轨迹优化 | 基于梯度下降的路径规划算法(附ROS C++/Python仿真)

ops/2025/3/19 9:16:50/


  • 0 专栏介绍
  • 1 梯度下降路径规划
  • 2 代价势场生成方法
  • 3 算法仿真
    • 3.1 ROS C++仿真
    • 3.2 Python仿真

0 专栏介绍



1 梯度下降路径规划

假设 d ( s ) d(s) d(s)是栅格 s s s到目标栅格的最小代价 c ( s , s ′ ) c(s,s') c(s,s)是从栅格 s s s移动到邻域栅格 s ′ s' s过程代价 n e i g h b o r ( s ) \mathrm{neighbor}(s) neighbor(s)是栅格 s s s拓展邻域

通过预计算的方式获得整个栅格地图的最小代价矩阵 D ( s ) \boldsymbol{D}(s) D(s),称为代价势场。由 d ( s ) d(s) d(s)的定义可知,对于任意起点 s s t a r t s_{start} sstart,总存在一条路径
s s t a r t → s 1 → s 2 → . . . − → s g o a l s_{start} \rightarrow s_1 \rightarrow s_2 \rightarrow...- \rightarrow s_{goal} sstarts1s2...sgoal

使得总代价为 d ( s s t a r t ) d(s_{start}) d(sstart),证明了最优路径的存在性

接着,对于当前栅格 s s s,需选择下一栅格 s ′ ∈ n e i g h b o r ( s ) s' \in \mathrm{neighbor}(s) sneighbor(s)使得总代价最小。根据动态规划方程

d ( s ) = min ⁡ s ′ ∈ n e i g h b o r ( s ) ( c ( s , s ′ ) + d ( s ′ ) ) d\left( s \right) =\underset{s'\in \mathrm{neighbor}\left( s \right)}{\min}\left( c\left( s,s' \right) +d\left( s' \right) \right) d(s)=sneighbor(s)min(c(s,s)+d(s))

因此,最优的下一栅格 s ∗ s^* s应满足

s ∗ = a r g m i n s ′ ∈ n e i g h b o r ( s ) ( c ( s , s ′ ) + d ( s ′ ) ) s^*= \rm{argmin}_{s'\in \rm{neighbor}(s)} (c\left( s,s' \right) + d(s')) s=argminsneighbor(s)(c(s,s)+d(s))

即选择邻域中 d ( s ′ ) d(s') d(s)最小的栅格,称为贪心拓展策略


  • s = s g o a l s= s_{goal} s=sgoal时,路径长度为 0,显然成立;
  • 归纳假设:假设对于所有满足 d ( s ′ ) < d ( s ) d(s')< d(s) d(s)<d(s)的栅格 s ′ s' s算法能正确找到从 s ′ s' s s g o a l s_{goal} sgoal的最短路径
  • 归纳步骤:对当前栅格 s s s,选择 s ∗ = a r g m i n s ′ ∈ n e i g h b o r ( s ) ( c ( s , s ′ ) + d ( s ′ ) ) s^*= \rm{argmin}_{s'\in \rm{neighbor}(s)} (c\left( s,s' \right) + d(s')) s=argminsneighbor(s)(c(s,s)+d(s)),则路径总代价为 d ( s ) = c ( s , s ∗ ) + d ( s ∗ ) d(s)=c\left( s,s^* \right)+d(s^*) d(s)=c(s,s)+d(s)

根据归纳假设,从 s ∗ s^* s s g o a l s_{goal} sgoal的路径是最优的,因此 s → s ∗ → ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ → s g o a l s\rightarrow s^*\rightarrow··· \rightarrow s_{goal} sssgoal的路径也为最优。

将这个计算过程推广到一般的势能函数 ϕ ( s ) \phi (s) ϕ(s),则贪心拓展策略的拓展方向正好对应梯度下降方向即

− ∇ ϕ ( s ) ⇔ a r g min ⁡ s ′ ∈ n e i g h b o r ( s ) ( c ( s , s ′ ) + d ( s ′ ) ) -\nabla \phi \left( s \right) \Leftrightarrow \mathrm{arg}\min _{\mathrm{s}'\in \mathrm{neighbor(s)}}(\mathrm{c}\left( s,s' \right) +\mathrm{d(s}')) ϕ(s)argsneighbor(s)min(c(s,s)+d(s))


