2024年最新版本神马TV8.5影视APP源码 293TV影视点播系统源码搭建教程 神马TV8.2加强版反编译教程 保姆级小白可搭建 完整版本视频教程

ops/2024/10/18 0:49:22/





新建三个网站中控 会员 苹果CMS







3.创建管理员 账号密码



.反编译APP客户端  填写对接信息保存 


视频教程地址:保姆级神马TV8.5APP源码搭建教程 神马TV8.2加强版下载完整搭建教程 真正的秒播运营级(学习交流程序)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


The latest version of Shenma TV Film and Television APP source code in 2024, version number 8.5, provides unprecedented customization options and advanced functions. Users can easily change the package name and name of the application to ensure brand personalization. In addition, the application uses dynamic domain name encryption technology to enhance the security of data transmission. It supports automatic switching of resource sites, effectively avoiding the problem of content source failure and ensuring a continuous and smooth playback experience. The built-in parsing and anti-theft mechanism can protect content from illegal theft and protect the viewing rights of legitimate users. The topic recommendation function on the homepage provides users with more accurate and personalized content recommendations, improving user experience. In order to enhance functionality and aesthetics, the tooth collection plug-in and mxonex theme have been integrated, making content updates more efficient and the interface more attractive. Compared with previous versions, this version of the Shenma TV APP has significantly improved functions, showing more powerful performance from both the user experience and security perspectives.

1. Create a new website and database. Create three new websites, Central Control Member Apple CMS. Central Control and members use one database. Apple CMS is installed independently. Install Apple CMS: Access address: domain name or IP/install.php 1. Agree to the agreement and install the system - Go to the next step 2. Fill in the database information, overwrite the database, select-overwrite-test database link 3. Create the administrator account and password, execute the installation immediately, access the CMS background. Decompile the APP client, fill in the docking information and save it. Due to limited space, more detailed graphics and text Please search on Baidu for tutorials and source code: ch resource network




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