = "box box3">3</div></div><div style="background-color: #999ff0">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, while the eager beaver builds a sturdy dam and the proud peacock displays its vibrant plumage. A clever crow steals a shiny ring from the sleeping cat, as the noisy crowders chatter in the bustling city square. The brave knight slays the fearsome dragon with his trusty sword, and the joyful children play in the sunny meadow. </div></body>




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<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>浮动后的影响</title><style>.outer{width: 500px;background-color: #47c447;border: 1px solid black;}.box{width: 100px;height: 100px;background-color: red;border: 1px solid black;margin: 10px;/*float: left;*/}.box1,.box2,.box3{float: left;}</style>
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<!--    <div style="background-color: #999ff0">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, while the eager beaver builds a sturdy dam and the proud peacock displays its vibrant plumage. A clever crow steals a shiny ring from the sleeping cat, as the noisy crowders chatter in the bustling city square. The brave knight slays the fearsome dragon with his trusty sword, and the joyful children play in the sunny meadow. The graceful swan glides on the serene lake, while the mischievous monkey swings from tree to tree. The diligent bee collects nectar from the colorful flowers, as the majestic eagle soars high in the clear blue sky. The talented artist captures the beauty of nature on her canvas, and the wise owl watches over the peaceful forest. The ambitious entrepreneur launches a successful startup, while the skillful chef prepares a delicious feast for the hungry guests. The curious kitten explores its new surroundings, as the faithful dog guards its owner’s home. The powerful ocean waves crash against the rocky shore, and the gentle breeze whispers through the leaves of the ancient trees. The adventurous traveler explores remote villages in search of hidden treasures, while the playful dolphin leaps through the waves of the vast ocean. </div>--></body>




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<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>解决浮动后的影响</title><style>.outer{width: 500px;background-color: #47c447;border: 1px solid black;/*第一种解决方案*//*height: 122px;*//*第二种解决方案*//*float: left;*//*第三种解决方案*//*overflow: scroll;*/}.box{width: 100px;height: 100px;background-color: red;border: 1px solid black;margin: 10px;/*float: left;*/}.box1,.box2,.box3,.box4{float: left;}/*.box4{*//*    !*display: inline-block;*!*//*    !*height: 260px;*!*//*    !*clear: left;*!*//*    display: inline;*//*    clear: both;*//*    !*消除左侧浮动兄弟带来的影响*!*//*}*/.box5{clear:both;}.mofa{/*第四种*/clear: both;}.outer::after{content: '';display: block;clear: both;}</style>
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<!--        <div class="mofa"></div>--></div><div style="background-color: #999ff0">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, while the eager beaver builds a sturdy dam and the proud peacock displays its vibrant plumage. A clever crow steals a shiny ring from the sleeping cat, as the noisy crowders chatter in the bustling city square. The brave knight slays the fearsome dragon with his trusty sword, and the joyful children play in the sunny meadow. The graceful swan glides on the serene lake, while the mischievous monkey swings from tree to tree. The diligent bee collects nectar from the colorful flowers, as the majestic eagle soars high in the clear blue sky. The talented artist captures the beauty of nature on her canvas, and the wise owl watches over the peaceful forest. The ambitious entrepreneur launches a successful startup, while the skillful chef prepares a delicious feast for the hungry guests. The curious kitten explores its new surroundings, as the faithful dog guards its owner’s home. The powerful ocean waves crash against the rocky shore, and the gentle breeze whispers through the leaves of the ancient trees. The adventurous traveler explores remote villages in search of hidden treasures, while the playful dolphin leaps through the waves of the vast ocean. </div></body>




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CCF PTA 2023年5月C++天空之城的树

【问题描述】 拉姆达人在修建天空之城时&#xff0c;主要是依赖巨大的飞行石去维持悬空状态&#xff0c;依赖强壮的大树去作为建筑 物的框架&#xff0c;假设大树是一棵有 n(n≤10 3)个结点的二叉树。给出每个结点的两个子结点编号&#xff08;均不超 过 n&#xff09;&#x…

蓝桥杯练习系统(算法训练)ALGO-950 逆序数奇偶

资源限制 内存限制&#xff1a;256.0MB C/C时间限制&#xff1a;1.0s Java时间限制&#xff1a;3.0s Python时间限制&#xff1a;5.0s 问题描述 老虎moreD是一个勤于思考的青年&#xff0c;线性代数行列式时&#xff0c;其定义中提到了逆序数这一概念。不过众所周知我们…


重建表 alter table t engine InnoDB&#xff08;也就是recreate&#xff09;&#xff0c;而optimize table t 等于recreateanalyze&#xff0c;让表大小变小 重建表的执行流程 建立一个临时文件&#xff0c;扫描表 t 主键的所有数据页&#xff1b;用数据页中表 t 的记录生…


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在Python中&#xff0c;进行单目标优化主要涉及定义一个优化问题&#xff0c;包括一个目标函数和可能的约束条件&#xff0c;然后选择合适的算法来求解。Python提供了多种库&#xff0c;如SciPy、Pyomo、GEKKO等&#xff0c;用于处理各种优化问题。 案例分析&#xff1a;使用 …


grpc拦截器metadata进行接口统一校验 hello.protoproto生成go文件命令client.go方法一&#xff1a;自定义拦截器&#xff0c;实现统一参数校验方法二&#xff1a;使用grpc内置拦截器&#xff0c;需要自定义结构体&#xff0c;实现credentials.PerRPCCredentials接口中的方法 se…


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arm 交叉编译 thumb 与 arm 指令的方法

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