DeepSeek 3FS集群化部署临时笔记

ops/2025/3/18 18:52:48/

DeepSeek 3FS集群化部署临时笔记

    • 一、3FS集群化部署
      • 1、环境介绍
      • 2、对应的软件包安装
      • 3、编译
      • 4、部署
        • 4.1 部署monitor_collector_main
        • Step 2: Admin client
        • Step 3: Mgmtd service
        • Step 4: Meta service
        • Step 5: Storage service
        • Step 6: Create admin user, storage targets and chain table
        • Step 7: FUSE client
      • 5、遇到的问题
      • 6、部分命令解释
        • 6.1 第一条命令
        • 参数解析
        • 6.2 第二条命令
          • 参数解析
        • 第一条命令 (``)
        • 第二条命令 (``)




3fs-node-meta001172.20.99.9411.12.63.55ubuntu 22.04mgmtd_main.service、meta_main.service、hf3fs_fuse_main.service、foundationdb、clickhouse_server需要配置admin_cli
3fs-node-meta001172.20.99.9611.12.63.54ubuntu 22.04storage_main.service需要配置admin_cli
3fs-node-meta001172.20.99.12111.12.63.57ubuntu 22.04storage_main.service需要配置admin_cli
3fs-node-meta001172.20.99.12211.12.63.58ubuntu 22.04storage_main.service需要配置admin_cli
RDMA ConfigurationAssign IP addresses to RDMA NICs. Multiple RDMA NICs (InfiniBand or RoCE) are supported on each node.
Check RDMA connectivity between nodes using ib_write_bw.


  • 端口冲突 : 由于我是mgmtd服务和clickhost_server一起部署,会导致存在9000端口冲突,导致mgmtd无法启动问题
  • 解决方法: 需要把clickhouse_server配置文件中的9000端口调整下,比如我这里调整为6000
root@3fs-node-meta01:~# netstat  -antulp | grep 6000 | head
tcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED 154445/monitor_coll
tcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED 154445/monitor_coll
tcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED 154445/monitor_coll
tcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED 154445/monitor_coll
tcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED 154445/monitor_collroot@3fs-node-meta01:/etc/clickhouse-server# ls
config.d  config.xml  users.d  users.xml
root@3fs-node-meta01:/etc/clickhouse-server# pwd
root@3fs-node-meta01:/etc/clickhouse-server# grep -rn 6000 *
config.xml:104:    <tcp_port>6000</tcp_port>
config.xml:721:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:732:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:736:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:740:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:747:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:751:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:755:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:763:                     <port>6000</port>
config.xml:769:                     <port>6000</port>
config.xml:777:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:783:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:792:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:799:                    <port>6000</port>
config.xml:816:                    <port>6000</port># 修改完端口后,重启clickhouse-server服务,之后查看状态和坚挺的端口,我这边已经修改完毕并重启了服务
root@3fs-node-meta01:/etc/clickhouse-server# systemctl status clickhouse-server.service
● clickhouse-server.service - ClickHouse Server (analytic DBMS for big data)Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/clickhouse-server.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)Active: active (running) since Sun 2025-03-16 15:01:54 CST; 3h 57min agoMain PID: 143832 (clckhouse-watch)Tasks: 249 (limit: 154032)Memory: 3.1GCPU: 2h 55min 31.779sCGroup: /system.slice/clickhouse-server.service├─143832 clickhouse-watchdog "" "" "" "" "" "" "" --config=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --pid-file=/run/clickhouse-ser>└─143833 /usr/bin/clickhouse-server --config=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --pid-file=/run/clickhouse-server/clickhouse>Mar 16 15:01:54 3fs-node-meta01 systemd[1]: Started ClickHouse Server (analytic DBMS for big data).
Mar 16 15:01:54 3fs-node-meta01 clickhouse-server[143832]: Processing configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml'.
Mar 16 15:01:54 3fs-node-meta01 clickhouse-server[143832]: Logging trace to /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log
Mar 16 15:01:54 3fs-node-meta01 clickhouse-server[143832]: Logging errors to /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log
Mar 16 15:01:55 3fs-node-meta01 clickhouse-server[143833]: Processing configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml'.
Mar 16 15:01:55 3fs-node-meta01 clickhouse-server[143833]: Saved preprocessed configuration to '/var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs>
Mar 16 15:01:55 3fs-node-meta01 clickhouse-server[143833]: Processing configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml'.
Mar 16 15:01:55 3fs-node-meta01 clickhouse-server[143833]: Saved preprocessed configuration to '/var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs>
lines 1-19/19 (END)
  • 网络配置 :由于我的环境是存在管理口和25GB网络的,但是我看了3fs的源代码发现并不能识别出bond设备,所以导致在安装的时候一直提示网络问题。也尝试需改了对应的配置文件,指定了设备,但是依然不行
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# cat monitor_collector_main.toml | grep filter_list -C 5[server.base.groups.io_worker.transport_pool]
max_connections = 1[server.base.groups.listener]
filter_list = ['eno4'] # 默认配置这里是空的,但是我尝试配置了bond0、bond1即filter_list = ['bond0']、filter_list = ['bond1']均无法识别
listen_port = 10000
listen_queue_depth = 4096
rdma_listen_ethernet = true
reuse_port = false# 看了对应的错误日志,发现对应的代码并没有解析bond设备
[2025-03-14T22:18:34.450205338+08:00 monitor_collect:416868 ERROR] No available address for listener with network type: TCP, filter list:
[2025-03-14T22:18:34.450235037+08:00 monitor_collect:416868 ERROR] error: RPC::ListenFailed(2011)
[2025-03-14T22:18:34.450243611+08:00 monitor_collect:416868 ERROR] Setup group (MonitorCollector) failed: RPC::ListenFailed(2011)
[2025-03-14T22:18:34.450250294+08:00 monitor_collect:416868 ERROR] Server::setup failed: RPC::ListenFailed(2011)
[2025-03-14T22:18:34.450259443+08:00 monitor_collect:416868 OnePhaseApplication.h:101 FATAL] Setup server failed: RPC::ListenFailed#这个是源代码case Address::TCP:return nic.starts_with("en") || nic.starts_with("eth");
case Address::IPoIB:return nic.starts_with("ib");
case Address::RDMA:return nic.starts_with("en") || nic.starts_with("eth");配置
filter_list = ["bond0", "bond1"]  # 或者 "ens4f0np0"
listen_port = 10000或者修改重新编译:
vim /home/3fs/src/common/net/
static bool checkNicType(std::string_view nic, Address::Type type) {switch (type) {case Address::TCP:return nic.starts_with("en") || nic.starts_with("eth") || nic.starts_with("bond");case Address::IPoIB:return nic.starts_with("ib");case Address::RDMA:return nic.starts_with("en") || nic.starts_with("eth") || nic.starts_with("bond");case Address::LOCAL:return nic.starts_with("lo");default:return false;}



docker run -d --net=host --name fdb-server foundationdb/foundationdb:7.1.42

rust: 直接执行:curl -sSf | sh
这两个服务的安装比较简单,这里就不再详细说明,需要注意的事,如果foundationDB出现了问题,准备重装时,需要先使用dpkg -P foundadtiondb-server卸载

  • 注意: 这里要注意foundadtionDB的版本
Ensure that the version of FoundationDB client matches the server version, or copy the corresponding version of to maintain compatibility.
Find the fdb.cluster file and at /etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster, /usr/lib/ on nodes with FoundationDB installed.libfuse 3.16.1 or newer version
FoundationDB 7.1 or newer version
Rust toolchain: minimal 1.75.0, recommended 1.85.0 or newer version (latest stable version)# 这里使用ustc的源安装rust 非常快
root@3fs-node-meta01:/home/3fs_sft# ls
clickhouse-client_22.6.2.12_all.deb           foundationdb-clients_7.3.35-1_amd64.deb  fuse-3.16.1.tar.gz
clickhouse-common-static_22.6.2.12_amd64.deb  foundationdb-server_7.3.35-1_amd64.deb
clickhouse-server_22.6.2.12_all.deb           fuse-3.16.1
root@3fs-node-meta01:/home/3fs_sft## 这点是安装对应的软件
1、	安装OFED
dpkg -i doca-host_2.10.0-093000-25.01-ubuntu2204_amd64.deb
apt-get update
apt-get -y install doca-ofed2、验证OFED
直接执行ibdev2netdev, 有如下输出表示安装成功(这里同时也需要硬件支持)
root@3fs-node-meta01:/home/3fs_sft# ibdev2netdev
mlx5_bond_0 port 1 ==> bond1 (Up)# libfuse
tar vzxf fuse-3.16.1.tar.gz
cd fuse-3.16.1/
mkdir build && cd build
apt install -y meson
meson setup ..
ninja && ninja install


  • 物理安装:
# 依赖安装
# for Ubuntu 20.04.
apt install cmake libuv1-dev liblz4-dev liblzma-dev libdouble-conversion-dev libdwarf-dev libunwind-dev \libaio-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libgtest-dev libgmock-dev clang-format-14 clang-14 clang-tidy-14 lld-14 \libgoogle-perftools-dev google-perftools libssl-dev libclang-rt-14-dev gcc-10 g++-10 libboost1.71-all-dev# for Ubuntu 22.04.
apt install cmake libuv1-dev liblz4-dev liblzma-dev libdouble-conversion-dev libdwarf-dev libunwind-dev \libaio-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libgtest-dev libgmock-dev clang-format-14 clang-14 clang-tidy-14 lld-14 \libgoogle-perftools-dev google-perftools libssl-dev gcc-12 g++-12 libboost-all-dev# for openEuler 2403sp1
yum install cmake libuv-devel lz4-devel xz-devel double-conversion-devel libdwarf-devel libunwind-devel \libaio-devel gflags-devel glog-devel gtest-devel gmock-devel clang-tools-extra clang lld \gperftools-devel gperftools openssl-devel gcc gcc-c++ boost-develBuild 3FS in build folder:cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-14 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-14 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
cmake --build build -j 32
  • 容器化安装

