详解英语单词“pro bono”:公益服务的表达
“Pro bono” 是一个源自拉丁语的短语,完整表达为 “pro bono publico”,意思是“为了公众利益”(for the public good)。在现代英语中,它通常被用来指 专业人士(例如律师、医生、会计师等)无偿提供的公益性专业服务。
- 一位律师免费为经济困难的客户提供法律援助。
- 医生为偏远地区的人群提供免费的医疗服务。
“Pro bono” 起源于拉丁语,其中 “pro” 意为“为了”,而 “bono” 是 “bonus”的变体,意为“好的”。
完整短语 “pro bono publico” 字面意思是“为了公众的好处”。 -
最早的“pro bono”服务通常与法律行业相关,尤其在英国和美国等国家,律师们为经济困难的人群无偿提供法律援助。随着社会的发展,这一概念逐渐扩展到其他行业,例如医疗、教育、技术等。
“Pro bono” 一般用作形容词,修饰名词,表示该服务是公益性的、免费的。它通常出现在描述专业工作或服务时。 -
- “The law firm takes pride in its pro bono work, assisting underprivileged communities with legal issues.”
(这家律师事务所以其公益工作为荣,为贫困社区解决法律问题。) - “She volunteered her time to provide pro bono consulting for a nonprofit organization.”
(她志愿为一家非营利组织提供免费的咨询服务。) - “The doctor offered pro bono medical care to the victims of the disaster.”
- “The law firm takes pride in its pro bono work, assisting underprivileged communities with legal issues.”
- 这家律师事务所提供免费法律援助,为贫困家庭提供公益服务。
- 作为一项公益行动,他免费为初创企业设计品牌标识。
- 医生每年都会参与多次公益医疗活动,帮助需要的人群。
四、“Pro bono”与相近词的区别
- 区别:
“Charity” 强调通过捐赠金钱、物资或时间来帮助需要帮助的人,而 “pro bono” 特指提供专业的服务。 - 例子:
- Charity: 捐款给慈善组织,购买食物捐赠给贫困人群。
- Pro bono: 免费为慈善组织设计宣传材料。
- 区别:
- 区别:
“Volunteer” 涵盖任何形式的志愿工作,可以是体力劳动,也可以是普通服务;而 “pro bono” 则特指专业性较高的免费服务。 - 例子:
- Volunteer: 在动物收容所做义工。
- Pro bono: 为动物收容所提供免费的法律咨询。
- 区别:
- 区别:
“Gratis” 是一个更通俗的词,仅仅表示“免费”,不带有任何公益或社会责任的内涵;而 “pro bono” 有更深的社会意义。 - 例子:
- Gratis: 商家提供免费的商品试用。
- Pro bono: 医生为社区居民免费提供体检服务。
- 区别:
美国律师协会(ABA)建议每位律师每年提供至少 50 小时的 pro bono 服务,以帮助无法负担法律服务的人。 -
许多医生和医疗机构会定期参与公益项目,为经济困难的患者提供免费的诊断和治疗。 -
IT 专业人士会为非营利组织设计网站、开发应用程序,帮助其提升效率和影响力。 -
教育工作者可能会通过 pro bono 方式,为低收入家庭的学生提供免费的家教或职业规划建议。
六、“Pro bono”在社会中的重要性
- 推动社会公平:通过 pro bono 服务,弱势群体可以获得高质量的专业帮助,从而缩小社会不平等的差距。
- 塑造专业形象:参与 pro bono 活动的专业人士和组织,往往能建立良好的社会声誉。
- 增强社会责任感:这种公益行为不仅帮助了他人,也让提供服务的人感受到个人价值和社会责任。
“Pro bono” 不仅是一个词,更是一种社会责任的体现。无论是法律、医疗,还是技术行业,pro bono 服务在推动社会进步、促进公平正义方面发挥了重要作用。对于专业人士而言,pro bono 是一种将自身专业能力回馈社会的方式;对于需要帮助的人而言,pro bono 是一线希望,让他们感受到温暖与支持。
A Comprehensive Guide to “Pro Bono”: Meaning, Usage, and Context
1. What Does “Pro Bono” Mean?
“Pro bono” is a Latin phrase derived from “pro bono publico”, which means “for the public good”. In modern English, it typically refers to professional services provided free of charge to benefit the public, particularly by professionals such as lawyers, doctors, accountants, and consultants.