2 代价势场生成方法



def calObstacleHeuristic(self, grid_map: np.ndarray, goal: Point3d):"""Calculate the heuristic distance from the goal to every free grid in the grid map.Parameters:grid_map (np.ndarray): The grid map with obstacles and free spaces.goal (Point3d): The goal point in the grid map.Returns:np.ndarray: The distance map with heuristic distances from the goal to every free grid."""goal_x = round(goal.x())goal_y = round(goal.y())if grid_map[goal_y, goal_x] != TYPES.FREE_GRID:raise RuntimeError("The endpoint is not in free space")height, width = grid_map.shapedistance_map = np.full_like(grid_map, np.inf, dtype=np.float32)distance_map[goal_y, goal_x] = 0.0mask = (grid_map == TYPES.FREE_GRID)max_iter = int(np.sqrt(height ** 2 + width ** 2)) * 2for _ in range(max_iter):new_dists = []for dy, dx, cost in self.motions:shifted = np.full_like(distance_map, np.inf)valid_rows, src_rows = calShiftInfos(dx, dy)shifted[valid_rows, valid_cols] = distance_map[src_rows, src_cols]shifted = shifted + costnew_dists.append(shifted)new_dists.append(distance_map)candidate_map = np.min(new_dists, axis=0)updated_map = np.where(mask, np.minimum(distance_map, candidate_map), distance_map)if np.array_equal(updated_map, distance_map):breakdistance_map = updated_mapreturn distance_map



3 算法仿真

ROS_C_102">3.1 ROS C++仿真


bool GradientPathPlanner::plan(const Point3d& start, const Point3d& goal, Points3d& path, Points3d& expand)
{// clear vectorpath.clear();expand.clear();unsigned int sx = static_cast<unsigned int>(m_start_x);unsigned int sy = static_cast<unsigned int>(m_start_y);unsigned int gx = static_cast<unsigned int>(m_goal_x);unsigned int gy = static_cast<unsigned int>(m_goal_y);if (obstacle_hmap_(sy, sx) > 0){path.push_back(start);unsigned int curr_mx = sx;unsigned int curr_my = sy;while (!(curr_mx == gx && curr_my == gy)){unsigned int min_mx = curr_mx;unsigned int min_my = curr_my;float curr_cost = obstacle_hmap_(curr_my, curr_mx);for (const auto& motion : motions_){int new_mx = static_cast<int>(curr_mx) + motion.x();int new_my = static_cast<int>(curr_my) + motion.y();if (new_mx >= 0 && new_mx < nx_ && new_my >= 0 && new_my < ny_){float new_cost = obstacle_hmap_(new_my, new_mx);if (new_cost >= 0 && new_cost < curr_cost){curr_cost = new_cost;min_mx = new_mx;min_my = new_my;}}}curr_mx = min_mx;curr_my = min_my;double wx, wy;costmap_->mapToWorld(curr_mx, curr_my, wx, wy);path.emplace_back(wx, wy);}return true;}return false;

3.2 Python仿真


def plan(self, start: Point3d, goal: Point3d) -> Tuple[List[Point3d], List[Dict]]:"""Gradient-based motion plan function.Parameters:start (Point3d): The starting point of the planning path.goal (Point3d): The goal point of the planning path.Returns:path (List[Point3d]): The planned path from start to goal.visual_info (List[Dict]): Information for visualization"""self.obs_hmap = self.calObstacleHeuristic(self.grid_map, goal)start_x, start_y = round(start.x()), round(start.y())if self.obs_hmap[start_y, start_x] > 0:path = [start]cost = self.obs_hmap[start_y, start_x]curr_x, curr_y = start_x, start_ywhile not (curr_x == round(goal.x()) and curr_y == round(goal.y())):min_x, min_y = None, Nonecurr_cost = self.obs_hmap[curr_y, curr_x]for dy, dx, _ in self.motions:new_x = curr_x + dxnew_y = curr_y + dyif 0 <= new_x < self.env.x_range and 0 <= new_y < self.env.y_range:new_cost = self.obs_hmap[new_y, new_x]if new_cost >= 0 and new_cost < curr_cost:curr_cost = new_costmin_x, min_y = new_x, new_ycurr_x = min_xcurr_y = min_ypath.append(Point3d(curr_x, curr_y))LOG.INFO(f"{str(self)} PathPlanner Planning Successfully. Cost: {cost}")return path



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