D365(Dynamics 365 CE/PO)审计记录(Audit)一点点分析
D365 Audit
D365(Dynamics 365 CE/PO)审计记录(Audit)一点点分析
--在系统中记录实体级别的变更(Audit Change at Entity Level/Audit Change at Attribute Level/Delete Attribute)
--2.1 objectid为空且objectidname为空时,对应的是第一种情况#1
--2.2 objectid为GUID,说明实体记录被删掉,这些是否要删除看业务是否要恢复已删除的实体记录?
AttributeName | Description |
Auditid | Unique identifier of the auditing instance |
Versionnumber | Version number of the audit. |
Objectid | Unique identifier of the entity that is being audited |
Objectidname | Record name of the entity that is being audited |
Objectidtype | name of the entity that is being audited |
Subject | Url |
Auditing overview - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn | Auditing overview - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn |
audit EntityType (Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM) | Microsoft Learn | audit EntityType (Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM) | Microsoft Learn |
Retrieve the history of audited data changes - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn | Retrieve the history of audited data changes - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn |