5 size
1*1 1*2 2*1 2*3 3*2
import codecs
from genericpath import exists
import random
import PIL.Image as Image
import os
import cv2
import json2txt
import sys
import modeTxt
import shutil
import cut_bbox# 图像拼接
def image_compose(idx, ori_tmp, num, save_path, gt_resized_path, bg_resized_path, imgsize, yr, xr, xs, ys):to_image = Image.new('RGB', (imgsize, imgsize)) #创建一个新图for y in range(yr):for x in range(xr):index = y*xr + xif index >= len(ori_tmp):breakopen_path = [gt_resized_path, bg_resized_path]for op in open_path:if os.path.exists(os.path.join(op, ori_tmp[index])):to_image.paste(Image.open(os.path.join(op, ori_tmp[index])), (int(x * xs), int(y * ys)))breakelse:continuenew_name = os.path.join(save_path, "2022workcloth_pedestrain_" + str(idx) + "_" + str(num) + ".jpg")if xr == yr:new_name = os.path.join(save_path, "2022workcloth_square_" + str(idx) + "_" + str(num) + ".jpg")to_image.save(new_name) # 保存新图# print(new_name)return new_name# 标签拼接
def labels_merge(ori_tmp, new_name, txt_resized_path, txt_pintu_path, yr, xr, xs, ys):data = ""for y in range(yr):for x in range(xr):index = y*xr + xif index >= len(ori_tmp):breaktxt_path = os.path.join(txt_resized_path, ori_tmp[index].split(".")[0] + ".txt")try:os.path.exists(txt_path)except:print(txt_path, "file not exists!")if os.path.exists(txt_path):with codecs.open(txt_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8',errors='ignore') as f1:for line in f1.readlines():line = line.strip('\n')a = line.split(' ')a[2] = str(float(a[2]) + (x * xs))a[3] = str(float(a[3]) + (y * ys))a[4] = str(float(a[4]) + (x * xs))a[5] = str(float(a[5]) + (y * ys))b =a[0] + ' ' + a[1] + ' ' + a[2] + ' ' + a[3] + ' ' + a[4] + ' ' + a[5]data += b + "\n"write_path = os.path.join(txt_pintu_path, os.path.splitext(new_name)[0].split("/")[-1] + ".txt")with open(write_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f2: f2.writelines(data)# 涂黑处理
def pintu2black(txt_pintu_path, save_path, label_black, label_del, to_black_num, to_black_min_num):files = os.listdir(txt_pintu_path)for file in files:img_path = os.path.join(save_path, os.path.splitext(file)[0] + ".jpg")img_origal = cv2.imread(img_path)data = ""with codecs.open(txt_pintu_path+"/"+file, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f1:for line in f1.readlines():line = line.strip("\n")a = line.split(" ")xmin = int(eval(a[2]))ymin = int(eval(a[3]))xmax = int(eval(a[4]))ymax = int(eval(a[5]))if ((xmax - xmin < to_black_num) and (ymax - ymin < to_black_num)) or \((xmax - xmin < to_black_min_num) or (ymax - ymin < to_black_min_num)) \or a[1] in label_black:img_origal[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :] = (0, 0, 0)cv2.imwrite(img_path, img_origal)line = ""if a[1] in label_del:line = ""if line:data += line + "\n"with open(txt_pintu_path+"/"+file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f2: f2.writelines(data)# print(data)def gt_distribute(imgSave_path, ori, ori_spec, gt_resized_path, txt_path, gt_range):image_names = os.listdir(imgSave_path)for image_name in image_names:imgPath = os.path.join(imgSave_path, image_name)img = cv2.imread(imgPath)[img_h, img_w, _] = img.shapemax_len = max(img_h, img_w)print(image_name, max_len)state = ""rate = 0if max_len == img_w:state = "horizontal"rate = img_w / img_helse:state = "vertical"rate = img_h / img_wif rate < 1.2:for index in range(len(gt_range)):if gt_range[index][0] <= max_len < gt_range[index][1]:gt_resized_name = gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, gt_range[index][0], index+1, state, True)ori_spec[index].append(gt_resized_name)continue# gt_resize函数的参数True为最长边resize,False为最短边resize,意在resize后的最短、最长边都不会超出格子的最短、最长边if 1.2 <= rate <= 1.3:gt_resized_name = gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, imgsize, 1, state, True)ori_spec[0].append(gt_resized_name) # 1:1gt_resized_name = gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, int(imgsize/3), 