root@3fs-meta:/home/3fs# cat Dockerfile
# Author: mmwei3
# Email:
# date: 20250313
# -------------------------------------------
# Stage 1: Build 3FS from source
# -------------------------------------------
FROM ubuntu:22.04 AS builder# 时区非交互安装
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \git cmake make clang-14 clang++-14 libfuse3-dev libssl-dev pkg-config \curl ca-certificates wget unzip \# FoundationDB client library headers (可选, 也可自行下载)&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*# 安装 Rust 工具链 (如果 3FS 需要 Rust >=1.68)
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2  | sh -s -- -y
ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"WORKDIR /build# 克隆 3FS 源码
#RUN 3fs /build# -------------------------------------------
# Stage 2: Create minimal runtime image
# -------------------------------------------
FROM ubuntu:22.04ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \libfuse3-3 libssl3 ca-certificates \cmake libuv1-dev liblz4-dev liblzma-dev libdouble-conversion-dev libdwarf-dev libunwind-dev \libaio-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libgtest-dev libgmock-dev clang-format-14 clang-14 clang-tidy-14 lld-14 \libgoogle-perftools-dev google-perftools libssl-dev gcc-12 g++-12 libboost-all-dev \cmake make clang-14 clang++-14 libfuse3-dev libssl-dev pkg-config \curl ca-certificates wget unzip \# FoundationDB 客户端库 (fdb.cluster 需自行挂载)&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*# 创建目录结构
RUN mkdir -p /opt/3fs/bin /opt/3fs/etc /var/log/3fs# 从 builder 复制 3FS 可执行文件
#COPY --from=builder /build/build/bin/* /opt/3fs/bin/
COPY bin/* /opt/3fs/bin/# entrypoint 脚本,用来根据参数启动不同角色
RUN chmod +x /entrypoint.shWORKDIR /opt/3fs
CMD ["help"]root@3fs-meta:/home/3fs# docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED      SIZE   20250314-5   80be8c8bda15   2 days ago   4.12GBdocker run -d -it --net=host --name 3fs-mgmtd --privileged   -v /mycluster/config:/opt/3fs/etc   -v /mycluster/logs:/var/log/3fs  --device=/dev/infiniband:/dev/infiniband  -v /usr/lib:/usr/lib   --cap-add=NET_RAW --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --cap-add=CAP_NET_ADMIN mgmtd
# 对应的/
root@3fs-meta:/home/3fs# cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: mmwei3
# Email:
# Date: 2025-03-13set -eROLE="$1"
LOG_DIR="/var/log/3fs"# 确保日志目录存在
mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR"# 如果未提供角色参数,则显示帮助信息
if [[ -z "$ROLE" || "$ROLE" == "help" ]]; thenecho "Usage: docker run <options> <role>"echo "Available roles:"echo "  mgmtd     - Start management daemon"echo "  meta      - Start metadata service"echo "  storage   - Start storage service"echo "  client    - Start FUSE client"echo "  admin-cli - Start interactive admin CLI"echo "Example:"echo "  docker run --rm deepseek-3fs:latest mgmtd"exit 1
fi# 角色处理
case "$ROLE" inmgmtd)exec "$BIN_DIR/mgmtd_main" -cfg "$CFG_DIR/mgmtd_main.toml";;meta)exec "$BIN_DIR/meta_main" -cfg "$CFG_DIR/meta_main.toml";;storage)exec "$BIN_DIR/storage_main" -cfg "$CFG_DIR/storage_main.toml";;client)exec "$BIN_DIR/hf3fs_fuse_main" -cfg "$CFG_DIR/hf3fs_fuse_main.toml";;admin-cli)exec "$BIN_DIR/admin_cli" -cfg "$CFG_DIR/admin_cli.toml";;*)echo "Error: Unknown role '$ROLE'"echo "Run 'docker run ... deepseek-3fs:latest help' for usage instructions."exit 1;;



ip link add eno3 type dummy
ip addr add dev eno3
ip link set eno3 up
4.1 部署monitor_collector_main

Install monitor_collector service on the meta node.

  1. Copy monitor_collector_main to /opt/3fs/bin and config files to /opt/3fs/etc, and create log directory /var/log/3fs.
    mkdir -p /opt/3fs/{bin,etc}
    mkdir -p /var/log/3fs
    cp /root/3fs/build/bin/monitor_collector_main /opt/3fs/bin
    cp /root/3fs/configs/monitor_collector_main.toml /opt/3fs/etc
  2. Update monitor_collector_main.toml to add a ClickHouse connection:
    type = 'clickhouse'[server.monitor_collector.reporter.clickhouse]
    db = '3fs'
    host = ''
    passwd = '7cmwyBmw'
    port = '6000'
    user = 'default'
  3. Start monitor service:
    cp /root/3fs/deploy/systemd/monitor_collector_main.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
    systemctl start monitor_collector_main

