
ops/2024/11/12 23:24:30/




1. 提升文本清晰度 (To enhance text clarity)


  • 作为一名非母语的英语使用者,请您帮助我修改以下文本,以提高理解度和清晰度。请检查拼写和句子结构错误,并提出替代建议。

  • 您对我文本的清晰度有何建议?

  • 请指出我写作中可能对非专业人士来说难以理解的部分。


  • As a non-native English speaker, kindly help me revise the following text for improved understanding and clarity. Please check for spelling and sentence structure errors and suggest alternatives.

  • What suggestions do you have to enhance the clarity of my text?

  • Please identify any parts of my writing that may be difficult for a lay audience to understand.

2. 使文本更具吸引力 (To make text more compelling)


  • 请提供关于我写作风格的反馈,以及如何让它对资助评审者更具说服力和吸引力。

  • 我正在尝试用一个强有力的介绍吸引读者。您能建议一个更引人注目的开头句吗?


  • Please provide feedback on my writing style and how I can make it more persuasive and compelling for the grant reviewer.

  • I’m trying to hook my reader with a strong introduction. Can you suggest a more captivating first sentence to draw them in from the start?

3. 改进文本结构和流畅性 (To improve structure and flow of text)


  • 我想改进我“具体目标”部分的整体结构。您有什么建议可以帮助我更有效地构建它?

  • 您能否推荐一种有效的方法来组织我的“重要性”部分,以突出我们方法的创新点?

  • 请提供关于我研究策略的流程和顺序的详细反馈。


  • I want to improve the overall structure of my Specific Aims. What tips do you have to structure it more effectively?

  • Can you recommend an effective way to organize my Significance section to highlight the innovative aspects of our approach?

  • Please provide detailed feedback on the flow and sequence of my research strategy.

4. 更好地符合资助机构的使命 (To better align with the funding agency’s mission)


  • 我正在申请博士后奖学金。您能否审查我的结尾段落,并建议如何更好地与美国心脏协会的使命对齐?

  • 我该如何更好地调整我的提案,以特别针对该资助公告中提到的特定标准?


  • I’m working on a postdoctoral fellowship application. Can you please review my closing paragraph and suggest ways to better align it with the American Heart Association’s mission?

  • How can I better align my proposal to specifically address the outlined in this funding announcement for ?

5. 更好地符合评审标准 (To better align text with review criteria)


  • 我正在申请 <插入奖学金名称>。请您提供反馈,看看我在多大程度上满足了这个评审标准:<插入具体的评审标准>,并提出我可以改进的地方。


  • I am applying to . Please provide me feedback on how well I am addressing this review criteria: , and suggestions for what I am missing and how I can improve.

6. 设计一个吸引人的标题 (To develop a strong grant title)


  • 为我的资助申请建议五个潜在的标题,这些标题不仅吸引人,而且能涵盖研究问题和摘要中的关键元素 <插入摘要概述>。


  • Suggest five potential titles for a grant proposal that will attract readers while encompassing the research question and key elements from the provided abstract .

7. 识别研究目标中的挑战 (To identify challenges of the proposed aims)


  • 帮助识别我研究目标中可能遇到的潜在挑战,并提出应对这些挑战的策略 <插入具体目标>。

  • 在审阅我的具体目标时,评审者可能会有什么问题或疑虑?<插入具体目标>


  • Help identify potential challenges that may arise with my proposed aims and suggest strategies to address them .

  • What are some potential questions or concerns that reviewers may have regarding my specific aims?

8. 制定资助申请的时间表 (To develop a timeline for the grant proposal)


  • 协助制定详细的项目时间表和里程碑,以展示项目的可行性,结合我的项目概要和具体目标 <插入项目概要>。

  • 根据我的职业发展计划和活动列表,为我的资助申请创建一个合理的项目时间表 <插入活动列表>,计划持续 <XX 个月>,从 <XX 月> 开始。


  • Assist in developing a detailed project timeline and milestones for my grant proposal to demonstrate feasibility using my project summary and specific aims .

  • Please develop a feasible project timeline for my grant proposal relating to my career development plan using this list of activities for starting in .


这些Quick Prompts为学术写作提供了从文本清晰度到结构性和逻辑性的全面支持。使用这些指令,可以更加准确地满足资助机构的需求,提升学术文稿的专业性和吸引力,最终提高资助申请的成功率。此外,GitHub 上的资源还包含了一份专门针对 AI 应用于资助申请撰写的精选资源清单,包括:

  • AI For Grant Writing:为资助申请提供的 AI 辅助写作资源。

  • Useful Services:实用服务,例如语法检查、文本生成和审查工具。

  • Prompt Resources:专门为资助申请撰写提供的提示资源。

  • Prompt Collections:各类提示集合,帮助提升文本的质量。

  • Prompt Engineering:提示工程技术,优化 AI 与文本交互的效果。

  • Quick Prompts:快速提示,为特定领域的文本优化提供高效方案。

  • Grant Writing-Specific Resources:针对资助申请的特定写作资源。

感兴趣的同学可以自行访问 GitHub 查看详细内容。





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