python">from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.lib import colorsdef create_watermark(watermark_text, watermark_pdf_path):chinese_font_path = "MSYH.TTC" # 替换为中文字体路径pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont("微软雅黑", chinese_font_path)) # 注册字体c = canvas.Canvas(watermark_pdf_path, pagesize=letter)width, height = letter# Function to calculate font size based on text length and page sizedef calculate_font_size(text, max_width, max_height):# Start with a large font sizefont_size = 60while font_size > 10: # Minimum font size to avoid being too smallc.setFont("微软雅黑", font_size)text_width = c.stringWidth(text, "微软雅黑", font_size)if text_width <= max_width * 0.8: # Allow some marginreturn font_sizefont_size -= 2 # Decrease font size step by stepreturn font_size# Calculate maximum diagonal space for the rotated textmax_diagonal_space = ((width ** 2 + height ** 2) ** 0.5) * 0.7 # Allow some marginfont_size = calculate_font_size(watermark_text, max_diagonal_space, max_diagonal_space)# Set transparency (optional)c.setFillColor(colors.grey, alpha=0.3)# Rotate the canvas to draw diagonal textc.saveState()c.translate(width / 2, height / 2)c.rotate(45)c.setFont("微软雅黑", font_size)c.drawCentredString(0, 0, watermark_text)c.restoreState()c.save()# 示例调用
create_watermark("这是一个水印", "watermark.pdf")
- 添加
函数,用于根据文本长度动态计算字体大小。 - 将文本限制在页面对角线的 70% 内,以保证水印不会超出页面。
- 在循环中逐步减小字体大小,直到文本宽度符合要求。