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6.1.7 TI: TariffIndex(TI 费率指数)

A 2-digit number associated with a particular tariff that is allocated to a particular customer.
The maintenance and the content of the tariff tables are the responsibility of the utility.
        和具体费率有关的一个 2 位数字。此数字分配给具体客户。设施服务供应商负责费率表维护和费率表内容。

Values less than 10 shall be right justified and left padded with 0 (for example 01 , 02.. 09).
        这些值小于 10,其右边可变化,而左边为 0,如 01、02-09。
The TI is also encoded into the DecoderKey, which means that when a customer is moved from one TI to another, then his DecoderKey will also have to change (see ).
        TI 还可以编码到 DecoderKey 中,表示当客户的 TI 号码变成另一个号码,则他们的 DecodeKey 应作更改。
NOTE The encoding of this value when used in the ControlBlock for Decoder Key Generation (see is as two hexadecimal digits, whereas the encoding as used in the Set2ndSectionDecoderKey token (see is as an 8 bit binary number. In these cases a tariff index of 99 decimal is encoded as binary string 10011001 and 01100011 respectively .
        注意:当在解密密钥生成控制块中使用此值时(见6.5.3.2节),其编码为两个十六进制数字,而在Set2ndSectionDecoderKey令牌中使用时(见6.2.7.3节),其编码为8位二进制数。在这些情况下,99的十进制编码分别对应于二进制串1001 1001和011 0001。
See also Clause C.10 for Code of practice on managing this data element.

6.1.8 KRN: KeyRevisionNumber

This is a 1-digit number in the range 1 to 9, which uniquely identifies a VendingKey within a SupplyGroup. A payment meter’s DecoderKey is associated with the SGC and KRN of the VendingKey from which it is derived.See for a detailed definition of this data element. 


6.1.9 KT: KeyType

This is a 1-digit number in the range 0 to 3 associated with a property of the VendingKey and thus also with the corresponding DecoderKey, which is derived from the VendingKey. See 6.5.2 for a detailed definition of this data element.






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