
ops/2024/9/23 0:24:19/

1. 方法



2.0 是doule类型,强调用Int类型的写法为1.+(2:Int)

1.1 方法的声明和使用


def 方法名([变量:变量类型,变量:变量类型]):返回值类型={方法体}


scala 中,方法里面的最后一个表达式的值就是方法的返回值,不需要return 返回;



// 定义无参无返回值的方法
scala> def say():Unit = {println("say hello")}
say: ()Unit
scala> say()
say hello
// 简化过程
scala> def say():Unit = {println("say hello")}
say: ()Unit
// 方法体有一个语句,省略{}
scala> def say():Unit = println("say hello")
say: ()Unit
// 方法返回值可以由方法体返回结果类型推测
scala> def say() = println("say hello")        
say: ()Unit
// 方法形参列表是空, 可省略()
scala> def say = println("say hello")
say: Unit
scala> say
say hello
scala> say()
<console>:13: error: Unit does not take parameterssay()
// 带有返回值的方法
def add(a:Int, b:Int):Int={val c = a + b; return c}


// 定义带有有参有返回值方法
scala> def add(a:Int, b:Int):Int={val c = a + b; return c}
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Int
scala> add(4,5)
res8: Int = 9
// 简化流程
scala> def add(a:Int, b:Int):Int={val c = a + b; return c}
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Int
// scala 不建议用return返回方法结果,默认最后一个就是方法的返回值
scala> def add(a:Int, b:Int):Int={val c = a + b; c}
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Int
// 去掉中间变量c
scala> def add(a:Int, b:Int):Int={a + b}
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Int
// 方法体有一个语句,省略{}
scala> def add(a:Int, b:Int):Int=a + b
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Int
// 方法返回值可以由方法体返回结果类型推测
scala> def add(a:Int, b:Int)=a + b
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Int
scala> add(4,5)
res9: Int = 9


object M1 {def say(name:String) = {println(s"say ${name}")}def add(a:Int, b:Int) = a + bdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {// 普通调用M1.say("hainiu")// 中缀方法调用M1 say "hainiu"// 大括号调用,当只有一个入参时才能用M1 say {"hainiu"}M1.add(4,5)// 中缀方法调用M1 add (4,5)}


scala> def calculate(number:Int):Int = {| if(number == 1)| 1| else| number*calculate(number-1)| }
calculate: (number: Int)Intscala> calculate(5)
res14: Int = 120//文件夹递归方式查询def listFiles(path:String):Unit = {val file = new File(path)if(file.isFile){println(file.getPath)}else{println(file.getPath)val list = file.list()for(p<-list){listFiles(path+"/"+p)}}}


scala> def sum(x:Int*)={| var sum = 0| for(i<-x)| sum += i| sum| }
sum: (x: Int*)Intscala> sum(1,2,3)
res15: Int = 6scala> sum(1,2,3,4,5)
res16: Int = 15scala> def sum(x:Int,y:Int*)={| var sum = 0| for(i<-y)| sum += i| x * sum| }
sum: (x: Int, y: Int*)Intscala> sum(2,1,2,3)

2. 函数

在 java 中方法和函数是一个意思,在 scala 中方法和函数是两种含义。



scala 中,函数是一等公民。可以在任何地方定义,在函数内或函数外,可以作为函数的参数和返回值;函数还可以赋给变量。


val 变量名:[变量类型1,变量类型2 => 函数体返回类型 ] = ([变量:变量类型,变量:变量类型]) => 函数体


// 函数本身是没有名字的--匿名函数
// function2 是 函数有 两个输入参数 和 一个输出, 本例是 两个Int输入,一个Int输出
scala> (a:Int, b:Int) => a + b
res10: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>
scala> res10(4,5)
res11: Int = 9
// 把匿名函数赋给变量,这个变量名称就成了函数名称
scala> val add:(Int,Int)=>Int = (a:Int, b:Int) => a + b
add: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>
scala> add(4,5)
res12: Int = 9



// 定义周长函数
val perimeter = (a:Int,b:Int) => (a+b) *2
// 定义面积函数
val area = (a:Int, b:Int) => a*b
// 定义求和方法
def add(a:Int, b:Int) = a+b
// 计算长方形周长和面积的和
println(add(perimeter(4,5), area(4,5)))


scala> add2
res22: (Int, Int) => Int = $Lambda$1133/801476373@59919f37scala> val add = add2
add: (Int, Int) => Int = $Lambda$1133/801476373@59919f37scala> add(100,200)
res23: Int = 300scala> def calculate(x:Int,y:Int) = x+y
calculate: (x: Int, y: Int)Intscala> def calculate(x:Int,y:Int,f:(Int,Int)=>Int) = f(x,y)
calculate: (x: Int, y: Int, f: (Int, Int) => Int)Intscala> calculate(10,20,add)
res24: Int = 30scala> def sub(a:Int,b:Int) = a-b
sub: (a: Int, b: Int)Intscala> val sub = (a:Int,b:Int) => a-b
sub: (Int, Int) => Int = $Lambda$1137/1087688958@784ceacbscala> calculate(1,2,sub)
res25: Int = -1scala> def getFunc() = {| val func = (x:Int,y:Int) => x+y| func| }
getFunc: ()(Int, Int) => Intscala> getFunc()(1,2)
res26: Int = 3scala> def getFunc(a:Int,b:Int) = {| val func = (x:Int) => a*x +b| func| }
getFunc: (a: Int, b: Int)Int => Intscala> getFunc(2,1)(10)
res27: Int = 21


scala> def calculate(x:Int,y:Int) = x+y
calculate: (x: Int, y: Int)Intscala> def calculate(x:Int,y:Int,f:(Int,Int)=>Int) = f(x,y)
calculate: (x: Int, y: Int, f: (Int, Int) => Int)Intscala> val add = (x:Int,y:Int) => x+y
add: (Int, Int) => Int = $Lambda$1044/989321301@77049094scala> calculate(10,20,add)
res9: Int = 30scala> calculate(10,20,(x:Int,y:Int)=> x+y)
res10: Int = 30scala> (x:Int,y:Int) => x+y
res11: (Int, Int) => Int = $Lambda$1068/1578712821@106c988scala> res11(200,300)
res12: Int = 500scala> calculate(10,20,(x,y)=>x+y)
res13: Int = 30scala> (x,y)=> x+y
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but '=>' found.(x,y)=> x+y^



# 定义方法def add_def(a:Int,b:Int) = a + b# 方法转函数,用空格下划线的方式val add_func = add_def<空格>_


cala> def add(x:Int,y:Int) = x+y
add: (x: Int, y: Int)Intscala> add 
<console>:13: error: missing argument list for method add
Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected.
You can make this conversion explicit by writing `add _` or `add(_,_)` instead of `add`.add^
scala> add _
res16: (Int, Int) => Int = $Lambda$1076/287628665@335cdd2scala> calculate(1,2,add _)
res17: Int = 3scala> calculate(1,2,add)
res18: Int = 3



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