
ops/2024/9/25 5:25:28/


一、同步版(pip install requests)

python">import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuthhost = ''
path = '/api/xxx'
path2 = '/another/api'AUTH = ('username', 'password')
r = requests.get(host+path, verify=False, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(*AUTH))
print(r.text)payload = {'a': 1}
r2 = requests.put(host+path2, verify=False, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(*AUTH), json=payload)

二、异步协程版(pip install httpx)

python">import asyncio
from httpx import AsyncClient, DigestAuthhost = ''
path = '/api/xxx'
path2 = '/another/api'AUTH = ('username', 'password')async def main():async with AsyncClient(base_url=host, verify=False, auth=DigestAuth(*AUTH)):r = await client.get(path)payload = {'a': 1}r2 = await client.put(path2, json=payload)print(r.status_code)print(r.text)print(r2.status_code)print(r2.json())if __name__ == '__main__'


python">import osimport requests
from httpx import AsyncClient, DigestAuthAUTH = (os.environ["API_USER"], os.environ["API_PASS"])class HttpClient:PATH_GET = "/get-sth"PATH_PUT = "/put"@staticmethoddef sync_request(method: str, host: str, path: str, **kw) -> requests.Response:url = host.rstrip("/") + pathreturn requests.request(method, url, verify=False, auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(*AUTH), **kw)@classmethoddef sync_get(cls, host: str, params=None, path: str | None = None) -> dict:if path is None:path = cls.PATH_GETr = cls.sync_request("GET", host, path, params=params)r.raise_for_status()return r.json()@classmethoddef sync_put(cls, payload: dict, host: str, path: str | None = None) -> dict:if path is None:path = cls.PATH_PUTr = cls.sync_request("PUT", host, path, json=payload)r.raise_for_status()return r.json()@staticmethoddef async_client(host: str) -> AsyncClient:return AsyncClient(base_url=host, verify=False, auth=DigestAuth(*AUTH))@classmethodasync def get(cls, host: str, params=None, path: str | None = None) -> dict:async with cls.async_client(host) as client:r = await client.get(path or cls.PATH_GET, params=params)return r.json()@classmethodasync def put(cls, payload: dict, host: str, path: str | None = None) -> dict:async with cls.async_client(host) as client:r = await client.put(path or cls.PATH_PUT, json=payload)return r.json()


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