2, state, False)if state == "horizontal": ori[2].append(gt_resized_name) # 2:3else:ori[3].append(gt_resized_name) # 3:2if 1.3 < rate < 1.7:if rate <= 1.5:gt_resized_name = gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, int(imgsize/3), 1, state, False)else:gt_resized_name = gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, int(imgsize/2), 1, state, True)if state == "horizontal":ori[2].append(gt_resized_name) # 2:3else:ori[3].append(gt_resized_name) # 3:2if 1.7 <= rate <= 1.8:gt_resized_name_1 = gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, int(imgsize/2), 1, state, True)gt_resized_name_2 = gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, int(imgsize/2), 2, state, False)if state == "horizontal":ori[2].append(gt_resized_name_1) # 2:3ori[0].append(gt_resized_name_2) # 1:2else:ori[3].append(gt_resized_name_1) # 3:2 ori[1].append(gt_resized_name_2) # 2:1# if 1.8 < rate <= 2.2:if 1.8 < rate:if rate <= 2:gt_resized_name = gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, int(imgsize/2), 1, state, False)else:gt_resized_name = gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, imgsize, 1, state, True)if state == "horizontal":ori[0].append(gt_resized_name) # 1:2else:ori[1].append(gt_resized_name) # 2:1def gt_resize(gt_resized_path, txt_path, image_name, img, img_size, x, state, flag):if not os.path.exists(gt_resized_path):os.mkdir(gt_resized_path)[img_h, img_w, _] = img.shapeimg_read = [0, 0, 0]if state == "horizontal":if flag:precent = img_size / img_wimg_read = cv2.resize(img, (img_size, int(img_h * precent)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)else:precent = img_size / img_himg_read = cv2.resize(img, (int(img_w * precent), img_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)else:if flag:precent = img_size / img_himg_read = cv2.resize(img, (int(img_w * precent), img_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)else:precent = img_size / img_wimg_read = cv2.resize(img, (img_size, int(img_h * precent)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)img_resized = gt_resized_path + "/" + image_name.split(".")[0] + "_" + str(x) + ".jpg"cv2.imwrite(img_resized, img_read)txt_name = txt_path + "/" + image_name.split(".")[0] + ".txt"txt_resized_name = gt_resized_path + "/" + image_name.split(".")[0] + "_" + str(x) + ".txt"if os.path.exists(txt_name):data = ""with codecs.open(txt_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8',errors='ignore') as f1:for line in f1.readlines():line = line.strip('\n')a = line.split(' ')a[2] = str(float(a[2]) * precent)a[3] = str(float(a[3]) * precent)a[4] = str(float(a[4]) * precent)a[5] = str(float(a[5]) * precent)b =a[0] + ' ' + a[1] + ' ' + a[2] + ' ' + a[3] + ' ' + a[4] + ' ' + a[5]data += b + "\n"with open(txt_resized_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f2: f2.writelines(data)return img_resized.split("/")[-1]if __name__ == "__main__":images_path = '/data/cch/000test/images' # 图片集地址 json_path = "/data/cch/000test/json"save_path = '/data/cch/pintu_data/test/workcloth/save1'tmp = "/data/cch/000test/tmp"#----------------------------------------------------------------# imgSave_path = "/data/cch/pintu_data/test/workcloth/images"# jsonSava_path = "/data/cch/pintu_data/test/workcloth/json"# if not os.path.exists(imgSave_path):# os.mkdir(imgSave_path)# else:# shutil.rmtree(imgSave_path)# os.mkdir(imgSave_path)# if not os.path.exists(jsonSava_path):# os.mkdir(jsonSava_path)# else:# shutil.rmtree(jsonSava_path)# os.mkdir(jsonSava_path)# cut_bbox.main(images_path, json_path, imgSave_path, ["person"], 0) # person切图# cuts = os.listdir(imgSave_path)# for cut in cuts:# if not os.path.splitext(cut)[-1] == ".json":# continue# json_f = os.path.join(imgSave_path, cut)# shutil.move(json_f, jsonSava_path)#----------------------------------------------------------------if not os.path.exists(save_path):os.mkdir(save_path)else:shutil.rmtree(save_path)os.mkdir(save_path)if