如何在 C++ 中调用 python 解析器来执行 python 代码(六)?

news/2024/11/7 18:08:33/

今天轮到讨论安全问题了。 python 代码中包含有害内容该怎么办?常用技术是沙箱(Sandboxing)。本文从一些基础设施讲起。


  • 如何在 C++ 中调用 python 解析器来执行 python 代码(一)?
  • 如何在 C++ 中调用 python 解析器来执行 python 代码(二)?
  • 如何在 C++ 中调用 python 解析器来执行 python 代码(三)?
  • 如何在 C++ 中调用 python 解析器来执行 python 代码(四)?
  • 如何在 C++ 中调用 python 解析器来执行 python 代码(五)?
  • 如何在 C++ 中调用 python 解析器来执行 python 代码(六)?


seccomp is a computer security facility in the Linux kernel. seccomp allows a process to make a one-way transition into a “secure” state where it cannot make any system calls except exit, sigreturn, read and write to already-open file descriptors.

Seccomp BPF 全称 SECure COMPuting with filters,它产生的背景是:操作系统给应用层暴露了数百个系统调用接口,但是大部分应用程序只需要访问其中一个子集。Seccomp BPF 提供了一个过滤器接口,用于描述允许应用程序使用哪些系统调用接口。


其中,prog 指向一个 struct sock_fprog,里面定义了过滤器。考虑到 Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) 已经在 socket 过滤领域使用多年,拥有非常强大的描述能力,接口过滤器也使用了 BPF 格式(kernel design choice)。

BPF 比较有意思,它有一套自己的指令集,用于编写 FILTER 程序,举个例子(来自这里),下面这段程序禁止execve系统调用:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <linux/seccomp.h>
#include <linux/filter.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
struct sock_filter filter[] = {BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS,0), //将帧的偏移0处,取4个字节数据,也就是系统调用号的值载入累加器BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ,59,0,1), //判断系统调用号是否为59(execve),是则顺序执行,否则跳过下一条BPF_STMT(BPF_RET+BPF_K,SECCOMP_RET_KILL), //返回KILLBPF_STMT(BPF_RET+BPF_K,SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW), //返回ALLOW
};struct sock_fprog prog = {.len = (unsigned short)(sizeof(filter)/sizeof(filter[0])),//规则条数.filter = filter,                                         //结构体数组指针
};prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS,1,0,0,0);             //设置NO_NEW_PRIVSprctl(PR_SET_SECCOMP,SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER,&prog);write(0,"test\n",5);system("/bin/sh");return 0;

小结:有了 seccomp-bpf 后,我们就可以针对系统调用做一些定制化的约束,在安全和功能之间取得平衡。

关于 seccomp-bpf 更多讨论,这篇文章非常好:https://xz.aliyun.com/t/11480

基础设施: Linux Namespaces

Namespaces are a feature of the Linux kernel that partitions kernel resources such that one set of processes sees one set of resources while another set of processes sees a different set of resources. The feature works by having the same namespace for a set of resources and processes, but those namespaces refer to distinct resources. Resources may exist in multiple spaces. Examples of such resources are process IDs, host-names, user IDs, file names, some names associated with network access, and Inter-process communication
Namespaces are a fundamental aspect of containers in Linux.

从这篇文章里摘来一个总结,包含了比较全面的 namespace 资源:

关于 namespace 的更多概念,参考 wiki



bison 3.0+

特别注意:protobuf 的 library 版本要和 protoc 文件的版本一致,不然会各种链接报错。
编译命令: PATH=/.vos/.dep_cache/7d6d26725ac1e91bc824e1be337cf31e/bin/:/share/nsjail/bison/bin/:$PATH make -j

在我的系统上,clone(flags=CLONE_NEWUSER) 还不支持,所以需要用 --disable_clone_newuser 把这个 flag 过滤掉。