Note that

  • Multiple instances of monitor services can be deployed behind a virtual IP address to share the traffic.
  • Other services communicate with the monitor service over a TCP connection.
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# clickhouse-client -n < /home/3fs/deploy/sql/3fs-monitor.sql
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# cp /home/3fs/build/bin/monitor_collector_main /opt/3fs/bin
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# cp /home/3fs/configs/monitor_collector_main.toml /opt/3fs/etc
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# cat monitor_collector_main.toml
cluster_id = 'stage'[common.ib_devices]
allow_unknown_zone = true
default_network_zone = 'UNKNOWN'
device_filter = []
subnets = [][[common.log.categories]]
categories = [ '.' ]
handlers = [ 'normal', 'err', 'fatal' ]
inherit = true
level = 'INFO'
propagate = 'NONE'[[common.log.handlers]]
async = true
file_path = '/var/log/3fs/monitor_collector_main.log'
max_file_size = '100MB'
max_files = 10
name = 'normal'
rotate = true
rotate_on_open = false
start_level = 'NONE'
stream_type = 'STDERR'
writer_type = 'FILE'[[common.log.handlers]]
async = false
file_path = '/var/log/3fs/monitor_collector_main-err.log'
max_file_size = '100MB'
max_files = 10
name = 'err'
rotate = true
rotate_on_open = false
start_level = 'ERR'
stream_type = 'STDERR'
writer_type = 'FILE'[[common.log.handlers]]
async = false
file_path = '/var/log/3fs/monitor_collector_main-fatal.log'
max_file_size = '100MB'
max_files = 10
name = 'fatal'
rotate = true
rotate_on_open = false
start_level = 'FATAL'
stream_type = 'STDERR'
writer_type = 'STREAM'[server.base.independent_thread_pool]
bg_thread_pool_stratetry = 'SHARED_QUEUE'
collect_stats = false
enable_work_stealing = false
io_thread_pool_stratetry = 'SHARED_QUEUE'
num_bg_threads = 2
num_connect_threads = 2
num_io_threads = 2
num_proc_threads = 2
proc_thread_pool_stratetry = 'SHARED_QUEUE'[server.base.thread_pool]
bg_thread_pool_stratetry = 'SHARED_QUEUE'
collect_stats = false
enable_work_stealing = false
io_thread_pool_stratetry = 'SHARED_QUEUE'
num_bg_threads = 2
num_connect_threads = 2
num_io_threads = 2
num_proc_threads = 2
proc_thread_pool_stratetry = 'SHARED_QUEUE'[[server.base.groups]]
#default_timeout = '1s'
#drop_connections_interval = '1h'
network_type = 'TCP'
services = [ 'MonitorCollector' ]
use_independent_thread_pool = false[server.base.groups.io_worker]
num_event_loop = 1
rdma_connect_timeout = '5s'
read_write_rdma_in_event_thread = false
read_write_tcp_in_event_thread = false
tcp_connect_timeout = '1s'
wait_to_retry_send = '100ms'[server.base.groups.io_worker.ibsocket]
buf_ack_batch = 8
buf_signal_batch = 8
buf_size = 16384
drop_connections = 0
event_ack_batch = 128
#gid_index = 0
max_rd_atomic = 16
max_rdma_wr = 128
max_rdma_wr_per_post = 32
max_sge = 16
min_rnr_timer = 1
pkey_index = 0
record_bytes_per_peer = false
record_latency_per_peer = false
retry_cnt = 7
rnr_retry = 0
send_buf_cnt = 32
sl = 0
start_psn = 0
timeout = 14
traffic_class = 0[server.base.groups.io_worker.transport_pool]
max_connections = 1[server.base.groups.listener]
filter_list = ['eno4']
listen_port = 10000
listen_queue_depth = 4096
rdma_listen_ethernet = true
reuse_port = false[server.base.groups.processor]
enable_coroutines_pool = true
max_coroutines_num = 256
max_processing_requests_num = 4096[server.monitor_collector]
batch_commit_size = 4096
conn_threads = 32
queue_capacity = 204800[server.monitor_collector.reporter]
type = 'clickhouse'[server.monitor_collector.reporter.clickhouse]
db = '3fs'
host = ''
passwd = 'thinkbig1'
port = '6000'
user = 'default'root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# systemctl status monitor_collector_main.service
● monitor_collector_main.service - monitor_collector_main ServerLoaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/monitor_collector_main.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)Active: active (running) since Sun 2025-03-16 17:00:20 CST; 2h 34min agoMain PID: 154445 (monitor_collect)Tasks: 59 (limit: 154032)Memory: 291.8MCPU: 11.241sCGroup: /system.slice/monitor_collector_main.service└─154445 /opt/3fs/bin/monitor_collector_main --cfg /opt/3fs/etc/monitor_collector_main.tomlMar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690640766+08:00 monitor_collect:154445>
Mar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690640766+08:00 monitor_collect:154445>
Mar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690640766+08:00 monitor_collect:154445>
Mar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690640766+08:00 monitor_collect:154445>
Mar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690640766+08:00 monitor_collect:154445>
Mar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690640766+08:00 monitor_collect:154445>
Mar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690640766+08:00 monitor_collect:154445>
Mar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690640766+08:00 monitor_collect:154445>
Mar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690640766+08:00 monitor_collect:154445>
Mar 16 17:00:20 3fs-node-meta01 monitor_collector_main[154445]: [2025-03-16T17:00:20.690669262+08:00 monitor_collect:154445 OnePhaseAppl>
lines 1-20/20 (END)
Step 2: Admin client

Install admin_cli on all 所有节点都要安装

  1. Copy admin_cli to /opt/3fs/bin and config files to /opt/3fs/etc.
    mkdir -p /opt/3fs/{bin,etc}
    rsync -avz meta:~/3fs/build/bin/admin_cli /opt/3fs/bin
    rsync -avz meta:~/3fs/configs/admin_cli.toml /opt/3fs/etc
    rsync -avz meta:/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster /opt/3fs/etc# 单点
    cp /root/3fs/build/bin/admin_cli /opt/3fs/bin
    cp /root/3fs/configs/admin_cli.toml /opt/3fs/etc
    cp /etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster /opt/3fs/etc
  2. Update admin_cli.toml to set cluster_id and clusterFile:
    cluster_id = "stage"[fdb]
    clusterFile = '/opt/3fs/etc/fdb.cluster'