not os.path.exists(tmp):os.mkdir(tmp)else:shutil.rmtree(tmp)os.mkdir(tmp)bg_resized_path = os.path.join(tmp, "bg_resized")gt_resized_path = os.path.join(tmp, "gt_resized")txt_path = os.path.join(tmp, "txt") # 原数据txttxt_pintu_path = os.path.join(tmp, "txt_pintu")os.mkdir(txt_path)os.mkdir(txt_pintu_path)label_black = ["other"]label_del = ["del"]imgsize = 416to_black_num = 15 to_black_min_num = 5 img_threshold = [1 / 2 * 1.2, 1 / 2 * 1.4, 1 / 6 * 1.3, 1 / 6 * 1.5] # 每个size的图拼阈值img_threshold_spec = [0.3, 1 / 4 * 1.8, 1 / 9 * 1.7, 1 / 16 * 1.6]gt_range = [[imgsize, 10000], [int(imgsize/2), 10000], [int(imgsize/3), imgsize], [int(imgsize/4), int(imgsize/2)]]json2txt.main_import(jsonSava_path, txt_path)ori = []for i in range(4):ori.append([]) # 存放顺序 1:2 2:1 2:3 3:2ori_spec = []for i in range(4):ori_spec.append([]) # 存正方形小图gt_distribute(imgSave_path, ori, ori_spec, gt_resized_path, txt_path, gt_range) # 不同size的小图放入对应容器中idx = 1for ori_m in ori_spec: # n×n拼图if len(ori_m) == 0:idx += 1continueimg_threshold_spec[idx-1] *= len(ori_m)if idx == 1 and img_threshold_spec[idx-1] > 80:img_threshold_spec[idx-1] = 80num = 0random.shuffle(ori_m)picknum = idx * idxif len(ori_m) < picknum:img_threshold_spec[idx-1] = 1index = 0while num < int(img_threshold_spec[idx-1]):ori_tmp = []if idx == 1:new_name = image_compose(idx, [ori_m[num]], num, save_path, gt_resized_path,\bg_resized_path, imgsize, idx, idx, imgsize/idx, imgsize/idx)labels_merge([ori_m[num]], new_name, gt_resized_path, txt_pintu_path, idx,\idx, imgsize/idx, imgsize/idx)else:if len(ori_m) > picknum:if index >= len(ori_m):random.shuffle(ori_m)index = 0ori_tmp = ori_m[index:index+picknum]index = index + picknumelse:ori_tmp = ori_m.copy() new_name = image_compose(idx, ori_tmp, num, save_path, gt_resized_path, \bg_resized_path, imgsize, idx, idx, imgsize/idx, imgsize/idx) #调用函数labels_merge(ori_tmp, new_name, gt_resized_path, txt_pintu_path, idx,\idx, imgsize/idx, imgsize/idx)ori_tmp.clear()num += 1print(idx, num, len(ori_m))idx += 1idx = 1for ori_n in ori: # 长方形拼图if len(ori_n) == 0:idx += 1continue# ori_path = os.path.join(save_path, "ori_" + str(idx) + ".txt")img_threshold[idx-1] *= len(ori_n)# if idx == 1 and img_threshold[idx-1] > 80:# img_threshold[idx-1] = 80num = 0random.shuffle(ori_n)picknum = 0 if idx == 1 or idx == 2: # 1×2或2×1 拼2张picknum = 2elif idx == 3 or idx == 4: # 2×3或3×2 拼6张picknum = 6if len(ori_n) < picknum:img_threshold[idx-1] = 1index = 0while num < int(img_threshold[idx-1]):ori_tmp = [][yr, xr, xs, ys] = 1, 1, 0, 0 # x,y的图片张数 小图粘贴到大图的左上角起始坐标# if idx == 1:# new_name = image_compose(idx, [ori_n[num]], num, save_path, gt_resized_path, bg_resized_path, imgsize, yr, xr, xs, ys)# labels_merge([ori_n[num]], new_name, gt_resized_path, txt_pintu_path, yr, xr, xs, ys)# else:if len(ori_n) > picknum:# random.sample(ori_n, picknum)if index >= len(ori_n):random.shuffle(ori_n)index = 0ori_tmp = ori_n[index:index+picknum]index = index + picknumelse:ori_tmp = ori_n.copy()if idx == 1:[yr, xr, xs, ys] = 2, 1, imgsize, imgsize/2elif idx == 2:[yr, xr, xs, ys] = 1, 2, imgsize/2, imgsizeelif idx == 3:[yr, xr, xs, ys] = 3, 2, imgsize/2, imgsize/3elif idx == 4:[yr, xr, xs, ys] = 2, 3, imgsize/3, imgsize/2new_name = image_compose(idx, ori_tmp, num, save_path, gt_resized_path, bg_resized_path, imgsize, yr, xr, xs, ys) #调用函数labels_merge(ori_tmp, new_name, gt_resized_path, txt_pintu_path, yr, xr, xs, ys)ori_tmp.clear()num += 1print(idx, num, len(ori_n))idx += 1pintu2black(txt_pintu_path, save_path, label_black, label_del, to_black_num, to_black_min_num)modeTxt.txt2darknet(txt_pintu_path, save_path, save_path)shutil.rmtree(tmp)
- 这里的拼图同样也是带文件的拼图,相应的label也会随之改变。
- resize的函数相较于以前版本的加了个布尔类型的flag参数,用来判断是用最大边resize还是用最小边resize,意在不会使得最大边或者最小边都不超出格子。
比如:1.3 < rate < 1.7的图片是拼2×3的,还要再判断是否<=1.5。如果<=1.5,flag要为False即用最短边resize,因为假设格子的最长边为3最短边为2,如果此时用图片的最长边resize成3的话,最短边等比例缩放不管rate为1.3或无限接近1.5都会大于2。