[xiaochu.yh ~/tools/nsjail] (master) $sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/.vos/.dep_cache/7d6d26725ac1e91bc824e1be337cf31e/var/usr/local/gcc-5.2.0/lib64/ nsjail -Mr --chroot / -R /tmp/ --user 99999 --group 99999 --disable_clone_newuser  -- /bin/sh -i
[I][2023-03-07T21:56:30+0800] Mode: STANDALONE_RERUN
[I][2023-03-07T21:56:30+0800] Jail parameters: hostname:'NSJAIL', chroot:'/', process:'/bin/sh', bind:[::]:0, max_conns:0, max_conns_per_ip:0, time_limit:0, personality:0, daemonize:false, clone_newnet:true, clone_newuser:false, clone_newns:true, clone_newpid:true, clone_newipc:true, clone_newuts:true, clone_newcgroup:true, clone_newtime:false, keep_caps:false, disable_no_new_privs:false, max_cpus:0
[I][2023-03-07T21:56:30+0800] Mount: '/' -> '/' flags:MS_RDONLY|MS_BIND|MS_REC|MS_PRIVATE type:'' options:'' dir:true
[I][2023-03-07T21:56:30+0800] Mount: '/proc' flags:MS_RDONLY type:'proc' options:'' dir:true
[I][2023-03-07T21:56:30+0800] Uid map: inside_uid:99999 outside_uid:0 count:1 newuidmap:false
[I][2023-03-07T21:56:30+0800] Gid map: inside_gid:99999 outside_gid:0 count:1 newgidmap:false
[W][2023-03-07T21:56:30+0800][1] initNs():223 prctl(PR_CAP_AMBIENT, PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL): Invalid argument
[I][2023-03-07T21:56:30+0800] Executing '/bin/sh' for '[STANDALONE MODE]'
sh: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
sh: no job control in this shell
sh-4.2$ ls
bin  boot  data  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  lost+found  media  mnt  ob  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  share  srv  sys  tmp  u01  usr  varsh-4.2$ ps wuax
99999         1  0.1  0.0  13760  1744 ?        SNs  21:59   0:00 /bin/sh -i
99999         2  0.0  0.0  49556  1716 ?        RN   21:59   0:00 ps wuaxsh-4.2$ id
uid=99999 gid=99999 groups=99999sh-4.2$ echo "abc" > /tmp/abc.txt
sh: /tmp/abc.txt: Read-only file system

nsjail 的选项如下:

Usage: nsjail [options] -- path_to_command [args]Options:--help|-hHelp plz..--mode|-M VALUEExecution mode (default: 'o' [MODE_STANDALONE_ONCE]):l: Wait for connections on a TCP port (specified with --port) [MODE_LISTEN_TCP]o: Launch a single process on the console using clone/execve [MODE_STANDALONE_ONCE]e: Launch a single process on the console using execve [MODE_STANDALONE_EXECVE]r: Launch a single process on the console with clone/execve, keep doing it forever [MODE_STANDALONE_RERUN]--config|-C VALUEConfiguration file in the config.proto ProtoBuf format (see configs/ directory for examples)--exec_file|-x VALUEFile to exec (default: argv[0])--execute_fdUse execveat() to execute a file-descriptor instead of executing the binary path. In such case argv[0]/exec_file denotes a file path before mount namespacing--chroot|-c VALUEDirectory containing / of the jail (default: none)--no_pivotrootWhen creating a mount namespace, use mount(MS_MOVE) and chroot rather than pivot_root. Usefull when pivot_root is disallowed (e.g. initramfs). Note: escapable is some configuration--rwMount chroot dir (/) R/W (default: R/O)--user|-u VALUEUsername/uid of processes inside the jail (default: your current uid). You can also use inside_ns_uid:outside_ns_uid:count convention here. Can be specified multiple times--group|-g VALUEGroupname/gid of processes inside the jail (default: your current gid). You can also use inside_ns_gid:global_ns_gid:count convention here. Can be specified multiple times--hostname|-H VALUEUTS name (hostname) of the jail (default: 'NSJAIL')--cwd|-D VALUEDirectory in the namespace the process will run (default: '/')--port|-p VALUETCP port to bind to (enables MODE_LISTEN_TCP) (default: 0)--bindhost VALUEIP address to bind the port to (only in [MODE_LISTEN_TCP]), (default: '::')--max_conns VALUEMaximum number of connections across all IPs (only in [MODE_LISTEN_TCP]), (default: 0 (unlimited))--max_conns_per_ip|-i VALUEMaximum number of connections per one IP (only in [MODE_LISTEN_TCP]), (default: 0 (unlimited))--log|-l VALUELog file (default: use log_fd)--log_fd|-L VALUELog FD (default: 2)--time_limit|-t VALUEMaximum time that a jail can exist, in seconds (default: 600)--max_cpus VALUEMaximum number of CPUs a single jailed process can use (default: 0 'no limit')--daemon|-dDaemonize after start--verbose|-vVerbose output--quiet|-qLog warning and more important messages only--really_quiet|-QLog fatal messages only--keep_env|-ePass all environment variables to the child process (default: all envars are cleared)--env|-E VALUEAdditional environment variable (can be used multiple times). If the envar doesn't contain '=' (e.g. just the 'DISPLAY' string), the current envar value will be used--keep_capsDon't drop any capabilities--cap VALUERetain this capability, e.g. CAP_PTRACE (can be specified multiple times)--silentRedirect child process' fd:0/1/2 to /dev/null--stderr_to_nullRedirect child process' fd:2 (STDERR_FILENO) to /dev/null--skip_setsidDon't call setsid(), allows for terminal signal handling in the sandboxed process. Dangerous--pass_fd VALUEDon't close this FD before executing the child process (can be specified multiple times), by default: 0/1/2 are kept open--disable_no_new_privsDon't set the prctl(NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1) (DANGEROUS)--rlimit_as VALUERLIMIT_AS in MB, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 4096)--rlimit_core VALUERLIMIT_CORE in MB, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 0)--rlimit_cpu VALUERLIMIT_CPU, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 600)--rlimit_fsize VALUERLIMIT_FSIZE in MB, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 1)--rlimit_nofile VALUERLIMIT_NOFILE, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 32)--rlimit_nproc VALUERLIMIT_NPROC, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 'soft')--rlimit_stack VALUERLIMIT_STACK in MB, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 'soft')--rlimit_memlock VALUERLIMIT_MEMLOCK in KB, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 'soft')--rlimit_rtprio VALUERLIMIT_RTPRIO, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 'soft')--rlimit_msgqueue VALUERLIMIT_MSGQUEUE in bytes, 'max' or 'hard' for the current hard limit, 'def' or 'soft' for the current soft limit, 'inf' for RLIM64_INFINITY (default: 'soft')--disable_rlimitsDisable all rlimits, default to limits set by parent--persona_addr_compat_layoutpersonality(ADDR_COMPAT_LAYOUT)--persona_mmap_page_zeropersonality(MMAP_PAGE_ZERO)--persona_read_implies_execpersonality(READ_IMPLIES_EXEC)--persona_addr_limit_3gbpersonality(ADDR_LIMIT_3GB)--persona_addr_no_randomizepersonality(ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE)--disable_clone_newnet|-NDon't use CLONE_NEWNET. Enable global networking inside the jail--disable_clone_newuserDon't use CLONE_NEWUSER. Requires euid==0--disable_clone_newnsDon't