The full help documentation for admin_cli can be displayed by running the following command:

root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml help 
bench                          Usage: bench [--rank VAR] [--timeout VAR] [--coroutines VAR] [--seconds VAR] [--remove] path
cd                             Usage: cd [-L] [--inode] path
checksum                       Usage: checksum [--list] [--batch VAR] [--md5] [--fillZero] [--output VAR] path
create                         Usage: create [--perm VAR] [--chain-table-id VAR] [--chain-table-ver VAR] [--chain-list VAR] [--chunk-size VAR] [--stripe-size VAR] path
create-range                   Usage: create-range [--concurrency VAR] prefix inclusive_start exclusive_end
create-target                  Usage: create-target --node-id VAR --disk-index VAR --target-id VAR --chain-id VAR [--add-chunk-size] [--chunk-size VAR...] [--use-new-chunk-engine]
create-targets                 Usage: create-targets --node-id VAR [--disk-index VAR...] [--allow-existing-target] [--add-chunk-size] [--use-new-chunk-engine]
current-user                   Usage: current-user
decode-user-token              Usage: decode-user-token token
drop-user-cache                Usage: drop-user-cache [--uid VAR] [--all]

Step 3: Mgmtd service

Install mgmtd service on meta node.

  1. Copy mgmtd_main to /opt/3fs/bin and config files to /opt/3fs/etc.

    cp /root/3fs/build/bin/mgmtd_main /opt/3fs/bin
    cp /root/3fs/configs/{mgmtd_main.toml,mgmtd_main_launcher.toml,mgmtd_main_app.toml} /opt/3fs/etc
  2. Update config files:

    • Set mgmtd node_id = 1 in mgmtd_main_app.toml.
    • Edit mgmtd_main_launcher.toml to set the cluster_id and clusterFile:
    cluster_id = "stage"[fdb]
    clusterFile = '/opt/3fs/etc/fdb.cluster'
    • Set monitor address in mgmtd_main.toml:
    remote_ip = "" # 这里替换成自己的monitor节点的TCP地址 不能是RDMA的,否则失败
  3. Initialize the cluster:

    root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml "init-cluster --mgmtd /opt/3fs/etc/mgmtd_main.toml 1 1048576 16"
    Init filesystem, root directory layout: chain table ChainTableId(1), chunksize 1048576, stripesize 16
    Init config for MGMTD version 1

    The parameters of admin_cli:

    • 1 the chain table ID
    • 1048576 the chunk size in bytes
    • 16 the file strip size

    Run help init-cluster for full documentation.

  4. Start mgmtd service:

    cp /root/3fs/deploy/systemd/mgmtd_main.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
    systemctl start mgmtd_main
    root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# systemctl status mgmtd_main.service
    ● mgmtd_main.service - mgmtd_main ServerLoaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mgmtd_main.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)Active: active (running) since Sun 2025-03-16 17:01:48 CST; 2h 34min ago
    Main PID: 154612 (mgmtd_main)Tasks: 37 (limit: 154032)Memory: 267.5MCPU: 37.587sCGroup: /system.slice/mgmtd_main.service└─154612 /opt/3fs/bin/mgmtd_main --launcher_cfg /opt/3fs/etc/mgmtd_main_launcher.toml --app-cfg /opt/3fs/etc/mgmtd_main_app>Mar 16 17:01:48 3fs-node-meta01 mgmtd_main[154612]: [2025-03-16T17:01:48.410318530+08:00 INFO]     "fa>
  5. Run list-nodes command to check if the cluster has been successfully initialized:

    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "list-nodes"

If multiple instances of mgmtd services deployed, one of the mgmtd services is elected as the primary; others are secondaries. Automatic failover occurs when the primary fails.

Step 4: Meta service

Install meta service on meta node.

  1. Copy meta_main to /opt/3fs/bin and config files to /opt/3fs/etc.
    cp ~/3fs/build/bin/meta_main /opt/3fs/bin
    cp ~/3fs/configs/{meta_main_launcher.toml,meta_main.toml,meta_main_app.toml} /opt/3fs/etc
  2. Update config files:
    • Set meta node_id = 100 in meta_main_app.toml.
    • Set cluster_id, clusterFile and mgmtd address in meta_main_launcher.toml:
    cluster_id = "stage"[mgmtd_client]
    mgmtd_server_addresses = ["RDMA://"]
    • Set mgmtd and monitor addresses in meta_main.toml.
    mgmtd_server_addresses = ["RDMA://"][common.monitor.reporters.monitor_collector]
    remote_ip = ""[server.fdb]
    clusterFile = '/opt/3fs/etc/fdb.cluster'
  3. Config file of meta service is managed by mgmtd service. Use admin_cli to upload the config file to mgmtd:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "set-config --type META --file /opt/3fs/etc/meta_main.toml"
  4. Start meta service:
    cp ~/3fs/deploy/systemd/meta_main.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
    systemctl start meta_main
  5. Run list-nodes command to check if meta service has joined the cluster:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "list-nodes"

If multiple instances of meta services deployed, meta requests will be evenly distributed to all instances.

Step 5: Storage service

Install storage service on storage node.

