
ops/2024/12/27 3:19:43/





library HeapMapping {using SafeCast for *;struct Uint256Heap {//键是节点在堆中的位置(索引)//值是该位置的父节点的索引。//通过这个映射,可以快速找到每个节点的父节点,从而维护堆的性质。     mapping(uint32 pos=> uint32 father) tree;//这个映射用于存储堆中的所有节点。键是节点的索引,值是一个 `Node` 结构体,包含该节点的值和在堆中的位置。mapping(uint32 pos=> Node) items;//表示当前堆中元素的数量。uint32 size;//这个变量用于跟踪下一个可用的索引,以便在插入新节点时使用。它通常会在插入操作中递增,以确保每个新节点都有一个唯一的索引。uint32 nextItemIdx;}struct Node {//存储节点的值。这个值是优先队列中用于比较优先级的关键数据。uint256 value;//表示该节点在堆中的位置(索引)。这个索引用于在堆中快速定位节点,并在堆的操作(如插入和删除)中进行调整。uint32 heapIndex; // value -> position}function peek(Uint256Heap storage self) internal view returns (uint256) {return self.items[self.tree[0]].value;}function pop(Uint256Heap storage self) internal returns (uint256) {unchecked {uint32 last = --self.size;uint32 rootIdx = self.tree[0];uint256 rootValue = self.items[rootIdx].value;delete self.items[rootIdx];self.tree[0] = self.tree[last];self.items[self.tree[0]].heapIndex = 0;delete self.tree[last];_siftDown(self, last, 0);return rootValue;}}function insert(Uint256Heap storage self, uint256 value) internal {uint32 pos = self.size++;uint32 idx = self.nextItemIdx++;self.tree[pos] = idx;self.items[idx] = Node({ value: value, heapIndex: pos });_siftUp(self, pos, value);}function length(Uint256Heap storage self) internal view returns (uint32) {return self.size;}function _swap(Uint256Heap storage self, uint32 i, uint32 j) private {uint32 ii = self.tree[i];uint32 jj = self.tree[j];self.tree[i] = jj;self.tree[j] = ii;self.items[ii].heapIndex = j;self.items[jj].heapIndex = i;}function _siftDown(Uint256Heap storage self, uint32 size, uint32 pos) private {uint256 left = 2 * pos + 1; // this could overflow uint32uint256 right = 2 * pos + 2; // this could overflow uint32if (right < size) {// the check guarantees that `left` and `right` are both valid uint32uint32 lIndex = uint32(left);uint32 rIndex = uint32(right);uint256 lValue = self.items[self.tree[lIndex]].value;uint256 rValue = self.items[self.tree[rIndex]].value;uint256 value = self.items[pos].value;if (lValue < value || rValue < value) {if (lValue < rValue) {_swap(self, pos, lIndex);_siftDown(self, size, lIndex);} else {_swap(self, pos, rIndex);_siftDown(self, size, rIndex);}}} else if (left < size) {// the check guarantees that `left` is a valid uint32uint32 lIndex = uint32(left);uint256 lValue = self.items[self.tree[lIndex]].value;uint256 value = self.items[pos].value;if (lValue < value) {_swap(self, pos, lIndex);_siftDown(self, size, lIndex);}}}function _siftUp(Uint256Heap storage self,uint32 pos,uint256 value) private {unchecked {while (pos > 0) {uint32 parent = (pos - 1) / 2;uint256 parentValue = self.items[self.tree[parent]].value;if (parentValue < value) break;_swap(self, pos, parent);pos = parent;}}}