use CLONE_NEWNS--disable_clone_newpidDon't use CLONE_NEWPID--disable_clone_newipcDon't use CLONE_NEWIPC--disable_clone_newutsDon't use CLONE_NEWUTS--disable_clone_newcgroupDon't use CLONE_NEWCGROUP. Might be required for kernel versions < 4.6--enable_clone_newtimeUse CLONE_NEWTIME. Supported with kernel versions >= 5.3--uid_mapping|-U VALUEAdd a custom uid mapping of the form inside_uid:outside_uid:count. Setting this requires newuidmap (set-uid) to be present--gid_mapping|-G VALUEAdd a custom gid mapping of the form inside_gid:outside_gid:count. Setting this requires newgidmap (set-uid) to be present--bindmount_ro|-R VALUEList of mountpoints to be mounted --bind (ro) inside the container. Can be specified multiple times. Supports 'source' syntax, or 'source:dest'--bindmount|-B VALUEList of mountpoints to be mounted --bind (rw) inside the container. Can be specified multiple times. Supports 'source' syntax, or 'source:dest'--tmpfsmount|-T VALUEList of mountpoints to be mounted as tmpfs (R/W) inside the container. Can be specified multiple times. Supports 'dest' syntax. Alternatively, use '-m none:dest:tmpfs:size=8388608'--mount|-m VALUEArbitrary mount, format src:dst:fs_type:options--symlink|-s VALUESymlink, format src:dst--disable_procDisable mounting procfs in the jail--proc_path VALUEPath used to mount procfs (default: '/proc')--proc_rwIs procfs mounted as R/W (default: R/O)--seccomp_policy|-P VALUEPath to file containing seccomp-bpf policy (see kafel/)--seccomp_string VALUEString with kafel seccomp-bpf policy (see kafel/)--seccomp_logUse SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_LOG. Log all actions except SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW). Supported since kernel version 4.14--nice_level VALUESet jailed process niceness (-20 is highest -priority, 19 is lowest). By default, set to 19--cgroup_mem_max VALUEMaximum number of bytes to use in the group (default: '0' - disabled)--cgroup_mem_memsw_max VALUEMaximum number of memory+swap bytes to use (default: '0' - disabled)--cgroup_mem_swap_max VALUEMaximum number of swap bytes to use (default: '-1' - disabled)--cgroup_mem_mount VALUELocation of memory cgroup FS (default: '/sys/fs/cgroup/memory')--cgroup_mem_parent VALUEWhich pre-existing memory cgroup to use as a parent (default: 'NSJAIL')--cgroup_pids_max VALUEMaximum number of pids in a cgroup (default: '0' - disabled)--cgroup_pids_mount VALUELocation of pids cgroup FS (default: '/sys/fs/cgroup/pids')--cgroup_pids_parent VALUEWhich pre-existing pids cgroup to use as a parent (default: 'NSJAIL')--cgroup_net_cls_classid VALUEClass identifier of network packets in the group (default: '0' - disabled)--cgroup_net_cls_mount VALUELocation of net_cls cgroup FS (default: '/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls')--cgroup_net_cls_parent VALUEWhich pre-existing net_cls cgroup to use as a parent (default: 'NSJAIL')--cgroup_cpu_ms_per_sec VALUENumber of milliseconds of CPU time per second that the process group can use (default: '0' - no limit)--cgroup_cpu_mount VALUELocation of cpu cgroup FS (default: '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu')--cgroup_cpu_parent VALUEWhich pre-existing cpu cgroup to use as a parent (default: 'NSJAIL')--cgroupv2_mount VALUELocation of cgroupv2 directory (default: '/sys/fs/cgroup')--use_cgroupv2Use cgroup v2--detect_cgroupv2Use cgroupv2, if it is available. (Specify instead of use_cgroupv2)--iface_no_loDon't bring the 'lo' interface up--iface_own VALUEMove this existing network interface into the new NET namespace. Can be specified multiple times--macvlan_iface|-I VALUEInterface which will be cloned (MACVLAN) and put inside the subprocess' namespace as 'vs'--macvlan_vs_ip VALUEIP of the 'vs' interface (e.g. "")--macvlan_vs_nm VALUENetmask of the 'vs' interface (e.g. "")--macvlan_vs_gw VALUEDefault GW for the 'vs' interface (e.g. "")--macvlan_vs_ma VALUEMAC-address of the 'vs' interface (e.g. "ba:ad:ba:be:45:00")--macvlan_vs_mo VALUEMode of the 'vs' interface. Can be either 'private', 'vepa', 'bridge' or 'passthru' (default: 'private')--disable_tscDisable rdtsc and rdtscp instructions. WARNING: To make it effective, you also need to forbid `prctl(PR_SET_TSC, PR_TSC_ENABLE, ...)` in seccomp rules! (x86 and x86_64 only). Dynamic binaries produced by GCC seem to rely on RDTSC, but static ones should work.--forward_signalsForward fatal signals to the child process instead of always using SIKGILL.Examples:Wait on a port 31337 for connections, and run /bin/shnsjail -Ml --port 31337 --chroot / -- /bin/sh -iRe-run echo command as a sub-processnsjail -Mr --chroot / -- /bin/echo "ABC"Run echo command once only, as a sub-processnsjail -Mo --chroot / -- /bin/echo "ABC"Execute echo command directly, without a supervising processnsjail -Me --chroot / --disable_proc -- /bin/echo "ABC"




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