  1. Format the attached 16 SSDs as XFS and mount at /storage/data{1..16}, then create data directories /storage/data{1..16}/3fs and log directory /var/log/3fs.
    mkdir -p /storage/data{1..16}
    mkdir -p /var/log/3fs
    for i in {1..16};do mkfs.xfs -L data${i} /dev/nvme${i}n1;mount -o noatime,nodiratime -L data${i} /storage/data${i};done
    mkdir -p /storage/data{1..16}/3fs
  2. Increase the max number of asynchronous aio requests:
    sysctl -w fs.aio-max-nr=67108864
  3. Copy storage_main to /opt/3fs/bin and config files to /opt/3fs/etc.
    rsync -avz meta:~/3fs/build/bin/storage_main /opt/3fs/bin
    rsync -avz meta:~/3fs/configs/{storage_main_launcher.toml,storage_main.toml,storage_main_app.toml} /opt/3fs/etc
  4. Update config files:
    • Set node_id in storage_main_app.toml. Each storage service is assigned a unique id between 10001 and 10005.
    • Set cluster_id and mgmtd address in storage_main_launcher.toml.
    cluster_id = "stage"[mgmtd_client]
    mgmtd_server_addresses = ["RDMA://"]
    • Add target paths in storage_main.toml:
    mgmtd_server_address = ["RDMA://"][common.monitor.reporters.monitor_collector]
    remote_ip = ""[server.targets]
    target_paths = ["/storage/data1/3fs","/storage/data2/3fs","/storage/data3/3fs","/storage/data4/3fs","/storage/data5/3fs","/storage/data6/3fs","/storage/data7/3fs","/storage/data8/3fs","/storage/data9/3fs","/storage/data10/3fs","/storage/data11/3fs","/storage/data12/3fs","/storage/data13/3fs","/storage/data14/3fs","/storage/data15/3fs","/storage/data16/3fs",]
  5. Config file of storage service is managed by mgmtd service. Use admin_cli to upload the config file to mgmtd:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "set-config --type STORAGE --file /opt/3fs/etc/storage_main.toml"
  6. Start storage service:
    rsync -avz meta:~/3fs/deploy/systemd/storage_main.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
    systemctl start storage_main
  7. Run list-nodes command to check if storage service has joined the cluster:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "list-nodes"

Step 6: Create admin user, storage targets and chain table
  1. Create an admin user:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "user-add --root --admin 0 root"
    The admin token is printed to the console, save it to /opt/3fs/etc/token.txt.
  2. Generate admin_cli commands to create storage targets on 5 storage nodes (16 SSD per node, 6 targets per SSD).
    • Follow instructions at here to install Python packages.
    pip install -r ~/3fs/deploy/data_placement/requirements.txt
    python ~/3fs/deploy/data_placement/src/model/ \-ql -relax -type CR --num_nodes 5 --replication_factor 3 --min_targets_per_disk 6
    python ~/3fs/deploy/data_placement/src/setup/ \--chain_table_type CR --node_id_begin 10001 --node_id_end 10005 \--num_disks_per_node 16 --num_targets_per_disk 6 \--target_id_prefix 1 --chain_id_prefix 9 \--incidence_matrix_path output/DataPlacementModel-v_5-b_10-r_6-k_3-λ_2-lb_1-ub_1/incidence_matrix.pickle
    The following 3 files will be generated in output directory: create_target_cmd.txt, generated_chains.csv, and generated_chain_table.csv.
  3. Create storage targets:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli --cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' --config.user_info.token $(<"/opt/3fs/etc/token.txt") < output/create_target_cmd.txt
  4. Upload chains to mgmtd service:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli --cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' --config.user_info.token $(<"/opt/3fs/etc/token.txt") "upload-chains output/generated_chains.csv"
  5. Upload chain table to mgmtd service:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli --cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' --config.user_info.token $(<"/opt/3fs/etc/token.txt") "upload-chain-table --desc stage 1 output/generated_chain_table.csv"
  6. List chains and chain tables to check if they have been correctly uploaded:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "list-chains"
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "list-chain-tables"

Step 7: FUSE client

For simplicity FUSE client is deployed on the meta node in this guide. However, we strongly advise against deploying clients on service nodes in production environment.

  1. Copy hf3fs_fuse_main to /opt/3fs/bin and config files to /opt/3fs/etc.
    cp ~/3fs/build/bin/hf3fs_fuse_main /opt/3fs/bin
    cp ~/3fs/configs/{hf3fs_fuse_main_launcher.toml,hf3fs_fuse_main.toml,hf3fs_fuse_main_app.toml} /opt/3fs/etc
  2. Create the mount point:
    mkdir -p /3fs/stage
  3. Set cluster ID, mountpoint, token file and mgmtd address in hf3fs_fuse_main_launcher.toml
    cluster_id = "stage"
    mountpoint = '/3fs/stage'
    token_file = '/opt/3fs/etc/token.txt'[mgmtd_client]
    mgmtd_server_addresses = ["RDMA://"]
  4. Set mgmtd and monitor address in hf3fs_fuse_main.toml.
    mgmtd_server_addresses = ["RDMA://"][common.monitor.reporters.monitor_collector]
    remote_ip = ""
  5. Config file of FUSE client is also managed by mgmtd service. Use admin_cli to upload the config file to mgmtd:
    /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "set-config --type FUSE --file /opt/3fs/etc/hf3fs_fuse_main.toml"
  6. Start FUSE client:
    cp ~/3fs/deploy/systemd/hf3fs_fuse_main.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
    systemctl start hf3fs_fuse_main
  7. Check if 3FS has been mounted at /3fs/stage:
    mount | grep '/3fs/stage'
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# df -Th
Filesystem     Type        Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs          tmpfs        13G  2.6M   13G   1% /run
/dev/sdy3      ext4        437G   59G  356G  15% /
tmpfs          tmpfs        63G   16K   63G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs       5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/sdy2      ext4        974M  234M  673M  26% /boot
/dev/sdy1      vfat        1.1G  6.1M  1.1G   1% /boot/efi
tmpfs          tmpfs        13G  4.0K   13G   1% /run/user/0
hf3fs.stage    fuse.hf3fs   81T  611G   81T   1% /3fs/stage
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# df -Th | grep ^C
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# mount | grep 3fs
hf3fs.stage on /3fs/stage type fuse.hf3fs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=1048576)


