
ops/2024/10/18 2:36:28/


Application Description Template

  1. Application Name
    Name: MySampleApp
  2. Application Type
    Type: Web Application / Mobile Application / Desktop Application
  3. Functionality Overview
    Description: MySampleApp is an online shopping platform that allows users to browse products, add items to their shopping cart, and checkout.
  4. Key Functional Modules
    User Registration and Login
    Users can create accounts and log in.
    Product Browsing
    Users can view a list of products, with support for categories and filters.
    Shopping Cart Management
    Users can add items to the cart, modify quantities, or remove items.
    Checkout Process
    Users can enter their shipping address, choose a payment method, and complete their order.
    Order History
    Users can view their past orders.
  5. User Roles
    Regular User: Can register, browse products, and place orders.
    Admin: Can manage products, view all orders, and handle user feedback.
  6. User Interaction
    Provides an intuitive user interface with responsive design (suitable for both mobile and desktop).
    Users can quickly search for products using a search bar.
  7. Technology Stack
    Frontend: React / Angular / Vue.js
    Backend: Spring Boot
    Database: MySQL / MongoDB
    API: RESTful API
  8. Error Handling
    The system should effectively handle common errors, such as insufficient stock, payment failures, and input errors, providing user-friendly error messages.
  9. Security Requirements
    User data must be encrypted, and HTTPS protocol should be used.
    Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  10. Performance Requirements
    The system should support at least 1000 concurrent users, with a page load time of no more than 2 seconds.




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