
ops/2024/9/23 1:58:56/





2.1 建表语句

create external table  if not exists  hurys_db.ods_queue(device_no           string          comment '设备编号',source_device_type  string          comment '设备类型',sn                  string          comment '设备序列号 ',model               string          comment '设备型号',create_time         string          comment '创建时间',lane_no             int             comment '车道编号',lane_type           int             comment '车道类型 0:渠化1:来向2:出口3:去向4:左弯待转区5:直行待行区6:右转专用道99:未定义车道',queue_count         int             comment '排队车辆数',queue_len           float           comment '排队长度(m)',queue_head          float           comment '排队头车距停止线距离(m)',queue_tail          float           comment '排队尾车距停止线距离(m)'
comment '静态排队数据外部表——静态分区'
partitioned by (day string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as SequenceFile

2.2 SQL语句

msck repair table ods_queue;
show partitions ods_queue;
select * from ods_queue;


3.1 脱敏清洗表

3.1.1 建表语句

create  table  if  not exists  hurys_db.dwd_queue(id                  string          comment '唯一ID',device_no           string          comment '设备编号',source_device_type  string          comment '设备类型',sn                  string          comment '设备序列号 ',model               string          comment '设备型号',create_time         string       comment '创建时间',lane_no             int             comment '车道编号',lane_type           int             comment '车道类型 0:渠化1:来向2:出口3:去向4:左弯待转区5:直行待行区6:右转专用道99:未定义车道',queue_count         int             comment '排队车辆数',queue_len           decimal(10,2)   comment '排队长度(m)',queue_head          decimal(10,2)   comment '排队头车距停止线距离(m)',queue_tail          decimal(10,2)   comment '排队尾车距停止线距离(m)'
comment '静态排队数据表——动态分区'
partitioned by (day string)
stored as orc

3.1.2 SQL语句

with t1 as (
selectdevice_no,source_device_type,sn,model,create_time,lane_no,lane_type,case when  queue_count  is null then 0 else queue_count  end as  queue_count,case when  queue_len    is null then 0 else cast(queue_len   as decimal(10,2))  end as     queue_len,case when  queue_head   is null then 0 else cast(queue_head  as decimal(10,2))  end as     queue_head,case when  queue_tail   is null then 0 else cast(queue_tail  as decimal(10,2))  end as     queue_tail,substr(create_time,1,10)  day
from hurys_db.ods_queue
where   day = '2024-09-10'
insert  overwrite  table  hurys_db.dwd_queue partition(day)
selectUUID()  as  id,device_no,source_device_type,sn,model,create_time,lane_no,lane_type,queue_count,queue_len,queue_head,queue_tail,day
from t1
where   day = '2024-09-10' and  device_no is not null  and create_time is not null
and  queue_len  between 0  and 500   and  queue_head   between 0 and 500   and lane_no between 0 and 255
and  queue_tail between 0  and 500   and  queue_count  between 0 and 100
group by device_no, source_device_type, sn, model, create_time, lane_no, lane_type, queue_count, queue_len, queue_head, queue_tail, day
show partitions hurys_db.dwd_queue;
select * from hurys_db.dwd_queue
where day='2024-09-10';
alter table hurys_db.dwd_queue drop partition (day='2024-09-04');


4.1 节假日表

4.1.1 原始表建表语句

create external  table  if not exists  hurys_db.tb_holiday(id       int     comment '主键id',day      date    comment '日期',holiday  string  comment '节假日',year     string  comment '年份'
comment '节假日表'
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as  textfile  location '/data/tb_holiday'
tblproperties("skip.header.line.count"="1") ;

4.1.2 清洗表建表语句

create table if not exists  hurys_db.dwd_holiday(day      date    comment '日期',holiday  string  comment '节假日',year     string  comment '年份'
comment '节假日表'
stored as orc


5.1 统计数据流量表——动态分区——1天周期

5.1.1 建表语句

create  table  if not exists  hurys_db.dws_statistics_volume_1day(device_no        string         comment '设备编号',scene_name       string         comment '场景名称',lane_no          int            comment '车道编号',lane_direction   string         comment '车道流向',section_no       int            comment '断面编号',device_direction string         comment '雷达朝向',sum_volume_day   int            comment '每天总流量',week_day         string         comment '周几',month            string         comment '月份'
comment '统计数据流量表——动态分区——1天周期'
partitioned by (day string)
stored as orc

5.1.2 SQL语句

insert  overwrite  table  hurys_db.dws_statistics_volume_1day  partition(day)
selectdwd_st.device_no,dwd_sc.scene_name,dwd_st.lane_no,dwd_rl.lane_direction,dwd_st.section_no,dwd_rc.device_direction,sum(volume_sum) sum_volume_day,case when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 1 then '周一'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 2 then '周二'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 3 then '周三'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 4 then '周四'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 5 then '周五'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 6 then '周六'else '周日' end as week_day,substr(day,1,7) month,day
from hurys_db.dwd_statistics as dwd_stright join hurys_db.dwd_radar_lane as dwd_rlon dwd_rl.device_no=dwd_st.device_no and dwd_rl.lane_no=dwd_st.lane_noright join hurys_db.dwd_device_scene as dwd_dson dwd_ds.device_no=dwd_st.device_noright join hurys_db.dwd_scene as dwd_scon dwd_sc.scene_id = dwd_ds.scene_idright join hurys_db.dwd_radar_config as dwd_rcon dwd_rc.device_no=dwd_st.device_no
where dwd_st.create_time is not null   and   dwd_st.day='2024-09-05'
group by dwd_st.device_no, dwd_sc.scene_name, dwd_st.lane_no, dwd_rl.lane_direction, dwd_st.section_no, dwd_rc.device_direction, case when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 1 then '周一'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 2 then '周二'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 3 then '周三'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 4 then '周四'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 5 then '周五'when pmod(datediff(create_time,'2023-11-27') + 1,7) = 6 then '周六'else '周日' end, day




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