
news/2024/11/24 1:50:45/


摘 要


Android系统体系架构主要分为Linux内核层、Libraries系统库和Android运行时环境层、应用程序框架层和应用程序层4个层次,其应用程序主要由Activity、Service、BroadcastReceiver、Content Provider以及Intent等组件组成。本文采用了在Android系统平台上使用tcpdump工具捕获网络流量数据文件,然后在对其文件格式分析说明的基础上进行解析并记录成流量日志形式的设计方案来实现Android系统的网络流量监控设计研究课题。


关键字:Android;流量监控;tcpdump;流量日志 Abstract

With the popularity of Android smart mobile devices , its network traffic monitoring systems have become increasingly demanding , thus , allowing users to have the ability to realize the mobile device network traffic and displays real-time monitoring , while further reasonable control network traffic for mobile devices usage in the long run , is the most popular and current and future trends in the Android system research .

Android system architecture is divided into the Linux kernel layer , Libraries system libraries and Android runtime environment layer , application framework layer and application layer 4 level , and its applications are dominated by Activity, Service, BroadcastReceiver, Content Provider , and other components Intent components . In this paper, the use of the Android platform tcpdump tool to capture network traffic data file , and then parse the basis of its analysis of the file format and record a description of the design in the form of traffic logs to Android network traffic monitoring system design research .

Concrete realization of this article Android network traffic monitoring system involving the main interface layout configurations and associated controls, to obtain traffic data by opening and closing process network traffic monitoring service model to achieve the tcpdump tool to capture network traffic data files be resolved in the form of tra



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