mapping implementation

library HeapArray {using SafeCast for *;struct Uint256Heap {Uint256HeapNode[] data;}struct Uint256HeapNode {uint256 value;uint32 index; // position -> valueuint32 lookup; // value -> position}function peek(Uint256Heap storage self) internal view returns (uint256) {return _unsafeNodeAccess(self,[0].index).value;}function pop(Uint256Heap storage self) internal returns (uint256) {unchecked {uint32 size = length(self);if (size == 0) Panic.panic(Panic.EMPTY_ARRAY_POP);uint32 last = size - 1;// get root location (in the data array) and valueUint256HeapNode storage rootNode = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, 0);uint32 rootIdx = rootNode.index;Uint256HeapNode storage rootData = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, rootIdx);Uint256HeapNode storage lastNode = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, last);uint256 rootDataValue = rootData.value;// if root is not the last element of the data array (that will get pop-ed), reorder the data array.if (rootIdx != last) {// get details about the value stored in the last element of the array (that will get pop-ed)uint32 lastDataIdx = lastNode.lookup;uint256 lastDataValue = lastNode.value;// copy these values to the location of the root (that is safe, and that we no longer use)rootData.value = lastDataValue;rootData.lookup = lastDataIdx;// update the tree node that used to point to that last element (value now located where the root was)_unsafeNodeAccess(self, lastDataIdx).index = rootIdx;}// get last leaf location (in the data array) and valueuint32 lastIdx = lastNode.index;uint256 lastValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, lastIdx).value;// move the last leaf to the root, pop last leaf ...rootNode.index = lastIdx;_unsafeNodeAccess(self, lastIdx).lookup = 0;;// ... and heapify_siftDown(self, last, 0, lastValue);// return root valuereturn rootDataValue;}}function insert(Uint256Heap storage self, uint256 value) internal {uint32 size = length(self);if (size == type(uint32).max) Panic.panic(Panic.RESOURCE_ERROR);{index: size, lookup: size, value: value}));_siftUp(self, size, value);}function length(Uint256Heap storage self) internal view returns (uint32) {return;}function clear(Uint256Heap storage self) internal {Uint256HeapNode[] storage data =;/// @solidity memory-safe-assemblyassembly {sstore(data.slot, 0)}}function _swap(Uint256Heap storage self, uint32 i, uint32 j) private {Uint256HeapNode storage ni = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, i);Uint256HeapNode storage nj = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, j);uint32 ii = ni.index;uint32 jj = nj.index;// update pointers to the data (swap the value)ni.index = jj;nj.index = ii;// update lookup pointers for consistency_unsafeNodeAccess(self, ii).lookup = j;_unsafeNodeAccess(self, jj).lookup = i;}function _siftDown(Uint256Heap storage self,uint32 size,uint32 pos,uint256 value) private {uint256 left = 2 * pos + 1; // this could overflow uint32uint256 right = 2 * pos + 2; // this could overflow uint32if (right < size) {// the check guarantees that `left` and `right` are both valid uint32uint32 lIndex = uint32(left);uint32 rIndex = uint32(right);uint256 lValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, _unsafeNodeAccess(self, lIndex).index).value;uint256 rValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, _unsafeNodeAccess(self, rIndex).index).value;if (lValue < value || rValue < value) {if (lValue < rValue) {_swap(self, pos, lIndex);_siftDown(self, size, lIndex, value);} else {_swap(self, pos, rIndex);_siftDown(self, size, rIndex, value);}}} else if (left < size) {// the check guarantees that `left` is a valid uint32uint32 lIndex = uint32(left);uint256 lValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, _unsafeNodeAccess(self, lIndex).index).value;if (lValue < value) {_swap(self, pos, lIndex);_siftDown(self, size, lIndex, value);}}}function _siftUp(Uint256Heap storage self,uint32 pos,uint256 value) private {unchecked {while (pos > 0) {uint32 parent = (pos - 1) / 2;uint256 parentValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, _unsafeNodeAccess(self, parent).index).value;if (parentValue < value) break;_swap(self, pos, parent);pos = parent;}}}function _unsafeNodeAccess(Uint256Heap storage self,uint32 pos) private pure returns (Uint256HeapNode storage result) {assembly ("memory-safe") {mstore(0x00, self.slot)result.slot := add(keccak256(0x00, 0x20), mul(pos, 2))}}

custom array implementation(verge下最节省gas)

