
ops/2024/10/9 5:57:53/


1. 背景

  1. 使用docker安装photoview,为其分配了一个cache目录,用户其缓存数据。
  2. 在运行过程中,扫描文件后显示如下错误

could not make album image cache directory: mkdir /app/cache

  1. 检查映射的目录,其目录下无任何文件,符合报错内容即无法正确访问文件夹。
  2. 官方github的解答为:

Make sure that your media library’s root folder and all the files and
subfolders are readable and searchable by other users: run the next
command (or corresponding sequence of commands from the ):Makefile

make readable If command(s) return error, run them under the user,
owning corresponding files and folders. Alternatively, run them adding
before the command: this will switch the execution context to user and
ask for the root password. You have to have permission to run in the
system.Permission deniedsudo rootsudo

If you don’t want to give required permissions to group for your
files, alternatively, you can:others

create a group on your host with GID=999 and make all the files and
folders inside volumes of the service being owned by this group; then
set the appropriate permissions to the section.photoviewgroup create
on your host a group with GID=999 and a user in this group with
UID=999; then change the ownership of all the files and folders inside
volumes of the service to this user; then set the appropriate
permissions to the section.photoviewuser If you configured other
mounts with media files from other locations on the host (like
HOST_PHOTOVIEW_MEDIA_FAMILY or anything else), you need to run the
same commands, as in the target, for each media root folder on your
host manually: copy each command to your shell and replace the
variable with the absolute path to an additional media root folder
without the trailing . Run both commands for each additional root

  1. 官方的方式太复杂了,显示需要创建用户组并将对应的文件夹加入用户组,我不希望这么麻烦。

2. 解决

  1. 主要原因是文件夹的权限,默认是root,将其修改权限,为所有用户可以访问即可。
  2. 如果通过自己的compose安装,默认就是777的权限,但通过unraid进行安装,权限就不是这个。
  3. 修改对应文件夹的权限
chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/appdata/photoview
  1. 修改后重启docker即可正常运行了




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