Mac 启动docke报错 com.docker.vmnetd【解决方案】

ops/2025/1/15 17:22:36/

今天不知道 docker抽了啥疯,突然提示更新,更新完就报错 




Malware detection prevents Docker Desktop to start #7527


Those warnings are inaccurate. Docker Desktop is not affected by malware!

The root cause has been identified: some files in existing installations are incorrectly signed which can be fixed by copying correctly signed files from the application bundle.

Patch Releases


There are now patch releases for Docker Desktop versions 4.32 to 4.37 available. Please refer to Fix startup issue for Mac | Docker Docs for more detail.


Privileged users


If you face this issue, try the following procedure (requires root user access):

  1. Quit Docker Desktop and check that no remaining docker processes are running using the Activity Monitor
  2. Run the following commands:



#!/bin/bash# Stop the docker services
echo "Stopping Docker..."
sudo pkill '[dD]ocker'# Stop the vmnetd service
echo "Stopping com.docker.vmnetd service..."
sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.docker.vmnetd.plist# Stop the socket service
echo "Stopping com.docker.socket service..."
sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.docker.socket.plist# Remove vmnetd binary
echo "Removing com.docker.vmnetd binary..."
sudo rm -f /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.docker.vmnetd# Remove socket binary
echo "Removing com.docker.socket binary..."
sudo rm -f /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.docker.socket# Install new binaries
echo "Install new binaries..."
sudo cp /Applications/ /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
sudo cp /Applications/ /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
  1. Restart Docker Desktop

If that still doesn't work, download one of the currently supported release from the Release notes, re-install the application and then finally re-apply step 2.

Non-privileged users

If the above instructions can't be used because you don't have root privileges or your Docker Desktop installation is managed by a Mobile Device Management solution, the above script needs to be executed by the MDM tool. Please contact your system administrators or Docker org owner for support.

Homebrew users

If you’ve installed Docker Desktop with Homebrew, you can update it to the latest version using brew update && brew upgrade --cask docker.


Resolve the recent Docker Desktop issue on macOS



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