root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# cp /home/3fs/third_party/jemalloc/lib/ /usr/lib/
2、服务异常需要看对应的日志文件,日志文件很清晰root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# /opt/3fs/bin/admin_cli -cfg /opt/3fs/etc/admin_cli.toml --config.mgmtd_client.mgmtd_server_addresses '["RDMA://"]' "list-nodes"
Id     Type     Status               Hostname             Pid     Tags  LastHeartbeatTime    ConfigVersion  ReleaseVersion
1      MGMTD    PRIMARY_MGMTD        3fs-node-meta01      154612  []    N/A                  1(UPTODATE)    250228-dev-1-999999-c450ee0c
100    META     HEARTBEAT_CONNECTED  3fs-node-meta01      159886  []    2025-03-16 19:41:06  1(UPTODATE)    250228-dev-1-999999-c450ee0c
10001  STORAGE  HEARTBEAT_CONNECTED  3fs-node-storage001  928385  []    2025-03-16 19:41:15  3(UPTODATE)    250228-dev-1-999999-c450ee0c
10002  STORAGE  HEARTBEAT_CONNECTED  3fs-node-storage002  676814  []    2025-03-16 19:41:15  3(UPTODATE)    250228-dev-1-999999-c450ee0c
10003  STORAGE  HEARTBEAT_CONNECTED  3fs-node-storage003  676104  []    2025-03-16 19:41:16  3(UPTODATE)    250228-dev-1-999999-c450ee0c
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# cd deploy/data_placement
root@3fs-node-meta01:/opt/3fs/etc# pip install -r requirements.txt
4、服务端口问题,monitor的识别的是TCP的,如果使用RDMA,发现mgmtd会报错;网卡设备问题 无法识别bond设备
5、这里为了操作clickhouse方便,特地写了个小工具root@3fs-node-meta01:/home/mmwei3# ls
click_tool  fdb_tool
root@3fs-node-meta01:/home/mmwei3# cd click_tool/
root@3fs-node-meta01:/home/mmwei3/click_tool# ls  build  clickhouse_tool.egg-info
root@3fs-node-meta01:/home/mmwei3/click_tool# cat
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ClickHouse CLI ToolDeveloper: mmwei3
Date: 2025-03-12
"""from clickhouse_driver import Client
import logging
import argparse
import json# Version information
DEVELOPER_INFO = "mmwei3 for 20250312"# Configure logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')class ClickHouseTool:def __init__(self, host='', port=9000, user='default', password='thinkbig1', database='default'):"""Initialize ClickHouse connection (default connects to"""try:self.client = Client(host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password, database=database)"Successfully connected to ClickHouse server: {host}:{port}, database: {database}")except Exception as e:logging.error(f"ClickHouse connection failed: {e}")raisedef execute_query(self, query, params=None):"""Execute SQL query"""try:result = self.client.execute(query, params)return resultexcept Exception as e:logging.error(f"SQL execution error: {e}")return Nonedef insert_data(self, table, data):"""Insert data"""if not data:logging.warning("Data is empty, insert operation skipped")returnkeys = data[0].keys()values = [tuple(item.values()) for item in data]query = f"INSERT INTO {table} ({', '.join(keys)}) VALUES"try:self.client.execute(query, values, types_check=True)"Data inserted successfully")except Exception as e:logging.error(f"Insertion failed: {e}")def select_data(self, query, params=None):"""Select data"""result = self.execute_query(query, params)if result is not"Query successful")return resultreturn []def update_data(self, query, params=None):"""Update data"""self.execute_query(query, params)"Update successful")def delete_data(self, query, params=None):"""Delete data"""self.execute_query(query, params)"Delete successful")def close(self):"""Close connection"""self.client.disconnect()"ClickHouse connection closed")# CLI Tool
def cli():parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ClickHouse CRUD Tool (mmwei3 for 20250312)\n\n""Usage examples:\n""1. Insert data:\n""   clickhouse_tool --action insert --table my_table --data '[{\"id\": 1, \"name\": \"Alice\"}]'\n""2. Select data:\n""   clickhouse_tool --action select --query 'SELECT * FROM my_table'\n""3. Update data:\n""   clickhouse_tool --action update --query 'ALTER TABLE my_table UPDATE name=\"Charlie\" WHERE id=1'\n""4. Delete data:\n""   clickhouse_tool --action delete --query 'ALTER TABLE my_table DELETE WHERE id=1'\n")parser.add_argument('--host', type=str, default='', help="ClickHouse server address (default:")parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=9000, help="ClickHouse port (default: 9000)")parser.add_argument('--user', type=str, default='default', help="Username (default: default)")parser.add_argument('--password', type=str, default='thinkbig1', help="Password (default: thinkbig1)")parser.add_argument('--database', type=str, default='default', help="Database name (default: default)")parser.add_argument('--action', type=str, choices=['insert', 'select', 'update', 'delete'], required=True,help="Operation type: insert/select/update/delete")parser.add_argument('--table', type=str, help="Target table name (only for insert operation)")parser.add_argument('--query', type=str, help="SQL query (required for select/update/delete)")parser.add_argument('--data', type=str, help="Data to insert (in JSON format)")parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=f"ClickHouse Tool v{TOOL_VERSION} ({DEVELOPER_INFO})")args = parser.parse_args()tool = ClickHouseTool(, args.port, args.user, args.password, args.database)if args.action == 'insert':if not args.table or not"Insert operation requires --table and --data")else:try:data = json.loads( isinstance(data, dict):data = [data]tool.insert_data(args.table, data)except json.JSONDecodeError:logging.error("Data format error, please use JSON format")elif args.action == 'select':if not args.query:logging.error("Select operation requires --query")else:result = tool.select_data(args.query)print("Query result:", result)elif args.action == 'update':if not args.query:logging.error("Update operation requires --query")else:tool.update_data(args.query)elif args.action == 'delete':if not args.query:logging.error("Delete operation requires --query")else:tool.delete_data(args.query)tool.close()if __name__ == '__main__':cli()