library HeapArray2 {using SafeCast for *;struct Uint256Heap {bytes32 _placeholder_do_not_use;}struct Uint256HeapNode {uint256 value;uint32 index; // position -> valueuint32 lookup; // value -> position}struct Uint256HeapLength {uint256 value;}function peek(Uint256Heap storage self) internal view returns (uint256) {uint32 size = length(self);if (size == 0) Panic.panic(Panic.ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS);return _unsafeNodeAccess(self, _unsafeNodeAccess(self, 0).index).value;}function pop(Uint256Heap storage self) internal returns (uint256) {unchecked {uint32 size = length(self);if (size == 0) Panic.panic(Panic.EMPTY_ARRAY_POP);uint32 last = size - 1;// get root location (in the data array) and valueUint256HeapNode storage rootNode = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, 0);uint32 rootIdx = rootNode.index;Uint256HeapNode storage rootData = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, rootIdx);Uint256HeapNode storage lastNode = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, last);uint256 rootDataValue = rootData.value;// if root is not the last element of the data array (that will get pop-ed), reorder the data array.if (rootIdx != last) {// get details about the value stored in the last element of the array (that will get pop-ed)uint32 lastDataIdx = lastNode.lookup;uint256 lastDataValue = lastNode.value;// copy these values to the location of the root (that is safe, and that we no longer use)rootData.value = lastDataValue;rootData.lookup = lastDataIdx;// update the tree node that used to point to that last element (value now located where the root was)_unsafeNodeAccess(self, lastDataIdx).index = rootIdx;}// get last leaf location (in the data array) and valueuint32 lastIdx = lastNode.index;uint256 lastValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, lastIdx).value;// move the last leaf to the root, pop last leaf ...rootNode.index = lastIdx;_unsafeNodeAccess(self, lastIdx).lookup = 0;//;--_unsafeLengthAccess(self).value;// ... and heapify_siftDown(self, last, 0, lastValue);// return root valuereturn rootDataValue;}}function insert(Uint256Heap storage self, uint256 value) internal {uint32 size = length(self);if (size == type(uint32).max) Panic.panic(Panic.RESOURCE_ERROR);//{index: size, lookup: size, value: value}));Uint256HeapNode storage node = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, size);node.index = size;node.lookup = size;node.value = value;++_unsafeLengthAccess(self).value;_siftUp(self, size, value);}function length(Uint256Heap storage self) internal view returns (uint32) {return _unsafeLengthAccess(self).value.toUint32();}function clear(Uint256Heap storage self) internal {_unsafeLengthAccess(self).value = 0;// Uint256HeapNode[] storage data =;// /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly// assembly {//     sstore(data.slot, 0)// }}function _swap(Uint256Heap storage self, uint32 i, uint32 j) private {Uint256HeapNode storage ni = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, i);Uint256HeapNode storage nj = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, j);uint32 ii = ni.index;uint32 jj = nj.index;// update pointers to the data (swap the value)ni.index = jj;nj.index = ii;// update lookup pointers for consistency_unsafeNodeAccess(self, ii).lookup = j;_unsafeNodeAccess(self, jj).lookup = i;}function _siftDown(Uint256Heap storage self,uint32 size,uint32 pos,uint256 value) private {uint256 left = 2 * pos + 1; // this could overflow uint32uint256 right = 2 * pos + 2; // this could overflow uint32if (right < size) {// the check guarantees that `left` and `right` are both valid uint32uint32 lIndex = uint32(left);uint32 rIndex = uint32(right);uint256 lValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, _unsafeNodeAccess(self, lIndex).index).value;uint256 rValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, _unsafeNodeAccess(self, rIndex).index).value;if (lValue < value || rValue < value) {if (lValue < rValue) {_swap(self, pos, lIndex);_siftDown(self, size, lIndex, value);} else {_swap(self, pos, rIndex);_siftDown(self, size, rIndex, value);}}} else if (left < size) {// the check guarantees that `left` is a valid uint32uint32 lIndex = uint32(left);uint256 lValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, _unsafeNodeAccess(self, lIndex).index).value;if (lValue < value) {_swap(self, pos, lIndex);_siftDown(self, size, lIndex, value);}}}function _siftUp(Uint256Heap storage self,uint32 pos,uint256 value) private {unchecked {while (pos > 0) {uint32 parent = (pos - 1) / 2;uint256 parentValue = _unsafeNodeAccess(self, _unsafeNodeAccess(self, parent).index).value;if (parentValue < value) break;_swap(self, pos, parent);pos = parent;}}}function _unsafeNodeAccess(Uint256Heap storage self,uint32 pos) private pure returns (Uint256HeapNode storage result) {assembly ("memory-safe") {mstore(0x00, self.slot)result.slot := add(keccak256(0x00, 0x20), add(mul(pos, 2), 1))}}function _unsafeLengthAccess(Uint256Heap storage self) private pure returns (Uint256HeapLength storage result) {assembly ("memory-safe") {mstore(0x00, self.slot)result.slot := keccak256(0x00, 0x20)}}


