轻松告别鼠标滚轮摩擦声-鼠标滚轮上油 The solution of how to cut down the noise from cycle of you mouse

news/2025/1/11 12:37:30/
There is a poor mouse buy from Taobao one year ago. It work now but make some noise sometimes when I slide its cycle. Today I fitted it, it is work well now.    
轻松告别鼠标滚轮摩擦声-鼠标滚轮上油 The solution of how to cut down the noise from cycle of you mouse - dreamdonghui - 木有小JJ

轻松告别鼠标滚轮摩擦声-鼠标滚轮上油 The solution of how to cut down the noise from cycle of you mouse - dreamdonghui - 木有小JJ

There has only one screw, you can easy to separate it into two parts after remove this screw. 
轻松告别鼠标滚轮摩擦声-鼠标滚轮上油 The solution of how to cut down the noise from cycle of you mouse - dreamdonghui - 木有小JJ
This photograph shows that after you  separate it.
轻松告别鼠标滚轮摩擦声-鼠标滚轮上油 The solution of how to cut down the noise from cycle of you mouse - dreamdonghui - 木有小JJ 轻松告别鼠标滚轮摩擦声-鼠标滚轮上油 The solution of how to cut down the noise from cycle of you mouse - dreamdonghui - 木有小JJ 轻松告别鼠标滚轮摩擦声-鼠标滚轮上油 The solution of how to cut down the noise from cycle of you mouse - dreamdonghui - 木有小JJ 轻松告别鼠标滚轮摩擦声-鼠标滚轮上油 The solution of how to cut down the noise from cycle of you mouse - dreamdonghui - 木有小JJ 轻松告别鼠标滚轮摩擦声-鼠标滚轮上油 The solution of how to cut down the noise from cycle of you mouse - dreamdonghui - 木有小JJ

滚轮很容易就能拿下来,在它 摩擦的地方涂点油就行了。用食用油就行。哈哈。没错,在壳子上发现了秘密。厂家为了增加手感竟然在里面加了块铁!!!我觉得无用啊。直接把它拆下来扔了。
It is easy to separate the cycle, then you can take some oil on it.



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