For instance:
- A lawyer offers free legal assistance to low-income individuals.
- A doctor provides free medical care to underserved communities.
2. Origin and Background
The term “pro bono” originates from Latin. “Pro” means “for,” and “bono” is derived from “bonus,” meaning “good.” Together, “pro bono” signifies work done for the good of the public. -
Historical Background:
The term has strong associations with the legal profession. Lawyers have historically provided pro bono services to individuals who could not afford legal representation, especially in the UK and the US. Over time, the concept expanded to include other professional fields such as healthcare, technology, and education.
3. Usage and Examples
“Pro bono” is often used as an adjective to describe services that are provided voluntarily and without payment. It is most commonly used in professional contexts. -
English Sentences:
- “The law firm is committed to pro bono work, helping low-income families with legal issues.”
- “He spent his weekends offering pro bono consulting to local nonprofits.”
- “Doctors from the organization provide pro bono medical care to disaster victims.”
Chinese Translations:
- 这家律师事务所致力于公益工作,为低收入家庭提供法律援助。
- 他在周末为当地非营利组织提供免费的公益咨询服务。
- 医生们为灾区受害者提供免费的医疗援助。
4. Difference Between “Pro Bono” and Similar Terms
- Definition: Focuses on donating money, goods, or time to help those in need.
- Difference: While charity often involves material support, “pro bono” specifically refers to offering professional services for free.
- Example:
- Charity: Donating money to a food bank.
- Pro bono: Offering free legal advice to a nonprofit organization.
- Definition: Performing tasks or services voluntarily without pay.
- Difference: “Volunteer” encompasses any kind of unpaid work, while “pro bono” refers specifically to unpaid professional services.
- Example:
- Volunteer: Assisting at an animal shelter.
- Pro bono: Providing free veterinary care at an animal shelter.
- Definition: Simply means “free of charge.”
- Difference: “Gratis” does not imply any social or moral responsibility, whereas “pro bono” emphasizes a commitment to public welfare.
- Example:
- Gratis: Offering free product samples.
- Pro bono: Helping design a nonprofit’s marketing materials for free.
5. Real-World Applications
Legal Field:
Many law firms dedicate resources to pro bono cases, often providing legal aid to marginalized groups or individuals who cannot afford legal representation. -
Medical Field:
Healthcare professionals may volunteer their expertise in free clinics or disaster-stricken areas, offering pro bono medical services. -
Technology Field:
IT professionals and software developers often help nonprofits by building websites, designing software, or providing technical support pro bono. -
Education Field:
Educators and career advisors might offer pro bono services such as tutoring or career counseling for underprivileged students.
6. Why Is “Pro Bono” Important?
- Promoting Social Equity: Pro bono services allow disadvantaged groups to access high-quality professional assistance that they might not otherwise afford.
- Building Professional Reputation: Professionals who engage in pro bono work often earn respect and admiration within their fields and communities.
- Enhancing Personal Fulfillment: Offering pro bono services can give professionals a sense of purpose and satisfaction by contributing to the greater good.
7. Conclusion
“Pro bono” is not just a word but a reflection of social responsibility and altruism. It highlights how professionals can give back to their communities by using their expertise to address public needs. Whether it’s a lawyer providing free legal counsel, a doctor offering free treatment, or a tech expert assisting nonprofits, pro bono work plays a vital role in fostering fairness and kindness in society.
Understanding and using this term enriches your English vocabulary and inspires a deeper appreciation for the value of community service.