因为warmup的逻辑不再按照slot来计算, 而是按照bucket来计算, 这个时候你需要的是尽量少的加载bucket.

比如你有approval和balance变量, 他们的mapping key都是account address

mapping(address account=>uint256) approval;
mapping(address account=>uint256) balance;


struct TokenDetails{uint256 approval;uint256 balance;
mapping(address account=>TokenDetails) details;


为了更好的让你的储存结构保持连续来减少gas消耗, 你应该使用diamond storage储存结构. 并且这种在跨合约调用或者使用diamond proxy模式的时候, 都比较方便

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;contract Example {/// @custom:storage-location erc7201:example.mainstruct MainStorage {uint256 x;uint256 y;}// keccak256(abi.encode(uint256(keccak256("example.main")) - 1)) & ~bytes32(uint256(0xff));bytes32 private constant MAIN_STORAGE_LOCATION =0x183a6125c38840424c4a85fa12bab2ab606c4b6d0e7cc73c0c06ba5300eab500;function _getMainStorage() private pure returns (MainStorage storage $) {assembly {$.slot := MAIN_STORAGE_LOCATION}}function _getXTimesY() internal view returns (uint256) {MainStorage storage $ = _getMainStorage();return $.x * $.y;}


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT  
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;  contract StorageArray {  // 声明一个存储数组,第一个元素(index 0)将用于存储长度  uint256[] private arr;  // 构造函数:初始化数组,设置第一个元素为0(初始长度)  constructor() {  arr.push(0); // 在索引0处存储长度  }  // 获取数组的实际长度(不包括存储长度的元素)  function getLength() public view returns (uint256) {  return arr[0];  }  // 获取指定索引的元素(注意:实际数据从索引1开始)  function getElement(uint256 index) public view returns (uint256) {  require(index < arr[0], "Index out of bounds");  return arr[index + 1]; // +1 因为实际数据从索引1开始  }  // 向数组推入新元素  function push(uint256 value) public {  arr.push(value);    // 添加新元素  arr[0] = arr[0] + 1; // 更新长度  }  // 弹出最后一个元素  function pop() public returns (uint256) {  require(arr[0] > 0, "Array is empty");  uint256 lastElement = arr[arr.length - 1];  arr.pop();         // 移除最后一个元素  arr[0] = arr[0] - 1; // 更新长度  return lastElement;  }  // 获取完整数组(用于调试)  function getFullArray() public view returns (uint256[] memory) {  return arr;  }  

替换 "keccak256(.)" 成 "keccak256(...) & ~0xFF"



  • 所有存储都在同一个 (verkle) trie 中
  • 在这个共享 trie 中的位置是账户和偏移量的组合(“slot number”)
  • Slots 被聚集在 buckets 中(也称为扩展)
    对于给定的账户,连续的 slots 在同一个 bucket 中(最多 256 个 slots)
  • Buckets 是“预热”的,而不是 slots
    因此,在给定的 bucket 中重用 slots 是高效的




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