这两条命令分别执行数据放置模型 ( 和链表生成 ( 相关的任务。下面是参数的详细解释:

6.1 第一条命令
python /home/3fs/deploy/data_placement/src/model/ \-ql -relax -type CR --num_nodes 3 --replication_factor 3 --min_targets_per_disk 6

执行数据放置 (,用于决定如何在存储集群中放置数据块。

  • -ql
    • 可能是 “quick launch” 或者 “query log” 之类的选项(需要具体查看 的代码)。
  • -relax
    • 可能用于 “relax constraints”(放松约束),用于调整优化模型,允许更多的自由度。
  • -type CR
    • 指定数据放置的类型为 CR(可能代表某种放置策略,比如 Chain Replication)。
  • --num_nodes 3
    • 指定集群中有 3 个存储节点(即数据会分布在 3 台机器上)。
  • --replication_factor 3
    • 副本因子 = 3,表示每份数据会存储 3 份副本。
  • --min_targets_per_disk 6
    • 每块磁盘至少要存放 6 个数据目标(可能是文件块、数据分片等)。

6.2 第二条命令
python /home/3fs/deploy/data_placement/src/setup/ \--chain_table_type CR --node_id_begin 10001 --node_id_end 10005 \--num_disks_per_node 16 --num_targets_per_disk 6 \--target_id_prefix 1 --chain_id_prefix 9 \--incidence_matrix_path output/DataPlacementModel-v_5-b_10-r_6-k_3-λ_2-lb_1-ub_1/incidence_matrix.pickle

生成 链式存储(Chain Table) 的配置表,可能用于存储节点间的数据复制与路由。

  • --chain_table_type CR
    • 链表类型为 CR(可能对应 Chain Replication)。
  • --node_id_begin 10001 --node_id_end 10005
    • 生成的链表节点 ID 从 10001 到 10005(表示 5 个存储节点)。
  • --num_disks_per_node 16
    • 每个存储节点有 16 块磁盘
  • --num_targets_per_disk 6
    • 每块磁盘最多存放 6 个数据目标(可能是分片或文件块)。
  • --target_id_prefix 1
    • 数据目标 ID 以 1 作为前缀(可能用于唯一标识目标)。
  • --chain_id_prefix 9
    • 生成的链 ID 以 9 作为前缀(可能用于标识不同的链组)。
  • --incidence_matrix_path output/DataPlacementModel-v_5-b_10-r_6-k_3-λ_2-lb_1-ub_1/incidence_matrix.pickle
    • 关联到一个 incidence_matrix.pickle 文件,这可能是数据放置模型的关联矩阵,用于表示数据块与磁盘之间的映射关系。

第一条命令 (
  • 计算如何在 3 个存储节点存储数据块,保证 每个数据块有 3 个副本,并 每块磁盘至少存放 6 个数据块
  • -ql-relax 可能用于优化放置策略。
第二条命令 (
  • 生成 数据存储的链表结构,支持 5 个存储节点 (10001~10005),每个节点 有 16 块磁盘,每块磁盘 可存 6 个数据目标
  • 可能用于 存储节点间的数据复制、查询优化存储恢复策略



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写在前面 在使用maven肯定是离不开插件的&#xff0c;比如执行mvn clean或者时mvn compile其实运行的就是绑定的默认插件。虽然我们一般不需要来自定义插件&#xff0c;但是为了使用的过程中更加的清晰&#xff0c;来尝试自定义插件还是很有必要的&#xff0c;所以本文就一起来…

基于 Docker 和 Flask 构建高并发微服务架构

基于 Docker 和 Flask 构建高并发微服务架构 一、微服务架构概述 &#xff08;一&#xff09;微服务架构的优点 微服务架构是一种将应用程序拆分为多个小型、自治服务的架构风格&#xff0c;在当今的软件开发领域具有显著的优势。 高度可扩展性&#xff1a;每个微服务可以独…

前端面试:ajax 和 xhr 是什么关系?

在前端开发中&#xff0c;AJAX&#xff08;Asynchronous JavaScript and XML&#xff09;和 XHR&#xff08;XMLHttpRequest&#xff09;是两个密切相关但有些不同的概念。以下是对这两者的详细解释及其关系&#xff1a; 1. AJAX 定义&#xff1a;AJAX 是一个用于创建异步 we…

centos Supported Java versions are: [17, 21]

在 CentOS 系统中&#xff0c;支持的 Java 版本取决于你使用的 CentOS 版本以及你所使用的 Oracle JDK 或 OpenJDK 的版本。截至我所知的信息&#xff0c;截至2023年&#xff0c;CentOS 7 和 CentOS 8 都已经停止官方支持&#xff0c;并被各自的替代版本取代&#xff0c;即 Cen…